HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1987-08-31" REStDtrNTIA[ " " APPLICATION/PERMT? 225 North 6th Street SprLngfieLd, Oregon 97477 Building Nuision 7 26-37 53 SPEINGFIELD 4lc ll v CL Date: GeneyaL Pltnbirq O-t ct l4echanicaL Constmtctton Leider. It i, tlw teepoagibtlity of tts penit hotd,*Tnan tlo at?eet, @ld tlat the pdnrtt eal, ie*Buitding Nuicion app"w-ed pt6 i-iz|-"Z^i;" b aee that aLL inaoecti-ons ea nad,e at thz prop* tine, tLat eaeh at1,q-ese is re4eehielocated at the y*oni of the orooethton tle Bunlding site 'at "1t'irf^"r."-PPqcEprlp4 FoR, rrlspn :CALL 7tequested, and. uhen -gou uiTT bdieadu fotl"LLL be nade the eone dcg, requests-iade 26-3769 (recovdet) etate gotlo citg designated, job ntoitbet,, job acF-ess, type of i,nspecticnitapeetion, contractore or ouners-na,te "md puhe-rrr;i;-.' b.q"ilt, receioed befcre ?:00 q:taft* 7:00 an tiLL be nad.e the aert i"ii,trg ""y.' rou" city Deeigr,ated.Job ttwrbet re: $1a L3g # ldaso j cAeseeoore Map #?as Iot # Subdiuision: Qsner: 352 -57Addz,ess:.y1_Phone: City:zip: Na,t N@ $/A/UU-{- Deeutbe Hotk:)6' ValueDate of App Add.itian RenoCel Pege 7 of 2 SI?E TNSPEC?ION: eacaoation, but . To be trude aftet pt ior tc set up offorne ?o FTilAL PAJMBIIIC PTNAL MECHANICAL FTilAL ELEC?RICAL nade a OR requited uapoT buvieys ee in pLa.ce Sotitary eeuer capped. at propetfu Lirebutbefote oty Zath, rutotk ie cooered.ay insuZation eoncealed.Septic tank patnped atld fitled tith gza;tet fingl - t{hen abarc i.tants @e eanpteted,and uhen Cqolition is cotplete bo "Lr"_ture mooed otd. ptemiaee ctboteC up. final - Aftet-pctchee, eki,rting, deel<s,etc. @e cotnpleted. tnLL couering Ls aPp Wpsutn boatC or Lied, and. before rmCe and. to DR-IWALL INSpEtrfON: ?c be madeafte? aLL dtguall is in place, Dut p?Lor to any taping. ttAS1NR!: Steel beons,_ gtouting accot d.otce trLth 24L 5. IIOODSTO,/E: atnpleted. K to Loeatiort, bond or 'oerticals in U.B.C. Section Aftet irctallation ie Le Hcies Blocking otd Set-up Pltnbi.rq connections -- aare? otd. uatet Ele-ctyical Connection - Btoekhq, aet-up and^ pluttbing eottneetione nrast tL- approi'ed.before requeeting electrical ;"rpiLiiZi-- Acceesory fuildtng ,", floor ineuZction or deeking. P.OST 4AJ ,a,eAla: ?o be nad,e prtor toinstallatian of floor insul)tion ora.ec{Lng. ltr:t-il th_ese inspections haue beennade aftd, appz,otted. ETPEPQ.ACI: prLor to placir.a fastnomatezzLals and before froning Zr"pnl_ D1,On. cuRB & APPRpACH APPON:oe erected, but prior toancrete. Aftez, forms pouYiltg SIDEWALK & DRftE:ilAI: For aLL cot_cz,^ete paoing tithin st?eet right_of-YA, to be nade after all -e*ca- uating canplete & fora uork & sub-tuse i@.te?ial in place. FRAI.,IING: Must be requested. aftetappz,oual lf ?ough pltrrbing, ii"itr;_q,L e mecttdni-cal. ALZ roofingb"acl-ry E- chinmegs, ete. mast- be: Cott1p-Le-ted,. Ilo ucz.k ie to be eon_.