HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Application 1987-10-02CITY OF SPRINGFIELD # ?2c662 COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) BUILDING DIVISION DATE /0 -Q-8'/ lonpssDiS OF INSPECTION 5rc il, 35rl (9 7COWNER ADDRESS PHONE NO. PHONE NO.RENTE SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NI.IMBER qO TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY x DUPLEX f,MULTIPLE tl BRI DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: c FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To Owner Date For Compliance Comp liance Obtained - Date I SPRI]lrGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIETD Zfr, Office of Community &Economic Development CERTIFIED LETTER 14 September 1987 l{lchael ThomPson"'! ''{ :"- 185 }tlkes Drive :,;., . -. ' ,' .i ,Eugene, 0R 97404 6sa -5/7o ,,i.,,., . SUBJECT: CourtesY -'., . , ". ;, ., : Springfiel {870662 performed at 510 ll. 35th'In d,' ::i: i. ',.,. '' '!l't'' :.f.ti:., ir.,.-,1..f-' ri" -" t.,,:. .' : '', , Dear Mr. ThomPson: Today, at the request of- your lessee,. Mrs. Kathleen Merryman'.a ;iliisy--tnipiction'-iis perfo-rmed at the ibove subject address. This inipection revealed the following violations of the City Housing Code; STRUCTURAL YIOLATIONS 1. The floor sheathing and f'loor ioist and possibly girders and Dosts in the utiliiy room and the adioining closet are sererely leteriorated or missing. Deteriorated post and girders, floorjoist and sheathing must be replaced with approved materi6ls In an approved manner- ln order to prevent potential structural col I apse. Repairs to the floor system wi'll require a building perrnit rhich ust be obtained at this office. 2. The ceiling joist/rafters over the utility room are. sagging and overspannedl - The roof covering shows signs of leaking. A new ,, roof ' system, including/ioist rafters, sheathing- and roof DL coveringi musi be instailed in an approved manner in order to 7' , provide a structural'ly safe and weather resistant structure for 7lz/t* occuPants' A building permit is required for the repairs listed above and mrst be obiaihed at this office. I{EATHER-PROTECTION REPAIRS -4;=- The Iower panel on the rear entrance door is broken; sections of tiii panet aie rnissing. The door rnrst be repaired or replaced. -+; Thresholds are deteriorated and/or missing at both the front and rear doors and must be rePlaced. ?25 North 5th Street . Springfreld, Oregon97477 o 503/726-3753 f,UAS,;hury99Wf4 fl&,zoye, at11,-,' . 'a ,'... , //0 b/ri* T4&ze;-tO 4E 4q*/8il:, pbT aryr*pa t) 3.Several rindow frames and iambs are deteriorated and do not ailor yfoper operation of .windows. I{indows in the living room ;4zaf 7ru.-Lfuiare deteriorated to the point that they do not provide adequate . reather protection. i@f R-c'Z/*2,<ft Deteri orated or replaced. rindow frame and/or jamb members mlst be repal red SttZSrZz<lZaeD ELECTRICAL REPAIRS J-.- o/<_ 2. The 'Romexo cable exiting from the bottom of the service panel ls not approilA'-foi---unpiotected, exterior installation- New bilGSrh-'Ot?4 cable approved for exterior use or an lPproved nEans of protectioir' iuifr ai conduit rnust be instalied in an approved manner Dea ))08 An electrical permit ls required for the above repair. 3. E'tectrical wiring which is unapproved for exposed, unprotected installation is exposed in the utility room walli anO ceiling >'/"/7x'Zd/) wal't. Ceittng inl wall covering must be installed in order t0 protect this wiring. ,<;rtcd-= Bui'lding and electrical permits as noted above rmrst be obtained by September 30, 1987. As the building in its present condition is hazardous to the health ina iif.ty of'-occupanis, it must not be occupied unti'l Ute repairs listed above have been completed and inspected by this office. It is the city's policy to allow 30 days from the date of notification of Housinb coal violations for the completion of repairs- please contact Bill schaub, Housing Programs Officer, at 726-3753, lf you have questions concerning this letter. Si ncerely, elbz Bill Schaub Housing Programs 0fficer cc: David J. Puent. Buildinq 0fficial Kathl een I'lerryrian, Tenant #L474 -*6i;:- -:. ), -l:. - -'rb,fj:-.:' -. .;;i- l SF -.TNGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community and Economic Development CERTIFIED LETTER 09 October 1987 Michael Thompson 185 Wikes Drive Eugene, OR 97404 SUBJECT: Courtesy Inspection 8?0662 performed at 510 N. 35th, Springfield, Oregon. On October 5, L987, at the request of your tenant, Mr. Sidebottom, a Courtesy Inspection was performed at the above subject address. This inspection revealed the following violations of the City Housing Code; MECHANICAL VIOLATIONS 1. The gas-fired furnace is inoperable and must be repaired or repiaced. The heating system must be capable of maintai.ning a temperature of 68 degrees F., measured at a point 3 feet from the floor, in all habitable rcoms. Fu//D^e€ ,<so l-at;a& u) usE Pdt<hyt/- i2*Za-z:d \ or(7 /D LN /4/ 4 /<-.f/-.zi //rz/i ,6zr3Aed-tt><-l Pm-r, p/uq - tro ,t/4i7v< /D s/tr+ crl lru. y'am,fza-(/7 4pbrFr ( poqrusE t'lvxrx DDr pa.