HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-09-11..RESIDENTIAL.. " APPLICATION/PERIIT 225 North ith Street Springfield, 1r,egon 97477 Buildtng Dioision 7 26-37 53 Ce4Sln gtion_len4eL SPFTINGFIEI-I) #/o dL/ Der_;-$"zhE- tll/422 r t* (- Date:q -//- 6 7 GeneraL pro?er time, tl,at s4.411 r,tirp6s ig vsotnhi6 ruttber,i.1b_allress, tApl of inspeelicnHequests receixed befcre Z:00 o:t number. Page 7 of '2 L"4t S , J5Job Iaeation: Aeeeeaote Map fl ?at lat # svbdioision: Q,tner:o-€ ,78Address:t:<Phone: ,l Z Deact"ibe Work:L(M. fu:e- o'^-ae-re ConDec'fat-Add,iticn Date of Applieaticn Value 1 EN rN, Iour City Desigttated. Job Nunbe" fs I 7 forme ' Iobe, pt tor tc nade aftei set up of ,tio?R ia eotsered. W""Ix,Z"o#I:^yI ."" ereeted, but pilor ioWw*Lng ecnerete. w**1ffiLii"\LX:"but p?io" to cny taping. Ys=o!!!: steel location, bond. 2n^y,, grouting on ue?tilale in i:r.r?:T" L>ith u.B.c. seetion Ygs@; After installztion ieernpLeted. W#ffi',.o[li,i,!,,i*" W##ffi',,Izi,"llnii!- iiTi',!;rii,z*,:{.i:;i,ri,z::;_base natertal in pLce. Septic totk p;mped and fitled. utth gra:tet Fin-al - t{hen abcoe ittand uhen d *,"i;;;; "" 1? : #r.iy;. :3L" _ture moued otd prenrtees "L:"";;a Sani:ary saser capped at properfil lir:e Le Hcmes Bloeking otd Set_up ?o be totrenehee FIIIAL PLUWIIIC PINAL MECIIANICAL FITIAL ELEC?RICAL xof ffi#;r'fr.Il7#:,T:;:;Aecklng. FfpEpLACE: prtor to olceirq faeingmater.aals and before'txlon- - .."amlng inapee_ FRAIIING: Must be reo W*:,*ipi:;itr#,izt';i,o- ?1fr7:"&.,i;r;tr:ti':;#ti';_ceaLed. until thie inspestien l;,,gbee.n np.de anc appnoveh. I Phnbing eonnections _- aane? otd uater Electrical- Ccmneetion _ Bloeking, eet_uo #"!'"ry\;:z"itr"z';;i:#l:x,i.;i:{, Aeceesory- Building !y, . After-pctehes, ski."fi;: decks,exc. are cotnpleted. a\ FrNAL BUTLDTNG: \_-/ Electrical, anC \i:Ldi:q rnapection nuot betnspectiona ltaue bsnn roOn . AIL Woiect conditions sueh ae the inetallation o'f street trees eonpLetion of tienequiredLandsccping', ete., rmtet be eatisfied befone the BUILDTNG FtNAL can be requested.. The Final llechanicat l',equ eated aften the Final and approued. ,ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE ', ADJUSTITENI TO BE WDE A? NO COST rO CNY PLutnbing 5t PEUCE: hrhen eonplete __ propiCe fl:"r: tr."" nou ab L e' ". " t.,: o" "' liln il n Z JOB NO.soLAR ACCESS REQ.-t-co c* Zone Building Penrrtt, State ?otal Clnrgea Pltnbing Penrit. 9tate Stcte !otal Permtt'f6auqnca Meelnnicel Pewntt Bedroons: -- Fe Building Volue & Permif ?his permit io granted on the erpress cond.ition tlwt the said consttucti,shall, in-all -nes_pe_cts, gonform 7o the Ozdinance adopted. y:y the City ofsprirqfield, includ.ing the zoning cydinance, r,egulatZng th-e ccnsttz-cticn and .use o-f building:,. antd mty be suepended or r-ersokec -ot "*y time upon u.,lation of anA pncrsisione of eaid Ordirnnces. PLan Date Paid Receipt #: Signed: b Plumbing Permit No person slnll constntct, install-, alter oz' change anA neo cr esisting plwnbing or drainage Bysten in ulole or in pan't, unless such person is tht legal pbssessor of a ualid plwnber"s License, e$cePt that a Pe?son maA 4?plrmbing uork to propepty uhich is olmed, Leaeed or openated by the tppli- cant. Electricol Permit llhere state Las requires th,at the electrical uotk be done by_an Eleetrical contnactor, the eleetrical portion of this permit shall not be oalic until the Label las been signed by the Electt'tcal contracto?' Mecho nicol Permit FTan:E;onlner uate I HAW CAREEULLy EXA\,IINED tle cotnpleted application for permit' and do herebg certify that aLL infonnatibn heteon is true and cot'rect, and r furthLr eertify that any ard aLL uork perforned slnll be done in accot'- dance tith the- }rdinanc-es of the City of Springfield, and the Lol'ts of the State of }regcn pet:taining to the uot'k Ceecribed he?ein' end. tlot No )CCA- PANCY witl b-e naCe of any structute uithout permieaion of the Building DL- uieion. I further certiill that only contractors and anplcyees uho are in cadpliance aith oRS ?01,055 uill be used on thie proiect Lot Facea - Setbacks Houee Ca"aqe Accese. North Uast South Iat 5q. Ftg. I of lot Ccueraga_ I of Stor.tee LO! ?w8 _ Interior _ Corter _ Panhand.Le CvL-de-eac ValueFTGx Total Height ?opogrcphy t Win Csaae Carport Acceesorll ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 e CHARGENO.TLL Fi.stutee Reailenti.al (1 bath) Scnita4a Sa,ter llatet CHARGEN0.FEE Res. Sq" ftq Neu/Ertend. Circuits Iarpor@y Seruice CIIARCEFEENC h*nace ETU'S Eolanat ilood Vent E@t 6o9'llcodstooe /5e -. ENCROACUMENT -. Sec,rita Deposit Storage blaintenance Perwtt Cutbcut Si.d@alk ?ense Electytcal Label Mobile Hone TOIAL A]4OUNI DUE: I 6"j P. L. Rar, I Firea L----- . ' 'r-, -.--: -: .r..! r._:.-;.i :. -1"r . r .r...\.:,. .,-e, .-::,r.jr4*ei:+$i#/1,fl4 .L: *:. " RESIDtnlTlAL" APPLICATION/PERI.IIT 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, )r'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job Ipcaticn:("1{1 S s Aesessoz,s Map # SPFIINGFTEI-D Ics lat # zip: Q Z YZZ Desct4be Hork: ta Ll +}- \\ N, Subdioision: Otmer: Addtess Additicn RemoCeL Date of App GeneraL PLmbing L>o ",, ,\t"'.,-- - e-.r*^-,-.1"-=, Siqned /,- Licatian ,- 5't7 vorun d 82n ?,-o Date <6'5-6a -2/ 73s$S/ ,*. Tqoz oo I Elec trLcaL lleclur.icc L I^t is the responeibi_LilV o7 tte perwtt hode" to aee that alt inspeetLotrs oe nad.e at lhe p?o?e? tine, t?.at eceh addrees is readobi.e fran_the atreet, and that the_pe1fiit eard ie Located at the fzotti of the properfrr.t9uiuing Dioisiot approxed pLan shcll remain on the Bunlding sitc bt aLL' trfmes." PP)CEDUP\ F04 IllSPEnI1N.E1Q|JEST:CALL726-3769(reeordez') state yout, City designeted job ntonber, job aCitess, type of inspec=icnteQuested arui uhen you uiLL be ready fo_t ir,spection, Confraetors o,-r A,mers ttane -and pitone nunber. Requests z,eceii:ed befcre'7:00 dx'"vil,L be made the eane dag' ?equests mcd.e after 7:00 on urltl be nade the n*t aorking'da:g. Corylruetton_!endel Reatitai Tr<non Iout, City Designated Job Nurnbe! fs $ ? os.s2 I- SITE IT:SPIC:ION: | | e.ecauaticn, but - forms. To be nade aftez, pr*tor tc set up of TNSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER ITISPECTTON : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn and. required uapor bez,iera @e in pla.ce but befoz,e oty Lath, Wpsum bcarC or tnLL cooering is applied, and befoz,e otg insulation i,s concealed. DRII,IALL fNSPECII)N: Ic be nadeafter aLL dryuall is in place, but prior to cng taping. I4ASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, g:z,outing or Oerticals in accoydotee LlLth U.B.C. Section 24 After installation is ccnp CURB & APPRCACIT AppON: After formsee eyecteC but prior to pouring conc"ete. SIDEIIALK & DRflWAy: Fo? aLL eon- crete pa'uirq uithin street x,ight-of-teA, to be nade after aLL esca- oating canplete & fotn uotk & eub- base natertal in place. DEtt?LITr)I 0R :.:0w) BU Sctilaty seuez, eapped ct properQ; Line Septic totk p',inped cnd fi,Lled trith gzauel Final - I{hen abcue itens are ccttpleted and uhen Canalition is conqlete or st"uc- ture noued otd. prewises cleaneC up. llobile Hcnes ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & l,ECHt-iliCAL: Io be nade befoz,e any DOtk is eooeted. FCoTn'ic & F)U\IDAT'CN: ?o be na.Ce - after xt,enches at e ezeazsated and. foltns are erected, but prior to pour"trq ccncvet€.I I AilDEP,FLOCR PLUI,ETNG & I|ECILANICAL : To be naoe p?ior to installation of floor insulation or decking. I losr nlo atm: ?o be nade priot, toI installaticn of floon insulation or deckittg.r PLUME. toTo