HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2000-05-31SPRINGFIELD Job# 99-01 1 62-02 INDUSTRIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Page 1 of3 TRANS*:01-0001964 I}ATE:I,IAY 31 2OOO Al'tT RECD:2 $ 53?2.?0 CHANEE: IASHIER:059 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of Proposed Site: 720 00035th St Spr AssessorsMap#: 17023121 Lot: Block: Addition: Job Number: 99-01 162-02 Office: 726-3759 Inspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot #: 02600 Subdivision: ctrY oF SPRfiNGFIEL4 OREGON Owner: Dick Briggs Address: 80 West 23rd Avenue Scope Of Work: Warehouse Contractor Type GeneralContr Designer Electrical Contr Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: Phone Number: City/State/Zip: New 541-343-4670 Eugene, OR 97405 Value: $300,000 SITE IIV'IPROVE[/lENTS Contractor Hageland Associates PO Box 40005, Eugene, OR 97405 Hageland Associates PO Box 40005, Eugene, OR 97405 Oregon Electric Service Po Box 2237 , Eugene, OR 97402-0070 Registration # Expiration Date 9t14t00 Phone 541-6BB-0470 541-6BB-0470 541 -343-1 681 # Of Buildings: Occupancy Group: Storage Heat Source: Sq. Footage: Office Use - Land Use: Warehouse - General Zoning Code: Hl (llN)Conc-No Fire Rqn Bedrooms: Range: To request an inspection call the 24 hou a.m. will be made the same working day working day. r recording at 726-3769. All ested before 7:00 , inspections requested after ll be made the following A Required lns Xryls WORKoB/s -Steel location, - Prior to cover. -To be done during construction by State Certified Special lnspector. Provide inspection test res -To be done during construction by a State Certified Special lnspector. Provide inspection resul -To be called for at the same time as the SUB framing inspection. -When all Fire Department requirements have been met. -After all requirements have been met for Minimum Development Standards or from the Develop -When all required inspections have been approved and the building is complete. Masonry Framing StructuralWelds High Strength Bolting SUB - lnsulation/Vapor Barrier SUB - Final FinalFire FinalSite Plan FinalBuilding 3!!::t,, r:g,i?,': 38001 t!!ttn Page 2 of 3 Required lnspections Electrical - Prior to cover. -Must be approved to obtain permanent power -When all electricalwork is complete. Mechanical - Prior to cover. -After line is installed and line has been connected to a minimum of one appliance. Pressure ter -When allgas work is complete. -When all mechanicalwork is complete. Job# 99-01162-02 Rough Electrical Electrical Service Final Electrical Rough Gas Rough Mechanical Gas Service SUB - Mechanical FinalGas FinalMechanical Zoning: Hl FloodPlain? ! Wetlands? f] Journal numbers 1:99-05-0129 2: Comments: Overlay District: # of Street Trees Land Use: Warehouse - General Pave Driveway? E Planner: Jim Donovan Urban Growth Boundary?[ Glenwood Area? [ Quantity Of Fill: Supplier: Drainage: Floodway FEMA: 3: Additional Requirements: Required Attachments: Source Locn: Material: Flood Plain FEMA: Construction Types(llN) Conc-No Fire Rqmnts Occupancy Groups: Storage # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? # Of Stories: Height (feet): Current Units: Proposed Units: Census Code:Does not apply Area (Sq. Main:Accessory:Total: Fee Paid On Receipt#Value/Quantity Fee Amount Buildi Building Permit State Surcharge For Building Permit Building Administrative Fee Total Building 0s13112000 05t31t2000 05/31/2000 1964 1 964 1964 300,000 $883.00 $61.81 $26.4e $971.30 Mechanical One to Four Outlets Minimum Mechanical Permit Mechanical Administrative Fee Vent Fan to One Duct UniVHeater Mechanical lssuance State Surcharge For Mechanical permit Total Mechanical 05131t2000 05t31t2000 05t31t2000 05t31t2000 05131t2000 05t31t2000 05131t2000 $2.00 $.00 $.60 $6.00 $12.00 $10.00 $1.40 $32.00 1 964 1964 1964 1 964 1 964 1964 1 964 1 2 2 Job# 99-01162-02 Page 3 of 3 Fee Paid On Receipt#Value/Quantity Fee Amount SDC Administrative Fee Warehousing - Transportation