HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-04-05.. RESID -NTIAL.. 22s North sth streeAPPLrcAr r,N /PERMrr Sprtngfield, ?regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 726-37 53 # SPFTINGFIEL.D /u, P, f% /S-oo ,(c /s, bd fl*Job tocaticn: Aeaessors Map #Tcz tat # Subdioision: naanu",{ ZLq ,NorfZ Zdth ;a:>a6-|s-t> gxrht*q'f,''r/ACial Desq,ibetElllel) Nork:Jfr,^z Date of opprroot'r.on {- f - f L n"r,"5O0q L h/'ot-Ctdditicn GoetaL PLmbing ELeetrLcaL t4echaticcl 0R :.i?wi 'EI,IO Saniloy saser tapped ct ?roper4i Lire Septrc totk p-",,qe<i and iiLLed tri.th gra"'el Final - tt4ten abctse itens are eawleted and uhen Cqtclition ds compi.sss a! st?uc- htye noued od. prarrtees cleetzed up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-ug Plutnbing eonnectiorzs -- sdt€? aC aater Electrical Cc,tnection - Blocking, set-u, and pltnbing cannectiona mist be apprct;ed before ?eduest1.ng e!ec'.t ical inspec'-iol Aecesso?i BuilCing pcrekes, skitting, decks, 1 ^-^) Pinal - After etc. @e comp irlc - v) o Consfzu!!ofl_lende?_ Icnr Citg Deeigra.ted ,Iob Nwnber fs:Slo >1x q frl fll<Ddan f n^|. 4caoatla;;Tl ?o be rmde after prtor tc set up of forns WDERSLAB PLUI4BING, ELEC?RIC4LL 2, WCH!-IIICAL: ?o be nade before any - w?K LA COUered,. ?C)TING 1 F)UfiDA?ICN: ?o be rm.Ce a$A-t'rencl;s cle "scasated ard farms ore erected, but pr-ior to pourtng ccncrete. UNDERGROUIID PLUMEilIG, SSWP..'T,|T!R. DRAj!4eE:: To be naie prior to fii-Tt renchee. UTIDEPXLOOR ?LUI1B i,'I G & I,IEC1ANTC AL : @of floor insuT,ati.on or decking. P1ST AND BEAM: ?o be r,ade orior to -^4 installaticn of f'oor insulation or deckittg. ROLIGH PLABI\IG, EL4C?RICAL & I4ECq- ANICAL: No ',sork is to be co"*eved ffilTthese i.nsoecxions haoe been nade md. approued. ETP.EPLACE: hnLor to placirq facing mdtet"[als ard. before frarring inspee- tion. !RAI,'!ING: l,tust be reqttested after approual of rough plurbing, electri- a,L & necltanieal. ALL roofin4 braeiry & ehimege, etc- rntst be . anqleted. llo ucrk is to be con- - cealed until this inspection has 'been nade anC appro"*ed. TNSLZ,ATTCN/VAPOR EARRIER ITISP|CTION : ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn ei required oqor borie?s @e in place but befate oty 1,ath, Wpsurn bcarC or tnLL couering is applied, arui befoz,eay insulation is concealed, DRYilALL IIlSPltrf)N: Tc be nade -., after aLL Ct"yuaLL is in place, but prtor tu azy taying. WS1NRI: Steel Location, bond. beane, gruting or uerticals in accordotce ,,tlth U,B.C, Section 24L5. Ir lT71 lcaDsro,tt: LH cc,,teGiA. Aftez, installation is CURB ,! APPRCACH APPON: After formsoe eteeteC but prtor to pottt in4 ,bnc?ete. SDSWILK & DRITEIAI: Eor aLL con- A;ffiTfiffi stl,eet right- of-uny, co be naCe after aLL erca- oating canplete & fotn wrk & eub- base naterial in plaee. ALL pnoj rcquired ect con&ttions, such as the .)nstaLlaxion of stteet trees, eo':plecion of tie' LanCscqir.g, atc, , rrust be satisfied before the tsUILDItlC FIIIAL ean be nequesteti,7 ruaar, PLUMBnIG I ruanr, MEcHAtTcAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL ?INAL BUILDING: The tinal Buildinq Inspection nnst be requested clter the Firal Plunbing \J Electrical, otC Meclnnical inspections hqtse been made and aoproueC. