HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-07-28..RESIDF\TIAL.. " APPLICAT}-I| /PERMIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26-37 53 EI:lan SPTTINGFIELD Iour City Deai.gr.ated Job Nutnber fs: INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER IISPECTION: ?o be nwde after aLL insulaticn eld. tequired oqor beriers @e in pla.ce but before ary Lath, Wpswn boatC or tnLL couering is appli.ed, and. before ay iw.ul,ati,on is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECII1N: ?c be nade @er'dT@Tls in ptace, but ptior to any taping. ILASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouti,ng or oerticals i.n aceord.otce Lltth U.B.C, Seetion 241 5. ilO1DSf1VE: After install.ation ie anpleted. Date: res ntmber, iob aCdtess, type of inspec--i,,cn nwttbet,. Requests z'ecei,^ed befcte 7:00 cn ll It ia the reeponaibiltty of tla pernrLt holdet to aee that aLL inapectiorw a.re nade at the p?ope? tine, that each cdlteas is t'e4labie fran the atreet, atd that the permit card ia Located at the frcnt of the property.*auilding Diuicion appro"*ed plan slnll remain on tle. Building Sitc at aLL times. PROCEPUPE P1n flSPECUIS!$WST::CALL726-3769(recorder) state yout City designated iob eadg fot, inspection, Contractot,s o1 A,rners- rorrrn Zrd plor" , t"iLL be nade the sane dcg, "equests ncde after 7:00 on urLLL be nade the nert uorking day, UNDSRGROUilD PLUMBINC. SSWER. W,4TER, pR!.IIl{Ql: To be nade prLor to fil- @-66nchee. UNDEREINOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: ar floot i,neulation or decking. POS| AND BEAM: To be nade piot toffioi floor insul,atdon9n deckittg. -A ROUGH PLT]!|BIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH-h/l ' - .uttiL theee inspections haue been forms. FO)IINC ,3 F)UNDATI)N: To be tmde;feerffiA; are escaoated and forms ate erected, but prior to poun'it'tg ccnerete. nad.e and approtteC CURB & APPlCltcH A??gn: After fornsote-er.ectAEt p;lo" to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK 8 DRIVEWAY: Pot aLL con- crete paoitq wtthin street right- of-taa, to be nade after aLL erca- uati,ng canplete & fotn wrk & sttb- fu.se materLal in place. IENCE: When conplete -- ProtsiCe gates or mottable eectione thtough P.U.E. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MEC!!.ji!CAL: Io be made before angffi-li-6tered. SITE TNSPECTION: e*"arr&fun,Tt FTPEPLACE: ^atffi; ?o be rrude aftez, pt"tot tc set up of J Prior tp plaeirq and befote froning faeing inspee- tion. FRil,lfNC: l'tuet be reqtrcated after approoal of rough plur,bing, electri- cal & neclwnical. ALL toofing btactttg & ehinmeyd, ete. rmtst be completed. No ocnk ie to be con- cealed until this inepection lae 'been nade anC approued. PTilAL PLUMBING EINAL MECHANICAL FINAL SLECTRICAL ALL project conditions, such aa the installation of s*reet trees, eonpletion-of tie requined l,andseaping, ate., mtet be satisfied before the BULLDING FINAL ean be requested. f) FINAL BUILDING: The final Building Inlpection nu6t be requeated aftez' the Einal Plwnbing \U Electrical, and Meclunical rnspeetions late been made atd approoed. rob Location, 4 tO N , 3b l! S+ Aeaeeeore tlap ff l7OL3 I l3 aL?a tIc,s, Iat # Subdioiaion: D..q ld g* Mqthe,, SAmen: t4t1 t(, 36+AS-[1q7 - sqTgPhone:Address /h4lJ ? lt-h Ici.tg:zip: wbwd'-, SLValue'l-et *81Date of Ilork: .