HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 2006-03-09CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541:726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676Fax 541 :7 26-37 69 Ins pe ction Line Buildin g/Co mbination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2006-00285ISSUED: 0310912006APPLIED: 0310912006E)GIRES: 09/0912006 VALUE: SITE ADDRESS: 624 36TH ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1702312402100 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Demolition Springfield TYPE OF Single Family Residence +tO ,\iLY Residential i iiih Owner: Address: Owner: Address: RECREATION DISTRICT 2OO S MILL ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 WILLAMALANE PARK & 2OO S MILL ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 nufl Contractor Type Contractor License Expiration Date Phone CONTRACTOR INFORMATION # of Uni6: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Ptimary Construction Type Secondary Construction # of Bedrooms: Fron{ard SetbrcIc Side l Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: * Solar Setbacks: Street Storm SewerAvailable: Special Inshuction: # of Stories: Height of Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Sprinkled Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Paved Drive Rqd: Yo ofLot Coverage: NOTICE: THIS PERMIT SH AUTHORIZED UN Lot Size: Sq Ft lst Floor: COM MEN CED ORq6 NED i so6nv pEnggpant Load: HE WORK NOT REQUIRED PARIilNG Total: Handicapped: Compact: Sidewalk Type: DownspoutMDrains DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Notes: lof2 TYPE lru I I .l-rl1\(, rNI UI(rVIA. llllNl Building/Co mbination Permit Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541:726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676Fax 541:7 26-37 69 I nspection Line PERMIT NO: COM2006-00285ISSUED: 0310912006APPLIED: 03/0912006E)PIRES: 09/0912006 VALUE: Description Type of Construction Fee Description + lOoh Administrative Fee + 8%o State Surcharge Demolition Sanitary or Storm Sewer Cap Total Amount Total Value of Project Date Paid 319106 3t9t06 3t9t06 3t9t06 Value Date Calculated Receipt Number 1200600000000000281 1200600000000000281 r200600000000000281 120060000000000028r $ Per Sq Ft ormuhip[er Square Footage orBful Amount ! .t Amount Paid $9.00 $7.20 $4s.00 $45.00 $106.20 Fees Pa Plan Reviews ' To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at72G3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. Final Building: After all required inspections have been requested and approved and the building is complete. Sanitary Sewer Cap: Capped within five (5) feet of the property line and capped with an approved material as required by the code. By signaturer l state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of SpringfieH and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCT PAI\ICY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Servhes Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the the permit card is located at flte front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all A- q- ob Owner or Contractors Signature 2of2 Date --Il ___r Valuation Description I Keourred InsDectrons I 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Ore gon 97 477 541-726-3759 Phone 6'i1y of Springfield Official Receipt velopment Services Department Public Works Department it RECEIPT#: 1200600000000000281 Date: 0310912006 1:38:43PM Job/Journal Number coM2006-0028s coM2006-0028s coM2006-0028s coM2006-00285 Description Demolition Sanitary or Storm Sewer Cap + 8% State Surcharge + l0% Administrative Fee Amunt Due 45.00 45.00 7.20 9.00 Item Total:$r06.20 Payments: T;rpe of Payment Paid By CheckNumber Authorization Received By Bdch Number Number How Received Amount Paid Check WILLAMALANE dlm 61704 In Person $106.20 Payment Totat: -5Td6.iii-j'[, : 1 'l i "t :J 319/2006 lofl glaa CitY of SPringfield 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3759 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax August 21,2006 WILLAMALANE PARK & 2OO S MILL ST SPRINGFIELD OR Job Number: Location: 97 477 coM2006-0028s 624 36TH ST The Springfield Building Safety code Administrative code provides that in order for a permit to remain ,ulid, the work *fri"t lras been authorized by the permit must begin within 180 days of the date of