HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-03-29Receipt ! 1 3 3 uqB Date: General P lurnb ing l.lechanical Elec tr ica Supe 1 E-l.ec t l'( 1iltr It ie the responsibility of the permit holdet, to see that aLL inspections a.ye nade at the ptope? time, th,at each address is readable fz,om the street, anC that the permit catd is Located at the front of the propetty.*Suildiw Diuiciot: approted plctn shcll remain on the Buildin.o Site at aLL t[nes. P2OCIDURE FOR INSPEC?f1ll R9QUEST;CALL 726-3769 (recordey) state Aouy City Cestgrnted job nunben, job aCdress, type of inspec=icn requested and ahen iiou u'iLL be readA fon inspcction, Cotltractcrs ct' A)ners rnme and plnne nunber,. F.equeBtl receited befcre 7:a0 tvt *-iLL be made the sane dcy, r,eqltests nade aftet, ?:00 on uiLL be nade the ncrt aorking day. Iourt City Desigrutted Job Nunber fs: ..RESIFqNTIAL.. APPLICA..ON /PERI.IIT 225 North 5th Stv'eet Springfteld, (.)regon 97477 Buildi.ng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFTELD- rob Locaticn, <q/O l/R'7<'Z .;7 Assesso'.sr.p # \lDA \Qfu y. L bDD Sabdioision: Dtrru -lz.rzoorzu.ra.Otmer:z LL Address:Phone: ? ?>/->a hrry.--fu-ry Describe lt'onl<: Val-ue t--l Z#Date of App Licaticn Addtticn RenoJeL ilobile fione Page 1 of J I T w SITE INSPECTION: Io be nade after etcantation, but pricr tc set up of forrne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC. ELECTRICAL & MECH!.IIICAL: To be made before any t'tork is cotlered. FCO?ING & F)UNDATICN: To be rnaCeiSil tren ii{Z""Zrcaoated and forms ane erected, but pz,ior to pouring ecncreta. UND|RGROU\ID ?LUMETNC, SqWER2 W,A?ER' DR\I!|AC!: To be naCe prior to fil-Tfr'Trinchee. UIIDERFLOOR PLU!.,!B ING & I|ECIIANICAL : ro be madejii-ot, to instatlation of floor insulation ot, decking. POST AND BEAM: To be rnade prior toTifiTdllc-i of floor insulation or decking. R1UGH Pt,UMBIrlC. EI,ECIRICAL & \4ECH: ANICAL: No uotk 'Ls to bc co"-ered. ffiiTthe"n inspectiotis haue been made and approued. FTPEPLACE: Prior to plccir4 faeingnateriaLs and before froning inspec- tion. ?RA!.|INC: lhust be requested after approoal of rough plutrbing, electti-cal & necLnnical. AL! r,oofing braeirry & chinmcys, ete, mtst be eonpleted. llo uctk is to be con- . eecled unttl thts inspeetion has'been made anC appro,-ed. FTilAL PLU!4BIIIC FTNAL MECHANICAT, FINAL ELECTRICAL INSI]LATION/VAPOR BAI?RIER II]SPEC?ION : To be naCe aftet, aLL insulaticn and requined uapor baw,iers oxe in place but befoz,e any Lath, gypsLon boarC ot, tnLL cotseting is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed, DRYI"IALL INSPECTfON: Tc be nade;fter ;tT@;iTf't s in place, but prior to any taping, MAS)NR!: Steel location, bond beams, gtouting or uerticals in accordance uith U.B.C, Section 241 5. T,IOODSTO'IE: ccmpretA. Af tet, ins tall..ation is CURB & APPRCACIT APPOU: After forns az'e erected but prior to pouring conct,ete. SIDIHALK ,9 DRf\tEWAI: For aLL con-c""t;ndo@;ltir" street right- of-t"uy, to be made aftet, aL'!. erca- oating complete & forn wz,k & sub- base material in place, AD BU, Sanitary seaer capped at pz,operty Lire Septic tank pwrped a,td. filled uith graLel Final - hthen abcoe itens ave ccmpleteri and uhen Cetnolition is complete oz, st!,ur- tuve