HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1997-04-03!SPFIilGFIELE, RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPI,ICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIEI.D COMMI'NITY SERVICES DIVISION BUII,DING SAFETY Page 1 .fob Nunber: 97 0332 225 North Fifth Stsreet Springfield, OR 97477 Locabion of Proposed Work: 520 35TH ST Assessors Map #z 1-7Q231-24 Lot : 2 Bl-ock: Office: Inspect,ion Line: 725 -3759 726 -37 69 Tax Lot #: Subdivision: l_0900 95-07-138 SPNNGFTEI.D, Owner: BARB MCGEE Address: 561 COBIIRG ROAD Describe Work: IIAIIUF HOIIE & CARPORT Phone #: 485-7358 city/staEe/zip: EUGENE, OREGON 9740L NEW eontractor ConEt. ConEractor #Expires 03/20/e7 Phone 342-3201,General:LEHIVIANN 0081110 2673 Chad Dr Eugene OR 974010000 QUAD AREA: 3RNC # OF UNITS: 1 CONSTR. TYPE: VN WATER HEATER: E -- oFFICE USE -- LAND USE: 1150 ZONING CODE: LDR # OF BDRMS: 2 RANGE: E # OF BLDGS: 2 OCCY GROUP: R3 HEAT SOURCE: FE SQ FOOTAGE: 1,200 To requests an inspection, caII the 24 hour recording aE 726-3769. A11 inspect,ions requested before 7:00 a.m. wiII be made Ehe same working day, inspections requested afEer 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. --- REQUIRED INSPECTTONS --- FOOTING - After trenches are excavated. SLAB - To be made after all inslab building service eguipment, conduit piping, and other equipment items are in place buE prior to concrete SAI{ITARY SEWER LINE - Prior Lo filling trench. STORI! SEWER LfNE - Prior to filling Erench. WATER LINE - Prior Eo filLing trench. IIA]IUF HOME/MOBrLE HO]IE SET UP - When all blocking is complete. IIA}IUFACTURED HO!4E SERVICE ld,AlIuF. HOME/MOBILE HOME ELECTRICAL - When blocking, setup, and plumbing inspections have been approved and home is connected to panel IIANUF. HOIIE/MOBILE HOME PLITMBING - After home has been connected to water and sewer. CITRBCIn - After forms are erected buE prior to placement of concrete. SIDEWATK - Aftser excavaUion is complete, forms and sub-base material in p1ace. ROUGH ELECTRIEAL - PriOr TO CO\/ET. FRBIIING - Prior to cover. FINAL ELECTRICAL - When all electrical work is complete. FINAL BUILDING - When all reguired inspections have been approved and the building is complete. FINAL SET UP - After all reguired inspections are approved and porches skirting, decks, venting, house numbers, etc. have been insta]Ied. Lot Faces: E Lot Type: PAI.IHANDLE Lot Sq. Ft . : 1,24L5 Solar Approved: Y Setbackssw 10 24 E House 26 N 20 $,/square Feet --- BUII,DING PER}IIT --- Sguare Feet xItem Main Value 58, 000.00 SPFTNGFIELD Job Number: 970332 SPI?INGFIEI-O,a Page 2 Garage FTG/PERIM FOUNDATION Tota] Va1ue Building Permit Fee Surcharge/admin TOTAL FEE 8-1fr 0.00 4 iffiA:OO 76,7OO.OO 74.50 5 .97 80.47(A) SYSTE}TS DEVELOPMENT CIIARGE (SDC) (B)2 , 698 .69 Systems Development Charge is due on all undeveloped properEies within the City limits and t,he CiLys Urban Growth Boundry which are being improved. --- PLI'I{BING PERMIT --- Fee 55.00 55.00 55.00 Plumbing PermiL Surcharge/edmin 155.00 ].3.20 TOTAL CIIARGE (c)L78.20 ILeM SaniLary Sewer WaUer Storm Sewer 200 200 200 --- MISCELLATiIEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State Issuance Surcharge/admin Sidewalk Curb Cut WLLAMALANE SDC TOTAL MISCEI,I.A}IEOUS PERMITS 105.00 20.00 8 .40 13.00 13.00 L, 000 . oo (E)1,159.40 (Excluding Electrical) unlegs otherwiee noted -. - TOTAI, AI,IOI'NT DUE - - - (A, B, c, D, and E combined)4,LL6 .7 6 --- BUILDING VALUE, PIJNiI CHECK AI'ID BUILDING PERITIIT --- This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, conform to Ehe Ordinance adopEed by the CiEy of Springfield, including the DevelopmenE Code, regulating the construction and use of