issuance, and an inspection must be requested at least every 180 days. According to our records, you obtained a permit for a project at 624 36TH ST which is set to expire on 91912006. Our records indicate that you have not requested an inspection within the past five (5) months. This letter is written to notif,, you that your permit(s) wili be expiring shortly. If you are ready to request an inspection for your project, pleasephone the inspection line at 541-726-3769. If you do not iequest an inspection prior tb tne expiration date, your permit(s) will expire and additional permit fees will be required in order to complete your project' If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 541-726-3790. Project:Ddmolition Dear Permit Holder: Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Management Analyst CITY OF SP INGFIELD, OREGON 225 FIFTH STREET . SPRINGFIELD, OR97477 o PHz(541)72t5-3753 o FAX: (541)7?5-3689 DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATIONS Your demolition permit is currentlybeing processed. There maybe a slight delay, of up to z working days for small structures, due to the time required to review the history of the structure to determine if it needs to be documented before demolition. This documentation is for archival purposes only and will not affect the granting of the demolition permit. If the structure is verylarge or complicated the documentation process maytake up to a maximum of 4 working days. Documentation will consist of photographing the building, taking measurements and making scaled drawings. The documentation will be undertaken by the City at no cost to you. Documentation is being done on all structures dated prior to 1940 that may have historic importance to the Ci!y's development. THIS DOCI]MENTATION VYILL NOT IMPEDE THE DEMOLITION PROCESS. An age cut-off of tg4o was chosen because this is the date that the National Parks Service and The Springfield Development Code use to determine potential historic significance. If you would prefer to complete this documentation yourself you must provide the City with the following information: r) black and white photographs of each elevation, a floor plan with measurements, and z) a set of elevation drawings with measurements. Thank you for your patience. I grant the City of Springfield permission to enter my property to complete documentation prior to the requested demolition of the structure located at: Address: I <:9-^) Property Owner kr><- - '.4,<t:.- Job Number:Date: SPF.INGFIELD %, 1:7 clTY oF *TNGFTELD, oREGoN 225 FTFTH STREET r SPRINGFIELD, OR97477 e PH:(541)7?6-3753 o FAX: (541)726-3689 , DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION Address: Structure to be Demolished: Job Number: fl,Wt 2-H1o ODZ .' The applicant js hereby notified that any redevelopment of the subject site must comply with all of the applicable laws, codes, ordinances, polices and plans in effect at the time the redevelopment proposal is accepted is complete for City review. This would include correction of substandard conditionJassociated with the present development. Examples of such corrections may include modification of inadequate drainage facilities; compliance with building set- . backs from property lines; correction of substandard sidewalks and strJet improvements, including driveway width and placement; and other corrections which maybe necessary to comply with existing development standards. Furthermore, if an existing use is demolished or otherwise removed prior to the development of the proposed use, then the system development charge credit for the previously existing use shall expire two years after the date of issriance of the $gmglition permit or other removal of the previously existing use. (springfield Municipal Code S.+16(r)). My signature below indicates that I have read and understand the above conditions relating to the demolition of the above mentioned structure. 6az jI ti OGr--J Date '?"^. V- St-.s-v , .e > Rr.) oo -^O.rn,.