noued and pneniees cleaneC up. B\ocking ord Set-up Plwnbing connections -- aa)et and uatey Electrical Ccunection - Blocking, set-u: and plunbing connectione m;st be apprctei before requesting elec*,rtcal insp ec! iot: Aecessory Buildlng Final - After pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. ate cornpleted, IENCE: tahen conplete -- ProuiCe gates or mooable sections thtough P. U.E. ALL pro;jecL. condttions, suc!'t, <ts the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of the requined Landsccp'irg, atc., rm'tst be satisfied befone the BUfLDfNC FINAL can be request;tl. FIN,AL BUILT)IN1: Ihe Final Building. fnspection mtst be requested afte" the Finat PlwnbingElectrical, anC Nechanical fnspections hque been nade and'approoed. *ALr' MANIIC|,ES AND CLtANotITS MUS? BL' ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTnSN| ?O BE ;L4DE A? ll0 COST ?0 CI?y /am- f1 ,,,, Bza-=s?- T T [] ESS REQ.-SOLAR AC nst dJOB NO.L-CO Bedroons Iot Sq. Ftg. % of lct Cooetage ! of Stories Total Height Topography LCT TYPE Lot Faces - !leat Intericr Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac ilou::e Ac.e:i$ ITEI"I SQ, FTG x Va Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the erpress eondition tfutt the said.consttaction slnll, in all t'espects'- ionlor. Lo the crdinance adopte'7 by the city 2f ip"iigfi.ti, inetludtng'tnl 2oil'"g crdinanc.e, r'ettulct'i.tuJ ,the c711tru:!:-t:.,^ tra ""oL of build.ings, and may be suspended or reuokec dt cnli tLne upon ULC- Lation of ony prcuisions of said Ordir'rznces' TOTAL VALUE 1.5 r ,t Building Penmtt Fee Date Paid State Reeeipt ll ?otal Clnt'ges *Signed ITEM NA.CHARGE Plumbing Permit No peteon slnll construct, install, alter. or clnnge anA neL)-cr eeisting - ;i,;;b;;;"'"r'Tr"t"".sZ""i"tL"- ti it'oi' or in pant, -unless such person is the Legal possessot' of " rY""tl.i'ptiii''" t':"n""'n' etcept that a pet'son na'g do plwnbing uork to pr"p"'iti-"Li"i-iu ornna, Leased o,r operaLed by the appli- cant. Fittw'es Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Pemit State NO,Electricol Permit wet,e state Lats t,equires tlnt the electrical uork be done by an Electrical contraetor, the electrlil"lf,ortro"- of thi.s -pennit sLnLL not be oaliC until ln'n liant -Lns been aigned q tne Electt'ical conttactot'Neu/Ettend Circuits Seruiee L TotaL NC,I LL CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit Eshanst HooC Vent Fan eG Wcodstoile PermLt fssuance Meclwnicel Petwtt State Sea,u,i.ty Deposi,t Storage Maintenance Permit Cvrbcu! Sideualk Fettce ElecLrical Label Mobil.e Hone 2278?. IHAWCAREF(JLLyEXAM1NEDtheeonpletedapplicationforpennit'andda herebg certify tnat"'afi-in1ottnation hereoin' is true and earreeL, cn'C I ir"tLL" L'*tL?y tnat'iia "ii "n uork perforned sLnLL be done in accor- danee wLth the ordi)eitc"es- of the City of "Springficld, .and the .La';e of the * state of oregcn p"";,;;;,;;1;g-'to- tie'ao"rk ceszrib-ed hcrein, cnd llnt N0 ,ccu' pt4cy ui.LL be nade ;|"',;;;;', ,;;";i7i- r,it|i"t permission of, the Building Di- uieion. I furthen eertif',1 thet 9nly contrat'tore and enployees Dho are in Lrrplr:rn"n'rltt, ons- iol.bss uiLL be- used on thie pro'ieet Total ,IOTAL AMOUNT DI]E:,/r.7,Date FEil llaten Tctal Chan oes Sweh,a.rqe