HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2006-03-10Oregon
Theodore R. Kulongoski, Governor
Department of Human Services
State Public Health
800 NE Oregon Street
Portland, OR 97 232-2162
(97r) 673-042e
Fax (971) 673-0457
TTY-Nonvoice (97 I ) 67 3 -037 2
March 10,2006
Peggy L. Herring
255 36th Sffeet
Springfield, OR 97477
255 36th Street, Springfield, Lane County
Dear Peggy L. Herring:
The final documents were received from A Best Construction for the decontamination
project at the above-referenced property. Based on the information submitted, the
decontamination requirements of the Deparlment of Human Services have been met,
and this properfy is now considered fit for use. A Certificate of Fifiress is enclosed.
For your information, a courtesy copy of this letter will be sent to the Building Codes
Division. Please be aware that it is your responsibility to contact that agency (PO Box
14470, Salem, OR 97309, or phone (503) 378-4179 to ensure that the properfy is
removed from the official Unfit for Use list (ORS 453.885). You may also visit the
Division's web site at www.oregonbcd.org and click on "Public Notices."
You may contact me at (971) 673-0442 if you have any questions regarding this
Brett Sherry
Environmental Health Specialist
Office of Public Health Systems
cc: Deparlment of Human Services
Building Codes Division
Lane County Contacts
A Best Construction
DM Taylor
This can be obtained in an alternate format by calling: (971) 673-0429
Assisting People to Become Independent, Healthy and Safe
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Department of Human Services
Theodore R. Kulongoski, Governor
Health Services
800 NE Oregon Street
Portland, OR 97 232-21 62
(e7r) 673-042e
Fax (971) 673-0457
TTY-Nonvoice (97 1 ) 67 3 -037 2December 23,2005
Peggy L. Herring
255 36th Street
Springfield, OR 97477
RE: NEW LAWS Regarding Your Illegal Drug Manufacturing Site, Case #2003061
255 36th Street, Springfield, Lane County
Dear Peggy L. Herring:
Our records at the Department of Human Services/Clandestine Drug Lab Cleanup Program
indicate that the property above was determined to be an illegal drug manufacturing site by
the Lane Interagency Narcotics Enforcement Team (INET) on311812003. Consequently,
the property was designated as unfit for use until a licensed drug lab cleanup contractor
completes an assessment and any necessary cleanup and a Certificate of Fitness is issued
by our Department.
To date, we have no record that a cleanup occurred or that the property has received the
required Certificate. Therefore, the property is still unfit for use.
We'd like to take this opportunity to inforrn you of some important changes in laws that
govern unfit for use properties, including yours. On August 16, 2005, HB 2485 was
signed by Governor Kulongoski and went into effect. This law requires that drug lab
properties receive a Certificate of Fitness within 180 days of the determination that they
are unfit for use. Unfit properties that are not certified fit for use within 180 days OR are
used as if they are fit for use are public nuisances subject to being enjoined and abated by
state, county, or city governments, and/or private citizens. This means that if you do not
have your property cleaned within the time frame or if anyone (including you) is on the
property using it in any w?y, government agencies or members of the public can take steps
to force properfy cleanup. Resulting actions and responsibilities may include legal fees,
fines, and/or liens being placed on properties.
In order to help you avoid these actions, we want to work closely with you to move
forward and have your properfy decontaminated and certified fit for use as soon as
possible. Should your property remain unfit and face nuisance action you are likely to
incur greater costs and inconvenience.
Until your property is certified fit for use, it is important to remember that you have fwo
options for handling it: l) you may let the properly stand idle. In this case, a property must
This can be obtained in an alternate format by calling: (97l) 673-0429
Assisting People to Become Independent, Healthy and Safe
An Equal Opportunity Employer
be kept secure against unauthorized enfi, occupancy, or use until it receives a Certificate
of Fitness - as stated in ORS 453.885 - 453.990; or 2) you may sell or transfer the
property "as is" as long as there is fulI written disclosure of its drug lab status. The
requirements for this disclosure can be found in OAR 333-040-0100, and a copy must be
submitted to our Department within l0 days of the sale. The unfit-for-use status remains
with the properfy, regardless of sale, until the properfy is assessed, cleaned up as
necessary, and receives a Certificate of Fifiress.
