HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-06-28" RESI--cNTlAL" 2zs ltorth stt, itrnffPLrcA?r,N/P,Rt4rr Springfi.ald, 1regon 97477 Buil&tng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFtINGFIELD ?.cce:ct I Al),?. % lro,oo 16,by364Job facaticn: 1 b50Aesessote )4ap I JUDd.Lt'.SLOI: Ctmer: Ad&ess:Phone: LLI. Value tK n Date of App Licaticn 6*ar - y? Additicn RenoCel General Plwnbing ELectnical SaniloA seter cappeC =t Wcperti Lire Septic tank p:aped arui fnlled aith g.z.aiel linal - l'h,en cbcue iiens ate cctrtleved arui uhen !e::'tcl:.tion is conplete br s*,,^e- ture noued, oi preniaes cleaned up. Hcnes tsLocking od. Sat-up PlmbitnX connectians -- sate? otl. ualey Electyical Ccnnection - Blockitq, eet-uo and, plunbing connections r;st be qprcv-ed before requeating eT.ee2rical inspection Accessory- fuiliin4 :crekes, skirt"lng,,1.eeks,Firal - After etc. oe ccr:to Constrteticn Lendet I-t ie the reeponsibi-Litg of-the peodt izotd,* to see tlut aL'!, inspectiofla ore nad,e at lhe propet tine, that s34ft =/,#ss6 is ren4abteiro,n the atreet, dnd, thdt the petwtt catd is L,xated at the froni of tl,e oraertu.*1ui!dir4 Diu.Jcicn acttot:ed gi-ot sltc.lL remain on tle Builtinng Sit.e at aLL't:.nes.' PR11!DUP\P1R,IySPEC?Icil,IIO|/EST:CALL726-3769(vecarder) state your Citg designated job nttr,ber, job oiiress, type of incpec=icnrequesxed a-'d uhen'gou -uiLL beieady fo-r inspectton, contlact"n" "i a,ne:s"ncae;*n el-;" twtber.' -pequests releii,Za bLfcre'Z:cg a:i'-iLL be nacie the sane ticg, ?equests naie aftez, Z:00 an utill be nwde the nesi tnrkinq day. *aczro Ir rx r SUI ilISPIC?:CN: To be na.de aftero-zcductiont but pricr tc set up of forme. UIIDERSLAB .DLU'IBIIIG, ZLECTRIU.L A WCM.1IICAL: lo be nacie beiore any uork is couered. PCAII)IG ,: ?0|INDATIC\I: ?o be rmieaftet treneit2s are esccuated anl, farns are erected, but pricr topouirq ccnctet€. UND1RCROAIID ?LL'M9I;IG, SIWP., \IA?IR. DRAIIIAGE: To be rmi.e ptlor to fi-L-Lir4 trenches. UIIDEP,ILCCP .DLUIENG 1 |,IECqANICAL :@ of flooz. insulatian or deeking. POST AND BEAI4: To be nade prior to -^- inscallation of fZoor insulation or decking, :lo 'to ,-woectiotls hauc- beer nad.e ard. aparcoed. ITISULAIION/IIAPOR BARRIER I!ISPIC?fi\I : ?o be naCe after aLL insulaticn ed requited uoor bavie?s @e in pla,ce but befcre ory 1,ath, glpswl boarC ot rnLL eoueying is apolied, arui before ary insulatton is concea!,ed. YotE CitA' Deeigr,ated Job Nuil,het Is: DRY'iALL I\ISP!C!!C!I: Tc be nade -.. aite" cll ctguall is in pZace, but prror to cng taping. tlASaNi?l: Steel Location, boni beans, gzvuli'ng or uertieals in aceordotce vith U,B,C. geeticn 2418. IIOODSTOYE: e,rpG;A. CURB & APPS2ACH APPCN: After fornsee erecteC but prJor to pcuring conc?ete. SfDEVALK & DRIW.IA!: For aLL con- c?ete pauitlq uithrn st?eet right- of-,ncy, to be naCe after ali ecca- oatina sqnclete & fotn 6q7la 3 ss6- base naterJa| in place. nateriaLs i.ac"lng LISPec- .: PrLor to ?lccirq atd. before fronirq !RA]I\|G: itust be requested afler approual of rcugh. plwrbing, electri- a.L & nechanieal. ALI. roofin4braing E ehitmege, ete. tntst be eotrpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- cealed unttl this insoecttan has been made anC approt;ed. !!NCE: i{hen conpl;te -- Pro.tiCe gates or nouable sectians thtoagh DI'D ALL pto;ect eondi:iors, suct as che installatton oi st?eet crees, ccrtlet--on ol theteqtined Landsecping, etc., m)st be satisJ-ied befot,e the tsUILDII\C FII\AL ecn be reqttested. TINAL EafLDINc: Ih.e Final 3uilding Inspeetion mtst be teouested :i!et, the linzl ?lwnbiuEleccrtcal, ai !4ecitcr:tccl inspectrcns h,ate been nade arti'acerotei. ,ALL \4A\]HCLES A]ID CLEAIIOUT? YUS? tsE ACC1SSBLE, AD;UST:Z\E ?O 3i.AX I.! !]O::S:7C CI|Y lTilAL PLUI{BIIJG FIIIAL IilECIL4\ITCAL FINAL ILECTPICAL --Jc - w,) r t ffi d*:ryr";/d,a--4, A4-4PA/zqAQ4Z r I tr Aftet installa.tion ia T 7W soLAR, :ss REe.