buiJ-dings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon violation of any provisions of said ordinances. Plan Check Fee: 48.43 Date Paid: Received BY: LORNE PLEGER Plans Reviewed BY: LISA HOPPER Date: Building Site Reviewed By: LISA HOPPER 03/05/e7 03 /L7 / e7 Receipt Number: 24767 --- ADDITIONAL CO}IMENTS --- *U^4o/6 !sPFINGFIELD h, .fob Number: 970332 SPNruGETEII',t Page 3 ENTIRE LENGTH OF DRIVEWAY TO BE PAVED PER PARTITION REQUIREMENTS CARPoRT REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY DON MOORE 3/1,4/97 SEPARATE ELECTR]CAL PERMIT REQUIRED PRIOR TO ELECTRICAL ]NSTALLATION DRIVEWAY REQUIRED TO BE PAVED By Eignature, I atat,e and agree, that I have carefully the completed application and do hereby certify Ehat aI examined I information hereon is true and correcL, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the ordinances of t,he City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to tshe work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of t,he Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only conEractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that aL1 reguired inspections are requested at the proper Eime, that each address is readabte from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during consUrucLion. Signature Date --- VAI,IDATION --- Z5 /5,Receipt Number: Date Paid: AmounE Received: Reeeived By: ,7 76 q-?_ OFEGO'U.OF SPR'n{GFIELO % 225 FTFTII STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGoN 97477 TNSPECf,ION REQUEST2 726-3769 0FFICE: 726-3759 1. LOCATION OF ALLATTON+\ Permits are non-transferable and expireif vork is not started vithin 180 diysof issuance or if.vork is suspen-ded for 180 days. 2... CONTRACTOR TTON O}TLY Electrical Contract Address Ci ty Phone ELECTRTCAL PERHIT APPLICATION City Job Nqrge ql0332 3 A r COHPLETE FEE SCMDUI^E BELOV Nev Residential-Sing).e or Hulti-Family per dvelling unit. Service fncluded: I tems Cos t 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Matruf 'd Home or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder s 8s.00 s 15.00 Z $ 40.00 .lfO. so Sum .00.00 ; .00*B" aE6iE- not included) 40.00 40. 00 20.00 36.00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Sso s60 $100 s130 $300 s40 e 40 55 BO e q+ts B. Services or FeedersInstallation, Alterationsor Relocation: SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 3Z Adnrinistrative Fee .TOTAL 200 amps or Iess 201 amps to 400 amps - 401 amps to 600 amps -601 amps to 1000 amps- over 1000 amps/volts - Reconnect Only Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation Supervisor ense Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number c Expiration Date \ Ovners Name Signa ture of Supervising Electrician /*r-L' %r bM 200 amps or less S 201 amps to 400 amps - S Over 401 to 600 amps - $0ver 600 amps or 1000-volf[s se Miscellaneous (Service/feeder -Each installation Pump or irrigation $Sign/0utline Lighting- S Limi ted Energy/Res - S Limi ted Energy/Comm S D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit S 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Serviceor Feeder Permit $ 2.00 Address Ci ty 6AA|/1AL/ Phone 4ss- ovNER Q*rrnr*rron The installation is being made on property I ourn vhich is not intendedfor sale, Iease or rent. a 0vners Signature: DATE: E 5 RECEIVDD I} 3*z IJGAL DESCRTPTTON t10LZt TLl tm00 \D. \.qz ?