HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-06-28Assesoo,e MrP # \1 'J'cz Lot ll Stbdiuision: PlarreAddz,ess zip Descri.be h'ot'k: ValtteDate of Appl iqtticn Additicn RenoCeL F,cce..RESIDF\TIAL.. SPFrINGFIELI) APPLICAT)-)/PERI/IIT 225 North |th Street Spr"Lngfield, )t'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 {) Date r:t tors General Plurnb nlca t.rlca clanElec E rLSl-nSu OR I,IOVED BU Sanilary ser:er eapped at proparty Line Septic tank punped and filled uith gra;tel Final - l{lten abcue ttens ate ccrtrpleted and uhen Cenolition is conplete or sttl't:)- tuy,e moued ard prenrises cleaneC up. Ilcmes Blocking and. Set-uP Plunbing connectians -- seoe! anl uater Electrical Connection - Blocking, aet-up and plunbina connections nilst be apprct;eC befit'e requ-e eting electrical inspec lio:t Accessoru Building Pinal - After pct'ches, skirting, decks, etc. dre completed- Pege 1 of :i It ia the reeponoibility of the pemit ho-Ldet' fnon the stre-6b, and' that the pemrit cat'd isin;la;rq Nuiti.on appnoted pl'n shcll remain Located at the fronton the etalding )it.of the pro7ert!nt aLL times. PROC\pUPE FoR TNSPEC?I1N .g_Qt-tEsT', :ca i@iiliZ-a'-.2 unenjou uill Lte reacl! to eee thaL aLL .tne1>ections aye nad.e at the p?oper time' that ecch addrees is readabie LL 726-3769 (recorcl,zr) state your City Cesigrnted j ob ntmbert'job aCdtess, tyPe of insPeclicn for inspection,Cotttractcrs oP Afie?s ntne ind plnne nwnber.P,equests recei.xed befcre 7:00 c:t uiLL be made the aatne dcy' requests SITE INSPECTION: To be made after POST AND BEAM: TO bC ffiTdTltt-lo{of floor rnade prior to oll ,ICAL: .unt L these beer mcde after 7:00 on urtll be made t?te Iour Ciby Desigr,ated Job ncrt aorking day. Nutnberr,, E)qO35?' er."""tl;n; ii prion tc set uP of fonne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBI.YC, ELECTBTCAL & MtCUrr-,Wcnt: To be made before anY ffiE76rsered. FOOTINC & FOUNDATICN: To be rnaCe Vfi er TffiEi-iFiZxcau ated and forns at e erected, but Prior to poutirq ccncrete. UIIDERFLOOR PLUI,EINC E lAEClIAlTQlL: i;T;-ffi-wi;r to installation of floor inaulation ot' decking. INSU\ A't',t()N/VAP1R IlAttRTER MSPIC'.tION-: To be rut;Le af bet' uLL insulatr-cn at"<l required uapor bat'rie?s ate in place bui belore any Lath, gypswn boanC ot tnLL couetting i.s applied, arul before any insul,tbion is concealed. UN1ERGROUU) PLUM.tINqr ssw.EP. w.4TI!' DRAI\IACE: To be male PrLor to !LL- Tfr-iFerchee. DRYI^\ALL INSPECI'ION: Ta be made nFe"-iTT-Zry,,t"tf t s in place' but prior bo cnY taPing. MASONRY: Steel Tocation, bond GJfrilgtottting or uerticals in accordance Llith U.B.C. Section 2415. I"IOODSTO./t': Aften ins tallation is ectnpTfiA. CURB & AITR)ACV APRQN: Af ber fomns ale et*;;i but p;iA; tu pouring conorete. DE'/AT, c|ete of-ur:y, to Y: For aLL con- nade and app?ol) FT!?EPLACE: natai;G ur)ffi- nli"'^";2x11 ditlri.n stt'eet righ.t- made aftet' aLL etca- te & fotn wrk & sub' in place.Priot, to arul before fratning insPec- tion. FRAIIINC: ttust be requested after ffioiit of rouglL pltttrhing, electri cal & nec?nnical, AL! r'oofing bracing & ehinmeys, etc. rmtst be ; conrpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con' . ' ceCled until this inspection lns 