HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1992-08-20U6 8 (ezzzt a743PERMIT # -72--, REAUEST SEPTIC SYSTEM VERIFICATION FOB: 17 OREGONEUGENEILOYD DRAKE, ABOVE PlloxE aoNrnacroR IIAME NANA NA COCT/VALUEOFtlo.rc.nSIALLEO OFxo.P RIVATE USE ONY OAKS ST., SAI.lE AS T HE J OB ADDRESSKEN J{FFERIS,OSR LICENgE FROI' STRUcTUREB xow EX I ST I N G ORTH 400c? AI.1I LY D!IELL I N G PROPERTYSINGLE F of sroBlEg 6Ftmo}{oF t'1 VERIFICATIONSEPT I C SYSTE oliEclloNg IO glTE 5815 coL 19.4' PRoPoSED usE 343" 969i PHoNE lzo-0550 NONE GIVEN SPRINGFIELDT 0REG0i'l35ttl STREET, N ME K OREGON 97I+01STREET, EUGENE,i461 oAK and LOYD DRAKE sldes ol thls aPPllI have carefullY read BOTH andelsetlontrunlormallthatcertlly correct DATEFEES DUE: ' APPROYED BY: {rrzz-Ct CondltlonsTheOnBasedlsAuthorlzatlonYourYICAREFULLREAD 687-4065tNSTRUCTIONS)FORMOFBACK(sEEINSPECTIONSFOBCALL current.areunless180afterinspectlonsdaysotherALLexpirepermlteoneforareyear.goodSEPTICpermlts sBrB-Ac-KsANDorHER"o*-o*'omP,:alY-'Jl'Jhqtffi3ffi..,"^Ig1s:gla13sl.-rNR'vocAnoNoFrHrsp,Rrur.clrArloNsMAYBElssusDt^Ddii*pnovrsiriirTiii'-Lilrtrilffi'v,snnnlcntivb:ffiiid'iriir,o*orr***rr orEsA,owEDByLAw. A MIhIIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOT RS ADVANCE NOTICE MUST BE GrVEN FOR INSPECTTON REQLESTS rlave the following information ready when you ca,: 6g7-4065 Permit number - Job d{":, _ Type of inspection required _ When it will be readyyour name and phone numbei _ A"y specij dtections to the site powERroEN,ERUpoNLAND. ,*""ffi*l?.irlBi^['s5l']y.#ffirif:H.i*'iffi'"ffi13H$Hft';gH*.r^,,*op*BrRp,NcrroNs,M yENTER' I'JPON ANY LAND AND MAXE BXAMINATTONS AND SURVEYS AND PT.ACB AND MAINTAIN T1IE NECESSARY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS THEREON. F.LTNDATI.N INsPEcrroN: ro be made **^.11T-"*.TL:?"T*:?fl::1ff:*: any required reinrorcing steer is in prace.L'NDERGRoUND PIPING INSPECTI0N: To be:nadeafter all undffiund piping has t""rr'i*tuit"a, pnor to any backfill.coNcRETE SLAB oR UNDER-FLooR INSPECTIoN: To be made it", "u i*rr"u or under-floor byilaine service equipme,nt, conduit, pipingaccessories and other ancillary equipment items are I Plle ura u"r"." -y "onoa is placed or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor.R0UGH MECHANICAL rNsPEg[oN: To be madeaft* all ducting aid gas pipingias been rr*,"1"a and prior to being covered.RoUGH PLUMBING INSPECTIoN: To be madeafter uu plr*b;;;ou;-in is in prace, prior to being covered.FRAMING INSPECTToN: To be made after the g t.-,t e, rir" uro"ctini, ta"i"g -a r*r -" a oi;" and au pipes, chimneys and vents are compreteand the rough electical, plumbing, and mechanical inspections hav" b""n-iud" and approved.INSULATIoN INSPECTIoN: To be made after {l inzulation *a *pooiri.r, are in prace, prior to covering. iti{:ffif-},&!i'H,!?#.'ffi:ffi?*Tffi:Xgiffi'#i'ffi*-;ffi;"ffiin,eriorLdex,erior,isinp,acebu,beroreanyADDITIONAL INSPECTION.S MAY BE iIEQUIRED, SUCh '" U,t-,.Ot Ti-it"A tO;BLocKWALL: Tobe.madeafterreinforcingisi.place,butb"f;"rtgrrtispo,red. Theinspectionisrequiredforeachbondbeampour. Therewill be no approval until the plumbing ana etlucalinspections t "r" u""i-"6" and approved.FINAL MECHANICAL INSPECTToN: To be made just prior to tt " ,u*no. * ,",od"bd area being occupied and prior to operating any equipmenrFINAL PLUMBING INSPECTToN: To be made jruiryyl ," ,rr" i"iiot , l*"*" or remodeled ,." u"ing occupied"FINAL BUILDING INSPECTIoN: To be made "rt"1-n"itrt grJtt g ;d ;r" building, ,*"*" *ronla"bd area is completed and ready for occupancy.MoBILEA'IANUFACTURED HoMES: An inspection is re{uirea-ater trr",nouit" t ome is conne"t"d to an approved sewer or septicsystem' prior to covering sewer or water lines, for setback requirements,tl*r*rg, tiedowns and plumbing connections,Footings and piers to comply with State fowrdation requt;;; f;. -obile homes o. i" ,"**"nded by the manufacturer.Minimum finished floor elevation shall be lrtifiea when r"quir.a Ly Fbodplain ManagementTiedowrs' if requied' shall be installed and ready ror inspeciioi *i i,in so duy, "r* "i*p-"y. Tiedowns shal be instared per encrosure. APPROYAL REQT,rIREDNo work shall be done onany part-of the building o1-s-tructure berond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining theffi#,|lff:I.1*'6:'k'ilil*rffii 'utt" gi"enonlv 'rt";;i,tp""tionshallhavebeenmade oreach successive srep inthe construction TIrIs PERMr wrLL ,,.'IRE " *#lt?H'*iHl'"Xyilf,ffiI#f'^,f":3ffiif"',.'HS"?HBTf ['^Hi,S'ffiMoRE rHAN ,80 DAyssusPENsIoN oR REvocATIoN MAY occuR IP nrrs psRIWr wes is-iuro oN THE sesls oF N?oMpLETE oR ERRoNEous INF'RMATI.N. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OT REQTITRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK.Your signature on the front of this form verifies 0re following: I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THIS coMpLETED AppLJCATIoN and dohereby certify that all information hereon i" ;; -d correcq hd that I have a legar interesi ," ur" p1"e"iy as owner of record or authorized agent. Ifrrrther certify that anv and all work perfot"Jrrr"iiu" a"r," ir, """oia-" *ia o" oroirarrce, ofl-alr" iounty *d rili;;;;,il sor" of oregon per_taining !o the work described herei"' r ruttr,". "*tifu that if I ; il tlr"-;;* "r tr," p."p"riy, ,"vllgil",r" with the Builders Board is in tull force#;t:*Xr#:Tilt5fl$|r'i.|rf*,il**:j{"i*'pi*'i^i'' i"'iiJ"J.p,i.n i, ,,o,"i i ot,,liia tr,"t o,,ry *r".",,*i"i'*o emproyees who SUBSURFACE & ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS:when subsurface construction is complete, -the r"""11 rrgra".g.u ;rtfy;; county Land Management Division by s,bmitting the insta[ation recordform' An inspection will be made bv a qutlini r;*ir,. If;;;;i* "J-ou;r with an rd;; ;;rdfi"ate of completio, i1i t" issued ro the permitholder' If construction does not complv;ith rub;, rh" p";;ilrd; *iliL *,in"a, ."e"u ;;;;il"lr,"u b" -^d;';i;;; " ii,m..* of compretionwill be issued' Fail,re to meet satisfaciory "ffi"tio" within the arottJ ti,nl *nstitutes a riotarion oidns 454.605 to 4il.745rand this rure. SUBSURT'ACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SETBACKS SEPfiC TANKFrom: Interior p,roperty lines iO' Edge of road right_of_way 10, Building foundation 5, Wells or other water sources 50, DRAINFIELD l0' t0' 10' 100' + + lmprovements on Property # nor""fJ s"m E Garage E fvlobile. Home E Shed SEPTIC INSTALLEOl-J Yes Eltlo Water District Bulldlngs orPlease complete all llnes lnslde whlte boxes, if posslble. a- (( 7tb/ 6-{0nrdfrE-.-;'- ?r'{ ? 6 lma at - lr{- alma ta rffi fLlu I ztP a ztP bti I D rF )(r'. fi'n-r S i-o C Et)t, {r t( 1, )LO l-/ t OR f'/ vtt l' nearest maln lntersectlon to froms/te MAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Found on l.r mrDa ln lha Aaa.aamant I fu.tlon o.DLl/7 02 /? .4,2 +bo TorEhiD 8.n!. ltaclion t/a E cticn T.I Lol fculrhlp B.ng. g.ctlon tr4 g.ctlon Tu Lot roGiiTF EE- Eil6i- rlllEif -tiit6i- 3 to'SFtr-DSITE 02NO Z ??VZ ent Only License No. ol Size ITIA|L PERTUIIT TO: /-o D 0/z ??qcs / -Eeo E(i- l4b/ Car ET / lrom Water to: Land Management Diy. staff can not be held responsible for evaluations or recommendations based on false, inaccurato or 11e- ztsz incomplete lnlormatio rlr4-68 02/92 Moblle Home (r, ) S.fl' lYNY' Locato P I etSr"P+t d G'Pottr u p t-* t:t tr *on a Doot * X 5+1, /u. 5 5 S I (E) 7r ,-\'e(-, o 7q 7 t I I I I \-r l I LJ l,l: 5 3 0 LANE C0UNTY DHF'I' HNV MGT RECEIFT * ?743?? DATE O8{'?? APFLICANT JEFFERIS, HEN ADDR ?54? N ^ 35TH S'[. , SF'RINGFIELD, ORE' TL* { ?02r ?4?00400 suErDIv 1..0T BLK : NEI,I BLDG TYFE USE R EDR}.IS O UNITS OOI .STORIES +BLDGS ?2& PHONE 655 O -.I 8HilE- XXF."'fi["Xifiofi*ilrr**,*rr0N oo3fi F?u'uilirulllr*l;iriTTlil"'t!3i '-fr'$ BF ttF BF.$FiE{F i 3PL *FIX/[IATH: SldR: FT. tlTft: FT. RAIN: FT tMECH I.IECHANICAL FEE fiSUR STATE SURCHARGL. 57" " - F F,CK FLAN CHECK FEE ?.5?I . TLR LC 2743q? SDSV ?5^00 i T I ItJ {:A'fS: FL-N SEGLI , TAKHN TtY HL.H SDS ELE F.CK { HS ^ COI'IF,L.ETION DATH / sr 0TR DEF0SIT *r( ISS ?,f 75.00 cK I RA 3oo c I tr \-- r. la: ?' FIIIItt rrt l-. t.l ... I