\*,' SPFlINGFIELI) afr, ACORL GERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE oATE (Mi{/DD/YYrY) 3/2/2o06 PRooucER (54L)342_444L Wilsoa-Heirgood Asaociates ru (541) 342-3786 2930 Chad Dri.ve PO Box 1421 Eugene oR 97440-L421 THIS GERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED Will.mlane Park & RecreaEion District 200 Soutb Mi1I St,reet Sprinqfield oR 97477 TNSURERA: SPec Dist Assoc. of OR INSURER g: Ii.ISURER C: INSURER D: INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WTH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES OESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POUCY NUMAER POLICY EFFECTIVE OATE (MM/DDTTY) POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MM/OO/.YY)UMITS A GENERAT LIABILITY x COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE x OCCUR GENL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER] x POLICY ztPL2267 t/t/2006 L/L/2O07 EACH OCCURRENCE $s00, 000 RENTED $ MED EXP (Any ore pe6m)s PERSONAL & ADV IN.ITJRY $ GENERAL AGGREGAIE No Liroit PRODUCTS COMP/OP AGG $ A AUTOTTOSILE UABILIrY ANY AUTO ALL OW{EO AUTOS SCHEDTJLEO AUTOS HIREO AUTOS NON€WNED AUTOS x x x 2LPL2267 L/t/20o6 L/7/2007 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea ecident)S s00, 000 BODILY lt'IJURY (Pe. pe66)$ BOOILY INJURY (Per a@ident)$ PROPERry DAMAGE (Per aGideot)s GAMGE UABILITY ANYAUTO AUTO ONLY . EA ACCIDENT $ OTHER TFIAN AUTO ONLY: EA ACC $ $ A E(CESgI'MBRELLA UAAIL|TY x O@UR CLAIMS MADE OEOLrcTIBLE zLP72267 L/L/20o6 t/L/2007 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 AGGREGATE $ $ $ $ Y\,oRXERS COilPEfl SATIO'{ ANO ETIPLO\ERS UAAIUTY Ai,IY PROPRIETOFYPARTNEFYEXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEi,BER EXCLUDEO? lf )€s. desobe uder SPECI.AL PROVISIONS below \4rc STATU. TORY LIMITS OTH. ER E.L. EACH ACCIOENT $ E.L, DISEASE. EA EMPLOYEE $ E.L. DISEASE. POLICY LIMIT $ OIHER DESCRIPnoII OF OPERATIONIi/IOCATIONSA/EHICLES|/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENOORSEMENT/ISPECIAL PROVISIONS Lllbility coverags for property locatad at 624 Nortb 36tb, Sprlugfield, OR CERTIFICATE ACORD 25 (2001/08)@ ACORD CORPORATION 1988 city Mark 225 Fifrh st,Springfield, OR 97477 of Springfield Fire Department, WaIker SHOULO ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED SEFORE THE E)(PIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO i/IiAIL 30 oavs wntrrEN NoncE To rHE cERTTFTCATE HoLDER NAMEo ro rHE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SI{ALL IMPqSE NO OBUGATIOT,I OR UABIUTY OF ANY KINO UPON THE INSURE& ITS AGENTS OR REPRESEilTATIVES. AUTHORIZEO REPRESENTATIVE Jeffrey Griffin/DMH a lts \/frg lI^i^.^. $l.ii^^. l^. /Ann\117-nq( (timited) Environmental Site Assessment For Asbestos Containing Materials At: 62436th Street Springfield, Oregon October 261 2005 Prepared for: Willamalane Parks and Recreation Attn: Ken Long By: Pacific Environmental Group Inc. Douglas J. Moore \ 624 36th Street $ptingfield, Oregon PACIFIC Ervinuunenbl Gotry Irrc P 0. Box 22306 Eugene, 0R 97402 OHD #1m5 CCB #66i70 DE0#FSC-560 (s41) 461-9115 PH. (541) 767-3710 FX (s41)767-3775 October 26,2005 Willarnalane Parks and Recreation Attn: Ken Long Re: Pre-dernolition Asbestos survey, bulk rnaterial sarnpling,624 36tl' Street Springfield OR. On October 19, 2005, at your request a building site was investigated at the address identified above. The purpose being to attempt to identifu building materials for asbestos. 13 bulk rnaterial sarnples were collected fiom the identified locations arrd subrnitted to ECS / Wagner Envirorunental for analysis for asbestos content. The results from the lab (attached) indicate that there was asbestos found in the flooring materials collected and sarnpled. These materials will need be properly abated by an asbestos abatement confactor prior to demolition of the struchre. Following completion of abatement of the identified materials, the structure is considered ready for disposition. Whomever completes the abatement should provide evidence of such about the activities performed to both you and the local fire deparhnent prior to burning All samples collected were done so by individuals with current EPA AHERA / ASHARA asbestos inspection credentials. Copies of these credentials are on file at the Veneta office of Pacific Environmental Group lnc. I t If we can be of any furttrer assistance please call me at the following nunbers; Office 541935 9656' Mobile 541954 4369 Fax 541935 6270 E:mail dirnourkigaia.nel Thanks again for the opportunity to assist you at this facility. ) ''/v1 __-. *.