HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2020-01-14OREGON web Address: www.springfield-or.9ov Building Permit Commercial Sign Permit Number: 811-19-OO2788-SIGN IVR Number: 811076351918 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 541-726-3753 Email Address : permitcenter@springfield-or.9ov SPRINGFIELD ofr Permit Issued: January 14,2O2O Category of Construction: Sign Type of Work: None Specified Submitted Job Value: $0.00 Description of Work: Sign (1) Freestanding & Double Face for Northgate Liquor and Ta Ra Rin Worksite Address 1408 MOHAWK BLVD Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 17032533 10004 Owner: Address: 82 INVESTMENTS LLC 2105 NW 135TH AVE PORTLAND, OR97229 License CCB License Number t63470 Phone 54 1 -485- 5546 Inspection 6999 Final Sign 6950 Electrical Service - Sign Inspection Group Signs Signs Inspection Status Pending Pending Permits expire if work is not started within 180 Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 18O Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. Granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ATTEilTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center, Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-OO1-OOIO through OAR 952-OO1-009O, You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (503) 232-1987. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are reguired to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 7O1.O1O (Structural/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.010-020 (Plumbing). Printed on: 1/14120 page 1 of 2 Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits,oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811076351918 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store C :\myReports/reports//production/0 1 STANDARD \l^ TYPE OF WORK ]OB SITE INFORMATION LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN FORMATION Business Name ES&ASIGNCORP-Primary PENDING INSPECTIONS SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Permit Number: 81 1-19-OO27B8-SIGN Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Balance of minimum permit fees - electrical Sign or outline lighting Technology Fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Elec (L2o/o of applicable fees) Permanent sign - 0 to 35 square feet, per sign Sign plan review, per sign Printed on: 1/14120 Quantity 1 1 Total Fees: Fee Amount $ 13.00 $89.00 $ 1 1.80 $12.24 $88.00 $46.00 $260.04 1 Page 2 of 2 C;\myReports/reports//production/01 STANDARD PERMIT FEES CITY OF SPRINGFIE,LD, OREGON 225 FIFIH SIREET . SPRINGPTFI D, OR 9?477 r PH:(541)725 -3'153 c FA){: (541)726-3689 cuyJobn*o.@QN , Sib Addrcss:t4Ce Molswk Bhd tFI c rl|l {J d 0rti FT Assessors f"fAp lax Lotr JJeO2trll0004 B? INVESIMENTS LLC0wner:Phone: 2105 NW 135IH AVE Address: PORTLAMT tale OR Z 97229 Busioess Narne, pit , .1. Ncth*are Llquor / Ta Ra Rin Description of ?ropoeod Siga(s): @lease check and complete all 4propriab informarion) - Wall x Freestanding Projcctirg Roof -Marqucc- SiogleFa.