HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1989-05-26I ,7 Lane Codnlv Au V"<4"G thorization for, SEPTIC AIER' I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED "HE CO,TPLETEDrve the following legal interest in the propertyf:rther certify thaE any and al work perfomedIrtainingto the work OescriUea herein, and that'er certify that registration wi th the Builder,snoted hereon,and that only subcontractors ildECKED THIS APPIICAUON THOROUGHLY INSPEC?TON FO R LOAN REVIEW Parcel # CL, side interior PLANNING ACTION REQUTRED. Iaws ofthe Euilding Divi f fu-exempt the basis for eproject. r nevi xenpti READ AND JNi )F n , and that ft3 +5 l{/rL READ THTS fl PLANNTNG/zoNrNc Minimun Setbacks: COT!\ENTS cL, front NO SPECIAL SECTTON CAREFULLY.YOUR AUTHORIZATION IIAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWT NG CONDITTONS: Zone D Parcel Size !ear Date.3- I sanrtatrou, s. r. # Installation specifications B. P. #Instat-tarion Recold rssued? [ v"" f] Ho ltaxinum Depthof Trenches Date GalIon Tank Lineal Feet of l)r:ainfield I pmus EXA.I{INATION:Use f5:#.""u"""' oz_ Residentiat I rndustr commercial I erufi" PROPER?Y ial ZIP zlrhLI FOR LOAN EVR EWI - ee specrF ECTTONEPTICrNSP V. OF Proposed Exi s ti aNAMEAND COMTIENTS SEE REYERSE FOR .INSPECTTON INPORMATTON cu-is9.* Date fl S- BY LANE COUNTY ORS 6 DATE.OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEM ENT DIVISION, 687-4001, 125 STHAVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 I -___ r SETBNCKS.' cil1ON ut RE}1ED 1 E S ^::'?''i?1.',?: " :il:l? "i' "i.ii-n"o BY LAH' .iB"'1";t'"'T:?:""""?'Lli;":"?l"iT:'? VlOLA'TlON urnectroli ORD INAN 2 4 llouRs ADVANCE NOTlCE FOR INSPEC- ,t?l'"^l'#--"X?;- A MIN1I'1U}1 on readY spec i aI C.i.r ect ionsinforma ieady, Your name and Phone OF AT tr : Permi atro attY L number , job addr ess, tYPe , to site. I uhen i ON t-{iII be nunber, insPec rion BUILDING DlVlSION: Ri!-u-t!2 lsSrcCrtoNS: ro be made after trenches are excavateu 1i:"::tT:";t:":::,?:t ll:l^;" \ Fouodarion rnspcction: ro be made ?t::t-^:':;";;; l;;. lihcre concl ;rffi ,or !5e ffinauii"n ?" d:l:Y:':: ?3 i!""]!!; ";;.;;"i; nFed nol be on the roD' 2U"="#-;.-*."-,'##,;,i#.,=*.,,i:i,"rii*?rili::i:xri^i;iii::l,il..l , :H:": ffi; ;#;,";;il,;;;;:'iiql,;,il^iiLi,:ii.i::5ir?"'li!-li':ri'EircInq are rn ?lr e}ec!rIcaI .^" o,iii,ll".?i..'ppl""!a. Ai1 waII Insulatj.on anc va* 4. Larh and/or.cyp:ur^T#"'**Ttiqo",; .l; :i.:'.::r:;':: :llrl::':l: i::'::';;l'ii'13;"^i3ll?l ';I;::::l::: ::.''J.;:;":";- i'"iin'a' 5. Final Inspection: To be made after the building is conPlete and before occuPancy' i::t::t:.-::':::i ."::.::il""llll.3!ri:"::?*:ili:ii :fuli:lli.ll:.1':i:::i':i"il'l:li1!:1i"":i:;i" :::tr}:;::tl":E:i i: ?i5il.?3}'oi'l'"ln"l''tiE'ii'";.";;;;; required' ., such as buE nor ,rmited ro: i:' ::' ;"i "j'""; ;*-;",i'"..;u, # il# ili1 ,;;L:il*; i. : : : :lrli:ir' "i ;' ir H:" .' ,*r i : n l'il'!i""I'r."1'::;::::":;.::":.::;:.T::'"i.u=on., (i: aop,i.cabrel.ili"il;^,:::;i;)'.:'".:"::,, B' H#,H'rll?