HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2000-12-28Job# 00-01101-01 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Page 1 of4 T[f;tlf;S: fi].-rJ004L]1 DftTT:III 2E T[}UO UHT ftErIt:I $ *lTkli LHHI1,ll-rh : fiftEl{itR: t]oL SPRINGFIELEl 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of Proposed Site: 2309 00035th St Spr AssessorsMap#: 17021943 Lot:6 Block: Addition: Job Number: 00-01 101-01 Office:726-3759 lnspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot#: 00600 Subdivision : Ambleside Meadows ctTY oF SPR n GFiELD, OREGON Owner: Barbara Zentner Address: 723 N 70th Scope Of Work: Single Family Residence Phone Number: City/State/Zip: New 541-736-4044 Springfield, OR 97478 Value: $163,063 Contractor Type GeneralContr Contractor Ron Kephart 2656 33rd, Springfield, OR97477 Registration # Expiration Date Phone 541-746-2129 Quad Area: # Of Units: Gonstr. Type: Water Heater: 3RSC 1 (VN)Wood Frame Gas Office Use - Land Use: Single Family Dwelling Zoning Code: LDR Bedrooms: 3 Range: Gas # Of Buildings: 1 OccupancyGroup: Dwelling Heat Source: Forced Air Gas Sq. Footage: 1726 ISNOT FOR To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All l a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after working day. Required lnspections Site Verify Ground Rod Footing Foundation Post and Beam Floor lnsulation Ceiling lnsulation Shear Wall Nailing Framing Walllnsulation Drywall Final Building Verify Ground Rod Rough Electrical Electrical Service Build -To be made after excavation but prior to setting forms. -lnstallground rod atfooting, and callfor inspection in conjuction with footing and/orfoundation i -After trenches are excavated. -After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. - Prior to floor insulation or decking. - Prior to decking. - Prior to cover. -Before covering sheathing with finish materials. - Prior to cover. I - Prior to Cover I -Prior to taping. -When all required inspections have been approved and the building is complete. Electrical -lnstall ground rod at footing, and callfor inspection in conjuction with footing and/or foundation i -Prior to cover. -Must be approved to obtain permanent power. 5?-uu i- rul0s by riiOfle ication ConiurmcEp oR ls I Final Electrical Underfloor Plumbing Underfloor Drain Rough Plumbing Water Line Sanitary Sewer Line Storm Sewer Line Fina! Plumbing Underftoor Mechanical Rough Gas Rough Mechanical Gas Service FinalGas FinalMechanical SW-Curbside CC-Standard Job# 00-01101-01 Page2 of 4 Required lnspections Electrical -When all electrical work is complete Plumbin -Prior to insulation or decking. - Prior to cover or placement of concrete. - Prior to cover. - Prior to filling trench. -Prior to filling trench. - Prior to filling trench. -When allplumbing work is complete. Mechanical - Prior to insulation or decking -Prior to cover. -After line is installed and line has been connected to a minimum of one appliance. Pressure tet -When allgas work is complete. -When all mechanicalwork is complete. Public Works -After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete -After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete Sidewalk Type:Curbside - 5' Additional ROW? Street lmprovement: Fully lmproved Curb Cut?f lmprovement Agr.?! San Sewer Depth (Ft): 6 - 4 Size Of Line (in): B Storm Sewer Availabte? f Downspouts/Drains: To Storm Sewer Special Req.: Enchroachment Permit: Security Required: San Sewer Tee (in): 6 Bond Begin DateTime: 00/00/0000 00:00 AM Bond End DateTime: 00/00/0000 00:00 AM Special lnstructions: ROOF & FOOTING DRAINS TO STORM SEWER PROVIDED Other Utilities: Types Of Warning Devices Reqd. Project Supervisor: Zoning: LDR FloodPlain? [ Wetlands? [ Journal numbers 1: 2z Comments: Planner: AlWard Urban Growth Boundary? Quantity Of Fill: Supplier: Drainage: Floodway FEMA: n/a Overlay District: # of Street Trees: Land Use: Single Family Dwelling Pave Driveway? g2 3: Additional Requirements: LDAP Required tr Glenwood Area? [ Required Attachments: Source Locn: Material: Flood Plain FEMA:nla Construction Types(VN) Wood Frame Occupancy Groups: Dwelling # Of Buildings: 1 # Of Bedrooms: 3 Handicap Access? [ (Sq. Feet) Main: 1726 Accessory426 Job# 00-01101-01 Accessory Structure # Of Stories: 2 Height (feet): 25 Current Units: Proposed Units:1 Census Code: New SF - detached Total2152 Page 3 of 4 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Plan Check Residential Plan Check Additional Plan Check Total PIan Check 07t14t2000 1212812000 2577 4131 128,267 51 $323.86 $51.19 $375.0s Building Permit State Surcharge For Building Permit Building Administrative Fee Total Building Building 12t28t2000 1212812000 12t28t2000 4131 4131 4131 163,063 Electrical Wiring Footage 1,000 Sq Ft or Less Wiring Footage Each Add'l 500 Sq Ft Temporary: 200 Amps or Less State Surcharge - Electrical Administrative Fee - Electrical Total Electrical 12t28t2000 1212812000 12t2812000 1212812000 12t2812000 4131 4131 4131 4131 4131 1 4 1 $85.00 $60.00 $40.00 $12.e5 $5.55 $203.50 Plumbing Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee Three Bathrooms State Surcharge - Plumbing Administrative Fee - Plumbing Total Plumbing 12t28t2000 12128t2000 1212812000 12t28t2000 4131 4131 4131 4131 1 $.oo $192.50 $13.48 $5.78 $211.76 Hood and Exhaust One to Four Outlets Minimum Mechanical Permit Administrative Fee - Mechanical Less than 100,000 BTU Vent Fan to One Duct Gas Fireplace Dryer Vent Mechanical lssuance State Surcharge - Mechanical Total Mechanical Mechanical 12t28t2000 1212812000 1212812000 12t28t2000 1212812000 1212812000 1212812000 1212812000 12128t2000 12128t2000 4131 4131 4131 4131 4131 4131 4131 4131 4131 4131 1 1 $4.50 $2.00 $.00 $.e6 $6.00 $12.00 $4.50 $3.00 $10.00 $2.24 $45.20 1 4 1 1 Public Works New Sidewalk New Curbcut Total Public Works 12t28t2000 1212812000 4131 4131 70 1 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00 Residential- Single Family - Storm Sanitary Sewer Deve 1212812000 1212812000 2,346 25 $562.92 $1,246.50 4131 4131 $577.00 $40.39 $17.31 $634.70 Job# 00-01101-01 Page 4 of 4 