HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1987-12-18.. REs*_ NTIAL" APPLICATTON /PERI,IIT 225 Nov,th Sth Stt'eet Springfte.Ld, )regon 97477 BUL Ldlng DlD1,s1.on t/ ZO-O / OO SPHINGFTELD your CitA Desigr,ated Job Nwnber fs tleeel t# Date -a /c-' ?\?D atb,trlr,,r, 9' Conetmction Leder_ MeclunticaL Ra m t i-n o r1 Tn <n a a ft'- cn * PROCEDUPE FOR INSPECTTOII RIqL]EST :CA requested and ahen gou uiLL be neadg uiLL be made the sane day, l,equests It ie the reaponaibili.ty of the pezwit ho|der to see that alt inspeetions ee nade at the prope" tine' that each ad4,ess is z'eqCabie fron the at?eet, and. that the petwit eat'd is Located at the front of the propenty.*sui!.ding Nuicion appro"^ed plan sVcLL remain on the Buildinq Site at aLL times. LL 726-3769 (reeordet,) state yout, Citg desigrnted job nwnber, job aCiress, type of inspee=icn for inspection, Contractc?s o? A,jners nctne and plane numbet'.Requests reeeixed befcre 7:00 an made aftet, 7:00 qn urLLL be made the neot aorkirq dag. 8'1C Tar Lot #1-d,)rl o .rob Locaticn: Subdioision: Aosessors Map # I €,*uoAzz-oAtmer:ttl 2 Phone: ?/-aAddtess: City:/r Ta,Cro//sr{ fr6r0e0ce Describe h'ot'k: {z-/-(ry t--t Na) VaLueDate of App Lieation ldditicn RemoCeL GeneraL Page 1 of 2 UNDIRGP,)U\Ip PLUMBTNZ2 SEWER, W,ATER, onntlt4Cg:-fo be nade Y"Lor to fil- @-l-renchee. LIIIDERFLOOR PLUI.EING & IIECHANTCAL : of floor insul.ation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade Pt'iorffitdTffilan o1 floor iraulation decking. RottcH PLA{BHG. ELEC?RTCAL & ttECH-i GliTthese inspec*.ions hatse been made ard. approueC. SITE INSPEC?I)N: ?o be nade after eacansation, but pr"tor tc set up of fotme. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & ttEQ!!.tlt!4!: To be made befoz,e ang ffilfrotsered. P)OTfNc & FOUNDATICN: To be rmde @'t"enctes are eicaoated and. fonns ate erected, but prior to pour.tttg ccnerete. to ov FIPEPLACE: mat;;l;G Priot, to placirq facing and befot'e froning inspee- PIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL INSULATTON /VAPOR BARRIER IT|SPECTION : To be made aftet' aLL insulaticn and z,equired uapor bu. ier's @e in Place but before ory Lath' Wpslott baarC oz' tmLL couering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. . ilaLl DRWALL LNSPECIION: Tc be madenQ @et-iT-fiyui-t.s in pL.a.ce, ) u but pri,or to ang taping. ILASINRY: Steel Loeation, bond Eifrilgrouting oz' oerticals in accordqtce utLth U.B.C. Section 2415. WO1DST)I.E: After installation is anrpleted. DIITT NT:1'C Scnitaty seuer capped at Pt'oPerw- Line Septic tattk panped and filled trith gz'axel Pinal - h\ten abctse itms ave eonoleted and uhen danclition is eornplete or sttac- ture moueC ad. prenrLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd 1et-up Plunbing connections -- sar)e? anl uater Pinal - After pcrehes' skirting, decks' etc. &e completed. CURB & APPROACH APP,ON: e,e erectezEt p;lor Electt'ical Connection - Blockittg' set-uo and plwnbing connections rn;st be apprct;ed before requesting eleclrlcal inspection Aecessory BuilCing After fornsto pow,irq concrete. SfDEWALK & DRfIiillAY: For aLL con- ct etena1r6g -l,vtthii street right- of-ucA, to be nade after aLL exea' oating complete & forn wt'k & sub' base mater"Lal in place. tion. ERAL'lIlilG: l,tust be requested aftet' apptooat of rough plwnbing' .electri-ciL & meetnnical. ALL roofing braeing & chinmeys, etc. rntst be conrpleted. llo ucrk i-s to be cott- . eeCled until this insPection \ns 'been nade anC apProoed. IENCE: hhten conPlate '- ProuiCe @5i or mooable sections through P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the t.nstal-L.ation of street t'?"