^t/o_=Z:T SPFIi'GFIELO o t Page 1 ENGINEERING DIVISION DEVEIJOPMENT PI'AI{ REVIEW RESIDENTIAL IMPROVED STREET Developer: BARB MCGEE Job No.: 970332 Mail Address: 551 COBURG ROAD EUGENE, OREGON 97401, Phone #: 485-7358 Tax Lot #: 1.7023L2410900 Project Address: 520 35TH ST Subdivision: 95-07-138 Lot: 2 BIk: Eng. Rev. No.: Book StreeL Gravel 520 35TH ST Exi-sting Curbcut: N EXISTING IMPROVE}TENTS Ac Mat Curb Fu11 Imp SW width Curbside I 5 FEET 12:1 FLAIRS Setback SPNruGETEID, ENGTNEERING REQUIREMENTS AddiLional Right of Way: N fmprovement Agreem€nt: N Easements: N SAI{ITARY SEWER CAI,I, THE UTII,ITIES NOTIFICATION CENTER BEFORE YOU DIG 1-80O-332-2344 Available: Y Depth Size of Line: 8 In. Location From N, S, E, w Property Line: NEW SEWER TAP REQUIRED. Make Connection: PER PLIIMBING CODE Comments: COORDINATE WITH CITY MAINTENANCE DEPT. FOR TAP. 4-6 FT STOR}T SEWER Available: Y Pi-pe Downspouts And Drains To: CTRBS & GUTTERS OR STORM SEWER Pipe Parking LoL Drainage To: N/a SIDEWALK AI{D DRIVEWAY INFORMATION New CurbcuU Appr.: Y STANDARD Width: 12 Ft Flairs: 3 Sidewalk Permit: Y Width: 5 Ft Length: 20 Ft curbcut Permits: Y width: 20 Ft Handicap Ramp: N Commenls: NO-STAIIDARD DRIVEWAY APRON. COORDINATE WITH INSPECTOR. FL ENCROACHMEIiIT ATiID ASSESSMENT Encroachment Permit Required: N Sanitary Sewer In Lieu Of Assessment: N SPECIAL NOTES A}ID REQUIREMENTS A11 work within t.he public right of way shal1 be in conformance with the City of Springfield standard specifications for construction. A11 existing unused curbcuts or portions thereof shall be resEored to fu11 curb height as directed by the City. The owner/developer is responsible to relocate any utiLities and estsablish private or public easements when the utiliEies conflicE with the development, at their expense. Date : 03 /1-o / 97 sEE DRAWTNGS ON SPECIAL REQUTREDTEIirTS FOR FITRTHER TMPORTAIflI INFORI{ATrON Reviewed By: DENNTS ERNST SPRINGFIELD Page 1 CTTY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVEI.OPUENT CHARGE (RESIDENTIAL) Name or Company: BARB MCGEE Locationl. 520 35TH ST Developement T)pe: R Building Size ,fob No.: 970332 Lot Size:Sq Ft 1. STORM DRAINAGE Impervious Sq Ft 2. SAI.IITARY SEWER - CITY Number of PFUs (see Page 2) 3. TR,A.I{SPORTATION Number Of Unitst_x 4720 18 X Trip Rate t-. 010 x X 0.21,6 Per Sq Ft = X 44.75 Per PFU = Cost Per Trip 45L.25 x $455 -77 $1, 019. 52 $80s. s0 #4s5.77 i382.42 $e3.03 $28e.39 $2,570.18 $r_28. s1 Transportation Totaf 4. SAIiIITARY SEWER - MUMC Number Of PFUs 18 5. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES Base Charge (Subtotal Above) x x Per PFU + 20.590 + MIrMC Admin Fee 10.00 MIIMC CREDIT rf Applieable (see Page 2) TOTAL - MIIMC SDC SITBTOTAL - (Add Items 1, 2, 3 & 4) x 0.50 TOTAL SDC Reviewed By: DENNIS ERNST Date: 03 /1,0 / 97 $2, 698. 59 SPRINGFIELD Job Number: 970332 Page 2 FIXTURE I'NIT CALCULATION TABLE Number of New Fi-xture Unit Eguivalent Fixture UNlCSFixture Type Bathtub Drinking Fountain Floor Drain Interceptors For Grease/oi1/SoIids/stc Inteceptors For Sand/Auto Wash/Etc Laundry Tub/Clotheswasher Clotheswasher - 3 Or More Receptor For Refrigerator/Wat.er Station/Btc Receptor for Commercial Sink/Dishwasher/Etc Shower, Single SEall Shower, Gang Sink, Bar, Commercial, Residential- Kitchen UrinaI , Sta]1/Wal-1 Wash Basin/Lavatory, Sing1e Water Closet, Public Installation Water Closet, Private Miscellaneous TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS =18 CREDIT CALCITLATION TABLE: Based on assessed va1ue. If improvements occured after annexation date, credits are calcu1ated separately (calculations are by $1ooo) Year Annexed: 1969 Credit For Parcel Or Land Only If Applicable: 26,81-0 X 3.47 = 93.03 Improvement (if after annexation date): 0 x 3-47 = 0.00 CREDIT TOTAL = $93.03 (If land value is multiplied by 1 then the parcel/land credit is not accurate.) 