HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-02-23.. RESIDENTIAL.. C OMEINATI ON APPLI C AY TO N /PEPJLIY225 North |th Stteet SprLngfi,ed, 1xegon 974?? Burilding Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIELD Date: iob Locattcn: TeInt# I Subdioision: Aesesaors lbp # I Adfues:Fhane I D*qibe llork:n llern n Y vot-Y, J qqe L Date of ae#Jo$eAddibtcn Getzera,L L tea)^biest?eet, od tlat thaNoicion aqtw^ed p oanit ead, ia LCm ATELL ?gftrln at rte fpnt ,Buidlrti site the p"ope?ty aLL tinee. theLA tllB Ua.llo toLitgreapowibtof Eea aLthat 1 ntuteCEE theat ttneitapecttons ecch L8.at.1-eeep?qe?thatu Looatad.oftBuiAd,%tlBofl ai,he6g oiobr'!Pe inspecticnJ 7 00teeeixedPeqtestebefcte fou, Cit! Deetgratd, Job lhilbe Ia: OR, g@ri!@l ee;et cqoei:t Fop*i iine Sep?tc to* Vawed ci f{Lied uith grarcL litu,L ,ll4ten CDCUC @BLttlts Leted ahetcd,Carc L3 nouedture LeaneSpranLaaa up. Blocking od. Sat-:tp Pzmbitrg cowpcticna -- sa)e? d. uatet Electtical Ccinection - BLcckir4 otd, plunbing conneetions n;st iZ befote req,eetzng ele:=rica Final - Aftcr 2crchea, skitting, deeks,ete. @e cangiated. ', eat-uo L '-/.Soeeilor! Acceesotv^ BuiiCirq cf,e ?ilQfrrtn$. ea uctiat, but , ?o be tndt aft*priotEr.tWof tofona.tqu,ltd oq* b*.rl,rie:lc oa in placehE baforc ory Lath, ggpsrn boeC or u.LL an*ing ia qpLied., od beforeotg irculattbn ie couealed. DRWALL IiliWClf1N: Ic be rrude afte.t aLL d"V,nLL ie in pla.ce, but prior to otg tqing. UIIDERSUB PLUMEING, ZLEtrRICAL & wrk is eooetd,. FCOIING ! F1UNDA?ICN: ?o be naCe eJ-tet t?encioe ue eacatateci cttti fatna oe etected, but p?ia? to poum-ng ccrcteta. UIID1RGPAUIID PIAII9IIIG. ;WER. VATER. Litq trachas. UTIDEPFLAOR ?LUI.RIIIG I !.,I9C9ANTCAL: ?o be natie priot to installaxion of floot inai,atiotr ot decking. Stael Loeattotr, bond. t o? oe?tie,Ls in a.B.C. Seetion Aftet installa,tion is P0Sl AND BEAM: lo be npde oriot toG:dT'ffiof floor irrlul)tion ot dzckitrg. ROLIG.fl 9!U|I0I:IC. ILEtrRICAL WCq. ANICAL: iio 'sork is ;o be cou^ered-ffithese inspeetions haoe beqtt Mds @1d, @,rouei. FTPEL,AQE: kiot to Vlcctrq faczqnatertala od. beJ-ote fraiing tnspic-tion. ?P$.nyG: l,!u.st be reozecxeti aftetqproual of rough plur,biag, electrJ-cal & neclwtical. ALl. roofiztg brac+tq ! ch*tmeye, etc. mjst beeanlexed. llo ucr.k is to be con- eealed urttil this insoectic-n l@.s been tud,e od apyoued. CURB E A?PPOACfl AP.$II:ee etected btt prior Aftet fotnrsb pouring eofi,CAete. SIDEIIALK 4 DR?,EllAl: ?ot aLL eon- crete paoitq tithin sfuedt right-of-,nA' to be rwCe ai'tet aL! ezca- uating eanolete & fonr wk & cub- ineE taterial in p/,aoa. IENCE: tr4tet onrplate -- fuoui.Ce gates o" aouable sections tll"oltghDn? FIIIAE PUNAIfrC FINAL UECEAIIICAL FINAL ETTERTCAL ALL proiec-t condittbne, such as tlla anstdllction of slteet h,eea, conol;;:,on of *erequired i-otdscqirq, ate., trust be satisfied beJbre tta BUIUI* Fl:ieL =ut be' z.eatesied,. ?IN.4L BafLDIllC: The Final Building Inaect:ion ntet be necTuested afler lhe pilaL ?'