HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1986-02-11@C; )- Lane County Authori za,ttott for' SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FOR LN. REY. OF PU BLICWORKS LAND MAN AGEMENT DIVISION' 687'4061' -rc DATE per ORS 45 805 EAST 8TH AVENU E, EUGENE'oREGoN 97401 125 is:*i:"i'""' 3333L EICE USE ONLY 430019.4.20217 BLOCK PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY l-Ji Residential n rnaustrial Commercial PubIi.cap ztP Springfi e1d 97478 L]ITY SFD ON D'SCRIPTION OF. PROPOSED IIORK _ BE 'l for ln.tic ins Proposed Exi s ti'.IATER OFSTORIES TELEPHONE NUMBER O;"NER'S NAME AND ADDRESS BE ITO TELEPHONE NWBER 686 21 3427PF CONTRACTOR S NAITE AND OSR # CHECKED THTS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. 1-27 -86 DATESlGNATUREprinL)NAME thatand Icorrectandtruehereoninfomatiortthata1docetiarrdhe re)ry tyPERMIT!-oRAPPLICATlONTHEEXAMINEDCOMPLETED}IAVEI LLYCAREFU zed agent.con prrrchase r (JauthoriofrecordTtheownerintere1nTt ofthehavepropertYtheofState Ore9onlegafollowingCowandthetyotLanethwfordlnancetheaccordair.lINbedones ha1 I fur-alland work ronr:!the ce!ti any perfomedthat v1sDiBuifyofon1din9watilethoutrcts tr pem !heurebeofnadeartiwil IthatandOCCUPANCYNOdeworkcribedhereintheto basisthe forrtainingthatifped70oRsexemPtreu1ASe ffect.and byforcefulIBoardan ANDREADtrationthethlderBuiHAVEIcertirthaLtshefyregused1Sthw1beprojectwa055701arewhocompliancefnedthatandemployeessubcontractorsonly Mail in READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY.YOUR AUTHORIZATION 9AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I pr,euurtlc/zoNrNG: Minimum Setbacks, "", ,a^o partition #- Parcer *-.......- Parcer size- --..- cL, rid.fron t COI'[\ENTS FOR DDate1-27 -86 B. P. *rnstallation Record rssued? [ ""= [ tl" tr SANITATION S. I. *Maximum DePth of TrenchesInstallation Speci fications Gall0n Tank Lineal Feet of i)rainfield COlOtENTS Date: Use I pr,ess EXA]IINATroN:TYPe---- .Le: COMTENTS: LANE BY SEE REVERSE FOR I NSPECTION INI'ORMATl'ON cr4-'25 R* interi-or rear Group.- SETBiiCKS AIiD OT]]ER CONDITIO\S OF APPROVAL }1UST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- C;?IoN oF !I{IS PEITMIT, CITATIC:,I UNDER PROVISlONS OF LAI*E.OU),'TY.S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND,/OR OTHER RE}IEDIES ALLOI^]ED BY LAW. IiHEN READY 'OR Ii*SPCCTlON, CALL 6B?-1065. A }1INIT1Ui'1 OF AT LEAST 24 }]OURS ADV.\|iCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC' @EN-.l-a,6thefoI1ow}nginformationready:permitnumber,jobaddreSs,type of inspecrion, when 1t wiII be ready? your name and phone number, and any special Cirections to site- BUlLDlNG DIVISlON: REQU I RED INSPECTlONS I. Foundation Inspection: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when a11nateriaLs for the foundation a!e delivered on the lob. t,;here concrete from a central nixj.ngplant (comonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2. Concrete SLab or Under:iloor lr!!="lrer To be made af+-er all in-s1ab or under-floor bui1dj.n9serui* eqTip-mmt, *.nailt, piping ressor1es, and other ancillary equipment items are inPl'ace but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, -intluaing the subfloor. l. =!}!C & rn:u.Ialion Inspections: To be made af ter the roof , all f raming, f .ire blocking, andbraElng trA l;-Ere ild=n-IFes, f irepraces, chimneys, and vents are complete and alL roughelectrical an<i plumbing are apProved. All walI insulation and vapor barriei are in place, 4. La!h andlor Gypsum Bo?rd Inspegtion: To be made arter al1 lathing and qypsum board, i.nteriorand exteraor, is in prae Eut-6etee any prasterj.ng is applied ur6 n.toi.'qypsm loara jointsand fasteners are Laped and finished. 