<rr/q7a ht n*rpof tbr) 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 503/726-3753 PLUMBING REPAIRS 1. The water closet leaks at its base. The water closet must be refastened the floor; a new wax seal must be installed' DaA p 776trts,l &rLZi oD Tprta- The faucet at the bathroom lavatory wiII not shut off. Supplies to the Lta f ryeo@G faucet are deteriorated. Replace or repair faucet to function properly and install new fixture supplies. tof ftX d 2 3 The continuous vent located on the westerly exterior wall, outside the - ,- a + kitchen must be extended at least stx (6) inches above the roof, O/a/ 7e '*ze to prevent sewer gas from entering the dwelling. Lr>/ FZXEJ) /za Rre -$aa*z,ol)*z) ELECTRICAL REPAIR --t; Seeure eleetrie eutlet bexes and ewi[ehee threugheut the buildin6 te Brevent petential eleetrieal sheek. a/a 2; Install switeh and eutlet Blate esvers threugheut the dweBi*6r-te prevent M OK. €;- Faefen arterier leed in te the reef abeve the eerviee panel' Previde at least ten (10I feet elearanee frers supply lea€i in eable te gra€l€'r. in erder te Brevent aeeidental eentaet' O/Z_ WEATHER-PROTECTION REPAIRS 1. The windows in the living room is deteriorated to the point that it does not provide adequate weather protection. Repair or replace window frame and &Z.ryrul,Ae member or replace entire window unit in order to provide adequate protection. puT ,<?,4*/4ta 2. Loose glass in window throughout the dwelling must be reputtied (glazed), in order to provide adequate weather protection. ,OaT)ApC 3. Roof replacelnen t is recommended throughout. IYater stains appear on the northeast corner of the ceiling,in the master bedroom. Buiiding and electrical permits must be obtained within 5 days of notification. (AeIi*-' NUISANCE ABATEMENT 1. Remove debris ie. tree limbs, mechanical equipment and Lrash' from front yard for safety and aesthetic reasons. Electrical repairs must be compieted within 5 days of notification. Debris removal must be compiete within 10 days of notification. Mechanical and plumbing repairs must be completed no later than 30 days of notification. The correction listed above are in addition to the required corrections stated in the City's letter to you dated 14 September 1987. This latter is attached. Please contact Bill Schaub, Housing Programs Specialist, at 726-3753, if you have questions concerning this letter. Sincerely Bill Schaub Housing Programs Specialist ce: David J. Puent, Building Official Tim Sidebottom, Tenant fe/E /tT/-Y/42 /D frl"f Ttuh'7 7-b 7D crr 7-c A/hAt H*x. T04/^{7- auV0a)+/s/ru !l (,) , fORM No. 723-BAIGAIN.AND S,AIE DEED (lndivic {oK 883195? r Corpo.qlel.srEvENs"NESs LAW pUB.CO.. PORTLANO, OR.97204 .............-., t BARGAIN AND sA[E DEED (.KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESE]VIS, That....... , h"ol"in^,ttr", *lrca gr:ui,tor,PricLnel 8,. I.tr.cr-rp.son for the consideration hereinalter stated, does hereby ltant, bargain, sell and convey unto Ronald W. Marq-yes & Patricia A. [,larcyes-, husband and wjfe ', hereinaf tet called Qrantee, and unto p,rantee's /reirs, successors and assi6lns all of that cettain real property with the tenements, hereditamen/s and appurtenances thereunto belon$in{ or in anywise appertainin!, situated in the County of Iang -... , Sfa/e oi Oregon, descilbed as tollows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the west line and 333.7 feet }Iorth of the southwest corner of Block 1 of PACKER SUBDnISIOI.I, as platted and recorded in Book 11, Page 25, Iane County Oregon PIat Records, jn tane County, Oregon, and frcm said beginning point nm tlence }dorth 81.0 feet along the west line of said Block 1; thence East 270.0 feet parallel to the south line of said Block I; ttrence South 81.0 feet parallel to ttre raest line of said Block 1; thence !,Iest 270.0 feet