In addition to changes with the timeline for cleanup requirements, please be aware that
new legislation has created additional crimes for using these properties while they are
unfit. It is a Criminal Trespass in the first degree to occupy or use the property in any
way. Allowing a dependent or elderly person to be on the site constitutes Criminal
Mistreatment in the first degree, and allowing a child to be on the site constitutes Child
Neglect in the first degree.
Please also consider that you may be subject to civil penalties for unauthonzed
decontamination if any cleanup work is performed on the property without a licensed drug
lab cleanup contractor's supervision and a work plan approved by our department.
All of the above state requirements are in addition to any ordinances or nuisance codes that
may akeady exist in the city and/or county where your property is located.
We realize that these changes are significant and greatly alter the requirements for your
property. We would like to help you navigate through the cleanup requirements and
answer any of your questions about getting your property certified fit for use. To help you
move forward with this process, we are enclosing a copy of the statutes and rules
governing the assessment/cleanup process and a list of contractors who are licensed to
perform site assessments and supervise any necessary decontamination work.
Please contact me at your earliest possible convenience at (971) 673-0430 so we can begin
working together. You can view our website at: www.oregon.gov/dhs/ph/druglab for
additional information about our program.
Jennifer M. Allen
Cold Case Specialist
Drug Lab Cleanup Program
Office of Public Health Systems
cc: Jim Kanoff, Department of Human Services
255 36th Street, Springfield, OR 97477
Lane Interagency Narcotics Enforcement Team (fNET)
Lane District Attorney
Springfield Attorney
Lane County Contacts
Department of Human Services
Theodore R. Kulongoski, Govemor
Health Services
800 NE Oregon Street
Portland, OR 97232-2162
(503) 7314030 - Emergency
(503) 73r-4012
(503) 73t-4077 - FAX
(503) 731-4031 - TTY-Nonvoice
April 26,2005
Peggy L. Herring
255 36th Street
Springfield, OR 97477
RE: Illegal Drug Manufacturing Site, Case #03-061
255 - 36th Street, Springfield, Lane County
Dear Ms. Herring:
Our records at the Department of Human Services/Clandestine Drug Lab Cleanup
Program indicate that the properfy above was determined to be an illegal drug
manufacturing site by the Lane Interagency Narcotics Enforcement Team (INET) on
March 18, 2003. Consequently, the property was designated as unfit for use until an
assessment, any necessary cleanpp takes place, and a Certificate of Fitness is issued by
our Department.
To date, we have no record that a cleanup occurred or that the properfy has the required
Certificate. Therefore, the property is still unfit for use.
Our department is currently working to help owners clean up older unfit for use
properties in the state. We are your resource to alleviate a public health risk and limit
the liability an owner may face from incidents that could happen on unfit for use
properties they own. To help you move forward with this process, we are enclosing a
copy of the statutes and rules governing the assessment/cleanup process and a list of
contractors who are licensed to perform site assessments and supervise any necessary
decontarnination work.
There are two options for owners who do not pursue cleanup: 1) they may let their
property stand idle. In this case, a properly must be kept secure against unauthorized
entry, occupancy, or use until it receives a Certificate of Fitness - as stated in ORS
453.885 - 453.990; or 2) they may sell or transfer the property "as is" if the owner
provides the buyer with written disclosure of its drug manufacturing site status -
according to OAR 333-040-0100. The unfit-for-use status remains with the property,
regardless of sale, until the property is assessed, cleaned up as necessary, and receives a
If you no longer own this property, please use the form on the following page to provide
as much information as you have about the party the property was sold to. We can then
contact then new owner and help get the property cleaned up. We would like to warn
',Assrsfing People to Become lndependent, Healthy and Safe,'
An Equal Opportunity Employer gssozezlovoey r,1j
you that there may still be chemical contamination and other drug-lab related hazards on
ihe property. In addition, please be aware that it is a 1$ Degree Crimi-nal Trespass to
occupy or use the property. You may face civil penalties for unauthorized
decontamination if any cleanup work is performed on the property without a licensed
drug lab cleanup contractor's supervision. Howeyer, working with orn office can help
you avoid these risks.