€ .S DoublcFace Billboard - Othcr Sguare Foot4e 6S.4 Ioal Hc[ht above Grade:'ts 4' Verticd Dimcnsion of S ig n or Enclocure:-!]l Horizonhl Width of Sign or Eaclosurc: d' " Electrical Installation'.;1-.Y cs -NoQf yes addidonal elecbical permil rcryired) Dimcnsion frrom Grade to Bottom of Sign Enclocure Matcrial Sign is Constructed of:Lexan Fee WExttuclsd alumhum catinel tarntrg Vdue of Siga;$8k. 11' 0,, ( tj tF{i F( ifi l.( 0I dE Lirt ALL cxisting signagc snd rttrch e plotogrryh of eeh slgn: (a) T1ae sq FE. ft) TYPe Sq. (d) Irpe- Sq.(c) Ilpe- Sq.F€. 89975 Prairie RdAddrcss: <:ity:Eugerre s."rc:L- 2i9,97402 Constsuction L'ontracton Registration Numb 163470 Expircs 03/16/201 I OFFICE USE Sign District:Zoning b0 1il n By sigaatur€, I ctate ard agrcc, thel I have cerefully ararniaed the completsd applkxtion and do hcrtby @rtit, dtut all inforrnlion hcreia is bue and corrcc! and I ftnhcr ccti! that aoy and all workperformed shall be done in accodancc srith theOrdiaancesoffteCityofSpringf,eld,andtheLewsofthestateofOregonpertairingtoficworkdescdbedherein I further certify that only contrsctors and employees lrho are in coryliurcc witb ORS ?01,055 will bc used on this projcct I further agrcc lo ensurc drel alt required inspections are requested et the propcr timc, thatprojcct sddrcas is read$le from t[e strcet that rfic permit csd b loceled at thc front of tbe prqperty, urd thc pprovod sct of plurs will rcmaio on the sie al alt timcs during hc installation of tbe sign(s). Date 'EE tb, v\qsigto'Yt Shzcd Ddv(11)/BuildinS FsmrEi3r Psrir Applicaiart $2.dm conrractor/Lnstaller: phoo.,ilil3,I- CII'Y (}F SPRINGTIELD, OREGON Blectrical Permit DEPARTT'ENT USE ONLY 225 nffi SrcrtaEprlngf d tl,ORytOi a?H(5.1)7rc37s3a FAX(51t)726.4669 TLls pernlt lr lrsud under OAR 9l&309{000. Permits ere nontrensfrrebh. Permlts erplre lf work ls not start€d wlthlu 180 dayr of l*'ance or lf workls suspeuded for lH) dayr. b. Fee for brrnch clrcults wlrlour purchrsc of r setvlca or feedcr fct: Fkst branc.l cirorit Q) (A) Erla subtcel of abovcfccs (ilIhlun Perdt Fec $93.1t)) (B) Ents 12% swch atgc (,12 x [A]) (C) Tcchology Fcc (5% cf [A]) (D) Cotlnuiftg Educrtior Fee I2.J0 t2.50 Date :k Zonirg qpprovalvcrified? D yo D Xo GATEGORY OF COilSTRUCNON D Residertial I Governrnent f,Commercial Job rite address: I 408 Mohhan'k Blvd. Re&reoce: City: Springfield Torlot.: ztp: 97477 DESI ( Replacing Multi Tenant Sign Cabinet ZIP:97229 Name: 82 Investments LL,C Portl,and State: OR Fax: Address: 2105 NW l35th Avc. E-mail or &rm prcperty fimily. Ihis or rent OAR This installation is CONTRACTOR INSTALLANON Busiaess mme: E'S6kq Sign and Awning Addn*s: 89975 hajrie Rd State: OR phooe. 54 148555,+6 E mail:8.COm Fe.54l*85itl3 ZIP: 974O2 Priot aame of signing sr.pemisor: Gordy CCB license no.: 163470 BCD liccase no. S supervisor's license no.: S I4SIG Sigoaturc of signing slpcrvrsor: FEE SCHEDUT.E Qty.Cct ea TotrI costNrdcr of lr4cdorr p cr ltrm ( ) Rerlderdd, prr rdt rtrvi* hdrdedr Each additioral 5(X) sq. ft, or pdtion tloroof Eech trnn ufa<nned h qne o modulu dwclling rcrvicc c fccdcr @) Ssrdcer or fctderr: insbllation, allerztiod, rzlocation $ I $ $ $ t I I t'l7t .00 t 31t,00 I,000 sq. fr c lcss (4) i 4t.00Llmhcd energy (2) I 8'1.00 I103,00200 