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount System Development Residential Transportation Residential Sanitary MWMC Residential lmprovement MWMC MWMC Administrative Fee SDC Administrative Fee Property Annexed 1997 Total System Development 1212812000 12t28t2000 12t28t2000 12t28t2000 12t28t2000 1212812000 4131 4131 4131 4131 4131 4131 1 1 1 1 $507.82 $242.76 $22.05 $10.00 $128.78 $-16.53 $2,704.30 29 S.F. Residence - Willamalane TotalWillamalane SDC Willamalane SDC 1212812000 4131 $1,000.00 $'t,000.00 Grand Total Plan Check Type lnitial Review-Res Engineering-Res Planning-Res Structural-Res Checked By Lisa Hopper Steve Templin AlWard Don Moore Date Completed 07t2112000 0B/03/2000 08/03/2000 0B/09/2000 $5,294.51 Comment Held for solar information. Roof pitch will be changed in order to meet minimum solar setback requirements. D->7 -oa By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction C nature Date 1 €$ ( NAME hr"- Z ADDRESS: 7ZT '1*tt LOCATION OF PROPOSED BUTLDING SITE: Willamalane Park & Recreation District SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CI{ARGE WORKSHEET PHONE: 7 Job. No. tO'o l'6 r D L+ STATE: b(L ZIP: q -1q -tr 1. DEVELOPMENT TypE (check ype definitions are on the back.) A. Single-Family Detachecf ,/,/ Single Family home ruO. Or UNITS appropriate dwelling(s). SDC catartations and dweffing t Manufactured home not in a park Street Address:5Et^. Plat Name:_ Tax Lot Number: X $1,000 per unit = $ B. Singte-Family Attachecl NO. OF UNITS X $924 per unlt $ C. Multi-Famity Apartment NO. OF UNITS X $692 per unlt D. Manufactrrred Home park NO. OF UNITS WILLAMALANE SDC X $699 per unlt $ 2. SDC CREDTT (lf appticabte) SDGpayer must fumlsh proof of Wllamalane Credit approvat. See SOC Crcdit Wokshoet. 3. TOTAL WILLAMALANE NET SDC ASSESSED (( SDC reduced (or Credit) D ervices Department $ $ $ $o. - City of eld Date D tl lLr-24, oO lao.)- - Report lD: SPRA103 Voucher lD : 00033994 Handling Code : RE Kephart,Ronald 2656 33rd Ave. Springfield, OR 97478 City of Springfie_J Voucher Account Fund Orq SubClass BY 215500 821 2001 Description Street Tree Refund Vendor Number: lnvoice Date : lnvoice # : Approver: Operator : Gross Amount : Proi/Grant 0000002084 Jun 26, 2001 6-26-2001 Puent,David wtLS5940 500.00 Amount 500.00 Comments: Refund for Street Trees job Number 00-01 101-01 Atu7 fu' s; -sE$INGFTELED SiPRIilGFIELD BACKFLOV PREVEMION DEVICE PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 225 FITTH STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 OFFICB: INSPBCTION LINE: 726-37s9 726-3769 JOB LOCATION:23oi 4<r)J T{5r OREGO'UCITY OF MAP *: /-7 O> /I +s TAX LoT *: OC Q' OOASSESSORS OIINER: ADDRESS: CITY: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: PHONE #: SHALL EXPI STATE: AUTi. BACKFLOV PERMIT IS $15.00 + 1.05 (STATE SURCHARGE)5 (ADMrN.'IDONED FOR FEE) = $16.50 PHoNE *, ]qb'6VL/"1 ?afil L J B- CITY:STATE: Of?ZTP CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION #:c1 EXPTRES: 3<i1 - 6L BY SIGNING THIS PERMIT/APPLICATION, I AGREE TO CALL FOR AN INSPECTION ONCE