HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1964-08-27SEIdER CO?,I}iECTION PERI.I!T AND RECE! PT the sr.rrn of RECEIPT I S HEREBY $323.00 AC|$0'#LEDGEE on behalf of the Clty , Paid of Sprinqfleld oFl{rs.' E I linbeth tladcngran for permissldn to connect theproperty here In descrlbec to tTre trGt< sewer svstem of the clty of sprlngfleld. Sald property for whlch thls perm8t Is granted ts cjescriired as follows: 6635 Thurston Boad, $prlngflcld, 0ragon . geglnnlng at thc polnt of intcr*cctlon of tha eounty Road #ldrg andthe l{ast llnc sf tho t{llllam P. },llllar Oonatten Lrnd Gtali No.4li, Townrhtp17 South' Range 2lJast, tllllamctta Xcrldlan, aeld polnt belng 18.iO ctrrins'south of thc IIXIIIHII ilorttmctt cernGr of ths *atd clalm; rlnnln! thoncrSart rlsrg thc ccntcrllne of Gounty Rord #l*0 1t0.0 fcct io the tiuc polntof baglnnlng of the de*crlption harctn contrlned; thence East along tire saldroed ccntcrllne 95.0 feet; thenca South 110.0 f6sti thence yest g5l0 fect;and thanco ilorth 170.0 fcct to thc ccntcrlinc of tha roed and tho point oibafinnlnE, ln Sprlngfleld, Lanc Gounty, 0rcgon. }laxlrum dcqth of 150.0 fcst from sqrth mrrgtn of rhurston Road. Thls recelpt and pernrlt to connect to the Clty of Sprlngfield trunk sewer system has_been granted and the cost hereln set forth computed on the basls ofone-half (+) the equlvalent cost of an eisht (8tt) lnch lateral seh,er at thecurrent prlce in thls area. The same has been comput ed at the rate of $3.40per abuttlng front foot for" a front footage of 95.0 feet, This permtrt and necelpt does nct lnclude nor shall lt waive or be ln lleuof any sewer user charge to be pald or calied for to be pald hy the city 0rdinances of the City of Sprlngflelci; nor does it include the cost for, nor shall it be construed to be a plunrbing permlt to connect the house sewer llne to the sald trunk sewer. Dated at S d, rhirjT *cuy of Auguet , lg_.i&_. \2 /f,.\(/) 6F GTiELD C I TY OF SPIi I NGF I ELD la,r@ t1 H t BY sEP ij $64 BY p\ Z \