HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2019-12-19 (2)b ORTGON Web Address: wwtv.springfi eld-or.gov Permlt Issucd: December Lg,2OLg Building permit Commerciat Sign Permit Numbcr: 8t t-19-OO27OS_SIGN IVR Number: BllOGl1986l I City of Springfietd Development and publlc Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 541-726_3753 Email Address: permitcenter@sprhgfi eld-or.90v TYPE OF WORK Crtcgory of Construction: Sign Submltted Job Valuc: g0,00 Dcscrlption of Work: Sign (1) Wall BenchMark physical Therapy Type of Work: None Specified JOB STTE INFORMATTON Worksltc Addrcss 5707 MAIN ST Springfield, OR 97478 Parccl 1702334400800 Owner: Address: MCKENZIE CROSSING PARTNERSHIP LTD PO BOX 1328 EUREKA, CA 95502 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN FOR}IATION Buslness Namc SALEM SIGN CO INC - Primary Liccnse ccB Llccnse Number 65297 Phone 503-371-6362 Inspcction 6999 Final Sign 6940 Sign Attachment Inspectlon Group Signs Signs Inrpcctlon Status Pending Pending SCHEDU LING INSPECTIOI{S Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits,oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811051198611 Schedule uslng the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store pcrmits cxpirc it wort ia not startGd within 18O Days of assuance or it work ls susPGnded for IEO Dlys or longer depending on th. i33uin9 agency's policy. All p.ovision5 of l.ws and ordinanccs governlng thls type ot work will be complicd with w-hcthGr rpccificd hcr€in or not' Grantlne of a permtt docs not pr€sume to glve ruthority to vlollte or cancel the provlsiorls of any oth.r ttatc or locrl law ragulating construction or thc gerformancc of @nstructlon. ATfEilTtON: Oregon law rcquirct you to tollow rulcr ldoptcd by thc Oieoon Utility l{otificttion Centcr. Those rulcs trc 6ct forth ln OAR 952-OO1-OO1O throsgh OAR 952-OO1{,O9O. You m.y obtain copics ol the rulce bY calling thc C.ntcr at (503) 232-1987. All prrsons or cntities perlorming work under this p.rmit aru requirGd to bG licansed unl65 exempted by ORS 70l.O1O (Structural/Lechanlcal), ORS 479.540 (Elcctric.l), and ORS 693.010{r20 (Plumbiag)' pnnted on: r2l19/19 paoe 1 of 2 c:\myReports/repons//production/01 STANDARD tr PENDIHG IilSPECTIONS Page 2 of 2 Permlt Number: 81 1-19-OO27O5-SIGN FGc DescriPtlon Technology Fee Permanent sign - O to 35 square feet, per sign Sign plan review, Per sign QuantitY 1 1 Total Fees: Fec Amount $6.70 $88.00 $46.00 $140.70 Prlnted oni 12l!9/19 Page 2 of 2 C: \myReports/reports//produclon/0 1 STANDARD PERMIT FEES q tq B N a/r\A t I r:Je'Io (:- SIT EP N iu#**r***,m'*,#mm:' crY oF S^PFIry9;IELD' oREGoN *=SIGN t if DA 'l w E hp f"*t T s I I tr,.{" ;-- ra t a.- *H E:;lf-r&&I I, \ i" I ,\ . llI I IIi i FF-. d k'cf 1f i \ a. {,*'t'-z, l'I'4 tg.? M \ U F .r*tir ty\r &q!F fi S;ru .i ibl.--,q r'',, r-rrrryn.mI a tf- ^- {r rrt firwms t .[* . .1o I r il ffi u ,! I Benchma rk pT 5707 Main St SpringfieLd, OR / l- I''I rfalfiI Il 0 -!"IIF ,!n I F-; Total Square Feet = 24 \-) STOREFRONT SIGN . DAY VIEW 140 SECTION VIEW WbX (Building Fascia) Raceway LE0 power suply LED tighb ^ Acrylic face * secondary bw volags pou,er reaFd penetsation thru wa, Aluminum r€{ums - Trimcap . Anchss as rsquired ffi #sgrgs 40 Rockbndqe fid' Suite 2@' ulburn'6A30047 -' E 770-381';i;0'ftiigMouttrSignsrom. 5- 14.50' u.75', 8' t-Zf-+ COLOR SYS TEMoooo Designer: gteve Langf ord Sales Rep: Bridgette Polak EmaiI bridgette@bigmouthsigns'co m Pa9e IACF),VAY MOUNTED SIGN SpEclFtcATtoNs,a_ l';.fiffiffi1ffi#ilH$Wgwffi* Flrsclo PUS07o wHm al^cx 1 120vNOTE:Electrical BenchMark PHYSICAL THERAPY ,. l4 a-T CompanY: Benchmark PT JobTitle: Thurston, OR SalesOrder: TBD Date: 1 1-15-2019 Revl3lon: lnlti,,,'r.0,""n", u"u u,"'1'l'-:'ll"i,l'"'" ;'fl#ilil'"*:$:,ii":::tili*l. undur t!re 9cNlt, o, Inlell4l@r pruP' ''' r**l:*rtll..:'o; Proof APPrnrral ! epnrovea loK a5 isl ! eai.i"s N€€ded beqin without thiS doaument a tigned uction willNo prod opy ofand daled pr.ntctt. Uf 'nl (olo(i lhrl "1 d ,4 Prcof 1 I lrr H lir STOREFRONT SIGN . NIGHT VIEW SECTION VIEW Ulall (Buildirg Fascia) Raceway LED porver suply LED lighls Acrylic face Secondafy lotr voltage pofler Seded penahation thru wall Aluminum refums Trirrcap Anctrrs as required @ I..*--* ru Rocktridge Rd' Suite zw' t=*,#i1'U"*,.&::r::l Designer: Steve Langford 5', 14V 14.50' RACEWAY MOUNTED SIGN SPEC IFICATIONS One st oI hte.Elt illuminabd cfunrel lete6 Lrd inte.rEl llhhalion Aluminum oElruclion. Blact Retms, Blaa* Trimp Wh[6 Aqylis Fffis on leteE. asgundy R6d GEy ild Bb€t porfoEted TEnstuent lilm ow4ays on logo to b.st mdr @.poEle odoc LetteE mountsd gn aluminum ffiys. 7' x f Raway. RacMy m@nted to waf with rcruire amtEE6 r€qui.od, Reffiy pehted to @tch Str, 6185 d*rd lhyme 1,,," ' 27.75' NOTE: Electdcal 12Av 8', Sales ReP: Bridgette Polak COLOR SYSTEM Pts@o PMs076 wHm BtAcK oo o Total Square Feet = 24 BenchMark PHYSICAL THERAPY ,r companYl Benchmark PT Job Tltler Thurston' OF Sales order: TBD Date:11'15'2O19 Revision: In?t"t.,or"o'''t'"' t"o r'v11;,1 fl ffiiif *''" ffi{i,.$.i,#i*[lr*'"*1""'r*" Proof APProval ! APProved{oKaris) ! eailirg Needed L a 5igncd I Page 2 Datr x ,{o dated Proof I