HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-01-30#" RESID*.ITlAL". APPLTCATION/PERTIIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfteld, 2negon 97477 Building Diuiston 7 26-37 53 SPRI]{GFIEL.D (t Date: GeneraL Constmction Lender Reati,ncrl Tn sn eafi.an s It ie the teeponsibil'Lty of the petmit lolder to aee tlnt aLL inspeetiotts ate nade at the prope" tine, that each addrees is reaCqhie fln tlu atteet, and tlat the petrrit eard. ie Located at the ftottt of the property.*Sui.lding Dioicion approv^ed plan shcll remain on tlp Building Site at aLL- tines. PR)CSDUPE POR INSPECII1N !!?W1!:CALL 726-3769 (recordet,) state Aou? City Cesignated job nwnber,, job aCi,r,ess, type of inspec=icn @eadyforinspection'cont"aetcI,s"7a,,","",*neLndpho7enunbel'.PequestsreceixZdbefcr,e-7:00ant"iLL be trude the eone dag, ?equests mcde after ?:00 an ttLLL be nade tke nezt uorking day. you" Ci,tA Desigr,ated Job Mtnbet' fs 8{ otz (, Job Locaticn: Assessoz,e Map #?as Lot # Svbdiuision: A.mer: Phone:Addtess: city: I Deser"Lbe Honk: drur/ 4^#r,(- \5r*rr$iler^L -7-7 Value 0-nDate of Additicn RenoCel Pege 1 of 2 tr SI?E INSPEC?I)N: To be rmde aftet,&;A;ioryAut pr.ior tc set ip of fonns. UNDERSLAB PLltWlNtL F!,ECIRTCAL & WCHA-IIICAL: To be nade befoz,e ang wtk is caered. FC)?ING & F)UNDATICN: ?o be np.Ce Afret-tne"tcnes are escatated and forns ote etected, but ptiot, to pou?'L?1g ccncreta. UNDZRGROUTID PLUMBING, SEWEP' W.4YER, D84I!4]E: ?o be made pr"tor to fil-Tfi-Ginchee. ANDERFLOOR PLUIETNG & MEC!]A,NICAL : of floor ineulation or decki.ng. P0ST AND BEA!,!: To be nade prior to ffiffildof ftoor itaulation or d-eckittg. ROUGH PLIN-DII'IG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No uoyk is to be couet,ed ffiiTthese inspections haoe besn nwde and approued,. ET.DEPLACE: Py,Lor to placirq facingmaterials and before franirq inspee- tion. FRil.lfNG: lttust be requested aftet apptooal of rcugh plwrbing, electyi- cal & nechanical. ALL t'oofing bractng & chitmeye, etc. mtst be : corpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- - cealed until this inspectton \ws 'been node anC approued. FIIIAL PLUAAIIC FIIIAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTION : To be nade aftet, aLL insulattcn ard required oapor buz,ie?s ate in pTace but before oty Lath, Wpswn boatC or tnLL couering i.s applied, and before o-ty insulation is concealed. DRYIIALL IilSPECIIjN: ?c be nade aftet, aLL dtguall is in place" but prior to aflA taping. M!SQ!$: Steel Location, bond Tifiilgz,outing ot, oerticals in accordace tLth U.B.C. Section 24L5. After installation is SaniluA seuer capped at pt opez'fui Li.ne Septic tutk p,trlped ann. filled ttth gra;sel linal - h4ren abctte i,tens ate ccnpleted and uhen Cenclition is cotnplete o? strac- tu.re nooed and premLaes cleaneC up. Mobile Hcnes Blocking old. Set-up Plwnbing connections -- saer d. uater Electrieal Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-ua and plwnbing eonnections rnist be apprct;ed before tequesting eleclrical inspectiot Accesso?i Bui'Lding concrete. SIDEWALK & DRT\EHAY: For aLL eon- ct etenilfuAffi street right- of-teA, to be nale aftez, aLL erca- oating canplete & forn uotk & suh- base material in place. CURB & APPROACH APPON: @,e etii;{ffiniA ?ENCE: gates After fornsto pourLng Pirnl - Aftet, etc. ate comp 'pctekes Leted. skirting, decks" Nhen complete -- ProrsiCe or mooable sections thnough DIID ALL projeet conditions, such ae the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of the required Landsecping, etc., mtst be satisfiedbefore the BUILDINC FINAL eanbe requested. ?fNAL BUILDIN7: The Pinal Building Inspection mst be requested after the Final Plwnbing Electz,ical, otd I'lecttanical fnspections haue been nade and appnooeC. *ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEN! TO BE I,L4DE /.T NO CCST TO CITY tr W tr tr n JOB N soLAR CESS REQ.-L-CO ^*L, BeC.roons:Int Sq. Ftg.LCT TWE _ Interior Cormet Lot Faces - % of Lct Cauerage_lleat # of Stories ?otal Height Iopogrqlry DT ilouse Access Panhandle CUL-de-sac -- Fees --I?EM F?G x Value Building Volue & Permit This penn t is gtanted on the ecp?ess cond.ition tlnt ttu sail. consttactionslwll, i.n all respeets, eonforn to the Or&Lnance edopted Liy the Ci.ty ofSptingfield, incfuding the Zontng Cydinattce, r,egulating the ccnsttabticnal use of buildtngs, and may be suspend.ed or retsokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of dtA ptctsisions of said Otditnnces. ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 c Building PermLt PLan Sta.te Date Pa;-d ?otal Clnrges Signed: FEE CHARGE Plumbing PerrnitFtitutes Resil.ential (L bath)No, person slall constmtet, instal1, alter ot clonge anA nea cr eristing glwnbittg or dxainage sAstan in ulole or in patt, inlesi sueh person is- the Legal -possessor of a ualid plunbet,s Licensb, eceept that a pe"son nay doplunbing uork to prope?tA uhich is otmed, Leased or opetated by tte "ppli-eaflt. Seuer Ph,nbing Perrrtt State ilan/ktend Circwtts Electricol Permit llltere State Lan requires tlwt the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrieal Contractor,, the electrtcal portion of this permit slwll rot be oalil. untiLthe l.abel \ns been signed by the Electtical Contractor.Iqec"@A Seruiee L Iotal FEE CI]ARCE Mechonicql Permit E*hant HooC llcodstore Vetrt For Permit fssuaflee Meclwnical Peyrrtt -- ENCROACEMENT -- Sec,lritg Deposit Storage Itbintenance Permit C'tLtbcut Sida,talk Penee Eleetnieal Label Mobile Hone Reeeipt #: ?aart uate I HAW CARE?ALLy EXA].IfNED t\e eornpleted applt,cation fot pernit, and do lerebg certify that aLL infomation het,eon is t"ue and ebruect, anC f fartker eertifg that any ard aLL aork perforned slnll be done in aceot- danee rrith the 1ydinances of the Citg of Springfield, and the La,;s of the State of 2z,egon pertaining to the ootk Cescyibed herein, and tlnt N0 OCCA- PANCI ?ttll be ns,Ce of anA structu?e uithout permisaion of the Building DL-uision. f further eez'tify that only contracto?s otd anplcgees uho arb in conpliance uith ORS 70L.055 uiLL be used on thie pnoject TO?AL AMOUN? DTIE: */s@ Date -&s Total C'harqes