paraltel to the south line of said Block I to the point of beginning il Iane County, ORegon. D(CEPTIIIG: Beginning at the }lcrthr,rest corner of Block 1, PACKER SUBDilISION, as platted and recorded in Book 11, Page 25, Lane Cor:nty Oregon PIat Records ard run thence South 81.0 feet along the West line of said Block 1; thence East paralle1 with the South line of said Block 1, a distance of 270 feet to the true point of begixning; tlrence South 35.74 feet; thence along the arc of a 35.00 foot radius curva right (the chord of which bears l.Iorth 13o 06' 20" I'iest ,fO.:g feet) a distance of 38.26 feet to Grantor's likrrth line; thence }0crth B9o 45r East along Grantor's 1trorth line 8.25 feet to the true point of begiruring in Springfield, Iane County Oregon. ooJ'l.I'noJ/JILf,UU]$Bi 05/rrBF rNIl 0s/iI5,/sg REI 1il.i-r ro Have and to Hotd the Jff'i'"'"'x'n! s;a'"dlli:""iff1?:"o#"1:'i:1tll"cessors and assiclns torever. The true and actual consideration paid Ior this transter, sfa/ecl interms ol dollars, is f 2$r696.00 . 4JJlewe;vettJ*e-aeJr*al<one+dera,ixr+ensr's{s-ef.-o*-irreJndes-et}w-ryc.y-e,**{i{r€rF€+-p*erEiee4+vliel+.1* fffir-"sideitatkxv(ildlicidn.*t'tsh*).@,7hesentencebetweenthesymbols@,ilnotapplicable,shouldbedeteted.SeeoRs 93.030.) In construin! this deed and where the context so reguires, the singular includes the plural and all Qrammatical chan6les shall be implied to make the provisions hereof apply equally to corporafions and to individuals. In Witness Whereol, the lrantor has executed fhis ins/rument this 2tfr. day of Augtust , 1988 ; it a corporate frantor, if has caused its name to be signed and seal altixed i/s duly authorized thereto by order o{ its board of directors. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DE- SCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT. THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. llf the rigner of lhe obove it o corporotion, u.o lhe toim ot o(knowledgment oppo.ile.) {ORS 194.5701 x STATE OF OREGON,,) ) ss.... ) was acknowledAed betore STATE OF OREGON, County oI )ss. The loreloin! instrument was acknowledPed belore me this f , ir,J i !l fi$lSgtri r'x0 0 0l:t* E. Tturpson My commissionexpires: 1-18-92 Irlichael E. Thompsorr P.O. Box 1224 Btgene, OR 97-440 GRANTOR'5 NAME AND ADORESS Ronald W. & Patricia A. Ifarrye_s 510 N. 35th Springfield, OR 97478 GRANTEE'S NAM€ AND AOORESS Arle. re(ording rslcrr lo; Eugene Escrcr^/ Service, Inc. #88:4537 P.O. Box 409 Eugene, OR 97440 NAME. AODRESS. ZIP Until o <honge iilsqurrted oll lox.tqtcmenti rholl br !.tr, to thc lollowiag oddre$. NO CHh,}iGE Tax Accor.mt +fZOia-f secretary ol . .- tu co aE o a, J U -JrEq. q,oo ct UU O€/CCGq JJ E @otro rr Eo .oE G,;-o_.6 9 o! LUA-O!i€L ""€:h$*. cEU(, '-€J>6 -V':-. 1 *-U et E E *€ g 9oq v b gEH }E i3: F€r ao b O ;Et5 EiE { ra U -.U.5 lrl Ibt)q) r{ q) CD Notary Public lor Ore{on M y commission expires.' corporation, on behall ol the corporation. (SEAL) (ll executed by s (orporotion, qfrix (orporotG acqll STATE OF OREGON, Countv ot ithin instru- cord on the ..-.....,19..---.--, and recorded .------.-.-------- on e/lile/instru- ,lVo.-..-.-..-------., unty. and seal ol TITLE NAME, ADORESS. ZIP Deputy lia:reo{ lor Orepon ).. EU@frNffi e@q@@w @&@vBeE August B, l9B8 City of Springfield c/o Don Moore 225 North 5th Springfield,0R 97477 Re: Our Escrow No. 88-4537 THOMPS0N/MARCYES tJith reference to the above captioned escrow we are enclosing herewith the following: Copy of recorded Bargain and Sale Deed for your informatjon as per the request of Michael E. Thompson. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at your convenience. Si ncerely, ,{r_ Al icia Remington Servi ce Representati ve Eugene Escrow Se.rvice, Inc. P.O, Box 409 o Eugene, Oregon 97440 1355 Oak Street . Eugene, Oregon 974O1 o Phone 485-3339 encl . SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development May 19, 1988 Mr. Bob Heino Credithrift of America 1920 0lympic Street Springfield, 0r. 97477 Planning and Development Department Re: Substandard conditions at 510 N. 35th Street Dear Mr. Heino: Thank you for the telephone call regard'ing the above property, and the information concerning Credjthrift's position as mortgage holder. As we discussed, we have been trying to gain compliance for substandard cond'itions on this property for several months. Our attempts have been delayed by informat'ion that the tenants were negotjating the purchase of theproperty from the present