2 0 0 0 0 1- 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 8 0 a 1 3 6 5 1 3 2 2 1 5 4 CITY OF sPl ,jFtELE' O E VE L OP M EII T S E B TlI C ES DE PA R TNTEVI r MANUFACTURED HOME SET-UP AGREEMENT As required by the City of Springfield Development Code, I understand and agree 225 F/FTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-368e of thepttached permits, "A*toof one of the following manufactured homes will be placed Springfield, Oregon, City Job Number - Type I Manufachred Home: A multi sectional (double wide or wider) unit with an enclosed floor area of not less than 1,000 square feet, that has a nominal roof pitch of 3 feet in height for each 12 feet in width, that has no bare metal siding or roofing, and that has been certified by the manufacturer to have an exterior thermal envelope meeting performance standards which reduce heat loss to levels for single family dwellings at the time of construction. equivalent to Type II Manufactured Home: A unit of not less than 12 feet in width enclosing a minimum floor area of 500 square feet, that has a nominal roof pitch of 2 feetin height for each 12 feet in width, that has no bare metal siding or roofing, and that has bien certified by the manufacturer to have an exterior thermal envelope meeting performance standards which reduce heat loss to levels equivalent to the performance standards required for single family dwellings at the time of construction. initials I further state, by my signature below, that I have been provided with the following information: Manufactured Home Blocking, water Line connection, Street Tree Standards, Sanitary Sewer connection' Electrical Connection, and Minimum requirements for permanent steps' I also understand that the manufactured home shall be placed on an excavated and backfilled foundation not to exceed 6 percent slope within l0 feet of the perimeter enclosure,.enclosed at the perimeter with stone, brick or other "on"."t" or masonry materials approved by the Building offrcial and with no more than}4inches of the enclosing material exposed above grade. L[ -j -:"+ Date Signature standards required initials €e Willamalane Park & Recreation District 1$ NO. OF UNITS X $1,000 Per unit = B. Sinqle-Family Attached NO. OF UNITS X $924 per unit = $ C. Multi-Family Apartment NO. OF UNITS X $692 per unit = $ D. Manufactured Home Park NO. OF UNITS X $699 per unit = $ WILLAMALANE SDC 2. SDC CREDIT (if applicable) SDO-payer must lumish proof of Willamalane Credit approval. See SDC Credit Worksheet. 3. TOTAL WILLAMALANE NET SDC ASSESSED (if SDC reduced for Credit) Job. No. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET NAttlE:PHONE: ADDRESS:c L STATE:ZIP: LOCATION OF PROPOSED BUILDING SITE: 1-D Single Family home 1 Manufactured home not in a Park Street Address: Plat Name:Tax Lot Number: 1. DEVELOPMENT TypE (Check appropriate dwelling(s). SDC calculations and dwelling t ype definitions are on the back.) A. Single-Family Detached $ $ $ \mn.cot 0 3-J o,^ Develo Se S City of Springfield nt 4tffie- CITY OF OREGON SPR.,,GFIELc, DEV ELOP M ENT S ER VIC ES DE PARTM ENT March 18, 1997 Lehmann Construction 2673 Chad Drive Eugene, Oregon 97401 The review of the placement of a manufactured home and site improvements for 520 35th Street, Springfield, Oregon has been reviewed and approved Our normal procedure is to phone the applicant once the review has been completed, but the phone number you had listed on your application has a "block" on it and will not accept phone calls from the City of Springfield. Your permit fee tota[ is $4,1 16.76. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. lf you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at'126-3'190. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Coordinator 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541 ) 726-s7s3 FAX (s41 ) 726-3689