HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-11-13RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lns pections: 726.3769 Olfice: 726.3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WOFIK: ASSESSOBS MAP:7o z/ LOT: :;PRINGFIELE, ?trt,tz/JOB NUlvtUEfl 225 Filtlr Strcct Sgrlrrgfle lrJ, Otcgorr g/477 LOI:ot 7oo -1r BLOCK:SUBDIVISION OWNER: ADDR CITY:STATE:ztP PH.NE: j]q NEW - BEMODEL ADDlrloN DEMoLtsH orHE,r DESCRIBE WORK: NAME ES$EXPIIIES PI.IONE PLUMBING: GENEBAL: CONTR MECHANICAL: ELECTRICAL: CONSI. CONTRACIOFI , r OF STORIES:HEAT SOUHCE WATER HEATEFT: _RANGE: - oFFlcE usE {TTENTIoN:oregOn law requl tollow rules adoPted bY the Oregon UtilitY Notlllcallon Center.FFRffi RIeB.aLe-se!!grt[_ lftE lF"Tdffi U/Offi in OAR e52'001-0019 952-001- CONSTR. TY PE SOUAfit: FOOIAGE NOflCE; OUAD AREA: , OF BLDG OCCY GFIO LAND USE: EH THI I$ AB4 To reqlresl an lnspecllon made'the sanle worklng [-_l Temporary Electrtc Slte lnspectlon - To be madeafler excavallon, but prlor tosettlng lorms. Underslab Plumblngl Electrical /Mechanlcal - Prlor to cover, Footlng - Alter trenches are excavated. t] Rough Electrical - prior to cover, Electrlcal Servlce - Must beapproved to obtaln perrnanenl electrlcal power. Flrral Plurrrbirrg - Wtrcn allplurnblng worl( ls complete. Flrral Elcctrlcal - Wherr allelectrical worl( is conrplete. Flnal Meclrarrical - Wlren allmechanical worl< ls cornplete. Flnal Bullding - When allrequired lnspections have beenapproved and bulldirrg is cornplcted. Otlrer [-_l Blocking an<I Set.Up - Wlrcn alt - blocklnll ls cornplcte. Plumbirrg Connections - When ]rolne lras been corrrrectecj towaler and sewer. Eleclrlcal Corrrreclion - When blocking, set.up, and plurnbing lnspeclions lrave bc'cn approvec| and tlre lrorrrc is connected to the servlce ;ranel. Final - Al(er all required lnspections are approved andporches, sl(lrting, decks, and ventlng have been lrrstalled. ' you musl call 726'3769' Thls ls a 24 hour recordlng. All lnspectlons reouested be[orc 7:0o a.rnday, lnspectlons raquested alter 7:00 a.m, wlil be ma<Je ttre foilowrng worr( cJay. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Rough Mechanlcal - prlor to cover. wlll bc J-l Flreptace - prlor to (actng - malerlals and framlng lnsp.Masonry - Steel locallon, bon<J beams, groutlng. E l'Jflilfllii,lfl"ln'.'-orns - Prror l-l Drywar - prror ro raprns. Foundallon - Afler forms are erected bul prlor to concrete placement. Underlloor Plumblng/Mechanlcat - Prlor to lnsulallon or decklng. Posl and Beam - Prlor to lloor lnsulatlon or decklng. Floor lnsulatlon - Prlor to decklng. Framlng - Prlor to cover. Wall/Celling lnsulatlon - prlor to cover. Wood Slovo - Alter lnstallatlon lnsert - Alter flreplace approvql and lnslallatlon ol unlt. Curbcul & Alrprloaclr - Alter forms are erected but prior toplacemcnt ol concrotc. Sidewalk & Drlvewal, - Atter excavatlon ls complete, lorrns and sub-base materlal ln place. (ilroel Treos - Whcn all required