- , r--co C /Ccr.st 3edroons: Receipt I Electricol Permit Whez,e State Lan requires tha.t the electrteal uork be done by an Eleetz-ical Cont"acta7,, the eleelrieal portion of this per-,nit shaLl tot be talil until the Label lws been signed by the Electz.tcal aant?e.cto?. Mechqnicol Permit L Penn t TotaL Penr.t isstarce Meciunical Pennt, Lot Fa.ces - 5e:backs)r Cataoe Access i,ldter !eatp,! tYo"tn Fa.qr !iz,eoLcce South llooaa;or:a- Iot Sq. Ftg. X cf Lct Ccoeraga_ ! of Stoz.ies _ ft.terict _ Corner _ ?aniunale CuL-de-sac JOB NO. ?otal leight logog'tgghy '.lesx -- lees -- Building V<:lue & Permit This penrr|t is g'ranted on the eq?esa eord,ition tta.t the said-eonstptc)ion sha.LL, ,Jn all resceets, conforrn --o the ardinanee c.dopted. by the City of SpilngfielC, incluiir,.g the Soning Crdlnctrce, regulcting tke ccnst"uciacn ad. use cf builiiin4s, ori nay be suscendeC or relckei et ,J,i tine ulan uic- Latton of cng p?cuia1-ons of saiC Criirances. Val,ue ?OIAL II.LUE x I tcLuecn-r<- Totcl Cha:gea State PLan Check Plumbing Permit llo pe"son shalL consitact, install., altet or change 6n! neu cr etisting plwnbing cr drainage sAsta-n in ahote or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a valid plunbet's License, ezcept ti%r, a pe:son nay do plunbing aork to prope?fu uhieh ie otnned, Leased or opet'ated by the appli- .PEg Et2'a;tes Resil.enti.al (1 bath) Seuer Plinbing Perrit l:5,'./)!0 :iF CiI}CE Res. Sc. fta. Nan/Eztend, Circttits ?etnpcrey Sez"uice i!!)4 .tc F!t Etsnaee EfU'S /00,fud C"m Ezhanet HooC Vent ?ot llcodsto;se A4 /o.Do /l,oa ,L4 /6,1o4 /t -- EIICR,CACT\4E:]T -- c^i,; a., a^-^^:. Storcae i,lainterranee Pertn"Lt SLAAiALk IOTAL A}.!AU!,IT DUZ: A /A.a I EAW CARIEULLI l[A.ltleD the conpletei t-oplicc-.ion far petm'l,r-, crui Cc hereby cetti;'y tiut aLL info:nanion h.eveon is tmte and. cortee'-, cr"C f f"etker cetxifr- that ary ard aLL aork perfonted ahal! be Cote in aceot- dance',rith the Ordinazces of the Citg of Spr)ngfief,d, qnd. ;he Lc;s of tte State of Cregcn pertaining to the uotk Cesci-bcC herein, crl. tha.t l0 1cCU- ?AIlCy vLlL be na.ie oi ery sttactuve ailho;tt peznissiott of the Suilit-ng Dt- oision. I further eertif'1 thet otly cov.ttacto"s a:a zryLcgees uho are in cancliance uith. 2RS 701.055 aiLL be used oa ihis project t-34 i )lobil.e ilane i?!:.1 iaaan * b*t-{>ffi- SPRINGFIELD CNY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works January 10, 1.984 CERTIFIED LETTER Ivlr. Keith Lowe 445 North 36th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear I'{r. Lowe : The Springfield Building Code Administrative Code requires that, in order for a permit to rernain va1id, construction work authorized by it must begin within 180 days from the date of purchase of the permit. If work is suspended or abandoned during the course of construction for a period exceeding 180-days, the pernit will automatically expire. If a perrnit has expired and suspension and,/oy abandonment of work on a project has not exceeded one year, a permit to start or resume work nay be purchased for one half the fee required for a comparable new permit, provided that no changes have been nade in the original plans and/or specifications. If a permit has not yet expired and a permit holder anticipates the need for nore time to begin construction work, the Superintendent of Building may choose to grant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 days upon receipt from the permit holder of a written request explaining why the extension is necessary. The attached formindicates the nost recent information in our records with regard to construction activity associated with your permit. Please advise tliis office of your intentions with regard to the pernit by ten (10) days from the date of this letter. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3753. Sincerely, Ir (- p@trDavid J. Puent Building fnspector/Plans Examiner th 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 a 503/726-3753 JOB #: 820740. JOB ADDRESS:aAq 36th Street LAST ACTIVITY DATE: OTHER: NO INSPECTION RECORDED: XXX CURRENT STATUS OF PERIIIIT: ' VALID: Holever, your permit will expire on If you wish to request an -extension of your permit, office in writing prior to the above mentioned date. please notify this xx EXPIRED: Your permit expired on December 28, 7982 If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a nel4r permit must be applied for. *If the 'texpired" box, above, is checked and we do not hear from you by January 20, 1984 (ten (10) days from the date of this letter), we will clear ourfiles of all relatEZ information with regard to the permit. *