HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-03-30..RESIoE-rtTIAL 2zs ltorth rrn r ron"aPPLicAT r,N /PE,lttY Spz.in4field, )regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIEI.D Date -,e 5-5ffiJob Loccticn: '", * \t\ CvL 3 i z4 t tSO) yc,z r,ot tAesessore Subd.Ju.)sicn: *;net: Ad&ess: Oru Desct+be h'otk: Vaiue l-t )lqs iate of App Liea!icn lCditicn RattoCeL cereral L)lllf O .Atrt t Lt A 0-A) I ElectrLccl I q^^t-;-^t I tt6Y.u,.Lc;b , Plutttbinq Dil.toLnr0!! 0R :icw) Sanitary seser ccp?ed:t prcperz:; Li,ne Septic totk pu:ped a,rd. filled aith graizi Pinal - il4ren abcue itens ue ecr.toletei anC uhen lenclittor- is :crwLe=e -cr st:-;:- tuye naued aC cre:t:.)ses cleened ,ap. Blocking otd. Sex-:tp ?Lunbing eonnect:icns -- sclto? al, utaler Final - Aftet:crekes, skTrting, deci-s, etc. @e ccnpleted. Electr-,lccl Cmnec',ion - Blcckir4, set-ut and plmbing conreeticns naist be qprcued before requestin4 e! ec*-rical inspec'-ior: Aceessot 3- Suiliin4 ?qe1of2 I_2 ia lhe resgoncibility of tla petmit itod* to see -,hat aLL inspections, @e nade at )he proper t*n€, ir.at e-ch :C.lness is rea;a'c1.e ;'ron tiu stteet' anC titat the penrtt card. ie l,ocaled at the frcat of the atooetiat..3ui4ir4 )iviciot c1proz:eci plbt sitc,Ll yenain on the Buildnng S[* Zx eLL' t--nes-' P!??EDaPg-104 litsPrnrcil.E:1\ES?;CALL726-3769 (recorCet) state yottz, City .Tesigra,ted job rum,ber, job aCitess, type of inspec=icnrequested atxi ahen ilou -uiLL be reatiy for inspection, cont?actcrs oi Amers r,cne Lrd. ptane nznbet. ,Pequesis rcceit:Zd b-efcne'7:00 c:t>iLL be nade the sane dcy, vequesta mc<ie aft* 7:00 olt viLL be raCe the neet -"nrking'dcg. ?\F3hT Cons jllcJ2cdJeruie!_ c;aF ?rcri-ar^tr. s;Aciary b"r To be nad.e after pricr tc set up of Your CitA Desigra,ted Job Nwrber Is: i tv* S ULAT ID N /v APO P ts AR R Ii R Ilt S?! C? IC N To be nade aftez, aLL insulaticn ed. requtred uqor bavie?s de itt olace but before ag la.th, Wpsrn bcatC cr ULL coueting is cpplied, cnd. beforeay insulation is eoncealeC. DRYilALL iNSPgClrc!: Tc be nade after aLL aryuall is in pl.ace, but prior to any taVirq. l,!AS1!lRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or uerticcls in a,:cor<iotce,,nth A, ts. C, Secticn 2415. After irxtaliation "Js forms. uitDgRSLt B :LL,!.B !:tC, ZLIC?RIC,|L IlttWna tnrk i,s ccuerei. PC)lIilG 1 ?AUilDAiiCil: ?o be r,aCe aiter trencites a?e ezcanated at,l, fcrns are etectei, but priat to pouring ccnciete, - u UDZRc?.a u:to ? tt;!tz_!4.2_Stgt2_!!r ! i,j Lir4 cretches, 71 utwpvacl? ?iiJ:si:tG LylCllAtrCAL:tt@oi fuoor insuk;ion o" Cecking. A Pcsr *to uau: To be naCe prior lc, , ffiGr,Tci !-Loor trsu':,aziaz or Ceckittg. :ct.t1:: ?:iltE!:tG, !:i3:PICAL I ;.!!CX- w:ttl ;kese ir"sceclioz:s hatse bo-et:. naie ard :ccrcneZ. i I FL:fPI;:li: Prtor )o :iccira ccctnoi I nc'2i;G and, befcre ir**i tnrpnb- lion. V .tzq::ilc: lktst be recuecteC cfler iJ @aL cf rcugh pltr:,bing, electrt- cal I nechanieal, ALI rooilr4 brac"-nq 2 chinmcys, etc, tr"tsc be . cotryLeted. ,'lo ,;crk is to be con- - cealed uncil this inspecicn l,a.s'been node enC aVotct;ed. i,tocDS?c'n:ffina. CUPB & .APPPCACII .A.?P.ON: '*e ez'eeYeC but ot--or Ai'tet fornsto pa,n )ng co?1,2?ete. SIDSilI.LZ & DRf;,TiAI: Fot, aLL cot't- crete@-;l;E" s c?eet night- of-tcy, tc be naCe a1'!zr all- exea- ratina conolete & fotn ,,:ork 3 sub- base rctetial in place. I rI IIIIAL PLU:{BI:IG FI;IAL :{EC1|AIICAL ?TIIAL ZLECIPICAL !!NCE: Hhen conplate -- *cuiie gates o" nouable aectians through DIIU - : ALL projecx ca.iilions, suck cs the;-.nsrallaxicn cf street i?ees, 2aryleiion cf ;ne required Landsccpirg, ctc., rilst be satt siied belcre ike eUiLDI;iG FI;'IAL :cn be requested. |INAL W|LDII1C: (he Fincl Buildlr,q b.soecticn rast be requesteC eller the lizal Plunbitq \_/ Ileccrical, cnc. :tecitar.iccl insTeccions h,auc been naCe ard tterouzc. 