-?'- nnqiinna LanCsceping, etc., rmtst be satisfi'ed before the BUILDIN} conpletion of the FII\AL can be requested- PINAL BUILDING: The EinaL Building Inspection mtst be requested after the Final Plwnbing \J Electrical' otC Meelnnical rnspeetions hatsa been nade and appt'ooea' *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOATS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIII TO lE I'LLDE AT NO COST TO CIIY ,P l1'r,uorn ,o " JOB NO.810 soLAR ACCESS REQ.-r--cod Ileat Df House Caraqe Access Not,th East ll repLace South ll Wood.stou"e West II LOT TWE _ Intericr _ Cotner _ Panhand.Le _ CUl-de-sac Lot Faces - BedroonsGrou bt Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Couenage # of Stories Total Height Topographg ITEM Sq. ETG x Value l,lain fuaae Carport Accessot u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 c Date Paid: This perwLt is granted on the er?Tess con"d.ition tlnt the said constmtctions^lnlL, in,a_Ll -z,espects, confonn to the 1rdinance adopted fiiy the City ofSpringfield, inef,uding the Zoning Crdinance, r'egulatTng thb ccnstru"ctibn drd..use of buildtngs, and may be suspended ot, reuokeC at cny time upon oic-lation of anA prcuisions of said Otdir,ances, * Building Vqlue & Permit Building Permit ?otal Clnrges State Plumbing Perrnit No- per,.eon sltall construct, inetaLl-, alter ot change anA net) cr existing glutnling on drainage s\sten in ulwle or in pa.rt, inles-s sueh pet,son is- the Le_gal -possessor of a oalid plunbet,,s Lieensb, escept that a pbt,son nay doplutnbing uork to ptopez.tA uhich is ottued, Leased oi operatei ty tte "ppli-caflt. NO FEE CHARGE 4 5 */? ,79 Receipt #: Signed: Ei.ctures Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Perrrit State Electricol Permit Were State Lau reEtites tlnt the eleetrical uork be done by qn Electrieal Contractot,, the eleetz,ical portion of this permit slwll not be uali.C unti.Lthe Label lns been signed by the Electyical Contractor. N0. ?o Na,t/Ectend Cincuits Setoice -- ENCROACHMENT -. rrcM NC FEE ,( Mechqnicol Permit Ilcodstotse Vent Eo1 kha/st Hood ,S Permi,t Issuotee Mechanical Pez,nrit Seanitg Qe,zposit Stoz,age I,laintenance Permtt Cutbcu! Sideualk Fence Eleetyical Label Mobile Hone T'eMoLffu:N 16st6rTB ynca*mp ,alO r HAw 1AREFULLy ExAill\ED tle eonpleted application for permit, and d.ohereby eertif-y that aLL infonrwtibn hereon' is ttue and cLz,rect-, cnC Ifurtket' certify that any ar.d aLL uork perforned. shall be done in aceot,-dance tLth the otdinancbs of the cita bf bprtngfieid., and the La,:s of the* s-tate of o19eon pertainino to the uoik'cn"iitZa lrnilLi, "ra- trut No lcca- PI'NCY uill be mad.e of ara structure uithout permission -o1 ttt. Buitd.ing DL-tsisio-n. r fu,ther eertiiy that onLy eontractors otd, enplcyees uho ote ineonpliance uith )RS ?01.055 uiLL be-used on this project \\ uate IotaL Signed Date ( z- /E't 7 PLan TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*6q *