owner, Michael Thompson, so they could make therepairs. However, we have seen little progress since my in'itia1 involvement I ast January. }{e-are prepared.to issue a Notice and 0rder to Comply the Springfield Bui'ldingSafety Codes, which is an official not'ice to the ownLr requiring abatement of-the substandard condjtions wjthin a 30 day period, or the'City t,lill be in apositign tg either abate the problems or demoljsh the property and recover anycosts invglved by placing a Iien on the property or a ierional judgement against the owner of the property. Your interest in.pursu'ing compliance as the mortgage holder of the propertywill eliminate the necessity of the formal abatement process if the'reinainingrepairs are completed within the next 30 days. I have enclosed copies of the-courtesy inspection letters which were sent to the owner in Septeinber and0ctober of 1987, together wjth comments indicating the remainiirg repairs needed. Please note that some repairs require permits to be obtained from this officeprior to starting the work. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Si ncerel y, ,/./a-%zw- Donald Moore, Building Inspector cc: Dave Puent, Bui I di ng Off i c.i al Michael Thompson - 185 t,likes Dr. Eugene, 0r. 97404 225 Fifth Street o Springfield, OR 97477 o s031726-37s3 SPRIilGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD OfEce of Communlty & Economic Development CERTIFIED LETTER 14 September 1987 l{lchael Thompson 185 LIi kes Dri ve ,Eugene, 0R 97404 ,i .. SUBJECT: CourtesY-I.n'' ' , SPri ngf i el d' spection 0regon. *870662 performed at 510 l{. 35th, 6** -5/7o Dear Mr. Thompson: Today, at the request of your Iessee,. lrtrs. Kathleen.Merryman.' -a.or"tisy--inspictiod was performed at the ibove subject address. This inspection revealed the following violations of the City Housing Code; STRUCTURAL VIOLATIONS 1. The floor sheathing and floor ioist and possibly girders and Dosts in the utility room and the adioining closet are sererely tleteriorated or missing. Deteriorated post and girders, floorjoist and sheathing mr.rit be replaced with approved materials in an approved manner in order to prevent potential structural col I apse. Repairs to the floor system will require a building permit rhich must be obtained at this office- 2. The ceiling joist/rafters over the utility room are sagging and overspanned. The roof covering shows signs of leaking. A new roof system, including/ioist rafters, sheathing and roof covering musi be installed ln an aPProved manner in order to provide a structurally safe and weather resistant structure for occuPants. A bui I di ng perrni t i s re_qui red for the repai rs I i sted above and must be obiaiheA at this office. I.IEATHER-PROTECTION REPA IRS --!. The lower panel on the rear entrance door is broken; sections of the panel aie missing. The door must be repaired or replaced. -,2; Thresholds are deteriorated and/or mlssing at both the front and rear doors and must be rePlaced. 225 North Sth Street . Springfreld, Oregon 97477 o 503/726-3753 t11,i '!a: 1. : " ... fuosftq9'q Mflr/ e&4dyan i.t.7.1'-1.. .. ,, ., .!(r! , ,..'\fl. sTta s/VdJf4Q ,.i. tr, tff ar97V^2a7 lo bviai 748 ^*;fo zE l@&tQ):u !- c, 3. Several window frames and iambs are deteriorated and do not iitorl ?f'oper operation of windows. l{indows in the living_room .;c/zz-S fAt;)r1nOare deteriorated to the point that they do not provide adequate r"' *" t weather protection. Puf ,4€7/*/,{L=Z Deteriorated rindow frame and/or jamb members mrst be repaiTg! J//35r-72;Ltrc:) or rePlaced. ELECTRICAL REPAIRS -l-- c./<* Z. The "Romexo cable exiting from the bottom of the service panel is not app"oiiA'-foi"'unpiotecteA, exterior installation. New cable approved for exterior use or an gPProved mans of protectioi' iuin ai conduit- must be instalied in an approved nannef A-,o,7 )rt-;J An electrical permit ls required for the above repair. 3. Electrical wiring which is unapproved for exposed, unprotected installation is exposed in the utility room walls and ceiling wall. Ceittng inl watl covering must be installed in order to protect this wiring. Po|)c<'-- Bui'lding and e'lectrical permits as noted above must be obtained by September 30, 1987. As the buildinq in its present condition is hazardous to the health inU -iif.ti of ''occupanis, it must not be occupied until the repairs Iisted above have been completed and inspected by this office. It is the city's policy to allow 30 days from the date of notitication of Housin! codl violations for the cornpletion of repairs. please contact Bill schaub, Housing Programs officer, at 726-3753' lf you have questions concerning this letter. Sincerely ' -O(b2 Bil I Schaub Housing Programs 0fficer cc: David J. Puent. Buildinq Official Kathleen Merryiran, Tenait ,u65/)1?Z@t 245/7r//6) #t474 ,...