Total System Development 05t31t2000 05131t2000 1 964 1 964 17 $208.07 $4,161.33 $4,369.40 Grand Total Plan Check Type lnitial Review-C/l/P Engineering-C/l/P Structural-C/l/P Fire MarshalCn,P $5,372.70 Checked By Lisa Hopper Steve Templin Lorne Pleger AlGerard Date Completed 03t20t2000 05/30/2000 05t31t2000 04t06t2000 By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and dohereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further ""rtiry tn-rtlny ano all workperformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of SpringfiJd and the Laws ofthe state of oregon pertaining to the work described herein, "nd tnrt No occupANCy will be madeof any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, guilding saietv. I furtherggrtify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with oRS 701.055 wiil be used onthis project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that eachaddress is readable from the street, that the permit card is lcoated at the front of the property, and theapprovedof plans remain on the site at alltimes during construction Signature Date 3l CITY OF SPruNGFIEII', ONEGON siPRINGFIELI, 225 North Fi-fth Street Springfield, OR 91477 Location of Proposed Workz 720 35TH STRE Assessors Map #: )-7023L21 COMMERCTAL/INDUSTRIAL PERMIT APPLICATTON CITY OF SPRINGFIELD .Tob Nurnber: COMMI'NITY SERVTCES DTVISION BUTLDTNG SAFETY Office: Inspection Line: TRANS$:0L-0000123 DATE:DEI 29 1999 Al{T RECD:? $ 15510.66 IHANEE: IAEHIER: OO4 Page 1 99LL62 726 - 37 59 7 26 -37 69 Tax Lot #: 02500 Owner: DICK BRIGGS Address: 80 WEST 23RD. STREET Phone #: 343-4670 City/State/Zrp: EUGENE, OR 97405 Description Of Work: FOUNDATION FOR STEEL WARE NEW Value L67 ,640 .00 Name PAT HAGEL Address Phone Architect General-: Contractor IaGEL & ASSOC. 0064895 PO BOX 40005 EUGENE OR 974040000 Const. ConEractor #Expires 05/20/eB Phone 588-0470 --- PLT'MBTNG --- No Fee Charge 85.00 85.00 70.00 80.00 85.00 20.00 425 .00 Sanitary Sewer Water Service Storm Sewer 8 ROUGH-INS 420' FIRE LINE 2 BACKFLOW DEVICES TOTAL PERMIT 370 355 326 fr. fr.fr. IIANDTCAP ACCESS: Y FLOOD PLAIN: N OCCY GROUP: S -- OFFICE USE -- QUAD AREA: 3INC # OF BLDGS: 1 CONSTR. TYPE: IIN LAND USE.. 3999 ZONING CODE: HI ftem FOUNDATION ONLY TOTAL VALUE OF PRO,JECT Square Feet L57 54 x $/Square Feet Val-ue 100, 000.00 L00, 000 . 00 BUILDING Surcharge/admin MECHANICAL Surcharge/admin PAVING VALUE PLUMBING Surcharge/admin 433.00 43.30 0.00 0.00 220 . OO 425 . O0 42 .50 35,095.00 SPRINGFIELD Job Number: 99L1-62 CITY OF ONEGON Page 2 CITY SDC FEES SEWER HOOKUP SUBTOTAL PERMITS TOTAL PERMIT FEES EXCLUDING ELECTRICAL 7 ,625.L6 6,741,.70 15, s30.66 l_5,530.66 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsibilj-ty of the permit holder to see that alL inspections are made at the proper time. To request an inspection, cal-l- 726-3769 (recorder), state your City designaLed job number, job address, type of inspection requested and when you wilt be ready for inspection. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, requests made after 7:00 a.m will be made the following work day. Special InspecLions: In accordance with Section 305 of the State Specialty Code a special inspector shalf be employed by the Owner,/Contractor during construction of any following'r*" work. A copy of the special testing reporLs shal] be furnished to Building Safety. In addition to the inspections specified, the Building Official may make or require other inspections of any construction work to ensure compliance wlth the Building, City or Development Code. GR.ADING/EXCAVATING/FILLING - To be done during constr by Special State Certified Inspector. Provide reports/tests to City Building Inspector PILING, DRILLED PIERS/CAISSIONS - To be done during construction by State Certified Special Inspector employeed by owner/contractor. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE in excess of 2500 psi. To be done during constr. by State Cert. fnsp. Results to City Building Inspector BOLTS INSTALLED IN CONCRETE - To be done by State Certified Special Tnspector. Provide inspection/test reports to Clty Building Inspector WATER IINE - Prior to filling trench. SATiIITARY SEWER LINE - Prior to filling trench. STORM SEWER LINE - Prior to filling trench. OTHER I,NDERGROI,ND ELECTRICAL - PTiOT TO COVET. ITNDERFLOOR PLITMBING - Prior to insulation or decking. -.- ADDITIONAL COMMENTS --- SITE REVIEW ,JOURNAL #99_05.A29, ..TIM DONOVAN, PLANNER NOTE: THIS REVIEW TS FOR THE FOUNDATION AND SITE UTILfTTES ONLY Plans Reviewed By: LORNE PLEGER Building Site Reviewed By: DaLe: L2/28/99 By signaLure, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done j-n accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure withouE permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and empl-oyees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure Lhat all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved seL of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction- e?h e ure Date q? SPFINGFTELD Job Number: 991-L62 CITY OF SPHNGFIEI-D. ONEGON Page 3 --- VALIDATION --- Receipt Number: Date Paid: Amount Received: Received By: ,/?3 /2^20^44 /757a.62 JOURNAL O-JOB NO.6 2 ATTACHJI{ENT A CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE NAME OR COMPA]W: LOCATION 7Xo t<sl 1. sroRM DRA.INAGE Dr,l Ayern),t f;^ %-,s TMPERVTOUS SQ. p7. .?1 3O2 x $0.232 pER SQ. Fr. DEVELOPMENT TYPE: BUILDING SIZE 2. SANITARY SEWER-CITY X S486.73 PER TRIP x _ x $486.73 PER TRrP (See Reverse Side) 3. rRANSpoRrArroN - 6fu/2"//,o'9 - a/z'+ t/ 7Z.nzD "h,6i,' ra i.'ztz,4-.f5 NO OF I.JNTTS X TRIP RATE X COST PER PM PEAK HOUR TRIP Ft. oG s -r,4 62- Cz//e ,/ 'tOtZr^4-/5 NO. OF PFU'S _x S 4. SAMTARY SEWER-MWMC A. REIMBI.IRSEMENT COST: 6 Uq E4 tl o^ L - /o//n,-/ o"/ -f/*^,k :Dra,.;a,"a"4 NO. OF FEU'S X _ PER FEU B. IMPROVEMENT COST: NO. OF FEU'S x PER FEU MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE 5. ADMINISTRATTVE FEES: BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) X .0s" l/- s 10.00 TOTAL-MWMC SDC SLIBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS t,2,3 & 4)$7 ^ ' S s <$ o6 /os .40 3 t6t-''' so{C$dinuto, ATTACH'A1MPD Date TOTAL SDC s 7 42,4- WORKSHEET s_*- $4- FIXTURE UNIT CALCUT"-4.TION TABLE: Number of New F' - es X Unit Equivalent: Fixture l-nits (NOTE: For remodels, calculate only &e _ f additional fixtures) NUMBER OF I.INIT FIXTURE FIXTURE TYPE NEW FIXTURES EQUTVALENT LTNITS Bathrub......... Drinliing Fountain....... Floor Drain. Interceptors For Grease/OiVSolids/Etc. Interceptors For Sand/Auto Wash,/Etc. Laundry Tub/Clotheswasherfivfop Sink.................... Clothesrvasher - 3 Or More............ Mobile Home Park Trap (1 Per Trailer).. Receptor For RefrigeratorAilater Station/Etc........... Rec eptor For Commercial S ink/D ishwasher/Etc...... Shorver, Single Stall.. Shos'er, Gang............ Sink: Bar, Commercial, Residential Kitchen............ Urinal. Stall/Wall. Wash Basin/Lavatory, Single........... Toilel Public Installation... Toilet. Private. Miscellaneous: TOTAL FIXTURE LINITS CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: Based on assessed value. If improvements occurred after annexarion date in table, calculate credits 2 I 2 J 6 2 6 6 I J 2 1 2 2 il 6 4 lllead Year Annexed Rate per $ 1,000 Assessed Value Credit for Parcel or Land Only If Applicable x $_ CREDIT TOTAL = S Year Annexed Rate per $ 1,000 Assessed Value 1979 or before l 980 l98l 1982 I 983 1984 1985 1986 1987 I 988 s4.47 4.38 4.32 4.20 4.03 3.88 3.68 3.38 3.03 2.62 I 989 1990 l99l 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 t997 1998 2.18 1.75 1.35 t.t7 1.03 0.86 0.71 0.57 0.39 0.r8 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR STORM DRAINAGE (For Estimating Purposes Only) Residential.. Commerical. 0.4 0.9 0.5 0.5 FIXUNIT.WPD IMPERVIOUS'AREA = TOTAL LOT SIZE X RUNOFF COEFFICIENT (Rate X Assessed Value) Improvement (if after annexation date) X $ _ : (Rate X Assessed Value)