trees are planted. [-l Sanltary Sewer - prtor ro lililng - lrench. [-_l Storm Sewer - Prlor to llillng.J lrench. Water Llne - Prlor to lilllng trench. Rough Plumblng - Prlor to cover. E I-l Fence - When co.ilpleted. tl MOBILE I.IOME INSPESTIONS E tl Lot laces Lot sq. ftg, Lol coverage Tcrpography Total hetght BUILDING PERMTT ITEM Main Garage Carport Lot Type _=- Interlor *-_ Corner -..._ Panhandle ---_ Cul-rjo-sac et PL.HSE ACC N S E SO. FT. X $/SO. FT.VALUE 1 lS TltE PfiOpOSEt)WORI( it.,l lI rtI.IISIoNICAL DIST Rtcr, oR oNTIJE IIISIONICAL REGISTER? ll yes, llrls applica tlon ntust be sl ri')edand a1,rprovcrl by the Hlsto rrcalCoordinalor prlor lo pertnit iSSuan,;g. APPROVED: BUILDING VALUE PLAN CH ECI(AND BUIL DING P ERMIT Thls pcrnrit is granted On lhe express con ditic)n ilrat lhc sair!conslruction shall , il'l all resl)ccls, con ,ofun to llte Ordln at)ceadopted b Developm ent CocJe, r YlhcC 'egulating the co itY ol springl nSlrurili(rn an(, ield, incluriin g lhe usr,'olbulldings,and may bc sus;tended Total Value Building pormit Foo Stale Surcharge Total Fce PLUMBING PEBMIT ITEM Flx lures Resl<tenUat Bath(s) Sanltary Sewer Waler Slorm Sewer Moblle Home Mechanlcal Perrnll lssu ance Stale Surchargle Total Permlt u pon viola lion of arry provisions ol Plan Check Fee; Date Palcl: Reccived [3y: Plans Rcvl owed By VALIDATION RECEIPT NUMBEFI 032 DATE PAID /1 AMOUNT RECEIVED or rcvol<rlrl al any llntesaid ortlinanccs_ Receipt Numbcr:__..__ (A) Da tc N F FT. Plumbtng permlt Stalo Surcharoo Tolal charge (c) NICAL PE RMIT Furnaco hausl Hoorj Venl Fan l.l o Wood Slove/lnsert/Flreplace Unlt Dryer Ve h. ao ldd o / o, t,l (D) r/s ?r 2Lzo ( SYSTEII,IS DEVELOP ENT CHARGE (sDC) (B) M ys em D eve lo pmc n C Ir ar ISue rJu one (,nprorlepe devclopcrlhnIrCovIIswhlcreabelngmPrOVe( AD ND C o M M E TS By slgnature, I stato and ngroo, that I have carolully oxamlnodllre comproted appilcailon and oo horer:l-cort[y that aillnformallon hereon ls true ancl correct, anr., I lurilrer cerillylhal any and all work perlormocJ shall bo <Jono ln accordancowlth tho Ordinanccs ot tho Clly of Sprlngllold, ond tho Lswsol llrc Stato o, Orcgon perlalnlng lo lho work <Joacrlbstlhorcln, and that NO OCCUPANCY wlll bo nracto ol anyslrucluro wlthout porrnlselon ol lhe Bulldlrl{, Sa,oty Dlvlalon,I lurther cerilly iltat only contractors and enrpl<.ryoca whoare ln cornpllance wlth ORS 70t.O5S wlll be used on lltlsprolect. I further agroo lo onsuro ilral all requlre<l lnspocilonB aroroqU€Btod al lhe propor ilmo, lhal oach a<Jttresn la roafrom ll'ro Blregt, thal tho pormlt card ls local all tlm pl t_ ctn0 <J a blo t tho l,ontof tho prope roved sol of I remaln Sl0natu Date on the slto MISCELLANEOUS PERMTTS Moblle Home State lssuance Stalo Surcharge Sldewalk - ft Curlrcul - lt Oemollllon Stale Surcharge Tolal t''llscellaneotrs Perr nlt s (E) TOTAI. AMOUNT DUE (c'rcludlnq electrlcal) (A, B, C, D, antl [-: Cornl:lrtc<l)RECEIVED BY zl. a -_ -- --_- - -