*.;i;--': -'- -.t,*\id. .,;,1 \/SPRINGFIELD CTry OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community and Economic Development 09 October 1987 Michael Thompson 185 lYikes Drive Eugene, OR 97404 SUBJECT: Courtesy Inspection 870662 performed at 510 N. 35th, Springfieid, Oregon. On October 5, 1987, at the request of your tenant, Mr. Sidebottom, a Courtesy Inspection was performed at the above subject address. This inspection revealedthe following violations of the City Housing Code; MECHANICAL VIOLATIONS 1 The gas-fired furnace is inoperable and must be repaired or repiaced. The heating system must be capable of maintaining a temperature of 68 degrees F., measured at a point 3 feet from the floor, in all habitable rcoms. Fu//,O^e€ po l-oDa& u) uSe Pa<V*P /h*oe<t ay1iL /a) L,e. 8774f p/qz btt*aa>><J /," 6 /?-.Pe-f, pbq -//12 //&11:iz' //n gd_ N lfu, /trZrv,zvra/q(.rb4fr / (PDnTruE fl*Tad 9rr peqqTE),kx tyxrLsor iltr) 225 North Sth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477'503/726-3753 CERTIFIED LETTER PLUMBING REPAIRS 1. The water closet leaks at its base. The water closet must be refastened the floor; a new wax seal must be installed. DEA P TvatffiJ 4a--277 AD p/ae?- Z. The faucet at the bathroom lavatory wiii not shut off. Supplies to the faucet are deteriorated. Replace or repair faucet to function properly and install new fixture supplies. DOf ftf e) ?The continuous vent located on the westerly exterior wall, outside the 9/&2 7o < -kitchen must be extended at least six (6) inches above the roof, c)'q /q )*zt4 to prevent sewer gas from entering the dwelling. DvT 7TXA lza Rz+z -t//"&rVbdl)r{zA ELECTRICAL REPAIR -+ Seeure eleetrie eutlet bexes and switehes threugheut the buildi-B te prevent petential eleetrieal ehcek. e/ M olL -3f Faeten exterier leed in te the reef abeve the eerviee Banel, Previde at least ten (10) feet elearanee frem supply lea€l in eable te grade, in erder te prevent aeeidentel eentset' O /Z* WEATHER-PROTECTION REPAIRS ^tD f ryacarlb ermtaAiThe windows in the liwing room is deteriorated to the point that it does not provide adequate weather protection. Repair or replace window frame and member or replace entire window unit in order to provide adequate protection, po7 <h,4-/4fr 2. Loose glass in window throughout the dwelling must be reputtied (glazed), in order to provide adequate weather protection. ,Oaf)4ff 3. Roof replacement is recommended throughout. Water stains appear on the northeast corner of the ceiling, in the master bedroom. NUISANCE ABATEMENT Remove debris ie. tree limbs, mechanical equipment and trash, from front yard for safety and aesthetic reasons. Building and electrical permits must be obtained within 5 days of notification. 1 0rW{i*t- Electrical repairs must be completed within 5 days of notification. Debris removal must be complete within 10 days of notification. Mechanical and plumbing repairs must be completed no later than 30 days of notification. The correction listed above are in addition to the required corrections stated in the City's letter to you dated 14 September 1987. This iatter is attached. Please contact Bill Schaub, Ilousing Programs Specialist, at 726-3753, if you have questions concerning this letter. Sincerely, Biil Schaub Housing Programs Specialist cc: David J. Puent, Building Official Tim Sidebottom, Tenant FHE /M/a /D frl,f /'K)/Ta*v// 7A 7z c{r To o/haft H*x, T6I//W-T a*VCtQ +/ts/ru () .__- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPR!NGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development CERTIFIED LETTER 14 September 1987 Michae'l Thompson 185 llikes Drive Eugene, 0R 97404 SUBJECT: Courtesy Inspection #870662 performed at 510 N. 35th' Spri ngfi el d, Oregon. 1 Dear Mr. ThomPson: Today, at the request of your lessee,. Mrs. Kathleen.Merr.yman, a iorriiw--tnipecti;;-;ia perfoimed at the ibove subiect address' This inipection revealed the following violations of the City Housing Code; STRUCTURAL VIOLATIONS The floor sheathing and floor ioist and possibly girders and oosts in the utility room and the adjoining closet are sererely ileteriorated or missing. Deteriorated post and girders, floorjoist and sheathing muit be replaced with approveii materials in in approved manner- in order to prevent potentia'l structura'l col 1 apse. Repairs to the floor system will require a bui'lding permit which must be obtained at this office. 