We are eager to assist you in cleaning up your property and certiffing that you're able
to use it again. Please contact us at your earliest possible convenience at 503-731-4012,
extension 720, andask to speak with lennifer Allen so we canbegin working together.
If you would like additional information about ourprogpmbefore calling, please take
the opportunity to view our website at: www.oregon.gov/dhs/ph/druglab.
J Allen
Iab Cleantp Program
Office ofPublic Health Systems
cc: Jim Kanoff, Department of Human Services
255 - 36th Street, Springfield, OR 97477
Lane County Sheriff s Office
Springfi eld Police Department
Lane County Environmental Health
Lane County Land Management - Compliance Division
City of Springfield
This can be obtained in an alternate format by calling: (503) 731-4012
Detach the formbelow and return to: Jennifer M. Allen, Drug Iab Cleanup Progranl 800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 608, Portland, OR97232
Unfit for Use Property, Case #03-061- New Owner Notice
Previous Owner: Peggy L. Herrin g,255 - 36th Sfieet, Springfield, OR 97477
New Owner:
New Owner Address:
Street City State Zip
New Owner Phone Number:
Additional Information: (sell date, special circumstances, etc.)
Metham hetamine Lab/Address Trackin ort U dated 04127105
Case Number Case Agent Certif. of FitnessAddressNotification Date
U6103 02-24979 Humphreys 4lr0l03
l4l2 3l"t St., Springfield 08/20197 97-t6789 McCarthy Per
fiis site
received a COF on
1100 S. 34th Place, Springfield 07107103 03-12688 Fisher None
255 36th St., Springfield 3lt8l03 03-05184 Humphreys None
540 36th St., Springfield r/23102 02-01471 Pena 4124102
585 36th St., Springfield 02-t469 6lt?/02
McCormick 7130102
235 N 37th St, Springfield Pena 9/24103 COF frorn DHS
330 S. 37th St., Springfield t2lr0/98 98-23585 Montes coF 7129104
lIg3 37rh St., Springfield tU6100 00-21303 Mohr None
809 E. 39th Pl., Eugene 06/05198 98-10634 Montes None
225 Afi Ave., Space 101, Springfield eu.t r:ne Mnp)azlrul00 00-2938 Jacobson 0s126100
03113196 96-04433 Kerns Per ODH 3/22101
This site received a COF on
608 53'd St., Springfield t1lt4197 Per ODH 3l22l0l
This site received a COF on
3/3/98 (some confusion on actual
697 N. 54th St., Springfield oglr0lgr Unknown COF dated 8123/04
255 S. 72"d St., Springfield 00-16s02 Rauch ro/23/0t
944*4" St.,-025 Per ODH 3l22l0l
This site received a COF, no issue
date was given
1923 S.'tA" St., Springfield 0l-13366 Burroughs
5495 "4" St., Apt. #58, Springfield 10t13/00 00-2t794 4lt0l0l
641 19th St., Springfield
r/23102 Pena
635 36th St., Springfield 6/410r 01-10506
7tzla3 03-12474
97-24s2s Lewis
02123196 Kems
7t1610r 3125/02
Thursday, April 28, 2005 8:15 AM
FW: Updates to the Meth Lab listing
From: KLEWS Janel M Lmailto:janel,m.klews@ci.eugene.or.usl
Sent: Wednesday, April27,2005 6:02 PM
Janis K; HENRY Jim R; WICKS Joseph; CUTTER Leland C; WILSON Loretta; DENBERG Matt H; MCKERROW Mike J;
Subject: Updates to the Meth Lab listing
Hello, All!
Today's update reflects the following changes.