arps ot lers (2) [{ 20.00201 to400rmps(2) $20r.00ilol to 600.mps (?) t261.00601 to l,fi)0 unpr (2) t $ 81.00 1599.00 I 81.00 s $ r11.00 Tcryorrry rcrrlms or ferdrrr: inslalhtion. alteratton, relocatton $ $ Ovcr 1,fi!0 arnpr c vohr p) Rcc.gracct crrly (2) 200 arps or lcss (2) 201 to400arnpsQ) $1 6e.00 Ova 600 rrps u 1,000 volts, soe scrvices q fecdqs scqior rbove Brucl circgfuz aew, alleration, eilensiot per pnet $401 to600mpr@) c, Fre for braach circuits wifi purchasc ofa ssvice c fcedcr fec: Mlscdlrrcfls fit*r;, sttice orfeeder aol inclded Ercl branch circuh s t $ I 7.00 $ 81.00 Erch edditioral brrrc} circuir tr 7.00 3 S1.00Eectr punp o krigtior cicle (2) s 93.00 s 93.00 993.0O $Erclr sign o outline listtiis G) Signal ehclh q s I imitpd-€ncrgy panel, rlterdian, s €xt rsifi (2) Ercl rdddmdhrlec{ar (l) I $93.00 I DEPART}IEI{T I 93.00 I 4.65 I l r.l6 Lrrt rdlrcd $$5;2017 BJouer TOIAL hes rnd rurchrger (A throryb D):$ l1l.3r t JOB SIIE II LOCAT|Oil Stale: OR os'ned orme not - gqrfu wt t:,, THE CONTENTS HERf, ON HAVE BEEN REVIEWED' WITH--_ ALTERATIONS NOTED ON THE PLANS OR BY ATTACHYENT' CHANGES ORALTERATTONS MADE TO THE APPROVED DRAWINGS OR PROJECTAFTERTHE DATE BELOW SHALL BE APPROVED BYTHE BUILDING OFFICIAL. -l GITYOF OREGON , J T}'t .rll / 7/ *'?J I,./ I I rl "r"t Ut ) -1 , ., .,} a-l J I ,:*;r ,I / ,.1 t1rt Ot iL] t rl [{ r! ){;A, "rt, I j,-l I ' .a.a.ir.t-i:JI7 )7.? I F t' 1 \--\- '/, I I l,L ! / r|I\E t $, -I $'Y ,fq rL()L /I // )'/ %5 /Jl j d'li,ru*a&.* iqt Photo lnlay Layout S€te 3/g'-1_O 8',tr"t3 5/8' qarla silstng Te Re Rin hct3 b il0R filGe1E uQa0n sfoac Scope of Work . Flemow & scrap exEting damaQed slgn cablnel saw Ta Ra Rrn pan fac€s to reuse' . Cut exrsting S square oole down to 11'ofi grade' . Manutacture nqil O/F extruded alumlnum slgn cablnet w(h dNlder bar parnted whrte . cabinet to ha/e vertcal l-bsam with mountng plate al bottom ot cablnet . Ctt holes thru l-beam to allow Das lhru tor hffzonial LED lub€ bulbs' . Fab new Lexan tac€s wilh 'Northgate LQUor Store' Re|d yellow & blaci( PSV graphrcs' . Reuse existing Ta Fa Rln oan lac€s In top secllon of cauneL' . tnslall rew cabrnet, plate-mounted to exrslng Oole TARSRIX il0Rfllcafc uQaoR sfoRe EA iIYtlt0ll: ., )ote r0qnt6{T U&r ltcl (0t? (uIn rtnollt muDt! (0t01!. tltttn(. rtTwotr nui{ tmll ?ttllt ,lI{ ouiilG ll,tlitt Iiltr Dm ol ollolllt 0um6 l0 lI F $II!: 0I$Grr ilff r0 fi lt rolr B$mI0l fot (0tIH6lIt lJQUol rloE nomwt !l'10 rPiilGfltLD.0i ilrll}} -iqi d 6 d b r- dFro h ht, F- b --iH--t r*r- r- i q-rdh,-.!-.i-F.q--F- Errbrrtq-fr -h?---r-iar#rt-F'---dFh*tG*-rBbqr-dh-,GE,rt.iiE.a.Uhhq F r H*.r..riHril q.ff - l*FIld. qhr--*r fI{trmr qr itfl [l u rr(qilfr r0r rui (qfi 5 ttru ffilr &trf im[ a w frl mru ra( i F{trn Nt a !tu1 I SPRlflSfltt D BtItRl0t 811 0 PPT taf 5 : {L.3 ^-t .:-'d 1A RA RIX tPilt8flil.l itl[lIEt t[0PPt I FN) rtF \ \ ..t Zt ! :i# ! t jit'r t \ -li 7'";, .A \I I fi, -:'-r { ...!.l'f \t? {t .l \,\rt \ I- .I J.' .-:' r "'ff ,, t '' '1"' ' t' 'J:, "fl t '.1; 4{ J. L - I 7 ,/ t a -t' I+ -fr i I i I d-t t , . -,: I "t r'.. ', t' .'lr1t t t l-t..')'a *, -' .l I z I' .it}.,'rf, I I I ; n *TF r _ '---:>- "1 +, d\