2.The cei I i ng ioi st/rafte overspanned. The roofroof system, i ncl udi n coveri ng must be i nsta provide a structural ly occupants. rs oyer the utility room are sagging and covering shows signs of leaking. A new g/joist rafters, sheathing- and roof ileA in an approved manner in order to safe and vreather resistant structure for A building permit is reqqlred for the repairs listed above and must be obtained at this office. I.IEATHER-PROTECTI ON REPAI RS 1. The lower panel on the rear entrance door is-broken; sections of the pane'l ai^e missing. The door must be repaired or replaced. ?. Thresholds are deteriorated and/or missing at both the front and rear doors and must be replaced. 225 North Sth Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 o 503/726-3753 r) Severa'l window frames and jambs are deteriorated and do notallow proper operation of windows. }lindows in the living roomare deteriorated to the point that they do not provide adequate weather protection. Deteriorated window frame or replaced. and/or jamb members must be repaired ELECTRICAL REPAIRS 3. 1. Exi sti ng shrubbery immediatel service panel must be cut work space of three feet. to the east of the electricalk in order to provide a minimum v bac 2 An e'lectrical permit is required for the above repair. 3. Electrica1 wiring which is unapproved for exposed, unprotected installation is exposed in the utility room walls and ceilingwal'1. Ceiling and wall covering must be installed in order to protect this wiring. Building and electrical permits as noted above must be obtained by September 30, 1987. As the building in its present condition is hazardous to the health and safety of -occupants, it must not be occupied until the repairs listed above have been completed and inspected by this office. It is the city's policy to al'low 30 days from the date of notification of Housing code violations for the completion of repairs. Please contact Bill Schaub, Housing Programs Officer, at 726-3753, if you have questions concerning this letter. Si ncerely, @ Bi I I Schaub Housing Programs 0fficer cc: Davi d J . Puent. Bui'l di nq Offi ci al Kathleen Merryriran, Tenafrt The "Romex" cable exiting from the bottom of the service panel is not approved for unpiotected, exterior installation. New cable approved for exterior use or an approved means of protecti oir such as condui t must be i nsta'l I ed i n an approved manner #t474 e7{ , K\FP e-r Kd*l-** /k'y'^'--"'L gzo66z ?7+o+ COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE AD S OF INSPECTION OWNER ADDRESS RENTER SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER PHONE NO. NO -r BUILDING DIVISION be&-<4to fs-ott( t1r-, TYPE OF DIVELLING: SINGLE FAMILY tr DUPLEX tr MULTIPLE tl BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: d [f&u-oe OF USE 6*),g) Date of rnspectio" ?. t+,5 7 nk fu Dz^"a cpf ?'li'S? Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To 0wner Date For Compliance Compliance Obtained - Date ( \--;e/t;f OJ-{ A/. f/..-Ll,V-a,.- Ch ) (AD ,t +hL Old t^s* s. tJ^-q- SPRINGFTELD CIIY OF SPRING]"IELD Office of Community and Economic Development CERTIFIED LETTER 09 October 1987 Michael Thompson 185 lYikes Drive Eugene, OR 97404 SUBJECT: Courtesy Inspection 870662 performed at 510 N. 35th, Springfield, Oregon. On October 5, L987, at the request of your tenant, Mr. Sidebottom, a CourtesyInspection was performed at the above subject address. This inspection revealedthe following violations of the City Housing Code; MECHANICAL VIOLATIONS 1. The gas-fired furnace is inoperable and must be repaired or replaced. Theheating system must be capable of maintaining a temperature of 68degrees F., measured at a point 3 feet from the floor, in aii habitable rooms. 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 503/726-3753 e PLUMBING REPAIRS 1. The water closet leaks at its base. The water closet must be refastened the floor; a new wax seal must be installed. 