375 Carolyn - COF
zo69 Brittany - COF
1637 Ferry St #r - Added to List
The City has switched to Word so I will not be sending out this information in WordPerfect any longer. Sorry for any
Janel Klevvs - VNU/SIU/IDLRT
Methlab Tracking
Report.doc (5...
1537 Ferry St
#1.doc (32 KB)
BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR:Duane R. & Peggy L. Herring
225 N. 36th Street
Springfield, Oregon 97478
Ph: 747-9023
These specifications are for bid purposes only. Some modifications
may be required should bids exceed availabie fundingr or should a
bidding contractor discover an omission in the specifications. The
final draft of work item specifications wiil be developed after the
bid selection.
It is the responsibility of each bidding contractor to notify the
Housing Rehabiiitation Speciaiist upon finding a work item not
included in the bid specifications. Should the Housing Rehabilita-
tion Specialist agree with the contractor's recommendation, each
contractor from whom bids are being solicited wiil be notified of the
change and allowed to adjust their bids.
Contractors are responsible for hauiing away ail debris created by
construction activity.
Contractors may suggest alternate materials, methods or design.
Contractors must bid a1l items on the bid sheet and any alternative.
Total all bid items at the space provided at the bottom of the bid
sheet and compiete other requested information. Return bids to
All work must comply with the applicabie State of Oregon Specialty
Code. AII permits and inspections are the responsibility of the
contractor. Upon completion of repairs, the dweliing must comply
with the City of Springfield Housing Code.
Contractors may contact Biil Schaub, Housing Rehabiiitation Special-
ist, at 726-3753 if questions arise on bid specifications.
Remove deteriorated laundry room. Remove deteriorated shed roof over
master bedroom. Frame new laundry room utilizing existing founda-
tion. Extend laundry room to south wall of master bedroom. Remove
existing bathroom and kitchen windows enclosed by new iaundry room.
Frame in and finish old windor r areas to match surrounding wall
material. Install new exterior door, Iockset, threshold and weather-
stripping at east waIl of laundry room. Finish door in owner's color
choice. Install 3-0 x 3-0, dual-glazed, aluminum siider with screen
in exterior laundry room wall. Frame new gable roof, intersecting
with existing gable roof, over laundry room and master bedroom.
Construct roof overhang, soffit and fascia to match existing.
Install 1/2 inch CDX plywood roof sheathing. Roof covering is
inciuded in item #2. Install 5,/8 inch T-1-11 siding and exterior
trim at laundry room and roof reconstruction as necessary to create a
finished instailation. Insulate floor, exterior walls and ceiling of
laundry room reconstruction to current SSC standards. Include
floor plan, elevation and section of laundry room,/roof reconstruction
showing framing members of fioor system, wails and roof with this bid
sheet. Interior work in laundry area is inciuded in item # 12.
Remove existing roof covering to solid sheathing. lnstail 2O-year-
rated, three tab, fiberglass shingles over existing roof structure
and new gable roof ower laundry and master bedroom areas. Install
new flashing at ail roof penetrations and chimneys. Install 1x2 or
metal edge trim at plywood edges. Remove deteriorated soffit and
fascia and install new, similar materials. Ventilate attic areas in
compliance with section 3205 (c), SSC.
Install 5,/8 inch T-i-l1 siding where missing at exterior of master
bedroom and at present southeast corner of dweiiing at location of
electrical service. Install l/2, inch A-C plywood soffit at front
porch. Install necessary trim to produce a finished installation.
Appiy two coats of good quaiity exterior latex paint at areas where
new siding, fascia and soffit have been applied including exterior of
new laundry room.
Reinstall stationary panel of patio door off dining room in order to
seal air gaps. Install pressure treated wood stairway on concrete
piers at patio door.
Install new, mill finished, dual-glazed slider windows with screen
at present window locations in northwest bedroom and master bedroom.
IYindows in bedrooms must comply with section 1214, SSC concerning
egresa and rescue requirements
Remove existing gutter and downspout. Instail new, seamless aluminum
gutter and downspout. Direct downspout output to street curb via
yard drains.