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANCTITS l.lUS? BE ACCES1IBLE, .4DJUST!!iil! f0 BE t.ttDE.r.7 !10:3ST f0 Cny Date anter: ./*r,*n} rtJr-r;*-rl-/ It is the responsibility of tle pentLt holl* to see tha; aL! inspectioia @e nad.e at lhe proper time, that ecch add,rees is rerlail-e fron the at?eet, and, titat the penrtt catd is l,eated. at the frcat of the Wope?tA.*EuiUing D")uisiott apro"'ed plan shclZ retnain on tia tsuild.ing Sate at aLL- tines, PP1C1DUPE FOR INSPEII2N RIQWST:C,ALL726-3769 (recordet) state Aou! City desigr,zted job nzaher, job oliress, type of inspee;icn adyforinspection,Contrdcto"soia*",".,,o,,e.aldpl,o7er,.mb*,b'eques;srebeii.edbefcne.7:00cn '*iLL be nade the eatte dca, "eqllests ncd.e aft* 7:00 an uttll be rmd.e the nest:,nrking daE. T V ltwcs: 'ihett eonolate -- ?rouiie L) S"r* on aooable' secJions tht'cugh llP.a.E. Ll 2 >o7 ^*L,JOB NO ( soLARActcEss REe.-L-CO Bedroons Lot Faces -Enerqu Sourees T'qoe Setbacks ileat DT House Ca?aqe Accesa t/latel leete?I'lo"th East Fireplaee South I,/aod.stov*e I of Lot Cooetage_ LC? ?WE _ Inte*iot _ Corfler _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sae # of Stortee lotal letght Iopogrqhy Lot Sq. Ftg. {,lest r!EM FTG x VaLue Building Volue & Permit This pennt,t is gtanted on the eq?ese eord.ition tl.at the said_consttwction s?wLL, in all respects, confcrm to the 0rdirwnce adopted. b:A the CiJy of Spr.,Jn4field, r)nclud.Lng the Zoning Crdincnce, z.egulctittg the ccnstructlcnoti use of cuildtngs, and may be susoen-deC or reuckeC at arA tlne upon ltic- Lation of ang prcuiaione of saii ardinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Euilding Panrit r Lan ?otal Clwrges E LL Eiatutes Plumbing Permit No_ pereon slnll coret'mtct, lnstal'!., alter or choqe any v.ea cr esisting gfunbiflg or drainage s7etsn in uhole or in pott, unless such person is- the Legal possessor of a ualid plunber's License, eccept *-l,.ct a pbrson nay dopltnbing uork to properq ahich is otnted, Leased or operated by the qpli- @nt. Saner Platnbing Penit Electricql Permit tllere state La,t requiree tlat the electrLcal aork be done bg an ElectricalContractot,, the electrtcal portion of thia pernit stlall not be ualil, unti.-the label las been signed. bg the Electrieal Cont"acto". Pendt ]to N eli,/Ert end. Cit'cuit s Semtice State ?otal r!9tt CILARCE htnace STUtS klratat HooC Vett Fot ilcodsto:se /Coa /c.o) /s.oo t bo 6 Seanrltu Decosit Stgrage l'fuintznance PetlrLt Cutbcut Sidettalk Electz,ieal Label Mobile Eane TO?AL AI.IOUII? DUE: *6I Reeeipt #: Sianed Mechqnicol Permit Penrt t f ssuotca Meciunical Pelnit I AW CAREIULLY SXAI,EilED the conpleted aopltcation for pennit, otd. doherebg cettifg that aLL r,nfonnation hereon- ia true and. cbn,ect, and i f'"t"tke? eertify t'-hdt @ry ard. aLL uork pet,fonted slall be cote in accor- dance ,urLth the Ardinqces of the City of Springfield, attd. the Las of theState of )r,egon pertainina to the .,tork Cestlbed herein, dnd :lat NO OCCA- PAIICI tltll be rru,Ce of qnA stzwctit?e ,,rithout penntsaion cf the BuitCing D,-oision. I furthez, ce?tif-! that only contractors otd. erpicyees uho at-e in conpLiance uith CRS 701.055 aiLL be used on this project TotaL Signed Residential (1 bath) !ence /-r^x > lJde-