'ALL !4AIIHCLAS AllD CLEtttCUTS l!US? BE ACCESSISLE, .4DJUS7:!i:it lO 3E:.i^,DE !1.y !10:35? TC CI?y M..-Bb*r\fi.dS T u tr tr Tote: tpt Sq. Ftg. 1 of Lct Cooerage ! of Storles Total lleighx ?opography "t Stcte Swcianoe s Perw[t fesuotce l4eciuniecl ?eomt SOLAR -CESS REQ.. f n4 4w? _ Interior _ Cormer _ Panitandle Cul-de-sac )-aa I L-co d tseitcons: Reeeipt #: Electricol Permit l{het,e State La,t requiz,es tl.at the eleet*ical uork be done by an lleettical Cont?eetor, the eleetrical portion of this permit shall rat be oaliC until the Label lus been aigned by the Electz'tcal Cont"acta?. Mechqnicol Permit JOB NO Lot laces -ineto,t Sources leet Cd?doe A.:eess.i/ata,! iacte" ilor*-n ?an€e llest -- lees -- Mt.t Fvc :(VaLue Building Vtllue & Permit This pern:-t is granted on the etp"ess condlticn tlwt the said-constzaciion slall, in ail reseects, confcrn to the 3r4ittance cdoated. by the CitT cf Spr'.ryfield, tnclding the ionir.g CtCinar.ce, r'egulctittg tke ccr.stt'.tct")cn ctd use of bu:-Ldings, and ney be ;usperuieC oz, reuckei at cn-, t1-ne u?cn u't-c- Lc.:icn cf zny prcuisions of saiC Crdirances. ?O!.11 VA.LUI Zuild:,ng Per*t t lotal Cl"anges - I :..!C.Ai'ra Plumbing Permit No perecn shtll constzuct, instal-!., a!,ter cr elwnge cng ned cr esistir,.g plwnbin4 cr drainage systen in:,siale or in part, unless such person is tle Legal possessot, of a ualid plwnber's License, eecept that a petson na"1 do plrnbing aork to p?opert! ahich is otmed, Leased or operated by the c7pli- cant. !i.x;z*es Resi-Centi.a.L ( 1 bcth) Seuen Plunbing Perrit State Suteharge I .'io. | .rtg Res. So. ftc. ll a,t /Extend, Circui ts laflocvdPu Sezn)Lce 3t ).oo oo CiiARCE.:J ?.prace ?TU'S Ezhast HooC Vent lat 'rlcocisto:le -- a:lcF.cAC:it5:t! -- Sectz-)tu Deccait" Stotzoe l4aintencrce Petnrr|t t. nc?,re3 u.3'.1 i?TAi t"\!1ul? DUE:. P LC.L L-ianLvl,er I HAW CAREFULLY lX,LAfilED the eompleted eopllcation for permit, cnti do hetebg ceriiiy that aLL ,Lnfotnation het,eon ls t?ue and. correct, aml, f fu":he! ce"tl7'r- ihat any ard aLL uork ieriortted slull be done in aceor- dance vith the ordinanees of the cttg of Springfield, anl. ;he ict;s of the State of 0regcn pertaining to tl".e wrk CescribeC herein, ctd. :itct N0 1CCU- PAIICI '"raLL ba na.ie oI' dlA st"uctule aithout permission of the 3uilding Di- uisian. i furthey, ::ertifg ths.t ottly ccntl'cetora and etplcgees t':'t"o ;r2 in ccnplianee al.th CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on *.his prcieet !,tobile llcne s Date a -TAie-- 8 03 Cceuoancu Croup:!';oe/Cor.sc: ,r ?enee t INSPECIION I.INE 726-3769 CtTY OF SPRINGTIETD :OMsINAIICN APPI.ICATION / PERMII Addre Dercription '3 Accerr. ES 5q. e EN€RGY Heo t New-Add -Aller Other n9e I Ure Owner Suilding Permit lnfo: De:cribe Work (i.e., Build Single of Work: Fomil oo0,o9 dGoAddrerrcPhone (^? PhoneAddrer (oddress)(lics. no.)DESIGN TEAM no mQ, Pti {7 t ttSlructurol Ele<tricol l(Mechonicol CONTRACTORS (oddress) (lics. no.) (exPirer) (phone no.)