ttenehee. ROUGH ?LU,!BI!IG. ELECTRICAL & T,IECH-ANICAL: ttoaWGiL these inspections lnue- beet; nad.e and. approo'e,l. I 1: Fllwt.ne!: \or to plaeirq faeingnaterLals and. befote franing inspelc-xlon. 1 fnu:fac: Mtst be requested aftet,I app,roual of rough pltonbing, eiectni-cal & mechanieal. ALL noofirq btacLng 6 chinmeya, ete. rrust be , cofipleted. Ilo uork is to be con_. eealed until this inspection has'been matie anC approued. I PLUI4BIIIG PENCE: Vhen eonplete -- prouiCe gate* o? mooable seetions through P. U. E. ALL project conditiona, such aa tle i.nstallation of street t7ees, conpletion of ti.erequired Landsccping, ete.' tmtst be sattsfied. before the BUILDIN1 FfiAL canbe tequested.. FrilAL BUTLDING: The Final Building. rnapection nuat be requested after the final plwnbingElectrieal, olC tteelanical fnspectlons laue bee, naie- ird'ipp"oi"d. PITIAL I,{ECHAIIICALr' PIIIA,L ELEC?RICALI l 'ALL MANITCLES AND CLEAITOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!{EI|| fO BE ttADE tl.T NO CCST ?O Cny Pagelof2 i 1 t/ P, *bl V Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- sa)e? @d. L)ater Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-uD and plwnbing conneeti,ons nr;st be cppz,creC befot,e requesting electr-Lcal inspeetion Aecescory BuilCing Final - Aftcn pcrckes, skirting, d.ecks,etc. a?e conpleted. r X TOSSI soLAR At^.EsS REQ.-dJOB NO.L-CO Beiroons Lot Faces -Enerou Sout ces Tuce Setbacks !!eat DT House Can aae Access llate" lleater No?th Range East FirepLace South Hooristoue I of Lct Cooerage_ # of Sturtes LCT TWE _ Intericr _ Cor"nef _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac Iat Sq. Ftg Total Height Iopogrqhy Hest -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permlt is granted on the etp?ess condition tLnt the said-constntction slnll, in all tespects, eonfonn to the Crdinanee adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Cvdinanee, regulating Lhe ccnstructicn otd use of buildi.ngs, and may be suspended ot' reuokeC at cnA tine upon uic- la.tion of anA prcoisions of said 1r,dinanees. Sq. FTG n-+^ D^-'). L tlllIiUL x Value NO Dnr cinl<- I?EI,I Llain ?O?AL VALAE ue Building Permtt ?otal Chargea Fichttes Sanitarg Seuer l,lctey al A D7:rEE Residentia,L (1 bath) Plunbing Pertrit State Neu/Eoterd Citcuits Setoiee Permit ?otaL Receipt #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, install,, alter ot cltange anA net cr esisting plwnbing or dtainage sasten in uhole or in part, unless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plunberts L'icense, eseept that a pe"son may do plunbing uork to p?ope"ty uhieh is ortned, Leased or opetated by the appli- eant. Electricol Permit Were State La requires th,at the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrieal Contraetor, the eleetrical pottion of this permit slu.Ll not be oalil' until the lobel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechonicql Permit,,s Ezhanst HooC tr Veat Eot ' ilcodstoue Secart Pemit Issucnee MeeLnnicaL Permit -- EIICROACHMENT -- -[h t PLan Esanl,ner TdEe - Pemit TotaL Cutbcut Sida,talk IabeL Mobile llone r HAW CAREEULLy |XA\LINED tle conpleted application for pernit, and do tni.ty iirtifA that aLL information hereoi- is true and' eoweet, anC r furthZr cet'tify that any ard aLL uork perfo?ned slnll be done in aecor- 'dan e ,,rtth tie- 1r'dinancZs of the city of springfield, and tha Las of the State of O"egcn pertainino-to the uotk Cescribed here;-n' and tlnt NO OCCU--pLicy *ttt tL ,m\e of cny" strucatre uithout permi,ssi-on of the Suilding N- oision. f further certif'i that otly contraeto"s and enpLcYees uho a?e Ln cu:tpliance -ultn OaS 70L.05s uiLL be used on this ptoiect 8,2(r( FOr CIIARCE \5 00 "1< St .J,IAL N,fiLIII|, D,L' : "./ tr-s-97 Ros - ,9a - ftn -