THE BACKFLOU PREVE}MION DEVICE HAS BEEN INSTALLED AND IS VISIBLE FOR INSPECTION (726-3769). I ALSo STATE THAT ALL TNFoRMATI0N 0N THIS PERMIT/APPLICATIoN IS CORRECT. -f t'-o FOR OFFICE USE DATE oF APPLIcATI oNz'7 - 2 i -D/ RECEIPT #:b>q3 ISSUED NI fl , fY) NT} TO JoB +: OO// o/ o/ r) D.s-{ (=;{] :f,> :f) 77 -1 Z.rflm c.rfn., **13 c-{ .,.. EC) r.J r F" I {r? r.J L:}LN CfFL) cr.. f'J trr'-.OrJLN(}S"cf ts L'l ::tr--CD TOTAL AMOI'NT COLLECTED:/1, s=4 F-i [*Jm:tr;tr l? c) r1()m l.tF, .r rlc I Feb Og O1 1O:57a Fob-OZ-Ol I I :3l'/\ Kevin I'l .Peterson t 5r+ 1 J 688 -3020 P.OZ p.2 Cohnuhity Smictr Prv. Ilurldlng Safcty Jutr CTTY OF SPRINGFIBLD, OR.EGON ?rl 5n Slrltr, sp'rnlfrold, OR V14?1 P1r.726'1?59 Cir, Ioh t D AMBLESIDE MEAITOWS S U TIDIVISION -T SI APPITTOU Slte Investigution Questionorlrr for Consulting l)olgn Plofeesionslr .llcw on fth lorm mry De ustd u E terrrponrDr vedlcedon lo ullow currlnrction to conllnuc on UrcJob rltc turtU thc cor$irltatu's sllmpd rllidevlt on thc ilitc 6oil compectlort cnd *trbltlratlon [q trrbmlttcd to rhc Clry. Thb form rmrct. Dc uxrrplettrl by r licenr4d dr.rtgo pmfc*donrl (cndncor or lnshltacr) or hir/hsr autLoriaed anploycq rrrd rubmlfud lrr the bulldlng lneptcror prior to llqurrilDi Ciry inrpectiour r pfeclng foundntlon c9.t4rel6. It fu importenf fhrt ell qqesllons lre Orrrvcnrl somplelrly for tha (oundrtlot *ih to bc rpprovcd for eonttntcdon. a {!^ZT)cl '35"^ 5f Owrrrard/or Crntrnctr €oFl (e .pttfieT I. Drte of thc rlee lgn p.ult+sl4ndte sltc Cvdurlkrn?at ZL 0 2, llrr6 thc dcdgn prlfslri.,hEl rrriarcd u crrpy of the georechnlcrt imformnlion for tfic nuh{lvlebn thct wts pnrvldrd yith rhc bulldtng Frmif? f w_Nof lf aot, glcusc cililqrt thit efrce fir u aqry of thc rzport- Tlu tlaipl pz6fa5si6aat Dut, tE t'dfillidr with thc Xeorcchttlcol inlitttrutiot hdore complelinx this .[orm, 3. Whst vrs thc $rra snd depth ofthcercevedon end /or ri!t? _LL!.Erl4Mr4- Wos cristing Don-structural lill ur cxgursivc xril snruuntcrcd on tln lor? YcsdNo_ If "ycs*, whar typcs. dqrthr und leurioas'] ffi.ir whal rnoiL\urEr wcrE rukcn (o rnmsly thc loil coodition (inclu<Ic r.54r of cngincdrcd fill urrcd to ,irubilizc thc soil)? - (Q.F;tc 6-11 "Ft r u( m0,.t .b.,r!1 f!.f It thd sitc ar prupgred ulcquate D iaadcquolc E lo maintuin conrl.4nt moisture conto[t in tlro rub gr'urlc? /Vatc.' Ycilfication of itolstafz tluhililutityt in the SUtt Brade i.t u requirament oJ rlrc geotccfuictl rzporl. and nust be qllin*d bttitrc Lrrnil t uG il on adrt ct mtinzc. lf inudcqualc, wh{t mcasurcs arc ncrxlcrl r0 prOvirlc Consltnt moi*ture c()ntcnt in ths *uh -< /:- tYl . rt t Feb Og O1 1O:57a Fqb-o2-oI' l]':32A Kevin Fl .Peterson t 5r+ 1 J 688 -3020 1, - o:4 p.3 (lorn,rruniry S.ili&E Div, Builditt! $nfot, Ioh CTTY OF SPIIINGI'IELD. OREGON 225 .5q .Strtct, Spri ngliulit. Ol 97 477 l'tr. 726-:l?.19 tu,o*-zjo1-ffyI- city )*br a() - ...QtJ_g_-l -_9- I It the sire os prcprucrl odt4tate f iaaclequatc E to NupFl( thc proposr,t flnfcturo? fut 4fiimutlir+ ansttet is rctluisitc to prot:cclitt8 wilh cotstryctillla,, Il