HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-08-03I SPFIII\{GFIEI-D Date: * - Z-*4 L.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s |torvh stit streeA??LrcA,ran /PERI'I? Spr.ryfielC, 1regon 9?1?? Buil,ding huision 7 26- 37 53 oL/t f' ., t'' q'' Genetz.L ConttacCat Letdee ..*_ b L s&"-l Ta= bt # 3 3 r N" Aasesool^3 :r.ao I Job bca:icn: Subdir)sicn: O-rrer.. rl+lo Ptane: )q a- 5b t sAC&ess: q7/77 Deactlbe hlotk: Data of 1.o--oValue ,il L trr r*=l^t*-.-- P*"^,."^-ta ACCiticn !, b .he front S7r"tJuiAiq r res?onaibili;y of tte pentiJ ipldet co aeetc_tee.t,. cnC liut the p*rrt; ca.d ra bated,.t-!Lalo.- cz=:cted ploz sicil reaa-ln on tlu at the fznnt of tlte orooerfiitsuiZd*g sitc -at aLZ' tiiaes.' llwt al! inspections ee nad,e at ihe ?ropea linc, t,tat acch zddtese is ?en;.n'-: iclru?t, ,an, il:sPrf;w:cALL 7recuestci s<i uien you l-rtlliilea<iv .tbr'-iZL be n,,.ie chc ".7. i-1, ,Zc-L"i'r;JL 26-3769 (tecorCet) "t1!. Coy City Cesigra-tcd iob 7i.o,ibev, job ai;-ess, type of inspee)icnirspccdzon, contvactcrs ci a.7.e:5-n4.,te :ztd. pione tat-.tbct.' i*qru:,i. recq[u-ed, befcre ?:00 a:cfte ?:00 c,tt vtl|, be nule the nat ;"i*=d: "eY4Ede fou, citt'Desi7r^ted Jab ttunber rs: S V OSS / Sr-?5 .r7o?'C:iJ.x ecdvcxion, cut ?obe,pricr tc naie afler sea u? of ,.wrk ie eove:ed. .\.vi!:;c 1 ?cu:!DATfa:t: ?o be ::c.4eaJaer aaenches cts Lccztatad crd. !?r. u, ereczed, buc pric" aEburirq cancTeti.JI]Lirg ;renci"es. ai'!pl:;._:?l ?LlPnc I :1rcxAil :j -1" To. _pri.ct to iniiilGffi, of,bor lr,suiccicd ot decking. ?S? ltJD 3*:.t: ?o be ,4ie prltn uLna.dLdi'.cn o; 11oor irsul)iiott crCIICK--rq. 1'orms. aao cotereclt z=ahesa ir.scee:iotcs it;uo. leer.neie t-1 q-'rcte!. 7o be aL Lnsutequireduaor be-nJerE oe in Pla,ceLttt t.4tEa Soti.-.n1 sa:* cqTed =t Fopeafj Liie Septic tatk V,tceC a.d. iilled uith gri;2. ilctes tslockiry otd Set-:tp Pltnbing corunec=ic-ns - Saie? od, t;4;tat Etec*tccZ Cauecx-lott - Blockin4, ser_ujanl,- plunbing ectr:ect-ions *.st a'e'oJr]raDej' o"e teque 8!)v€ elec;tical ir-scec=io_ Aceessorl Buitiing l4;h, rnLL beJbre otg . 9ouering ggpsltn bcoC otlied, od befcre T DP.YJALL=!:tqgeIClt: Tc be runiea;tet aLL ct1,;all is in place,bnt prior to ctty @.nq. Pincl - i{hen cscue itans ate cesroletedc.ri uhen Cer.pli:ion ie eotplete ;;-;;r-tute nouol, oi pra:riaee ctbotzd. "?.- - iS QDotg ir,s-ala,tion concealed. Location, bond.ot uerticcls in 2415 ttirh U.B.C. Section After itzstallation is F;-?!?tly'5.. H,or .a pladr4 !c:-ra W:r, crd, before ];r.-iry f;;;;_ cL?s t AP?Rg41E_EE!: Aftet fornscpe erected, but pxior ..o patr!figconc?ete. SIDY,IALK 4 gRETnA!: For aLL cctt- ?.ete p@inq ,,r.thin stveet right_oI-Yl, to be nale a;1et aZ! -esca- uatlng cota.Lete I ion utotk & sub_M.se ncterta.L in pla,ee.-;crekes, slc-rling, deci,_s,?inal - /tftc? etc. @e c;?a, W: i.!us: be rec.tecteC af:erc??r..,JC! of tough phtrcir4, eiectrl-f! !. *:.f*zi. 