Haul away existing debris in yard and on front porch. Consult with
owner to determine what remains. Owner is responsible for storage of
remaining material.
Remove existing kitchen countertop. Install new 3/4 inch^, high
density particle board countertop with plastic Iaminate finish.
Instal] four inch plastic laminate backsplash with metal edge trim.
reuse existing sink and faucet.
Remove existing floor covering and underlayment in bathroom and
kitchen. Remove toilet and tub in bathroom. Repair water-damaged
subfloor i.n bathroom. Remove existing tub surround and wall covering
in surround area. Install new, water-resistant gypsum board in
sumound area. Install one piece, preformed "Formica", or equiva-
lent, tub/shower surround kit. SeaI tub/surround ioint with silicone
sealant. Instaii new steel tub, faucet, diverter and shower head.
Install new "American Standard" or equiwalent toilet. Install new
particle board underlayment in bathroom and kitchen. Prepare floors
to receive vinyl. Install moderate quaiity vinyl. Cost of vinyl,
excluding preparation and instailation is not to exceed $15 per
square yard. Install cove or wooden base. Install metal transition
strips where new vinyl meets other floor covering.
10. Instaii and finish wooden surrounds and casing at interior of a1i
unfinished window openings.
11. Install mahogany siicier or bi-pass closet doors at closet in master
bedroom. Install casing, trim, and then finish and seal. Install
5-0 slider or bi-pass closet doors at existing small opening to
closet in northwest bedroom. Install casing, trim, and then finish
and seal.
12, Remove water-damaged ceiiing in master bedroom. Install new gypsum
board ceiling, and finished ceiling trim. Install gypsum board on
studded south wall of storage room. Install gypsum board at walls
and ceiling of new laundry room. InstaII window gurrounds, window and
door casing, and baseboard in laundry room. Install gypsum board
sections at old locations of eiectrical service and window in Troy's
bedroom. l'inish all gypsum board with a light texture. Finish and
seal all trim mentioned in this item.
13. Apply two coats of good quaiity interior latex paint to the foilowing
areas: new laundry room; bathroom (use latex enamel); master
bedroom; kitchen ceiling (ciean and seal first, then use latex
enamel); northwest bedroom; south wall of storage room.
14. Repiumb washing machine in laundry room to connect to building drain
and vent through roof.
15. Reinstail hot water tank in new laundry room. Instail hot water tank
pressure,/temperature relief valve, and pipe to building exterior.
16. Instail electrical outlets, ceiiing fixture ($20 allowance) and wall
switch, hot water heater circuit and dryer circuit to new laundry
room. Install GFCI to protect electrical outlets in new laundry
room. Install GFCI to protect electrical outlets in bathroom.
Install switch and cover plates throughout dweiling where missing.
Secure switch at entrance to master bedroom. Install two additional
electrical outlets in northwest bedroom. Instail exhaust fan vented
to buiiding exterior in bathroom.
17. Have a chimney sweep clean existing chimney, firebox of fireplace
and chimney connector of woodstove. Install permanent, non-combusti-
ble hearth at woodstove in compliance with MSC Tabie 5A, footnote
e(b ).
Vent ciothes dryer to exterior of building with metal duct. Install
weather-resistant end cap with seif-closing flap.
19. Remove materia] stored in gas furnace enclosure.
20. Have a licensed mechanical contractor inspect, clean and repair gas
furnace to function properly. Install heat supply duct to new
laundry room.
21. Instaii miil-finishedr aluminum storm windows with screens at
single-glazed locations, Storm windows at sleeping rooms must comply
with section 1214, SSC.
22, InstaII R-30 attic insulation and R-19 underfloor insulation.
Instali vapor barrier at crawlspace. Wrap underfloor water supply
pipe with tube type foam insuiation. fnsulate underfloor heat supply
Instail concrete or pressure treated wood steps at entry to living room.
Instali new door between reconstructed laundry room and kitchen.
Install new iockset, threshold and weatherstripping. Finish door in
owner's choice of stain or paint.