HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1990-10-04ErllL--- 'ob i.oeaticrt iubdi.,.t'l.sion Lmcr .. RESIDET'-IAL.. APPLICATIOIWUruIru 225 llorth |th Street f;prLng{ield, 1rcrTon 97477 Ruild'Lrry D'Lui.r:ion aq? 7cc?t aU-o/ Oo SPFIINGFIELD l$,0.rr,'cor.J /.li1t, I la?r,irsi Phone Describe Not'k Value )f. ty t --" 1 .:,t,ti.ti.c,z -f*^",*q 6--f ;,o,,0'r" t,o,,,.lc-1 -qoDate ol Applieaticn crl er;l I ) l r-rnrb in3, krcirarr Lcn I ()11[ r:itc It-'t: L r i.::ir i trP e rvafr;ir.r [.l.er'I r ( 1:l l-l It is the responsibility of the pemit hol<ler to see that aLL inspec-tions are nade at lhe p?ope? time, that ecch addrees is neadabie lron the st..e'et, anC that the _perrtt _c,ari ia Located at -t-h-e front of .the-propenfu.'tl:j.lding D"-utc.ioy: rtppro-u'cd plan.shcll temain on tle Building ::ttc at aLL times. p:locs])ttpE Foti IitspECTIOil B\QUEST:GALL726-3769(reeorcler) state youn City designated job nmber, job acitess, type-of -inspeelicn."adyfot,inspection,Contractorsoias,ur"-,w,e-andphonenwnbcl.Requestsreeeixedbefcre7:00cl .'iit. L'c neie the cntne dey, "equests ncde after 7:00 on wiLL be nade the ncct:,ntki4T day. 56 l l _t { '-1t1 rN(;pp/,,:Ji)!l: l,o be node aJ'ter a.1't:t't, t rerrclrcs are excauaticn, but priot' tc set uP of fonns. UNDERST,AB PLUI,EING, ELEC?RICAL I) :.lti(:!!!1,\1L'CAL: To be nade before cny.,6iils 'oucred. lroTMC 1 F)UiIDAT|CN: To be natle anl yout' City ,Desigr,ated Job Ntttnber fs IIISULA']'ION/VAPOI] BANRIER IIISPNCTION : ri ru maae after aLL insulaticn at'd nequired oapor barrie?a a?e in Place but before any Lath, gypstun boarC ot' tnLL couering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRYLIAL|, ilISPECII1N: ?c be nade alGn-iTlZr'ym tT-ts in place, but prior bo any taPing. \IASONRY: Steel location, bond tifri]grouting or oerticals in aecondance vith U.B.C. Seetion 2415. N0ODSTOVE: After installation is ccnytLetetl, CURB & APPNOACIT AP!::ON After fonnsat" "r,eob;l i* n.;o; to pouring conerete. SIDgllAf,K & DRII'E\IAY: For aLL con- crete paufi;Eil; street right- of-tx:y, to be maCe after aLL exca- oating conplete & forn unrk & sub- base material in Place. IENCE: h4ten conPlete -- tYooid,e g;iA or mooable sections thnough P.U.E, J-r,:rns are erected, but prior to !\)lll' ng ccnare tt . ''j: ! :l r!!21!l: o_ t_Lll!!!aL_ slJ!I!,_ w!t!! y;1r.1L1t<;q: '!o be nuJe prior to fil- lir.11 tt':nehes. I t :r | +: !) !? LOni? Pr,u l.:B I:r G i irEClt A N I CA t, : .-, "t'i-odZc-frior iTlisGTlilTon of -l'!t'or tnsu'ction or clecking. !"t:;':' AND BEA1.!: To be natle ptior to''.,tii f*in of floor insulation ot' ;,to i:; to )c aoL' i'i -litr:se inspec*-i.ors have becr !,. .?til dDpt,oDed. i\:!'1.4L!:.: Ptio't, to plcei.r4 fccing ,'r,:,r/.; ar,,rl before franing ins7,s6- ;'!illtllli.: i,htst be requested aflen ,ri i ,,i,i' ;! o!' r.ottgh plunbing, electri- . j,t! ,l r;,',:lanieal. AL! r'oofing J.r,,rr'r,f:7 .l ehi.nmcys, etc., nust be , ,. ,rrl i, , 1 , r;1. llo tscrk i-s l;o be eon- ..,,,:1.. 