HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2005-08-16SPFI[9u-.|ELD D EVE LO F M ENT SEBVICES D EPARTM ENT August 16,2005 HAND POSTETD LETTER Donald R Mathews 418 366 Sreet Springfield, Oregon 97478 Re: Notice and Order to Comply With The Springfreld Building Safety Code Administrative Code Relative To The Unsafe And Substandard Building at440 36b Steet, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. Mathews: As a result of a recent inspection, the City of Springfield Community Services Division, Building Safety, has determined that the accessory structure located at the above referenced locatioq also known as Lane County Assessors Map #l7}23ll3,Tax Lot 02800, for reasons below, substandard and unsafe buildings as descriLed in the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code. Lane County Assessment and Taxation records reveal that you are the owner ofthis property. Section 203 of the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code classifies structures which are structually inadequate or daugerous to human life as unsafe. Section 1001 of the Springfield Housing Code specifier rooditio* constituting substandard buildings. The following conditions include but are not limitedto conditions existing at the structures identified above, classiffing them as substandard and unsafe buildings. l. The accessory structure on the property is not crurenfly served with water service. The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be provided with hot and cold running water' 2. The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a room terperature of 68 degrees F. at a point 3 feet above the floor in all habitable roon6. The Code figther states that where there is electrical power available within 300 feet of the premises of the building, such building shall be connected to such electrical power. 3. Dwelling units shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or shower. This structure does not include any approved plumbing. 4. This building was constructed as a garuge accessory structue and has never been approved as a dwelling unit. 5. There is improper stomge and removal of dead organic matter and debris on the property. Because the inproper storage and disposition of waste creates a potentially serious public health hazard, dead organic matter and debris must be stored in covered leak proof containers and be removed a minimum of once every seven (7) days. ln an effort to eliminate conditions which may adversely affect commtrnity economic stability and to promote pleasant neighborhoods, all used materials mustbestoredwithinalegallypermittedbuilding. Section5.002(lXa);4.410&4.416ofthe Springfield City Code. 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-375s FAX (541) 726-3689 wvvw. ci. sp ri n gf ield. o r. u s Donald R Mathews 440 366 Street August 16,2005 Page2. Section 204 (b) of the Administrative Code provides procedures where the Building Ofiicial may require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediate hazard to life, lirnb, property or safety of the poili" o, its occupants. Notice is hereby served that the properly is being posted to be vacated by l6:00 a.rn August 17 , 2OO5 due to the potential bazards to the occupants resulting from the above cited conditions. If you, or your tenants do not vacate the premise within the time frame specified, ttre City will seek conplianie with the Building Safety Codes through legal recoruse, which may include Municipal Court proceedings. Any person having any record, title or legal interest in the building may appeal from ttris Notice and Order to tiii euitaing Board of Appeals, provided ttrat he appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administative hearing and determination of this matter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. Ifyou have any questions, you may contact me at 726-3663. Sincerely, 3"B.OB*^J,*^\- Robert Barnhart Building Inspector cc:Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Bill Grile, Development Services Director Code Enforcement Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Joe Leahy, City Attorneys Office Springfreld Police Deparunent SFRTB{L..ELD DEvELoPME!