'been made anC approued, IENCE: hrlrct conPlete -- Prouide jiFii or nooablb sectians through P. U.E. FITIAL PLUI,IBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL AIL pt,o;j,-:ab aontli.t.irtrut, uucl: crs tluin:rtal_lation of s);yect l:9e-1, connlct:ion.of bhe required. .Lantlsccp'Lrg, Ltc., rust be satisf'Lid befo*e tl;e BLIILDINC FINA'L can be requested' FINAL DUILDINC: The l\inol Btdld.ing Inspection nust be requested after the Final Plwnbing-s1"iii"-i..Ll-, 'ri vr.ho.li.r',il trrupe.t'ions'lrque been node ard approrsed' ,l1t't, l,|A|ljIt)|8,:.4N1) Cr,!,',lNoLt,i:| !|tl:,,r BIi,'1(''1,,!;''SSIBt'F, Al)JllS,r!::i,,l,l iD Btj !.|.4D8 l.l ll0 CcST I'0 C{,!y NAL ELEC'I'RICAL Job Locaticn: w .&r* ulDRtr {i !leatSetbaa AacessP. L.llouse e(traqe North F:o:; t llllSouth oLAR ACE-Ess REQ.- [,ot Faces - JOB NO Bech'ooms L-CO G+ lI,/est Iot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lob Cooenage ! of StorLes Total Eeight Topography LOT ?YPE _ fntez,ior _ Corner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac -- Fe.e.s -- ITEI4 SQ. FTG Va Building Vtllue & Permit Thispetmi.tisl1t,antedontheewressconditionLLntthesatd-eonstt,uction iiiili i" atl iet;1rccti,- conform'to th-e ordinance adopted t)v the cita of ipriiilt;.."ti,' iicLlurltng' the \oniq crdinanc.e, regulatirLg the ccnstntcticn and use of build.i.tt17s,'oni-,r"y bi'sus-peru,e', ir r-euokeC at cny time upon oi'c- Lation oi any prcttisi.ons of said 1rdiruzncas' TOTAL VALUE DC7.5 z Building Permtt k Fee Date Pairl State Receipt ll Total Clnt'ges Si.qned ITEM NO.I Lr,CIlARCE Plumbing Permit No Dersolt shalL cot'tstruct, install, alter or clwnge -cnA nel-cr eristi-ng';ir;rbr;"";" i"tilil" "irtl:n in uhole o-r. in part, inless such person is the Legal posseasor of ";Lile plr ini"" Li"-nntL, ei-cept tlnt.a person nag do plwnbing trork to p"oprrty-"ir-ih is ourned, Leased or. operated by the appli- cant. Fi.rttn es Resi-dential (1 bath) Sani Seuen Plwnbing Permit State 1 Electricol Permit I tllpt,e state Laln requires that the eLecl:r,ical aork be dane by an Electrical Contractor, tlro nle.trir)iol plrtto" of thb -pemtt shall not be uaLiC until the LabeL -hns been cigned Uy the Electrical Conl;ractor' \co Na,t/Erterd Circuil;s Total ITXM NC,FCfr CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit lc Exlmnsl; Hood Vent For Wcodstooe PetmLt fssuance Mechanictl Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secaritu Deposit Storage Maintenance Permit Cvrbcut Stdeualk Fence Electrical Label Mobile Hone (A& SO \ UALEPlant Erontttet' f HAVE CAREfULf,y ILAMINEI) the eompleted appLi'cation fo-r'permit' and do ininay ctertifu ttat alt-inloiqlLbn hereoi^is true and correct' od' r furth"en "nrtify that any oid oll uo.rk pellorned slnll be done in accor- dance uith the or,Tinaitc"no- of ih" ci'W ;f 'sp?i-ngfield' 3nd th-e La;e of the State of Oregcn p"*toiiii.t,J-'to- tie wit<\esbrit:cd herein, cnd tlwt No 1ccu- PANC1 uill be nade of- ii,y' ttr"L'iirle uithout permission of the Building Di- ttision. I funther certiiu thaL only contrac'tors and enplcyees uko are in coiplianee'rttt Ons 701.b'55 t,tiLL be used on this project TotaL G.2s -e2 T7TAL AM1IJNT DIJE: *85sc Datc flD2 X NO. r Di Petmit Stdte Surchatae