HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-02-22Z to i aDDa ffiro o,tr JSAJ ON JV g'Tvw fla 0t algliJs nfov's1gr ssqcav ga ilsntl sinoNVlTC 1Nv sarcHNV',l 1lvt \L Eu?q,*la TDu?t a4+ "r?:tr;11'#:{":#n;"#o'#'"#'?;''1T"'T:'?"?tr ryr';?'";:;":"r1:' o -paqsanbaa aq uDc rvrir,I SLrouna '-4-1^u',oioq pa't'lsvlos aq lsru "oTe att+ lo uo11o1"ii'ii f i'uZi+ iuui+s So uiiao1-|Dlsu.L a41 eo 4one ' 'butdccsryoL Pa'tutbaa Buo?71Puoc +ca to,tC'l7V 'l,v3l8l'3s19 TVNrt ,IVCINVHCqN TVIIH g|rgt'\n1d MlLI 's'n'd ubno,tut suclloaa a1qDoou ao sa+ob\p1 'upTnioa --' aleyduoo uaq11 :acNa; l ) - 'aco7C u? 'lDl'ra+Du asDq -ons D N,roctl u-to.l t ala1dtuoo bu7+o-o -i"-u- 77o aalio apow cq o1 '-fixt-Jo -+qbt?' +oa,r+s u?4+?a htt'opd a+a'tc -uoc \xD doa ,tYnaAtgdinfrffim 'a+aa?uoc Dutancd a4 'to?ad lna Daacaae aP su,to! ;aq[v :Noddv HJTfuAffT-difu 'pe+a'Lduco s1 uo?+vl'lD+su7 aa$y :s.A0JSO00l'l uclacas 'o'a'n q,?a '"*o;25!3," i'1roVloua ao buv+noaa 'cuna4 puoq 'uoT+ocoT laa+S :raN1SvN 'Du?dn+ fiim o1 ao1'td 1n-q 'aov1d "l'"IJ@HHaPDw aq oJ :N1i,L 'Paooaddo ?uD aPDa uaeq' snl uoqoidsu? s?4+ 'L?Tun PaTpao' -uDc ao 01. s'L N,rc?t oll 'PalaTdtaoo "q pi* 'cyb 'sfrcutt14c g bttToo'tq - bufioo.t i7v - 'TDcluDltcaw 9 7Dc -1n+ca't e''' bu?si;11d 46rna lo Traoaddo' aa4in paqsanbaa aq +sryl :7NIi[vu'I 'uo?4 -cadsuT buTuo,t! aa.oJeq WD sTD?aa+ow buTccJ b"t4ocyd o+ io?'rd :ESVldEEIt 'Paooaddo ?& a?oa'pe?a7 's4cap'6u?1aV4s'sa4oacd dwoo am 'c7a ,rc+JV - 7ru?,1 uaaq aoa4 suotlcadsuV as04+ oq o+ Dtt?Pl?ttg ft'tossacoY uoT4oaCsuT XDcln+oala builsanbaa ":*.1 oaacaddp aQ lsnt) suo?+cauuoc 6u?qumld ?uD 'in-1as 'bu?4co1g - uo?4cauttzc TDoaa+caTg aa+Dn E,o naoss -- sua?lcauuoo tu?q'*la dn-qag 7o bu74oo7g saacH aL?qow 'iu?4caP ao uo?+Dlnsltt ,too7t ioJgryry o1 aoTad'aPDw aq ofr :Nvga oNV J'SOd .6uV4oap ao uo?+vlnsuT aooVl t", '"?aacuco buTanod o4 aotad. +nq 'Pa+oaaa aao sutao! 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Pltnbing Pernrit State State ?otal * Elec tricq I Perm i f wez'e state Lan ,eouire.s that the electrieal uork be d.one bg an EZectnicarcontraetor, the ezectz,ica.t-port.t)n- oi Jnir-;";;:; ;L77";";, bZ"rlhc untilthe LabeL has been sigzed lg ti"-tfZlt iJtrL, contro"tor. PLan L:conine? ! HAW CAREFALLy EXAL|TNED the completedp;;?;Z:ii'rri"inZ',-;Z';-;";;.;i:;Z;";Z;.Zrrl:7!;2,#".ii"#i:mi,r;I:.:"ki:;";?o!*?!:r";;:;?;;4i"pZn:-o,oniin"zfuZ"i"Z'i,oooon_r it:tZ ;1";!;:;2"";;;iii;x1,,{"'11:#'"f5.:"r#;z!;;lxzrx!"i*;,:#;iT,,,1",_ Pr''NCv ?'/ill be nace o7 any- strueii"Z- ",iti."t permissi_)n'of iie- sur.td.ing DL-ulsLon. I further eertiiy that only- eortra.tons otd, anplcgees aho ay,e ineazpliance uith oRS z ot.b"si it t t" ;;' ";;';' on this proj ect 4_-22- Lot Faces P.L.e Last {outh- West % cf Lct Cooetage LC! TYPE Interi'cr Corrlef PanlwndLe I *t'an-"o" ropogtctPhY ValuelSQ.TTGITEM Man)n Gc?aqe Cd?po?t Aceessot u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 a Fee: Date Paid: a. - I.I1AIlGL Thi.s penni,t i.s granted on the erpress eordi,.ti,on t'hnt the-sAid-eOnStruCtiOn shali, in all r:espeets, confonn'to the Crdi-nance edoptedby the Ci,ty of Springfield, including the Zoning Czdinance, regalating the ccnstructicn and use of buiLdLngs, otd ney be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon oic. Lation of anA prcoisions of said Ordinances. * ,t Building Volue & Perm ir Building PermLt Total Clnrgea Signed: ITEM N0.FEE Eistutes Resilential (1 bath) Sarser NO,FEE CiIARGE Nan/Ectend Circuits Set uiee Lectr Nc,FgE kllanet Hood Vent Fan Vcodstoue Pezmit * Mecho n ic o I pe rm it Meclnnical Pet nrtt Penntt Issuanee Cltz,bcut Sida,:alk 5e Mobi|e Hone ?O?AL AT4OIIII? DIJE: *#se Date Ytr iotth -\r