(Uau orsnrac General Plurnb ing EJ,ec t OR Sanitary sa;er captped at pz,opertV Lire Septic tork p;,orped attd fi.Lled vith gra;sel Final - tr4ten abcue itens are canpleted and uhen danolition is conplete or struc- ture mooed od ptariaes eleaneC up. e Ilcnes Blocking otd Set-up Pluttrbirq connections -- aaie! od. ualer Electrioal Connection - Blocking, set-up and plwnbing connections mtst be appnct;ed before requeeting eleclrical inspeclio:t Aeeessory Building Final - After pcrehes, ekirting, decks, etc. ate cornpleted. P$e1ofZ V I *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I.IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!{ETII IO BE MADE AT NO COST 10 CEY D tr r ,-ii) B No. ?otaL :,(JLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-coc I HAW CAREEULLy \XAMINED the eonpleted application for penrit' ald ila heteby cettify tlwt aLL inforrnation heveoi ie ttae atd eorreot, atd. f futth-er ceftily that any ard aLL uork petfomted elnll be done in aceor- danee vLth the- 7tdinances of the citg of springfield' ard tha l,a,te of tha* State of 1regon pe"taining to the wtk Ceacribed herein, and tlut N0 0CCU- Pl.Ncy tlill bb naie of any atructure vtthout ?ernission of the Building N- oision. f further e'ert;.fy that otly cont"acto?o ad etployeel uho are in eolpliance uith 1RS 701..055 uiLL be used on thia proiect oo. House Can aqeDT Not,th l Fiz,epLaceEastl- kto;dstotASouthltWest Lot Faces - BedroomsZane: Iat Sq. ?tg. lotal Eeight Topography LOT TWE _ fnteriot, Cotner Panhardle Cul-de-sac Z of Lot Coteraga_ # of Stories -- Fees Building Volue & Permit This perrnt is granted on the eb??ess condition tlwt the aciid-consttaction shall', in atl rZspecti,- ooitTor-'to the ordirnnce adop-ted by the City o.f Spi;"g|1"U, inclluding- the 2oning Cvdinanc_e, tegulating the ccnsttacticn ira ""nL of -buildinge,- and may be suspended or reookeC at cny time upon oic- tation of any prcuisione of said }t:dinances. 7Zo 5L x VaFTC A I * 33 S.D.C. 7.5 x l4"to /o Ic51 Fo"nda{0n ,50 7/,7s ITEM tbin TOTAL VALUE o() 2oo Building Permtt lotal Clnrgea Stete Paid {. No pet,aon alnll constvntet, inatall, altet ot elnnge-any net-c? etisting pttint;,ng or drainage sAstqt in ulole ot'. in patt, unleas euch person ie the iegal p"osees"or of a r:Zlid plr^ber'a Lic,ense, eseept that a P?rso\ na! 42ptlnttig uotk to propepty itrtch is ouned' Leased ot operated by the appli- cant. Plumbing rmitCHARCE Fistu.z.es Resid.ential (1 bath) Saxti Sa'ter Plwbing Penrtt State Eleclricol Permit Vhere State La requires tha,t the electrLcal uot'k be done by an Eleatrical Contraetor, the electrical portion of thts permit elull not be ualiC until the Label lne been aigned by the Electrical Cont"acto". zZ.uO *2'3,3 Neu/Extend, Cincuits Seriee I ,13State ?otal 2. Eo ITEM NC.ILL CIIARCE httnece B?U'S Echanst ilooC Vent Fdt Ilcodstore PermLt fssuance Meelnnieel Pefiilt Mechcrnicol Permit { -- EIICROACHMEN? -- Seatritll Deposit Storage fub.intenance Perwit Cvtbcut Sida,talk Penee 71rt1D. ,Electpical Iibel o -Lo Mobile llorne TATAL AI,IOUIIT DIJE: *qE7 6 Signed Date NO.FEErTEM LJeXar oL {gO T'ct