*T SEPJ/tCES DEpART[T4ENT August 16,2005 CERTIFIED LETTER Donald R Mathews 418 36tr Street Springfield, Oregon 97479 Dear Mr. Mathews: must be s1s1sd u.ithin a legally permiued building. Section 5.002(1)(4); 4.410&4.416 of the Springfreld City Code. 225 FIFrH STREI SPRINGFIELD, OR 9747 (541) 726_375i FAX (541) 726-3689 wr,t w. c i. s p r i n gf i e I d. o r. u s Re: Notice and order to com.nll !i$ rhe Springfield Building safety code Administrative code RelativeTo The Unsafe And Substandard Building ur'uila* s;";;Ji;;#rd, oregon As a result of a recent inspection, the city of Springfield community Services Divisio4 Building safety,has determined that the accessory structure locatea at the above ,efererc"a location, also known as LanecountyAssessorsMap #l7o23ll3,r".i"ioisoo,ror.easonsurror,^rutrturarra'*a*rur.iuildingsas described in the Springfield Building i"r.r, ""0. Adminisrariv; g;;; Lane county Assessment andTaxation records reveal that you ur."rt. o-#rJ of mi, properfy. Section 203 of the sprurgfield^B-uilding,safety-c-ode Adminiskative code-crassifies structrues which arestructurally inadequate or dangerous to numao rire as unsafe. s;'.rt* l00r of th1.lrrinefield Housingcode specifies conditions con titutirg.rirr*a*a buildings. rn"?"rr"*re conditions incrude but are notlffi*J: conditions existing ,r rilil;;*; ii.rrin.a-"i?rr,^;;*'t rr* them as substandard and unsafe The accessory structur,e on the property is not currently served with water service. The Housingcode requires that each..ria.oL. Itl,iu. il"",a.a *rn r,"i*il"ri **irg ,utr.. ffir"{.T:?;lI,1:n*"s that each residence.shall be provided with heating facilities capabre ofrooms*;",0.*#.,_,tF:;:f if..,Tff ::1,i"?"r,tTt**il;,*itili[']"*:f :j]t,premises of the bu,ding, such bu,ding rn riil corrr.ct"arorr.i.["*.rr power. ''J:Hi#":','ii*fixJr;t:i#*;;ff;;l ravatory and a bathtub or shower. rhis This building was cons dwelling ,oi?. -" --^tructed as a garage accessory structure and has never been approved as a *.|:l: *roper storage and removat of deadthe improper storase ,"a a;.pJii;;;;#;:orgauc matter and debris on $9 qronerty. Becausedead organic *tt i ooo d.fi, ilit. ffi:"r'ff::I;ff[llHji,",:S"L:o.l:*i$*Xi:, "mllt$\lm,$tt\tt t'rtq serren[\ ilqa. \";.noo. "r**rrot" "o,,Jiiioo" wrricb,may adversery ttfect commumty ecmomic stabr\rty and t0 promote pleasant neighborhoods, all useilmaterials I 2 4. 5 Donald I lilatfiews //l lfillreer August 16,2005 Page 2. Section ZO4 (b) of the Administative Code provides procedures where the Building Official may require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediate hazard to life, limb, property or safety of the p.rLU. or its occupants. Notice is hereby served that the properfy is being posted to.be vacated by 10:00 a.m. August l7,2OO5 due to the potential hazards to the occupants resulting from the above cited conditions. If you, or your tenants do not vacate the premise within the time frame specihed, the City will seek compliance with ttre Building Safety Codes through legal recourse, which may include Municipal Court proceedings. Any person having any record, title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this Notice and Order to tt . guilairrg Board of Appeals, provid--ed that he appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within th*ty (30) days from the date of servG of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all'right to an administrative hearing and determination of this matter' Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. If you have any questions, you may contact me at 726-3663. Sincerely, "p&^$Brrl^!*.+Robert Bamhart Building Inspector Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Bill Grile, Development Services Director Code Enforcement Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Joe Leahy, City AttorneYs Office Springfreld Police DeParrnent cc: I I City of Sp rln rctda 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon Fax Cover Sheet DATE: .\5 TO PHONE: FAX:L- \is*FROM Community Services Division Number of pages including cover sheet: Message PHONE: FAX: 541-726'3676 i {l\! Io a-( TRANSMISSION VERIFICATIEN REPERT TIME NAME FAX TEL ES/15/ZEEE L4:1L CITY OF SPRINGF]ELD 7253576 7263575 DATE, TIh,IE FAX NO. /NAME DURATIEN FAGE(S} RESULT l''l0DE E9/L5 L4: LB s6824278 E8: 8L: 03 E3 OK STANDARD ECM UtrAr\oDD SenrDC-Serueoo .o3 \tA aPEtf,of tELo DEVELOPMENT SERY'CES 225 FIFTH SIREET SPR/NGF/ELD, OR 97477 Dona1d R Mathews South Hills 1156 E 28th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97403 t CITY OF SPF'I'GF'ELD, OREGOIV AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON) ) ss. Countyoflane ) I, Lisa Hopper, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: l. I state that I am the Building Safety Supervisor in the Community Services Division, Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Building Safety Supervisor, I prepared and mailed the attached copy of the Certified Letter which is addressed Donald R Mathews, 4 I 8 3 6th Street, Springfield, Oregon 97478 by both regular and Certified mail delivering said letters at the U.S. Post Office with postage fully prepaid thereon. STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane On August 16,2005, Lisa Hopper personally appeared instrument to be her voluntary act. Before me: who acknowledged the foregoing () My Expires 4adD(@ MY NANCY MACHADO NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON coMMtsstoN N0.380103 COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 18,2M8 SEAL 2. I state that in my capacity as Inspector, I posted at eachportal ofthe accessory structure located on property commonly known as 440 36ft Street, Springfield, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17023113 Tax Lot 002800, the original of the attached Hand Posted Letter addressed to Donald R Mathews, 418 36th Street, Springfield, Oregon 97478 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON) ) ss. County oflane ) I, Bob Barnhart, being fust duly swor\ do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am the Building Inspector for the Community Services Division, City of Springfield, Oregon. STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane On August 16, 2005, Bob appeared me, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary Before me: for Oregon My Expires"/or--eoD{ @ MY 2008 NO.380103 EXPIRES JUNE 18,COMMISSION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON) ) ss. County oflane ) I, Dave Gadomski being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: I I state that I am the Electrical Inspector for the Community Services Division, City of Springfield, Oregon. I state that in my capacity as Inspector, I photographed Bob Barnhart posting each portal of the accessory structure on the property commonly known as 440 36ft Street, Springf,teld, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17023113, Tax Lot 02800, the original of the attached Hand Posted Letter addressed to Donald R Mathews, 418 36th Street, Springfreld, Oregon 97478 STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane On August 16,2005, Dave Gadomski personally appeared before me, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary Before me: My 2nK@NAT{CYMACHADO NOTARY R,,BLIC. OREGON OFFICIAL NO.COMMISSION 380103 MY EXPIREScoMMtsstoN JUNE 200818, AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE srATE OF OREGON) ) ss. Countyoflane ) I, Lisa Hopper, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am the Building Safety Supervisor for the Community Services Division, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Supervisor, I faxed the original Certified Letter addressed to Donald R Mathews, 418 36s Street, Springfield, Oregon 97478 to Senior and Disabled Services, c/o Mrs. Granger at 682-2467 on August 16, 2005. STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane On August 16,2005, Lisa Hopper personally appeared instument to be her voluntary act. Before me: i me, who acknowledged the foregoing ddD( Public My Commrssion@NANCY MACHADO NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON coMMtsstoN N0.380103 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 18,2008 SEAL o -140 3b'1- /7-oz3t- /3 -oztao {YLIE Grrr 'tr' gjtL.^26\{- bgZ-qq84 f^46tr?-ZLtAt f.ary D; ;o,td'?el 6)ru*tJ- l j ci0,Sp rtn le td! 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon Fax Cover Sheet 3.\\oDATE: TO 'Une'lrlP $o,tn ..= So\ltsesa\$r PHONE: FAX:t Fbz-A\o\ FROM: Community Services Division Number of pages including cover sheet::1 Message PHoNE: lZfo-S\ctD FAX: 541-726-3676 So,t"3\ "'an TRANSMISSION VERIFICATItrN REPORT TIh4E NAME FAX TEL A8/L5/2AA5 89: L4 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 7263676 72E3676 DATE, TIME FAX NO. /NAME DURATIEN PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 8Bl16 89: L3 9E822451 6E:68:.48 a3 OK STANDARD ECM B,LID D etaife.d ?rop ertv R.ep ort LANE COUNTY REGTONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE Site Address:440 36TH ST Map & Tax Lot #:17-02-31-13-02800 Special lnterest Code: A&TAccount#:0117323lr@l Vicinity Map _-*] __J I ?age 1 of 4 Detail Map r--'1-*.. X-Coord:4270606 Site Address !nformation House Suffix Predir 440 Mailing City SPRINGFIELD Create Date: 1986-09-25 Land Use Land Use Code and Description Use Code and Description: Zoning Zoning Jurisdiction: Parent Zone 1: Boundary lnformation General lncorporated City Limits: Urban Growth Boundary: Fire Protection Providers Plan Designation: Node: 2000 Census Tract: 2000 Block Group: Year Annexed: Annexation #: Site Address State Plane Coordinates Y-Coord: 877852 Street Name PostDir. Street Type Unit Type Unit 36TH ST State Zip Code Zip+4 Carrier Route oR 97478 5712 C030 Update Date: 2005-03-23 Land use information has not been field verified. Code: Description: 9991 NEEDS RESEARCH ACCESSORY BUILDING . NEEDS RESEARCH Please verify zoning information with local jurisdiction. Lane County overlay zones are not currently shown in RLID. Code: Description: SPR SPRINGFIELD LD LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL SPR SPR L N 1902 3 1960 SPRINGFIELD SPRINGF!ELD LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 2004 Transportation Analysis 40 Fq l_- L= htt p :/ /w w w .r [id oT g /T ep ort s / Svt ain-r ep ort -r ftds t ar. cfm? t ax fot -iG... 8 / t 6 / z o o s View Tax Map Convert to PDF Document ,* B,IID D etaifed ?ropertv R ep ort ?age 2 of 4 Percentage of Tax Lot: 100 Zone'. Approximate Acreage: Approximate Square Footage Environmental Findings Metro Flood Hazards: Metro Wetlands: FEMA Flood Hazard Zones FIRM Map Number: 41039C1161F Code: x Soils Soil Map Unit Number: 6 Schools City SPRINGFIELD 0.07 3,049 Please verify environmental information with local jurisdiction. Note: Some parcels may extend onto adjacent FIRM maps. Registration between parcel boundanes and flood hazard zones is approximate. Community numl:ers are based on the current city limits and may not reflect boundaries at the date of map publication. Consult FIRM map$ or appropriate authority. Community Number: Post - FIRM Date: Panel Printed? (Y/N): 4',t5592 1985-09-27 Y Description: Areas determined to be outside of 500-year flood. SoilType Description: AWBRIG.URBAN LAND COMPLEX Code: 19 162 313 668 YES YES EC Area:EAST/CENTRAL Name: SPRINGFIELD DOUGLAS GARDENS AGNES STEWART THURSTON Country UNITED STATES SPRINGFIELD DEPT OF FIRE & LIFE SAFETY Zip Code 97478 Provider: Emerald People's Utility District: SiJl#,?"."conservation eRSr LANE Soil Water Conservation District OZone'. Political Districts Election Precinct: 102402 County Commissioner District: 2 SPRINGFIELD County Commissioner: BILL DWYER State Representative District: 12 State Representative Name: E. TERRY BEYER City CouncilWard: SP4 City Councilor Name: DAVE RALSTON State Senate District: 6 State Senator: WILLIAM MORRISETTE LCC Board Zones: 3 EWEB Commissioner District: Lane County Assessor's Office I Account Number: 01173231 Map & Tax Lot: 't7-02-31-13-02800 Property Owner Ownerl Name: MATHEWS DONALD R OwnerAddress: 418 N 36TH ST State OREGON http://www.rfrd.org/reports/Svtain-report-rfidstar.cfm?tax[ot-id:... B/t6/zoos District: Elementary School: Middle School: High School: Service Districts LTD Service Area: LTD Ride Source: Ambulance District: R -C.ID D et aifef ?rop ertv R ep ort Taxpayer Taxpayer Name: MATHEWS DONALD R TaxpayerAddress: 418 N 36TH ST City State SPRINGFIELD OREGON Property Legal Description Township: 17 Range: 02 Subdivision Type: Subdivision Name: Lot/TracUUnit Number: TL 02800 Subdivision Number: Recording Number: Property Value and Taxes Land Value BeaLMeBet 2004 38,688 2003 31,454 2002 30,538 2001 29,940 2000 26,030 1999 24,560 1998 24,560 1997 22,740 1996 18,640 1995 4,760 21,120 Taxable Value 0 Exemption Amount Regular (EAR) Tax Year 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 ?age 3 of 4 Zip Code 97478 Quarter: 13 Division/Phase: TotalValue Real Market Agcessed 50,138 21,120 41,154 20,505 39,688 19,908 38,910 19,328 37,680 18,765 34,780 18,218 34,580 17,687 32,760 17,172 28,660 28,660 19,080 19,080 0 Frozen Assessed Value (FZNPU) Tax (See Explanation of Tax) 350.83 340.76 311.33 305.42 298.04 301.29 292.87 291.77 446.82 299.49 Country UNITED STATES Section:31 lmprovement Value Real Market 11,450 9,700 9,150 8,970 11,650 10,220 10,020 10,020 10,020 14,320 Explanation of Tax The tax shown is the amount certified in October, unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. The owner either initiates the change, as in the case of appeals, or is notified by the department, in the case of clerical errors and omitted property. The amount shown is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing, or previous years owing. Account Status O Active for the 2004 Tax Year New Account Scheduled to bet Actire for the 2005 Tax Year 6 Locally Assessed C Pending Seg/Merge http://www.'rftd.org/reports/Svlain-report-rfi.dstar.cfm?taxfot-i[:... 8/t6/zoos R -C.ID D etaifed ?rop ertv R eport ?aqe a of a (' Pending Value Change O Delinquency f Delayed Foreclosure C' Bankruptcy C, Code Split lndicator Remarks: Special Assessment Program (if applicable) Code: Description: General !nformation Property Class: 101 RESIDENTIAL, IMPROVED statisticatctass: 107 NON-LIVING UNIT OF RESTDENTTAL VARIETY Neighborhood Code: 41040 Property Use Type: Account Type: RP Category: LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS Mortgage Company Name: Total Acreage for this Account: 0.09 Fire Acres: 2004 Tax GOde Area (Levy GOde): 01900 Lane Counly Assessment and Taxation 2004-2005 Measure 50 Billins Rates CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COMMUNlTY COLLEGE LANE COUNTY LANE COUNTY METROPOLITAN WW SER DISTICT LANE EDUCATION SERVIGE DISTRICT SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 WILLAMALANE PARK & REGREATION DISTRICT Sales lnformation Sales Date: Sales Price: Grantor: Grantee: lnstrument #: Analysis Code: Mult Acct?: 04-12-1989 14,000 LANE, DOROTHY 8901584100 M Manufactured Structures Search Results lNew Property Search lApplications Menu ftttp://www.rfr[.org/reports/gvlain-report-rfidstar.cfm?tax[ot-i"[:... 8/r6/zoos