5. Pinal Inspection: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REOUrRED. No work shall be done on any_part of the building or structure beyond the pointindicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining th"'-lppro""r of the building offlciaI.such aDprovar shal'r be- given cnly. after. an inspection sharr have ir.en'ir.ae of each successive stepin the construclj.on as andicated by each of thl inspections requirea. NoTE: A11 bui-lding Dermits require inspeclions for the work authorized, such as but not timited to:A' Block wall: To be.maie-after reinforcing is in pIace, but before any grout rs poured. Thisin-spectloi is required. f or each bona ueari pour. There uilr be no approval untir the plumbinqand electrical inspections have been made ind approved. B' hlood stove: To be made after conpletion of nasonry (if applicabre) and when installatron j-s.:mp:'e-tq rnstal-lation shal1 be i. o".o.Jur". witi an appiorea, nationally recognized testingagency and the franufacturer's instaLlaLion instructions. c' Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approvedsEiei-or sEptt" .u:l:i for setbacf r"quire.u.ts, blocking, footing qonnecrion, tiedowns,skirting/ and plMbing connections. Footings and piers to conply with state foundation requirements for mobile homes or asrecomended by the manufacturer. Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation sharl be certified when required by a flood-plain management Letter. uobire home tiedowns, when requi'red, and skirting shar-l be instar.led and ready fcr inspec-tion within ar reasr ro davs jft.. o."rpur.v.--ii.aorn...a-.ririi"q liil:.r o. instarredper enclosure. D. ###rT+i^.lj]?Xo:."0. when sreel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above srade APPROVED PLANS MUST BE oN THE JoB sr?E AT ALL TrMES DURrr-G r^loRKrNG HouRS. THrs pERltrT wrLL ExprRErF ldoR( DoES Nor BEGrN wrrHrN lBO DAYS, on rn wonx rs susPENDED oR ABAN;oNED FoR rloRE THAN rB0 DAys.susPENSloN oR REVocATToN i4AY occuR rF inrs pa"r'ri, wos risuED oN THE BASrs oF INCoM'LETE oR ERRoNEousINPORMAT] ON . ANYONE PROCEEDTNG PAST THE POIiiT OI REOUIRED INSPECTIONS I4ILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN NISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEI{AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: 1. Permi.ts shall be effective for one year from the Cale of issuance.2' upon completinq the constructi-on for which a permit has been issued, the permit holder sharrnotify the Lane county Departrent of Planning'ara co*uniiy-o"rliJp."rt by submirting Lheinstarfation record._form. 'rhe oeparrmenr snirr i^"p.;a i;: "Jniiiu"aion to determine if itcomplies with the rules contaioed in rhis division. rf rhe;;;;;;uction does comply with suchrules' the Departnent shal-.1 issue i .uiiir...t" or .uii"iuJtiiy"JS.prntio^ ro rhe permitr ho.rder.ijr::::;;':l:ii,:l_:?:= not conply,iln-.,.r rures, rhe o"p".i-.^t si,drr not:ry rhe pcrmrr meer rhe ..n,,..."i?x,f:, -:i::::::fi ::I!l::i:l ::ffi: j.:::::":m";;lj:;jji$;..i:ii:t,::tarion of oRs 4s4.6os to,t54.744-;;J.-,rniI"'irrn. Serbacks - Subsurrrcc Se?dre D_ljpg:Al Septic Tank Drainfrelda.om: l,tterior property lincs lO, - ,0.ECge or' road rlqirt_of_way i;, i;,Bulldlng founCation 5, ;;,liells, other water sources 50 , I00 , 1. 2. 3. I I