-eealed until thie i""pnoAoi ii'been nad.e anC approued. DFAI'D. aaa Wen complete -- fuopid.eot mooable eectians throughP,A.E. -.:ALL proieet conditions, such as ,tu^i_r:lot^?tl:if "r*"r;.",;*;rit -tequired Lartd'eapitg' btc,, mtet be aatisfi.iiiirZi"""ii BarLDrNc FrtAL can be requeeted.. P0NAL Bl)rLDrilG: The ?inal Buitding. rnepeetio, mtat be reqteated aftet the piru,t ptunbing\-,/ Eleetrtcal' ore uectari."ii iifrzfi.; h;;-;;;;^"d'.o id oppnou",. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOATS MAST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?IIENI TO BE MADE A? NO COST TO ENY ,/ A\V fit Job Iocaticn: '3!l'r/ r u T z JOB NO.3 f soLAR A^ aEs s REe.-'(r--cod Lot Sq. Ftg.LC? TWE _ Inter;iot _ Cormer _ Panharrd,Le CUL-de-sac Iot Paces - I of Lot Cortetage_ # of Stories DT Aceess Total Eetght Iopogrqhy I?EM FTG x Va Building Volue & Permit Ihis permit is granted on the ecpt'ess eondition tha,t the said-consttuction strall', in all rZepects, eonfonn to the Ordinance adopted Lig the City o-f Springfield, inc?-uding the Zonittg CYdinance, tegulating the ccn-strwcticn ord ,-s'e of buildlrqs,- utd may be euspend.ed or neuokeC at cnA tine upon oic' Lation of anA prcoisions of said )rdirnnces, Win TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 o Building PermLt State DaXe PaLd. ?otal Charyee Sigred: NO.FEE CHARGE Plumbing Perrnit No person slnll construct, inatall.,_ alter ot eluttge-ang fleu-cP eristing ilr;;blQ oy drainage systen in uhole ot in patt, unle1s eueh person is tl, injit p"o"r"""oo oy"o i"alirl plunbet's Lic-ensZ, e,:eept that a Pe"sonruy qo- ptGtrf"g oork to property ihi."t t" owted, Leased ;r opetated by the dppli- eant. Fi.ctutes Residzntial (1 bath) Sa'ter ,7(r, PlLonbing Penrit o<) State * Electricql Permit Itheye state Lan requi?es tlnt the electtical uork be done by -an Electrtcal Citoa.tor, the elictical loz,ti.on of this _permit slall not be oaliC wttil the Lobel'las been signed ty the Eleetrtcal Contractor' ITEM CIlARCENC.FEE ,t Mechqnicql Permit Ilat/Ectend. Ciraits Setoice State lotal khatat HooC tlcodstooe Vent Eat PerftLt Issuance llechani.cel Per\rlt -- ENCROACHMEN? -. Sec'r| Permtt Cvrbcut Sidanalk Ia.beL Mobile Horne Bedtoqo Lace -- Eees -- Reeeipt #: VTan, Eran|ner uate I I}AW CAnEFuLLy EXAILINED tle completed application fot pennit' dltd da t"';;L; iirllfA that aLL- informatibn hereoi is true attd cbrrect, attd I'firl{n""o-in ti1y tn"t org ird aLL uork perforned slnll be dote it acco?- dance ttth the ordinan'c"e;"f ii" city of-bpringfield'.atd the La;s of the iilZ Z?- o""grn p"rtoiiiig 'to the ,,toik Ceabribbd heretn, crld tlut N0 ,cCU- p!.NCy trLLL be rmde of"i'u'"thZiurle uitla'tt permisai-on of- the Building DL- il"li"- f fw'ther centi-fy that otly eon-trdctors otd e:nplcyeea tiho are Ln "oiplr:or."'ultt" oas 701.b55 uiLL be- used on thie ptoject E- TOTAL AI,IOUN? DUE:*3 t-=o Date { Storaqe Mai-ntnnne Iotal Cltan aes