HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-02-15TRS, TL: fH2+tf++=:::@- Subdivision: valentr.ne Park, Lot 5, Block 1 / 7_ o z -/?,*, * q soo subdivision: This permit for the relerehced property is hereby applorred. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed, Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's lnrraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law, POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB AftDRESS: 2548 North 35th Pl Spfd, Oregon Applicant/Address: Richard L. Stratton, 2565 tr{est 18th Eugene, Oregon Owner/Address: James R. Warren, 2548 North 35th Pl., Spfd, Oregon Contractor/Address: Statton Constructlon , sErme as appllcant Contractor's OS + L4088 Total Construction Value: $5153.00 Construction approved by this permit: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT +LC-285-80 485-28581 7 47-L945 I 485-28s8 97402 Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Addltion of dlning room G 132 sq ft,; uncovered decktng @ 200 sq ft; Structures now on property: dweIllng Water Suppl Y: Rainbow Water existing + Bedrooms: na + Plumbingrfixtures: na + Employees: na PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: RA Partitioning + na Parcel + Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: na ; interior property lines: 5r ;rear property line: Special lnstructions na na Parcel Size: 4OCenterline of road, 6I PUE 117x1-50x82x45 For information call 687-4394,Carol WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION na Site lnspection +*na lineal feet of drainfi I nstal lation specif ications:na gal. min. septic tank capacity; eld required; max. depth of trenches: na Special lnstructions: Malntain setbacke betlreen SDS and all construct,ion. If system- should fall, a permlt to repalr must be obtained For information call na between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Ruth BrYant Setbacks 1"1ffi-r property lines !e of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainf ield--lT- 10' 10' 1 00' CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construcljon: 5-N . Group: .E-9 Fire Zqne:. . 9Use Classificationlnstructions. 5ee reverse sade or perm.E, ror requared r_nspecElons. For plans information call 687-3767 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., SED/ADD JLm Lamb For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. lone countyDirectionstoSite:Marcola Rd., to Eayden BrLdge Road, to 35th Plaee, take Left. Date lssued, 02-15-80 Bv DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT's.6-13 ?r?'ff"'""r"'l'ly^?,if 353YhT 8HL'3Sn'rro, Roger L. McGucktn/Iky il!' - 1 tL 24 m. ,2 26 *. 28 llr l6 50 51 I 30 t2 H ACTrVE 34 LANE COUNTY DEF'T ENV I'IGT RECEIPT * 38580 DATE O?O780 APPLICANT STRATT0N, RICHARD (IIARREN ADDE ?565 tl. tBTH ST., EUGHNE 9?40? 36 T[-+ I fO:{ 93004?00 SUBDMALE.NTINE F'ARK LOT 5 ttLK I: NELI BLDG TvFE usE R N0 BDRlrs 00 Nn uNrrs 00{ No srunrEs No BLDGS 00{ 38 c0DE: AF.F,L N0 ACTIoN DESCRIF.TI0N SQ FT UNIT CoST VALUATIoN FEE DAYS - -trF DTNTNG Rool'l I 3? 35.25 4653 oo FF uNcovERED DECH ?00 3.50 500 - -rF' Frr,t2'"".- BF' ,n -!P -BF FLa6 56 sIF0 f,Fr__ I'AKEN [tY CAD LC ?85S0 REF'TT NO. F'IXTURE.S :CONNECTCIRS: I,IECHANICAI.. FET: S ATE SUHCHARGF- F,LAN CHECK FEE: E:LEV ADDh; FF' COHPLETED I'Y 5.00 5t 53 EACH = 4/" ENVH TOTAL FEEXX 3Cr " 0O Ei ,1 f:t { .64 ?0.50 ! N0. -]E ., TU -_J - F'CK 5t CH F: - 50 57 54 r.t t.t t.l l.t t.t = o- 61 IdF'[ F,L.AN 63.1 4 CK $(DEPARTIIENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL T,IANAGEMENT PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 dJob Address Appl ication for Structures now on the property Aff i dav i I If this application i Lane County Code Chap owner of f_duly autho ac Si gnature/Addre Tel noti fy: Con tractor Contractor's OSR# El /_l s for an agr cu lding it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Build ter I0 (zoning) and for no other p'rrpose. I have the following legal interest in the ;ilsfiiii 9- rsl$$iKir / /_-/E$#'ii*ifiitillt*iii /_-/rffii**:,l hereby certify that this information is true and accurate ing Code and property: to purchase;ontract purchaser who /_J Appl icant P1 umbi ng 'lessee; hol knowledgeable of this appli der of an exclusive option Da te 2-7-8o P ohone Phone ,non"@ tion. -28sA ot ?47- /1 5 [.ihen it is Contractor !y: /fi nail DO NOT XRTTEBEIOTTHIS LINI If Commercia l Residential: # or employees _ i#i$#iffi##jiiii:::::::::i:::::::: :.!1 i rinT'- ,,$il$ltL',i M Existing, BP f una-ot SI test holes ready ! Proposed, SI # :ir!.:.::. i,h,BQ:sffi UE$fIiIPEl.f,0. .sst:l.:.Etil.:.r[o: #.,:qf.:,r$.li q$,Valuation Fee t Total Va.l uati on $ $ $ at at each each t /--l,,fiffi.!i.,,,,,,,,, z: r- -ii-:1'-:: rr: r-:.- lVtttf*tslik',|* #M,$ Subtota l TOTAL $ Rece i ved Water Supply Proposed _ Year Instal led Exi sting 4% State surcharge PIans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $ $ffi PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Zone t, r*.t Part. #Parcel Size ; rear *. t, side Comments To be typed on permit CP& I To be typed on permi t By Da Group Fire Zone Use Classification By Da te PhoneFor plans information call (area inspector) Directions to site ./H. /_/ stro Plans to: r p{cctt /vflPc_/_/ Plann\ng 1-1 lutlic Works , Elevation /-/ n/a /l Address /-/ Facility Permit ! Environmental Health CP&l _ set(s)WPC set(s) Da te Requ 1 red Hold Slip to PCC Da te Compl eted Date to PCC ( FOR INFORI'IATI0N about progress of your appl ication call c74-L7L permit Control Center 687_HELP (687-4351) Parcel #_ r\,1,"2 DEPARTIlENT OF ENVIRONMEi.ITAL IlANAGEI"lINT PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Job Address City Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot Subdivision Appl icati on Struc tures Lot --=- Block now on the property Proposed use of property /_t Residential l-l Commerci 1 /_/ Industrial Affidavi t: I,hereby certify that this informa eaIf this appl ication is for an ag cul tural bui I d t will be used for pu purpose. I have the rpo fo ses allowed by the Sta Ilowing iegal interestLane County Code Chapter i0 (zoning) and for no owner of record;con trac t pu rc ha ser;1 essee; E for ing i other /_/ Publ ic tion is true and te Building Codein the property: option to purcha accurate. and SE; Appl ication t As s i gned rs du ly authorized to ac S i gna ture,/Add res s Te le the geabl e o d or te tractor !y: holder of an exclusivef-ttrls appl ication. z1 /-/ natl /-/. phone Phone Phone zfr<8 Z e When Owner If Cormercial: # of stories Residentia'l: # of bedrooms 5I test holes ready Code permit is ready notify: / / Applicant /-/ }wner Con trac tor Contractor's 0SR# plunrbing # of employees -- # of units SDS: , Existing, Bp #-bt Fee Sq. Ft. or # of Sites ! Proposed, SI # Unit Cos t Val uati on Fee Total Valuation: Pl umbi ng fi xtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ 4% State surcharge Plans cheok.fee Change of 0ccupancy each each/-/ Cash /_/ Cnec* *42 $ t Received by Water Supply Proposed --Year instal I ed Existing $-- $-- Subtotal TOTAL $_ $ t PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Comments To be typed on permit Zone Part. #Parcel #Parcel Si ze int, ; rear e Da te t , front t, side By I"IATER POLLUTION CONTROL Instal I ation spec i fications T Directions to site Lt gro Plans to: /_{ .ep&t /_LW( l7 Planning /-/ Public tJorks , Elevation /_/ n/a I Address /-/ Faci 1 i ty Permi t ! Environmental Health be on permit ofd infiel depth of s Te1 ephone By:) CP&1 I^]PC set set S S Da te Requi red Hold Slip to PCC Da te Compl eted Date to PCC FOR INFORI1ATI0N about progress of your application call permit Control Center 687-HELP $87-4357) C-.CJ /:-t (zio) Descri ption $ x 8;7,t 'u?) Scett: /"=30' o Fouato /.P Hnrua Sppot R ,1/>O fustz<tuE- 1 \c) { u{) v-) U\ 50 \$\ N \ "rr R Nh N h .