Lot ll Phone tlcce i ttl..RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATl,- /PERIIIl' 225 Nor.th \th Street Spri,ngfteld, Oregon 97477 Building Diutsion 7 26-37 s3 SPFIINGFTELD (-- Date: res P lurnb ing General ntr l4echanical Elec crical Supqlv-lgrlL E Lec L r i c i :t n BUILDIiICSOR lTinal - h*ren aboue itetns are ecrnpleted and uhen Cemolition is canplete op stra-'- ture moued cttd. pt,emises cleaneC up. e llcrnes Blocking and. Set-up Plunbing connections -- salie! ard. uater Electrical Conneetion - Blocking' $et-u? and pltunbing connections rrust be apprc"*ed beforc requesting e lectrtcal inspection Accescory Buildi.ng Pinal - After pcrches, skitting, decks, etc. a?e completed. Pe,J? 1 oJ' :) SI?E INSPECTION: To be natle aftet' etcau;;l;n,-but pt ior tc set up of fonns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC, ELTCTRICAL & WCHA,TIICAL: ?o be made before any ffiF1i-io,tet'ed. INSUt ATION/VA1'(.)R RAB|\rER Ill:;!',llcT|0N : To be naCe aj'ter aLL insulaticn atd required uapor bawie?s ale tn place but before any Lath, glJpslun boarC oz' tnLL couerin;1 is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. DRYWAT,I, IIISPTCTTON: Tc be NAdC iFA-;Tt A,,y;;tfts in ptac e, but prior to cny tap'ing. MASINRY: Steel location, bond Giffilgtouting or uerticals in accordance wLth lJ,B.C, Section 2415. HO0DSTO,/E: After installation'ts ampleted. CURB & AI'PROACII APPON:After fonns at'e ez,ectizC btt to pouring It ie the reeponsibitity o! tle permit. holder to see tfutt aLL .tncpections are nade at the propeP time, that each address is neaCabi.e fron the street, and that the pernrtt card is Loeabed at the front of the property.*Buildiyq D.iui:iot appro"*ed plan slu:Ll remain on tha BuiltlLngt Sit: at aLL times. PROCTDUPE FOR INSPEC?ION RIQUESTTCaLL 726-3769 (t,ecot,der) state yout, City Jesigra_ted job nwnber', iob aCdness, type- of -inspeclicneadyfot,inspection'cot7tl,0ctarscl,a,sn",."-ncneandphonenumbel.Requeststecei"^edbefcre7:00m uiLL be nade the sane clay, ?equests ncde aftez, T:00 an viLL be made the nexb:.nrking daiy Yout, City Desigrated Job Nwnbet' fs: To be rm<le aie Ztcaoated arul forns at'e erected, but prior to pouring ccnerete. UND,RCROUTID PLUM9ING, SITITR, II.4TER. DRAIIIAGE: To be naCe prior to fil- T@-tiinchee. UIIDERFLOOR PLUIIBING & IIECIIANICAL : of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: 1'o be r,ade Prior to TiildTTdllcn of floon insulaLion or decking. ROI.)GTI PT,U!,!BIilC. NLEC?RTCAL ,9 MECH: nntCnf,: No uor.k is to bc aouered GTlTthe"" irapections haoe been nade and approued.. FfREPLACE: Pr"tor to plcctrg facingmaterials and before frcuning inspec- tior. FRALIING: l"Iust be ?equested after apptooal of rough plwnbing, electri- cal & neclnnical. ALL roofittg btacing & ehinmeys, ete. tmtst be' ,i eonpleted, lto ubrk is to be con- ,.. . cealed until thts inspection las .'been nade anC approt;ed. FTNAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECIIANICAT, FINAL ELECI.'RICAL concyete. SIDEWALK ,9 DRII.EMI: Fot aLL con- c"ete paufng iftniii st?eet night- of-tey, to be made after aLL erea- oating conplete & fotn uork & sub- base material in Place. t pr-[ot, IENCE: h4ten conPlete -- Prouide gates or inouablb