C'TY OF SPR"VGFIELD, OREGO'U ?T SPRINGFIELD DWELOPMENTSEFY'CES ADMINISTRATION PUNNING / BUILDING PUBLIC WOFKS M ETROPOLITAN WAST EWATER MAN AGEM ENT May 16, 1990 Mr. Larry Lilligren 2443 North 35th Street Springfield, 0regon 97478 Dear Hr. Lllligren: 0n December 26, 1989 you vere granted a L80 day extension on permlts to repair your garage. This letter is to inform you that you need to request a required inspection prior to June 26, 1990 or your permits vill be terminated. If you have any questions, please phone me at 726-3790. ince_reIy, tisa Hopper Building Technician 225 FIFTH STREET SPR/NGF/ELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD,. OREGO'V h, SPFIi.*- IELE, DEIIELOPMENTSEFY'CES ADMINISTRATION PLANN/NG / BUILDING PUBLIC I,YOBKS M ET BOPOLITAN WAST EWAT EB M AN AGEM ENT December 26, 1989 Mrs. Wanda Lillegren 2443 North 35ttr Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Mrs. Lillegren: Your request for an extenston of your building permit at 2443 North 35th Street, Sprtngfield, Oregon, has been revlewed and approved. This approval may only be granted one ttme and will exptre 180 days from the date you requested an extension (June 26, 1990). If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3790. si ncerely, Lisa Hopper Bullding Technician Dave Puent, Building Official 225 FIFTH SIFEEI SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-375s cc th Dec 26, t9t9 Dear Lisa Hopper Lisa iln writing for a e*tenuion on our permit. Larry is workingout of town at this time. r dor't know for sure wher he wirl be able to get to it at this time. r called on the phone and talked to you onDec 26, t9E9. Sireerely, , /u^2*f**- Lamy H. Lillegren 2tt43 N. 35th Springfield, 0r. 9747E Permit No. E9O35E QT, ctTYOF SPR!r{GFTEL(, DEyELOPMENTSEFY'CES ADMINISTRATION P/JANNING / BUILDING PUBLICWORKS M ET ROPOLI TAN WAST EWAT E R MAN AG EM E NT CERTTFIED LETTER 225 FIFTH STREET SPBINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726_3753 Mr. Larry Lilligren 2443 North 35th StreetSpringfield, Oregon 9747g RE: Permit Expiration Dear Mr. Lilligren: The springfield Building code Administrative code provides that inorder for a permit to remain varid, the,o.[ "ti"h has been authorizedby the permit must begin vithin 1g0 days oi tr,. date of issuance, andan inspection must be requested at reast """iy-rgo days in order foryour permit to remain vaIid. According to our recordsr you obtained a permit to performconstruction on your garage on June 28, teae. your inspection recordindicates that the last requested inspection vas conducted on thatsame date (June 28, 1989). This letter is to notify you that your permits virl expire on Deeember ?at 1989. rf your permits expirer you wilr need to ."n., your p"rmit"in order to comprete your project. rf you rrirr be unabre tL request arequired inspection prior to December 28, you may, in writing, requestan extension of your permit. Please notify this office vithin ten (10) days from the date of thisletter to indicate your intentions for the compretion of the project. rf you have any questions, prease feel free to contact me at 726-3790. Sineerely, Lisa Hopper Building Technician cc: Dave Puent, Building Official December 14, 1999