'tL! iZi:,i",.'Dtz€:n? !, chba3ye, etc. itsc'bc@nDLe.:ccl. !!o .;cr< a, aO be ccat_-.1u,!ed w$!L -!h* ;*""";-i iiioeei noila anC cppmved. 7 !\lIC!: r,then conpZete -- *oviCegate6 o? novable Eectrbns tkottgh P. U. E. 11 ,r,,^, ptii:.Er;:o -] :r*r :!t::u:trcAL -.--ALL pnc.)e* cct:ii:.icns,,-uc.l as che instalZc.x-ion pf sa"eec :rees, cc_lction of ilerequireci icttiscair4, ctc., ,n,*t t" ia"rJili."a bri;"-;l;';rrLri;t !!i!AL:an be reqested,. ;''*::::;:'* ,*"*i:.:zi ',*#;?,,*"iii;*u2"T,zo2" ,frxz;ifr,:itar ihe F.lnat ?lunbins 'Aii :.!A:ilc!:s A;tD CLgAtcrrs :!us! 3e .4CCJSS!?||, .|DiL,ST:S::: ?O Sg :!1DS :..: ::O ::ST n CIjt ?=5a 7 oJ' 2 Sioned:/- SteeL r rr r iJcb Nwlbe?: Et A 4 F.efereree ii,"mbers Zcne )eeucaneu Gr,Cor,st Beitoons i I?EI.| !.lain Euildir,g Pe"nrit State Total Clnrges llcter Total ts Vent Fa Permit Issuqnce Mec?nni.cel PenTit State LOr rwt* _ Interict _ Coraer _. Panhand.Le Cul-de-sac Va Lot Faces - '- Fees -. Building Volue & Permit This perwJt ts granted on the eepress eondition that the sail eonstrwetion shall, in aLL respects, eonform to the Otdinance edopted" by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinattce, r'egulcting the ccnsttaeticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or reookeC at anA tine upon oic- Tatton of @uJ prcuisions of said ordinances. Electricol Permit Itheye state Las requiz,es th,at the elect?Lcal uork be ilone by an ElectrLeal Contno"tor, the eilctieal portion of this -pernit slull rot be oalil until tie LabeL'tas been signed by the Electrieal Conttactot" Mecho nicol Permit # ua'ePlail Exotnner fHAwIAREFULLrEOAI'IINEDt?ecompletedapplicationforpennit'anddo herebu certify that aLL info'znation hereot ie true and' cct'rect' attd' I ';;th""r";'";;ll7a ti"t'ia i'a ot't uork perfornted stull be done in acoor'' 'dance vLth tnn oratTriion"-it lt ili Lf bp*.y7field' .and th'e -bs of the * state of ,regcn p"":,;;;;;;;s-+o- the uoik cesLribLd her:ein, cnd that No ,ccu- pANCy tti.Ll be nnde ;i-;;:;' "i;;i7i- itiii plrmissiotr of the Buitdins aL- tsi,sion. I furthet' certiiil th'et, -only t*iit'too" aztd' enplcgeea uho are in Llipl,tl"i'rttt, oaiiot.'l"ss dLL be-used on this pnoiect ( Df House Can aqe Aceesa lleat NoPth East Fireplaee South 'yiest X TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x Cheek Fee Date Paid: Sigred: NO.FEE CHARGE Fixttit,es Residential (1 bath) SeuerSani Plumbing Permit No per.son sTnLL construct, instal!, alter oy elnnge-any na)-c? ecisting pttirXing or dtainage sAstan in uhole or,- in pant, unless eueh pet'son is the iegal pbsses"o, o7" o ,:iolid pl*,bnr's Lie,ens-e, eceept tlnt a !)??son nay Qopti*t;.ig uork to p?operb! ilv;eh is otmed, Leased o, operated by the appli- eant. Pllnbing PenrLt State Sut'el'an'ge NO. Res. Nau/Ertend. Circuits Semtice ;'1C.;:EM Eclw.tst HooC t5-Oollcodstotse oa bo ,bD/ -- ENCROACH],IEN? -- Sec,u"i Pcrmit Cutbcut Sida.oalk Mobi-Le Hcne IOTAL AMOUIIT DIJE:,(.(r0 TotaL Date :Iot Sq. Ftg. % ci Lot Covetage_ i # oJ Etolnes Total Eeight . iapogruphy