sections thtough P. U. E. ALL pnoject conditions, suah as the 'installation of street trees, conplctton_of the nequired. Landsecpirg, etc., m.rst be satisfied before the BUILDING PINAL can be requested. FINAL BUIT,DINC: Tht: !'itru!. Btdlding fnspcation must be requested aftet' the Final Plwnbing Electrical, anC tlechan'ical Inspections hqua been made ard approtsed' Job Locaticn: Asseeaore Map fl Sltbdioision: Asner Addtess citu: t--l Horl<: Neu ,qdditicn RemoCeL TI ,r#Le llone Date of App Lieaticn en1 @ )e Sanitary seaer capped tt property Lire Septic tank yarped and filled uith gra:tel rl dSOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO.L-CO Eeclrooms tnerau Sources T--qpeLot Faces - IleatSetbacks Water :leatet'ilouse Cnraqe AceessP.L RangeNot,th LaceEcts t Soul:h llest Iot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooerage # of Stortes Total Height topography LOT TYPE _ Intericr Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac Building Volue & Permit Thispermiti:;granteclontheetpre(iscorul.itiortLLntthesatdconstruction sfuzll, in a|'t t',zsl'ects'" it"'iZ'* io- th-e. zrd'inatice eclopte'7 biy the city of iprl.ibfi"ta,' t;etirrl":rtg'tnl zoirl-"11 crdinanc.e, teguLet't,ttg ,th" "1:1t-1:\:":.,^ "ia "'L"n of but-Ldirt11s, and mey be. susT:ended or reuokeC at cny tl-me upon olc- Ta.tion of ory prcuisions of said 1rdinances' -- Fees -- SQ, TITG Aceess TOTAL VALUE Building Permit State ?otal Chargea Va cxITEM t Signed S.D.C. 1.5 a Check Dal;e Paid: tll Plumbing Permit No person shnll construct, install,, alter or cVnnge GnY nett -cr etisting ilrirlhg o, i*oino11n sysLen in uhoie or in part, unless such person is the ingoL p"onnnrno, oi'o,tltli pt*rtnr's Lic.ens'e, etcept that a person nna 42 ptintl:ng t,tork l;o i.*opnity il"t.h i" otmed, Leased o, opet:ated by the appli- cant. CHARCEN0.ITEM Firtures ResidentiaL (1 bath) Sant Seuer Plwnbing Pernit State Sw'ch'arge Electricol Permit i Where State Lrnt requires tlub the electrical uotk be done by -an Electrical Cirtro"tor, the el)ctrlc"t pirll.o" of this,permit slnLl not be oaliC until the Label itas been signed by the Electrical Contractot" Permit DDF CIIARCENC,ITXM Mechqnicol Permit Neu/Ezterd Circuits Setntice Stcte TotaL Vcodstooe Vent Fot Lbhcust HooC ETUIS Penfttt Issuance Mechani-caL Pernri.t -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seatrity Deposit Stordge Maintenance Permit Cw,bcu* Sida,talk le.nce Electrical label Mobile llome uaLe f HAVE CAREFULL| EXAMINED the eompLeted application fo-r'permit' and do i"iiaa Lirtl..ly itot ott-l"lonnatiion heyeon'is true and eorrect, and I lrrti'n, certiiy tlnt any a'rd aLL ao.rk perforned slwll be done in accor- "dnn e,,tit'lr th'e"Ordinancl"- of itn City of 'SpringfieLd,'nd Lh-a La:,;s of the stil" ,f or"gon pertaining to the uolrk Cescribid herein' anL tlut No occu- ptncy ,Zn bL ,w'de o1 "ia"tr"iiure uithout permissi'-on of the Building DL- utsion. I furLher certif,i that only contractors and anplcyees Dho are Ln eonplnanceiitt, c'ns 701.-0'5s uiLL be'used on this proiect I'Lant Eront.ner Total b- lt -sctDate TOTAL AMOI]N? DI]E:, Signed Wetet Tofa1, Chanoes State Stnchntoe tu+3 A<'r*a( fr, a, -' , n t .1";tatb jts LH thlg G F ro rr(: a d. hJl* tn m I l.l.. n [:; o ft, fr.