\ b .N iOg,N r6"45'a5';tl/zg. t7' N o'J/ai"t4/i , 45.61' bo o \ \ h Q \ 9 PK. NAlL tl lr. I \ v A PowanfuiJ rr..,t $, oo { \ a\ h\ 0 \ s A'3s'27O.OO'I /rvtnez kutT l/Atsrurrte Pean< Dcror.lptlor [ot 6, BImk l, Valcatlae Fark, ao plattcd e,nd rocorrled at pagc 17 ofvolrsc 28, t.rnc Coraty Oregm Plat Rccorda, ln lane County, Orogo. I, Joln laurt1a, Jr., roglstored ongincor, oertlf)r thtt I have gurrsyed and narked the ooncom of the abovc deacrtbod propcrty aad flnd sald property r^r. ahom ebove rlth bulldlagr thereo locrted as rhornc and I flnd no part of -gatd b,ulldt.nga €noroaohod oa the adJaoot propertlr, nor door aay part of anybutldlng oa the adJacat property anoroach on thc above deecrlbod proporty. llottse E' ,t x\ l! r\ 2 q t s -J / fssteno &ginacring Coasultantcll0 East lftrr evsaue, Drgene, oregon tray 3, 196I ul Nr Nr \l I I I I I I s Srrvay for &hrln L Westovsr 2534 36th Placs Sprlngfl.old, 0rego j'iu I I I *, JOB ADDRESS: ,,i. : CONSTRUCTTON pERMtT + TffS, TL: ,'.. -' . Subdivision: , : r, , Thispermitforthereferencedpropertyishereby ),:r,:jtl, Setbacksandotherconditionsofapproval mustbestrictlyobserved result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's tnfraction Ordinance, and/oi other remedies allowed by law. Violation can Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address Contractor's OS +r Construction a by this ermit: Water Supply Total Construction Value: Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: + Bedrooms + Plumbing Fixtures + Empl oyees PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: Partitioning + Parcel + lVlinimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: ; interior property lines ;rear property line aa Parcel Size: 46centerline of road, 6 i ptri:side exterior: Special lnstructioht For information call 687-4394 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + lnstallation specif ications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches (-al. min. septic tank capacity; Special lnstructions:rGs $Irii eo EeDelSetbacks- 1er'r o-i p ro pe rty I i n es - Jge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' Drainfield--lo-- 10' 10' 1 00'For information call between B:00 - 9:00 a.m., CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction lnstructions; See :t-i{' Group: ii-3rew:rlre st$a of pefi.r{t fof, Fire Zone Use Classification For plans information call between 8:00 a.m. and g:00 a.m., For inspections (see back of this permit) call 697-4065 between g:00 a.m. and S:00 p.m Directions to Site: Date lssued: c55-1 3 ,{ea Brl I DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 rI lane county6l!'.- ( By: - SITE INSPECTION AppRovroDDrsappnover[]Dare Rrunnxs I Nspecron FOUNDAT I r AP PRov E o Reulex s ON I NSPECT DrsAPPRovr o f"--7 oarr 3-/F - ?at NS PE CTOR 2-Z bfr^'A FRAMiNG INSPECTION A,pnovrD E/ DrsAPpRovE , D ,orr-348 - h. RrueRxs I xsprcton LATH OR SHI Ap pnov r o Rrxanx s INSPtCI ION D t seppnoveo D o^,r3--27-fu*sPECTOR r I{,IAL I NSI'ECT ION APPRovio =/ rrsaPPRovE , f-J Rculnxs Z f2'O,-1DrrrT{SPECTOR -_v--\ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Reaov ro lssut Rruanx s Nor Rraov to lssur Drre I NSPEcToR 'qri-) Scetr : / " o Fourtto /.C ,fuwrkh/E - l/arua Dnroof R 09.N 3d'4s'ai'6'll/Zg. /7 \c) xqq) v) Cl\ \ U\ N \ A, hn sh N\ .\ h U t4/><) _\ t bo p a \ h\ \ q b I ,Y o'tt'at'w 4t.67',V PK. NA/L lr. t. t-. ., 1 h $', $ A h*se PrL€j,5A 3s'2,70.Oo' 0s .i \ rl, ) /,vtnAz hnuTl/plsryrtlg Pe,qt< Dctortptknr b! s, Brmk l, Yalcnttno park, rc plattcd rnd rooordod et pagc 17 ofvohno 28, lrnc Corurty Oregoa Plat Rccordl, ln la,no Countyr'Oiogou. I, joF faurtla, .Ir., roglatored ongtnoor, ocrtif;r thrt r havo cury€yod andnarLed the ooraorr of the ebovc doacrlbod propcrty and flnd eald propererr^r. chsta ebove rlth butldlagr thareo locrled-aa ohovra and I flnd no part of fll,Plldh$: Eroroaohsd oa the adjaom,t propcrty, nor doe: any part of anyDulrdb8 oa the adJaoot property storoach on thc above doscrtbod proporty. $rrvey for Edrrln L iTestovor 2534 36th Plaeo Sprlngllcld, 0rogo \, Hooce E \ r\ t k)' t / \ r< \'t v) q \ l.. S s (-, (' A) \ ll3ltcnc hglnccring CoasultantglI0 Ea,st litrr evenie, Drgeno, orego,ntray g, lg6t I I I I