!-unbingElectrical, otC lleeitorieal fnspeeti.ona 'tq'e been ^"d"- *d'"pp;;;"e.' [] *ALL itAttHcLES AI|D CLEAI\CWS utJsr 3E ACC\SSTtsLE, ADJaSTIIENT lO 9E M4DE ,i.? NO CCST T0 :I?y P4e1of2 -1 .l;j 0f)techaiul I Trr tr Lot Sq. Etg. % ci Lct Cooetage # of Stortes tTotal Eeight 't?opogrqlq r55-Jcb Nwber:Reference llunlbe?s: Zcne:)ecupaney G?oltp:?iipe/Cor.st:Bed.rooms Lot Yd.ces -Ene?qu Soltrees T':tPe lleat Df House Cotaqe Accesa Watez, le-axet North East Fireplace South West Woodstoxe ValueSQ.FYG x Main G*ace C@o"t Accesao?u IOTAL VALUE (Delue)5.D.C. L.5 c Building Volue & Permit This pernr.t is granted on the erp"ess condition ttnt the saii constzaetion shall', in aLL z,Zspects, conform 1o the }tdinance edopted la tt'e c:ty 2f spirrgir:"1,i, 1,ietiilng- the \oning cvdinurc-e, regula"Llle the ccnstmtcticn &d. u"u'n of LuiLdings,'otd mag be- suspe,.ded ot rbookeC at atlJ time upon uic- l,ation of any prcuisions of said 0t'dirances. lotal Cltoxges P&rLt State Date Paid: Receipt #: NO FEEI!EM Fizh*es Residzntial (1 bath) S@dta?y Saie" l,latet Plumbing Permit No person a?n7,L constmrct, inetalT-r, alter ot ehange-cny na'.c? eeisti1g i-t ii;i oi iiainog. syetatt in ulole or in pet, unleee auch petson is the i"jit pb"r"""oo o7" o ,tLlid pt*rbrr'a Licenae' e,cept tlat a P?so! nail *.ptiit:hg aork to prope"tg ittoh i" ottned, Leasd, ot operated by the apPli' cqtt. * PlutrbLng Penrit gtate Cont"acto!. Sqoiee * the Lahel \as been signed bY the ELeetrlca LuorkLbedone@leLectrieabgthetlatStateWhereLa,?equLl'es wftiL Electriral Permit Mecho nicql Permit Ezlw,tst HooC llcodstooe Vent Fot Pertdt fseuoee Meehanieal Pentrit Seei,*ttu Deposit Storage lldintefidnce Perqnit Cwbcut Sida,talk ?en3e Eleetrieal Iabel llobile ilone I HAW CAREEALLy EXA|IIIIED the eonpleted applicatian fot pennLt, and do |iilti iettifu that all iniornatibn hereoi is tvte and. eo,reex, and' i i;:JLr-;;;;l+7y ti"t *ry *a aLL ao.rk perf-ormed shall be do*e in aceor- 'iince tLth the- otdinotcLi of tne ciq ;f bprtngfj'eld' -and the Lans of the #itZ "7- 6"Z,ji"- pi",tiA"ins io tke uort< CeebyLted herein' and that N0 ,ccu- PANCy ttill be naCe o7 ony" rt""o:tztre uvithout parTnission of the Sultalry !!--ii"irr. I futther e-et'tif'g that only soTltnacio?s a'd etrplcyeea aho are Ln Zr*pt:o*"'r'i.tt, cas 701.b55 aiLL be used on thie proieet PLan EconLnet -t7 u4ve * DateSigned TOIAL AM1Ultl DUE: * LOT ?WE _ fntenicr _ Conter I'drTltdnaLe Cul-de-sac TTTN PLan Check Fee: TataL Charoes af, n DatF9E istntoa qniltS .S.L)()( In (T)'ls c-n'.(d\ Tota1- Chan,aes Staf.e CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Departreent of Public tr,Iorks 225 l'trorth 5th Street JOB ADDRESS:3t- BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISIOI{ JOB NT]MBER: DATE: TO: NOTE: ,b/- /)<l: e L 2r',4 e LPVz INFOR},IATIO}tr: INSPECTION: 7 26-37 5 7 26-37 ufr L FOR" REIIiSPECTIO}I INSPECTOR: ( (