& o? 7 0 r"r i*(J ffi ,.. : .:: .i. j. I f:r:a.:'!:. t '.':. J I E*ii,.::., iB,:,.Jlt' -*f .-. -- fr,i ..,;.{ --€*ra-E--UJ (f)h. {E( 1. -,: I f,)hJ rH:#a t#(:iu t{t F* LSi:I J 0fi q si.lP vl Pr-xx: -l t__- U6 lo,tt D N\rn \D M T ) MRos-<-r\ 30 -o tb -ott fi \ss sr- @Equg-r- r_on p+*-t=\ 4-->rN 0 Ex,:r\'.0"q t{o*ss\ i.l-l t @gtrc€ Goar *1t 4rg 9uY 3t- - Fo\."*s C.A\C-F,C"E- ,u=- 54" :n- _=> lq:-- 5 =ffi t_v g f\ Jb'z - ,-l RUN DATEI OE/il9/87 SUN SUPPLY, INC. PRICE I TEM*NO DESCRIPTION CATEEORY PRGE OAAE LIST PRICE p 13108 p1 3e0 p1 3e5 p13J p133fi n{ ? tq nr a?e p1 140 pl3EtU r.,138fl n.r ;o.:,r I L|UL n { ?o ? p1 385 nr ?og pl.lB7 nr ?f,)0 p13?0 F'1J? I F,13? I 0 F'i:]? 1 I tr I .i91I n t l(f J l p1 f,51 4 p 1J't 15 F'14014 Fr 14|a40 p 1401 0 P14rzil0 p I 4030 p1 4040 p 1 405ra Pl4|ZI5E p I 4fi53 p 14rz160 p 141470 p14tzr80 p 1 4090 p 1 4095 F I 4038 p 1410 p 1415 p14EO p 1 4E0A p14E05 p 14e 1A p14e15 p 1 4e30 p1 4e35 pt4e40 p 1 4E50 STA TUFF FLAT WH/CLR .150 .185 ELEAR/CL TUFFAH MBS . 177 CLEAR/CL TUFFAK TY4ES .177 5I6N I.'HITE TUFFRH .150 P-61 CLEAR TUFFRH-S . T77 P_61 CL TUFFRK-s FIRST FAEE 3'-66' UNSEAF1 FLEX FACE 3I _71 UNSERI4ED FLEX FACE 7' 6II-1fl' 6" SEAM FLEX FACE ELIPS *E.183 FURE PRMX 160Z FULL *6143 BURG PMX 1EOZ EROHN 14OZ PRiSMAX 37" BROKEN R I4OZ PRISMAX 37" FULL ROL 14OZ PRISMAX 60" BROHEN R 14OZ PRISIY4flX 60" FULL ROL 16O2 PRISMAX EROKEN ROLL 15OZ PRISMAX FULL ROLL EGGCRRTE 1 TT-48-HO FIXTURES 1 1E-78-HO FIXTURES 1 1E-96-HO FIXTURES 111-96-HO FIXTURES 1 1T-T6-VHO FIXTURES RCRYCAP (F-MOLD) TRIM CAP 3/1A" TRIM CAP 3/4" TRIM CAP 1 " rRIM CAP T" PLASEO TRIIY4 3/4'' PLRSCO TRIM 1" 1./8" SNAP TRiM 3/4,' SNAP TRIIYI 3" LETTER EDGE FULL ROLL 5" LETTER EDEE FULL ROLL 8" LETTER EDGE FULL ROLL 3" LETTER EDGE BROKEN 5" LETTER EDEE EROHEN 8" LETTER ED6E BROHEN 3" CHANNEL CLRSSIE 5" CHANNEL CLASSIC 7" CHAI.JNEL CLRSSiC 3'' CHANNELUME FULL ROLL 3" CHANNELUME EROKEN RT]LL 5'' EHANNELUIIE FULL ROLL 5" CHRNNELUME BROHEN ROLL 8" CHANNELUITIE FULL RCILL 8" EHANNELUIYIE BROHEN ROLL 3" BRIGHT EOLD/CHROME 5" BRIGHT EOLD/EHROIIIE s0 50 SO su SO 50 SO SO s0 ER LYD LYD LYD LYD LYD LYD LYD LYD SHT EA EA ER EA EA FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT E7It FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT .f .ft L. LI E.4B 3.54 4.33 .:r 7: ??7 1. 50 t. 40 1. 4A qr?t I .:. EE 4,71 6.10 1e.67 I r q: e,,04 4ti.00 4r.53 4t:. 63 4;::,63 E E O.:, .40 , TF. . i.t .:'c :, ': , J-4 t 1E 1. J4 1. 45 i. 94 1, 15 1. 50 I ?.:, 1.41 1. 4e 1. 56 1. 86 E.05 t.76 e.03 4/r *7try e7,f- /6* o { Page 1 o ffi file : //A : \IrdVC - 064 S. JP G 8lt9t200s ], I t "i:,t I It* *I ;. E r-5q&, .r t:4Y be'l {r t*":- *u"tr i1>h. ry I a II Page 1 of 7 frle : / / A'\MV C-065 S'IP G 8/19/2005 , *,ffi r*+, * ,&" @ ffi ,'t* F @ h- I 1 4 tu n :hq' ,,*s%* tt W & W:7?.4 1-# gfa "t**'*"il r** {-t I' $. t -hrt *. aII , Page 1 ofl fi 1 e : // A:\IvIV C-066S' JP G - *.# 8/19/200s Page 1 cf 1 fi le : i/A : \IVIVC-067 S. JP G 8lt9/200s I I I frt. l- I I.i. . jtY.B t L Xj tf I Page 1 of1 fi IE : //A:\IVIVC-068 S. JPG 81t912005 , L a a ot i ! -"'q; rl \ t 1 1 1 t t 1I La 1 Page 1 ,cf 1 fi le ://A:\IVIVC-069 S. JPG 8119t2005 a I L*d t i*,' 1 ; t I