lnudcquefc. rrhst rddltloDrl wurt is Dudcd to prnvldo rd*{s*te foundation ( Dld lbc dailgt prolcnslonol viincs plnccm+nt rnd cmpscrlon of lhe errglncctrd tlll or L rDerc r rpotiel insptclon rogrrt forlhcoming l]rrnr a qnrlil'led l8€ncr? I witaesccd Ptu.zruat d Sprclul Insplcont**tion reportf, 5, Th. drxi5n prdrrrlrnrrl lntende b ure lh followlng mrrtlrod for Inrtrllrrrim of Fcdomhd pertnrhrlotlng dmlnr: Tho rtcsigrr on thc rtl$ched drnuing providcd by ttre tleri5n profcssiooal.,... C Thclncthrxl .shownorr ttroriginal s)n]ilruclion drawingt.--..-...,,,,.,,.,,.,.... tr The rypicnl'Foundsdon l)rain' drnving atErhcd to Fnqit tr PcrforgEd pcrin*rcr drainri arc not rcquimd ,gComrncn!s: Nolc; City idspecto i will insVcct httnlhd dralas lrritrr t, ctlwr ttlrot rcqucst,.- Coll : 726-3769 to .tthtdulc lnsltcctiln. l,ow.poinl cnwl rprr drelns nre rtqufi'crl ro Drtvelrl the build-up of Grftrr rri*turg inrirlc the foundetlonr durlnt (rnd dt f,) coilstructiou. Thls dreln rnay he lnsLrllod g![91 loundotion pattmenl onlv vilh rhc crore*r q:rmhlion o[ thc drslfn nroferfiionfll. n. Tha daign prot'essional has dcterminsd thc ibllowingr The crawl sryt:c druin it rcquind. whtn tht Jbuntlarian b installcd,.... O Tfia bn-llolar drdln tun lx in:aal.led ofitr Jbundution placeutnr without u si gnificctat tllaisrurt bulLl-q pnhlcm rit hi^ thc lounlurknr-.... - -. -,,,, ! (The low-ytint drain tuy fu inilulled at ,lu - -- ilap. ,,l r:rrnstro.tiori FE7-FE l^nt-q' *'ttiiiil b, Hs,r the daslga qrolz,rxilrruI ilt:rerutd and upprovcd ilrc itsrallatian o! ilrr rcqaircd ltnv point drctinl..,.. Yctt, _No _ if 'ycs". where is ile low potnt draia locarcd utdtr tht. buiUiag and wlwre thrct il lcnrinate ar thls tiat? (nttr lt an approwd localiott. i,c. strf,il grttcr, slortil :iey,44 ,wnp pwfip nill ilisclurga lino ro lhe street. Thc dcsign pmfe$$iontrl mu6t dcrctmiflc whcthcr thc appmvcd permi( dnrwing:l have rdc(tuee lhunddlron srccl. [r eny eddirirnd krrrodrtlon rkd requlrrd thd Ir our rrhown on Lhc ftrs_ Na rhc huiHing? *Iditionol ilcel rc<luired (or pntvkle drur+ring). fouqdrllon dnwlagp for /-- tt "t*'. dcvcih( Feb Og O1 1O:57a Kevin f'l .Pet'erson Fsb-O2-Ol, 1l :324 hmcin. "l'hc submirtul t<r wirh t5r+1J 684-3020 P- 04 P.4 C.rmhuiry Stlwicsr Div, Duil{iag g1f31y Jr*r Addrcsr-L)O enY OF SPIIINCFIELD, oR.EGON clry Joblt ?25 5h Strcl, Springfiold. Ok n477 ?h,726.\75', Tht followhtg sl?tema, ,nust be slgned b.t tlu indlvldual clairyq tJrc ohserwtiont urul ltrovhliasg ilirucrinnJbr llx crcuvalina arul ,tirc prsptration work dd tlr prt)perN. The ualcnlgttd iletipa pruterrlonal (at autlniQil a,npltycs) allosb tlsl hclrhc obterard lequirrd noislen tubillry Ftnc.furet on thB tilc, ard lfu.l ruch pncct atct l/cft accoilpbhcl bq,fon cry cl'E,Bges occ/(.l"/.il ,^ lhe moishrt co,tleil of ths tab- gxilc atd* aal oottttd tfu bullding (vhcm etpasilc toi/l- rs/; Gtwouotcrdl 7\e undrryltnad ltfithcr ed,csU thd lh. ssW, $ pn@, b a&quztc to stppor, the b*iHiag pwposd lor th/s sitc. Addhloul cornmerl6: (Nom)l I crrpy rrf thb repon rhall ba kcpt on