HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1976-02-16Application is hereby made by the undersigned property owner for permission to coRnact to tha followlnE doscrib.d propcrty to I trunk line scwer owned rnd maintained by the City of Springfield, and I agree to pay suth a hookup charge of $3.40 per front of the property for the first 150 feet in depth to be served by such trunk line sewer in lieu of an assessment against the described property. An additional $0.02 per square foot will be charged for any additional proPerty beyond the first l!0 feet. Property Description:Address: 66*E :*.trur*ts,n &p*d *tmt Er6{tfetr8* t*o. t63r I*t c Sewer hookup charge: ($:.t+o per front foot)s t!t*s$t.4O rrr fruc IooG * $?tt"00 By Date: STATE OF OREGoN )) ss County of Lane ) BE lT REMET'IBERED, That on this d ay the undersi a Notary Public in and of-, I for the said County and S 9-, before me, tate, personal ly appeqr:ed th Ened,e with i n names known to me to be the i vrithi;r iftstru$ent and a dentical individua cknowledged to me l_ described in and that_ executed t who executed the ,he same f reely and voluntarily. WITNESS my hand and seal this day and year last wr i tten. ary P -/ f, -My Cornrn ss li Exp i res /r CITY OF SPR!NGF!ELD APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR TRUNK L!NE JEUEB-TQQ(OP This agreement has been computed as being one-half (*) of the equivalent cost of an eighi (8) inch Iateral sanitary sewer at the rate of.$3.40 per abutting front foot and does not include the cost of a house connection to said trunk sewer, sewer user charges, plumbing permits or other such costs to be assumed by the pro- perty owner. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON PROPERTY OWNERS: t