-.,,'-_,__=-_-_D Douglas J. Moore Pacific Environmental Group fnc. PO Box 1524 Venet4 Oregon 97487 (541) 935 9656 (541) 935 6270 fur Asbestos Sampling lnventory List October 13,2005 Client: PEG Inc. Conducted for Willamalane Parks and Recreation Property located at : A2q 36* Street Springfield, Oregon All samples were collected by D. J. Moore # wPR 62436 0l wPR 62436 02 wPR 62436 03 wPR 62436 04 wPR 62436 05 wPR 62436 06 wPR 62436 07 wPR 62436 08 wPR 62436 09 3 tab roofing (bottom layer) roof NE corner 3 tab roofing (middle layer) roof NE corner 3 tab roofing (top layer) roof NE corner l" X l" ceiling tile (nailed) living room SE corner Wall composite (sheetrock) living room E wall 9" )t9" Floor tile (offwhite) living room East entry 9" X 9" Floor tile (brown) living room East entry Sheet vinyl flooring (layer 1) living room East entry Sheet vinyl flooring (layer 2) living room East entry Sheet vinyl flooring (layer 3) living room East entrywPR 62436 010 .ffi -vv sv cvur L1.1-trn Hp LH5Et(Jts-I 33JU P.2 Sent By: sCHNEIOER LABS; r -.il 'r,"1 - r80r353677t ;Oct.25.r 3:llPU; DATE rcLLECTED: DATE REGEIVEO: DATEAIIATYZED: DATE REPOf,TED; .rl Page 1 tZ 10/132m5 1012512005 r0a5/2005 10/292005 SCHNEIDER LABORATORIES ,s 1, w. J,Is?,*r IJ[gSf .I,rlE, 2r22GS1 tT80+35$_6778 . Co0-7E s t .AB s (5?jr7 t :t rlxl 6q{.i51.e2. A,*ELLA'loos,,rff.?'i3ii?[:fi Hl*9fl yffi ffi ;,^"zora,Nc5Er Itllr LABORATORY ANALYSIS REAORT Asco rroe tdo nilfl colon by EpA Mo h d EOOtM4t g2t| 20 ACCOUNT: 2gS&0$224JCUINT: EcsM€nrEnvironmentalADDRESS: 371 vtCsJSfi Avonue - - EuEerE, OR 9r40t PO NO.: PROJecrH.Ue: padfic Env. Group PROJECT NO.: JOB IOCAT|ON: 624 36rh sr Clloril Semplc l{o.,. . 1 $Lt Samplo/ Lryer lO Sarnplr ldentlflcrtlorr/ l-eyer Narne Arboetoc Srrnpte Dr{odd Drrcrlpilon (Yrt/l{ol wP46243601 28700690 Roo{NECorncr !n9I ll -Roofitu No Gray{tsleck, Eitumirrcus 1ffi70 Non-Aebertoo MINERAUGLASS woo[ 12%. NcN Henous I\TATERIAL 887, WPR6243602 28200091 RoofNE Corner !ll!f ]: Roofng No Gra]lgbclr. Bituminous 10016 Non'Arborror MlNERAuGl.AsS wooi 1o%, Not{ FtERous MATERTAL oo% WPR024380S 28200092 RoofNECornar1: Roollng tlmd.bostoD 2: Rooflng Nm./t30{tor WPR624lt604 28700693 Ltving Rm SE Comer !!yg l, Ccllirp Tir ilo WhitdTrn Fbrous tOO* ITONTAIbC*Or CEILUTOSE FIBER EO%, ilOri HBR9L'€ MATERIAL 10% Laysr 100% Lqyer 1tr/. ilo Gray/Bhck, Bi(umhoue frllNERAUcl-AfISWOOL t0%, NON FIBROUS MATERTAL 90% llo Bhct. Flbrous CELLULOSE FIBER 7O%.TQN FIBROUS MATERIAL 30% wPR6',243605 287m694 Uvtng Room E Wall Layor 1: Shcclnoc* No Whltr, potrdery 100% llon.A.bector CELLULOSE FTBER tAB, NO,rr FIBROUS MATERIAL €8% "t i ..: l ,| .'r.i i. fl sent By: SCHNETDER LABs;1804353S773 ;Oct-25 3:tlpU; P.3 ACCOUNI . WORKORDER: zgOA&i.2z+J Ohnt Samph No. sLr ErmptC tryer lD Saorph ldondftcarlon/ Lryrr Hrme Arbortor Btrtroh Drtrcted Ogc;ls0on (Ycr/No) wPR6243606 Lighl Brorrnffefiow, OBanicaiy B<itnd, Brifl la TER'AL 9€% wPR6243607 wPR824360S Layar 2: Mastb 100.6 Nm.Ae boetos 28700096 Uvkro RmLayer 1: Mastc l00oA Non.Arbtdoa Layer 2: Floor Titeglt Atb.rloe 967, t{orr-Arbrstor Layr 3: MasUc l0O% Non-Acbeetos _ l{o Bbctv Bl&rrnirrqroiloN FBROUS r{ rERtA 10or;"- E Entry l{o yellon, SoftNON FIBROUS MATERIAL TOO% ycr D:rk Brown, Organically BourrdCHRYSOflLEs% NON F'BROUS MATERIAL O5% l{o glack. BltuminorrsNON FIBROUS ilIATERIAL 1@'. BluerBrown. Spongy. Ftbmus, &ido 2O%. NON FIEROUS I{ATERIAL S5% wPR0243609 w,rR6243010 28700690 Livhp RmLryar ,: Flmrhs/t! lau% Non.Ar&o{& 20700699 Livtng Rm ELcyor l: Masilc 100% l{on-Artirdoc E Entry astc lJo Red/Brown,Organk-liy Scund , Fibrous, EriltreCELLULOSEFIBER35%, NON FIEROUS MATERI AL 5506, SYNTHETICFItsER 1070Unabb to tcptnlc Mvldu.tt.y.t? Enlry F,EE#}ff rlin.*lil',16['l,B'#",:S1rnr.*,o,_es%,sy^{rHErc lilil i-, JifiXlg" *t.".,.r.osE Ifi ER tln a b t aro sEDrrrh *r r, JW ,,IX' e Ht"^Htrffi SflStt ?