*lri:ltil?il *"ifi::::l:li:':iil':*,:t:"-"',: connec,ed,. an dppr.ved c ffiE e",:.,:"li:ii:ii:;"::"::fl"1[i'::;:"'::""T::i]:':'?:"i;";"lIIi'ri'ri' 'li'db'n"' :il?ttt;;'-;X;-iri'itli"g connections' -- r^"hArtidn lequlrements for mobire homes or as I. Footlnqs tta pl"t" to cgmPly-with stace foundation requlreme recomendeo b! the manufacturer' r h-.prrified when required by a frood- 2. l4obile home t"t^" finish floor elevation shall be certifiā‚¬ Plain management letLer' 3. t?:1.;,Hffi :'."i:::".'.;":1,'""1|iliu;"lt3"i:i:"+?';:ill ::"':ii?li:: :*'i"i:"1!""iliB '- per encrosure - :- -r.-a and befoEe concrete is poured' Above grade D. "yli^i11."?:Ii"'"i;li:u:'"u" when steel is in Place and before c' wr6i-poot rs lnstalreq' -----.^ r.,^6?7Nrc ilouRs. THrs PERMTT v'lrLL-ExPrRE tF"l3xl",::t-;*llii:il#;iii"'}:i.;ii3;lfiiiilii*Tlii#il'ii'l:*::-:i"I::"*li":;lx lll"Risi'; iuspe*sroot oR REVocA' iuionraerron. ^r DF^,rRED rNspEcrroNs r,rr1,1, Do so AT THEIR owN RrsK' ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OT REOUIRED suBSURFAcE AND ALTERNATTVE sEt''AGE DISPoSAL gYSTEUS' l. Pernits "n'rr iliT"tive for one vear from the dat: :t':::"::::., Lhe permit holder sharl 2. upon compretinq :::":;"3:;:;H:1.':; ;l:;1,""'1il-i:E:^iii'Xjj::::li""i]:!U*il3 i?",.notifv lhe Iane uou.Lv-"=t-ii.-'ri"."it e.t shilI inspecL the construcEr:'i ::-:':;;;iv-with such il*ll:iti:t.':;:':.',::';".t!,f i:ilii,?::i:':?':.1i,::;=trl;:rt;*!lf ^i:,il:liitiiili;"'itils, tne Departnent sharr issue - tlln "r.n rures, the Depar'trent- shi:.,??:::l tnFolrur. .oIf the construction does not compry ur horder and "t'"ii-i"q'r'" satsisfactorv"!"ioi"i""-t!r:" :'::i::":ii"il;:t::i:iit'lll " "'o- meet the ..0'i;:.;;l;.;;r saLisfactory completion wlth!n a rea lation of o*"'Eiilioi !o a5a'?4s and this rule' setbrcks - sj!:j4-esg sewage Drsposal l l:om: lrlerlor PrOPertY lincS E.loe ot road rlqht-of-waY nuilcirnq foundation iiells, other water sources septic Tank Drainfiel'd I0' 10 | 50' t0lro' r0' 100 | Dll1SlOr{Manageme Please complete all lines inside white boxes, if possibte.Exlstlng Bulldlngs or lmprovements on Property E* Hor""E Barn E3 GarageEl ]r/obile. Homer*r sn"a SEPTIC INSTALLEDEl yes El No Water District L lt A YOUB NAME UATE 1#futu rz [4 ho] /,A+tg ztP 44 ROF (il nol rn. I tlov4 PHOtrEl5-lr (il nol 3rma rf ztP GONIflACTOB fiama-T Dlrectlons to site from Courthouse 14 L MAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Found on tu map. ln thr Astcttmrnt & Tlrltion DcpL) ;;;,p-- *-;- SiEiiii- rru-EEii6i- rq-to-i- o t,r r*-ffiffiiliiilrffii-T- .6ffiffi'- 'I{e-i- S;iEn- rffiiiiEi- -liiittr- l SITE ADDRESS 7-/)t ztP CIII r TO ztP MAIL PERTYT For Moblle Home Placement Only No. of Tip-outs - No. of Bedrms License #_ * Brand Year Size Land Management Dlv. stalf can not bo held responsible for evaluallons or recommendatlons based on lalse, lnaccurate orlncomplete lnformatton ock COMMENTS w-u artitlon I Subdivisl :li:iiiiiiiljjli.iiii::i :i]j:]l::ijiiji,TRS Verlfied l-lYes No l-r Allowed Use -yes No r-r STAFF EVALUATION lnformatlon, Request Only =: t ,.16 \ }L L + I L, D.n, t A1d"7 f\b / & I I I I I 6S '.t{r..JI l- L I 1 tc' ,-slrtl 6-_/7 g( j I' I I I I t- -\ .N : \\\v\ gl / _J 7'r I lr .-.. \--{-..- t I t_ ': I t F \ !