2. The faucet at the bathroom lavatory will not shut off. Supplies to the faucet are deteriorated. Replace or repair faucet to function properly and install new fixLure supplies. The continuous vent located on the westerly exterior wall, outside the kitchen must be extended at-least six (6) inches above the roof, to prevent sewer gas from entering the dwelling. ELECTRICAL REPAIR 1. Secure electric outlet boxes and switches throughout the building to prevent potential electrical shock. Z. Install switch and outlet piate covers throughout the dwelling, to prevent electrical shock. 3. Fasten exterior lead in to the roof above the service panel. Provide at least ten (10) feet clearance from supply lead in cable to grade, in order to prevent accidental contact. The windows in the living room is deteriorated to the point that it does not provide adequate weather protection. Repair or replace window frame and member or replace entire window unit in order to provide adequate protection. 2. Loose glass in window throughout the dwelling must be reputtied (glazed), in order to provide adequate weather protection. 3. Roof replacement is recommended throughout. lYater stains appear on the northeast corner of the ceiling, in the master bedroom. NUISANCE ABATEMENT Remove debris ie. tree limbs, mechanical equipment and trash, from front yard for safety and aesthetic reasons. Building and eiectrical permits must be obtained within 5 days of notification. 1 _t 1 WEATI{ER-PROTECTION REPAIRS Electrical repairs must be completed within 5 days of notification. Debris rernoval must be complete within 10 days of notification. Mechanicai and plumbing repairs must be completed no later than 30 days of notification. The correction listed above are in addition to the required corrections stated in the City's letter to you dated 14 September 1987. This latter is attached. Please contact Bill Schaub, Housing Programs Specialist, at 726-3753, if you have questions concerning this ietter. Sincerely Bill Schaub Housing Programs Speciaiist cc: David J. Puent, Building Official Tim Sidebottom, Tenant t) fiLl I L.tr l: i'lG i' I V I s I tii'.1 *l fJB'l *?ri & *;:ilL Li. L./L "-VALLJE.. tl -AIrtrft[ii:ili-.'310 i.,r 3ri1't.t E:1' TIE$f,R I CTJURTH:iY -ot^Jl.{ER* Ftr [[{AEL. 1'1.'l0l,iF $t]i'l t $S u I Lt(E$ lrFl [iUSL.NE r 0[t * I NFCI* F.HA$E[I nE$ I t'Et{1'1AL 1111. -.LE.HAL-. L.U1' , ft J'1 t: A '-t rr t.J E, ct -'J "t ./ i.r I{LU{-:lt tl7fi90s / 870?ii{:l -Et.tERG\',. $TA't$* HEitrl'I- l* fJLtrG Z0NE t.l:10- $TnR I E$ FLnnt'F'LA I l{ ftfiNGE* trE:trrrl,l nflc {illF ul,r I1'$ $$ F HEl' f;tll'lgil' T1'F E *CNI,ITRAf,TOR$-. GEI'IL- cnl'lTftA{:TsR F r{0hlE* r'Ll,i$* ELEC'I'- l,lEH-l- IrE:$Gt.t-. Ft[i[rT L:41' ,[,943 00 L *+{'S--L:$UfiTHSY I l'.l!it]Hi:T 'TiPHINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community and Economic Development CERTIFIED LETTER 09 October 1987 Michael Thompson 185 lriikes Drive Eugene, OR 97404 SUBJECT: Courtesy Inspection 870662 performed at 510 N. 35th, Springfield, Oregon. On October 5, 7987, at the request of your tenant, Mr. Sidebottom, a CourtesyInspection was performed at the above subject address. This inspection revealedthe following violations of the City llousing Code; MECHANICAL VIOLATIONS The gas-fired furnace i.s inoperable and must be repaired or replaced. Theheating system must be capable of maintaining a temperature of 6gdegrees F., measured at a point 3 feet from the floor, in ail habitable rooms. 1 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 503/726-3753 J PLUMBING REPAIRS 1. The water closet leaks at its base. The water closet must be refastened the floor; a new wax seal must be installed. 2. The faucet at the bathroom lavatory will not shut off. Suppiies to the faucet are deteriorated. Replace or repair faucet to function properly and install new fixture supplies. The continuous vent located on the westerly exterior wall, outside the kitchen must be extended at least six (6) inches above the roof, to prevent sewer gas from entering the dwelling. ELECTRICAL REPAIR 1. Secure electric outlet boxes and switches throughout the building to prevent potential electrical shock. Install switch and outlet plate covers throughout the dwelling, to prevent electrical shock. Fasten exterior lead in to the roof above the service panei. Provide at least ten (10) feet clearance from supply lead in cable to grade, in order to prevent accidental contact. The windows in the Lirring roorn is d.eteriorated to the point that it does not provide adequate weather protection. Repair or replace window frame and member or replace entire window unit ln order to provide adequate protection. 