Cte wlth lhc upprovad plens et ell tlmcs. This rcport shull bc foltorvod by an lffidrvit, sip;rcd and surmpsd Uy thc dcsiga pmfessionnl undEr whtsc Buspiccs this roprn war oonrplctcd, alfiming rhc information -'(h)57tlol- o this u copy of this rc;rrrr shull trc inrJrction for tbc building. Tirte 'fE. 6g +\\ocl't L cnlp"ny Clcle.r)-Q1(9,t8 t'Nalnlqcrt , Ph61a hbb' :a-Q'L-O- Ltxnrce--. lKEj Liccnsa #+, Thc gcorccnniqrl rcport tbr thc Amtrlesitlc Mc;down - 1'' Addition Suhdivrston rccoourrcnd$ immcdiatc moisturc stabilizution ef exposod r-upln-rivc ruh-gradcs, nnd tlut expunsivc rcils bc ovcr<rcav$ted nnrl n:phcr:tl vith iit lcrrt l2 iocEr of 6ll compsclcd to nl lrvrct 95*' of ASTM D69R fir foundelioo pnlprtruti{rn, I'hc rcport also rccornmcnds llur( hcrlrurus hc tukcn lo provcot wutcr f(lrn collccting io or rrnrund thc frrundrtion arcas duringlnd ulicr thc construclion Droccss. anrl thut posirive sitc drninog: bc pnrvidqd to rcduce thc infilrarion of turfucc wutEr into tttc ctptntive srrils. Thc gcotcchnical topo,rr funlror entplinirer ihot thc fiuish gnLde of larrdtcapc soil rxl.iaccnt to the ftrunrtr*ion sbould bt cl lqurt 24" lhovc thc expansive hearing vrilri. f1;!tY sgElplglgd lo roduce (hc infiltrarion of wotcr tt lhr rurfsrc. fho adcquacy r'rl'fil| ;<ril rhulErial ruound thc brril<ling murt hc vcrificd to lhJ salihfia(ion of thc dcsign prottssrooal. 3 Feb Og O1 1O:57a Feb-()2-O1. I1!3zA Kevin ll .PeBerson r5/+1J 6aA-3020 City Ioh t a'() ,-(4tI p.5 P. O5 Ioh nddrcss 7 7-X)cl 55u' 5TCornttttrnity S*rvrscs Div. lllilding Saltry CITY OF SPRTNGFIIiLD, OREGON 225 -stft Sucr:r, Spring,'icl6, oR 97671 ph.7Z6-11s9 NGFIELD Affidavit For Si te lnvesri garion Qtrestionnairc Foundation Sub-Crade Approvol tbr Residential Building Sire in Ambleside Meadows - l" Addition Subdivision Thc undcrsigncrl hcrcby affirmr; that rhc cxcavation, srructurul fiil and rnoisrurc stabilization merheds for tlre building sirc ar the ar.ldrcss strown ab<>ve wls obscrvcd by me or fln authrrrized enrploycc rrf my firm and rhar the following is rruc: l. I'he loundarion sub-grade is capablc uf supponing n nrinirnum of I.500 pst, an<l is rtdcquatc t() suppon thc btrilding proposcd firr thir site. 2. The moisturc coiltcnt of thc cxcavdrion was adcquately nraintained during the site prcl)urirti(,)n prcc&\.t and wus irdequatcly covered ro stahilizcd moist.ure contcn( prior to rrry significanr change in moisturc conront uf rhc suh-grodr..r. 3. The site is tdcqttarcly gru&d und draincd to prEvenr thc collccrion of watcr in thc exoavuled urea during @nslructien. 4. The lccompanying rcport tirlcd ".Site Invesrigation Questionnairc for Consulting l)csig2 ProFssirrrrals" con(ilining l'icld obse^rvltions xnd instructions nttdc tln t Ll.^(,J d I (datc) tbr thc building sile wns corrrpleterl eirher by rnysclf or hy an employcc of my firm urrdcr rny supe,rvision. -['o rhc bcsr o[ nry krrowlcdgc. rhe infrrrmarion conlairred in that refron is corrrplete und uccrrrate. Nilnc of Licc .si 1 J ':Il.i'.,..' r'-12 I N I t99',i2 OREGON ,8 Fmires: 6-30-