$f * r, F, B R o u s Pago 2 /2 Page 2 (Contnueo) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON DEPARTMENT OF FIRE & LIFE SAFETY FIRE OPERATIONS TRAINING S[._- -cGFIELD FD-1s8 225 FIFTH STBEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3737 FAX 9541) 726-2297 TDD (541) 726-2247 www. ci. sp ri n gf i eld. o r. u s TO: City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation, acting by and through its Department of Fire and Lile Safety You are hereby authorized.and permitted to burn under supervision and for education and instruction purposes that certain house or building located on: Tax Lot #9/00 Addition to Springfield, TRAINING BURN AUTHORIZATION Date:3 ,Itr Oregon which is designated as +h Street, Springfield, Oregon. I/We, expressly warrant and represent to you that I/We, the undersigned, are the owner(s) of said property and that the same is free and clear of any and all liens, encumbrances, judgments, and any interest, right, title or claim in any other person other than the undersigned, and that this consent is freely and voluntarily given, and that we will save the City of Springfield harmless from any liability to any person whomsoever by reason of any statement or warranty contained in this letter. I/We, the undersigned, also agree to the following requirements imposed by the Department of Fire and Life Safety to assure completion of all regulations. 1. The property owner(s) shall remove all debris on the lot(s) involved in this burn within sixty (60) days after completion date of the burn by the Department of Fire and Life Safety. 2. The property owner(s) is to secure the required demolition and plumbing cap permits from the Building Department when inside the City Limits. 3. Outside City Limits, County regulations apply. 4. The property owner(s) shall have the structure inspected for asbestos. This includes: a. An internal and external inspection of the structure by an asbestos or environmental consulting firm. b. Removal of asbestos containing materials, as indicated by the inspecting firm.l. An Owner-occupant may perform asbestos removal. a. The Waste Shipment Record (ASN-4)) must be filled out b. setup an appointment with Short Mountain Landfill - 687-4120 for disposal. 2. If not an owner-occupant, a removal company must perform asbestos removal and disposal. c. The property owner(s) shall submit a copy of the original asbestos inspection as written by the inspecting firm and signed note stating that the asbestos has been removed. \ oWNER(S) ADDRESS PHONE 2-,4 (-ha. r[ \ S'k .---F 1 9k *'t\D\ q-- V:LSPECIAL TRAINING\Training BurnsMesters\FD-l58 TRAINING B1RN AUTHORIZATION.doc O-\- CITY OF SPB'NGFIELD, OREGON Sl _,rGFlELD DEPARTMENT OF FIRE & LIFE SAFETY FIRE OPERATIONS TRAINING 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726_s737 FAX 9541) 726_2297 TDD (541) 726_2247 www. c i. sp ri n gf i e I d. o r. u s 2 1J INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPERTY OWNERS (TRAINING BURNS) The Owner will: l. Complete the two (2) authorization forms (FD-158) - provide: date, property address, tax lot number, signature of Owner(s), address of Owner, and phone number of Owner Retain one copy of the authorization and return the other to the Departrnent of Fire and Life Safety. Complete the insurance "Notice of Cancellation or Nonrenewal" fonn. Retain one copy and return the other to Springfield Depar-tment of Fire and Life Safety. A demolition permit will be required from the city of Springfield. The permit costs $45.00 (with fees) minimum. Please be sure to sign and date the pemrit. The City of Springfield may require a septic/sewer permit to be obtained by the property Owner. The cost of the sanitary septic/sewer permit is $45.00 (with fees) minimum. Fees include Adrninistrative fee and State surcharge fee both totaling approximately $15.30. Please contact the Springfield Development Services at126-3153 for both permits and fees, and subrnit a copy of each to the Depaftment of Fire & Life Safety. The Fire Department is required to run a title search. Please include a $80 check payable to the City of Springfield to cover the title search fees to do the search. Have the following disconnected: Water Electrical power and meter removed Natural gas meters removed and line of supply capped at street Telephone lines removed from building Cable TV lines removed from building Remove: All closed vessel containers (water heaters, fuel tanks, etc.) All asbestos containing materials, as indicated by the inspecting firm (a list of inspection and abatement firms is enclosed). Documentation, signed by licensed removal or inspection firm, veri$ing the asbestos was removed (or not present) needs to be submitted to the fire department. 4 Thank you, Mark C. Walker, Battalion Chief of Training Springfield Fire and Life Safety \r ,51'l L I\J. 'i Iir\i\l\{r, lriurl:lg l}urrrs,l I).ljq.rij' 1) H iob' 5l.l,,2rrt),c ?