2. Loose glass in window throughout the dwelling must be reputtied (glazed), in order to provide adequate weather protection. 3. Roof replacement is recommended throughout. IYa[er stains appear on the northeast corner of the ceiling, in the master bedroom. NUISANCE ABATEMENT 1. Remove debris ie. tree limbs, mechanical equipment and trash, from front yard for safety and aesthetic reasons. 2 J 1 Building and electrical permits must be obtained within 5 days of notification. WEATHER-PROTECTION REPAIRS Electrical repairs must be completed within 5 days of notification. Debris removal must be complete within 10 days of notification. Mechanicai and plumbing repairs must be completed no later than 30 days of notification. The correction listed above are in addition to the required corrections stated in the City's letter to you dated 14 September 1987. This latter is attached. Please contact BiII Schaub, Housing Programs Specialist, at 726-3753, if you have questions concerning this letter. Sincerely, Bill Schaub Housing Programs Specialist cc: David J. Puent, Building Official Tim Sidebottom, Tenant SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Offrce of Community & Economic Development CERTIFIED LETTER 14 September 1987 I'lichael Thompson 185 lili kes Dri ve Eugene, 0R 97404 SUBJECT: Courtesy In SPri ngfi e1 d, ection #870662 regon. performed at 510 N. 35th'sp 0 Dear Mr. Thompson: Today, at the request of your lessee,. Mrs. Kathleen.Merryman' a couri.ty- tnipecti;;-;ra perfoimed at the ibove subiect address' This inipection revealed the following violations of the City Housing Code; STRUCTURAL VIOLATIONS 1. The floor sheathing and floor ioist and possib'ly girders and oosts in the utiliiy room and the adjoining closet are severely beteriorated or missing. Deteriorated post and girders, floorjoist ana sheathtng muit be rep'laced with approveii materials in an approved manner- in order to prevent potential structura'l col I apse. Repairs to the floor system wil'l require a bui'lding permit which must be obtained at this office. 2. The ceiling ioist/rafters over the utility room are. sagging and overspannedl - The roof covering shows signs of Ieaking. . A new roof' system, including/ioist rafters, sheathing. and roof covering musi be instailed in an approved manner in order to provide- a structurally safe and weather resistant structure for occuPants. A building permit is required for the repairs listed above and must be obtaihed at this office. I.IEATHER-PROTECTI ON REPA IRS 1. The lower panel on the rear entrance door is broken; sections of tha panel ai^e missing. The door must be repaired or replaced. 2. Thresholds are deteriorated and/or missing at both the front and rear doors and must be rePlaced. 225 North Sth Street o Springfield, Oregon97477 o 503/726-3753 o Several window frames and jambs are deteriorated and do not allow proper operation of windows. Windows in the living room are deteriorated to the point that they do not provide adequate weather protection. Deteriorated window frame and/or iamb members must be repaired or replaced. ELECTRICAL REPAIRS 1. Existing shrubbery immediately to. the. east of the electrical service- panel muit be cut back in order to provide a minimum work space of three feet. 2. The "Romex" cab'te exiting from the bottom of the Service panel ia not approved for unpFotected, exterior installation. New cable approved for exterior use or an gPproved means of protectioir' such as conduit must be installed in an approved manner An electrical permit is required for the above repair. 3. E'lectrical wiring which is unapproved for exposed, unprotected installation is exposed in the utility room wal'ls and ceiling wal'1. C^iling and wall covering must be installed in order to protect this wiring. Building and electrica'l permits as noted above must be obtained by September 30, 1987. As the building in its present condition is hazardous to the health and safety' of -occupants, it must not be occupied unti'l the repairs'listed above have been completed and inspected by this office. I t i s the ci ty' s pol i cy to al 'l ow 30 days f rom the date of notification of Housing code.violations for the completion of repairs. P'lease contact Bill Schaub, Housing Programs Officer, at 726-3753, if you have questions concerning this 'letter. Si ncerely, -Ab2 3. Bi l'l Schaub Housing Programs 0fficer cc: #147 4 David J. Puent. Buildinq Official Kathl een Merryliran, Tenait