1 rtnt.l l- tltis inspection has , r ,,,. '.r r, /. .l,r,I appt oucd. A.LL pro;ieat eonditi.ons, :rtrch 4s the i.nstallation of street tr?e-\, conPlcticn-of the ,nqr,'i."irt- ioni,"ipirg, i:tc., mtst be satisfied befone the BUILDIN: F1NAL can be tequested' I,,INAL BIttu)INC: TItc lli.nal Build.ing fnspection mtet be requested aftet the Pinal Plwnbing it"ii*at"ni, 'a}C Ue.hari."cl Inspectlions irauc been made ard approoed. / rS ()ilLi tlUt Scnilary Ea)er eapped at ptopertg Lire Septic tark p:,rtped artd filled uith gra:tel Pinal - h1ten abcrte itens a.re canpleted and uhen Cenolitior is complete or atru3- tut,e noued and pt'emiaes cleaneC up. e Blocking and Set-up Pltnbing connections -- sane! and, uaten Electtieal Ccnnection - Blocking' tet-u, and plunbing conneetions mtst be apprc,;ed beforc requesting eleclrteal inspeelion Aecescot,g Building pct ckes, skit ting, decks, Leted. Final - After ete. ate cotnp' Pape 1 of 2\):,r, ilt1t:llcr.E:: AND CI,EANCU'.I.. ttt!r'T nt': nceE!;5lBr,ti' ADJtrsT:rEll! To 3n ilADE A? tro ccsT TO er?v r1 l, Lot ll lf */ Dd.te: L-CO T. JOB NO. Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Coueraga # of Stories Total Height TopograPhY BuiLdiryl Permtt State ?otal Chargea Plwnbi.ng Pernit State so LAR Aqc ESS REQ.- Be':lvoor::,:;t Gr LOT TYPE _ Interior CoPner - Ponhondln - Cul-de-sac Lot Faces - Laao toDe -- Fces -- Building V<llue & Permit This permit is gtanted on the erprecs condiLion LlnL tle ::'ti''i ': 'trr:lt r'l stull, in aLL respeetl,"';";:';;;i''"^tiy. oin'a*-"ce alost;'J /"r t;;' ': : ' Spi-nrtfield, includ':.ng' the 1oni'rg Crcl'Jnay-a,c' t'c'lulcL;'t:'t ilt'j L' ':"" ""irr"';':"';f L,il,tt"s.s,." a)'a ":"v \'i'^l"Jl:.':!.:J.-* rcuckc'1 'lIr 'jrr)/ I r'" |aLion of any prcui'sions of said otdlnattces' f'l.rut I)ate Paitj Receipt ll Sigted: I Plumbing Permit No peraort sln.ll.aortstt'uaL, ins';al!'- a'LLar. ot clunl' ririrr |l'iJ"'r' ''":i'; ji': ' plwnbing oI' (,2'alttage "i""il"-'i"'"noio o'. irt 1t<tt'L' 'w:Lci-:t rjtr;lt ;''cr';;')t; : ' 'r: i"i)"t-ti"Z'"""r, oio ullli pt'^ttor's Lie,ense' erccpL ll:'z'1 ; p'::"s',r r;':-' 'r' plwfiing uork to p,opnl'tl-'iidt is outne;l' LeLseJ oi":1'';r';J;i '\r ir;'' ';'r: "I cant. Access.IIou!;cP. t,. Noith fiast South l,lest VaLucxsQ. ttTGf TEltl tlain C,saqe CarDo/'t AccessorY TOTAL VALUE s.D.c, 7.5 c 4 CHARGENOFEE Fi.ttures ResidentiaL (1 brtth) SeuerSanitarY Wctet, Electricql Permit Ilhet,e Stal:e Laut requires tltat ttte clectrical uork be r)one by an llLccLt'ic'ti Contractor' the electr\Zot'|i"'l'i'-"of this.pernit slnLl t"ot bc ttaliJ tuLtil th;';-1;b;1 iw" bnen signed b'y thc EleaLt'ical CottLraatot'' NOITEM CIIARCEF9E I Mechonicql Permit Nau/Estend Circuits Set'oice State Total blwnst HooC Hcodstote Vent F@t Perttit fssuance Mechanicel Perrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Pcmtib Cvtbcu! Sida,talk L Mobi Home ?() DatePLan tlrcniner ,TOTAL AMOUNT DI)E:*7c) L 0,t , heteby certifY further centifY danee trith t;he ,fotmed slnll Springficld' 'ecribcd hereiOregon per L be nnCe of any certifil Ordinances llttahdng CS t, oul daLication fot PermiVE 1AREFULLy ELAILINED the conpleted appIHA t, atLl Ii.s true and correction het,eonthaL aLL ittfo:'ma be clone in aacot"ard aLL uork Perthat any and Lhc La:';s of tlwof the City of_cnd tlat N0 9CCU'-to the uork Ce* state of the Building Di-ission ofstructure u[thout PermP/.N1Y dil atzd azPlcYees t/rlio ore Lncontractorsthat otLYoi.sion. I further used on l:his Ptoject701.05s uiLL beconpliance uith )RS Ratt Fit't