(nomc) tt It Ele ctri col FEECHARGE Me<honicol MECHAN ICALPtUMEINCEIECIRICAt CHARGENO.I lrlNO. r i rEE I CHARGE furnoce/burner to --ETU'T l0,q ResidcDrs of -sq. ft.le fixturc w !ta Applionce vent 5epq ro te Nlw circuits. olterqtions or exten:ions Relocoted building (ncw fir. odditionol) Slolionory evop. cooler4A(*11 )'4\9asERVrcEs a&a.mp5.F. Reriden5e (l both) Vent fon with single duct I Temporory ConslructionDuolex (l both) eo<h Vent syslem oport from heoting or A.C. -+ Aciditionol both Mechonicol exhourl hood ond duct Ampr.+ Woter tcrvice Wood rtove/ heoterSewer I Heot PumpFEED ERSSbr-m Sewcr Air hondler to r0,000 cfMAmpr. Air hondler over 10,000 cFM tssu{NcE oF.P€RMIT WHER.E SIAIE tAW REOUIRES rhor rhc Elactricol work bc donc by thc Elcrtricol Conlrscro?. thc clectricol portiorr oI lhir permil rholl not bc volid until o lobal ho; bcrn rigned by on Etactricol Controctor ond oltoched to thc cleclricol ponel. I HAVE CAREtULI,y EXAA{INED rho completed opplicotion for permit, ond do hereby cerrify thol qll informotion hereon is true qnd correci, ond I further Gertify thot ony ond oll work performed sholl be done in ocordonce with lh pcrtoining to thc work dcrcriixd herin, ond lhol NO OCCUPANCY will ba mo ccaify rhtt my regirtrotion wilh lhc Euilder's Boord is in {ull force ond effect o heron, ond thot only rvbonrqctors ond employees who ore in omplionce w e Ordinonce: of the City of Springfield end the Lows of the Stute of Oregon de of ony rtructure without the permirsion of the Building Divi:ion. I further s required by ORS 701.055, thot if ex.empt the bosis for exemplion ic noted irh oRs 701.055 will be usd on rhir pro[ecr. TOTAT CHARGES/0.o9 SIGNA I TE 4r5tc'9 IOIAT CHARGESTOTAT CHARGES Bosir for Builder'r Boord NAA{E (plcorc print) Frs.orhe,_iorl_ro.r#iifr ;rF@ Typc/ Conrr. lood --5q. c,orp--P3--sq.Fir e Ftg. Acce:: ts 7r rfr Sq. Ftg. Moin Flood Ploin Zone x ----Volue x Yolue #67,*Syrremr Development Choroe ( | .5?'o) PIon Ck, Comm/lnd 65%/ Blclq Per Fee Plon Ck. Rer 3o%/BIdq Per Fee BlJItDING PERMIT Chorger ond Surcilorger 32::-t.?9 t rtl>La.b..l reCFence 2ql, 75Totol Comb. PermitDemo PLUMBING PERMIT Chorges ond Surchorgcr /o,oA) lla,3JSidewo ik ,d/C Pqvinq ETECTRICAT PERlvllT Chorger ond Surchorges r\ 0Y ,, \)v 4677Curb Cut TOTAT MECHANICAI PERMIT Chorger ond S ur <ho rge r T. Cto ril l(rane e/r Con*tuction tendct fi/t 0' A Q- - - (e x pire: )(phone no.) f)r, tt NO. "5,ry FOR OFFICE USE ONIY ,1.@*ffi'E*a, o COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEx....r (CAP) l. Appliconr to furnish A- Job Address B. Legol DescriptionI. exomple-tox lot I00, Lone County Mop Reference I7 03 43 2. exofr;E-Lot I. Block 3, 2nd Addition ro Springfield Estotes C. Nome, etc. of owner ond construction lender D. Energy Sources 'l . exomole-heot/electricol ceiling/or forced oir gos 2. er o-;;]E-w o t e r }6te rl?EIIri io I /or solor E. Squore footoge or voluotion, etc. t. 9ry!9-!150 rq. foot house, 500 sq. foot goroge 2. exomF'iE-iTEw proiect, check-new-if oddition, check odd, etc. F. Building permit informotion: l. exomple-construct single fomily house with on ottoched goroge 2. exomple-remodel existing goroge inlo fomily room 3. ex#FG-convert single fomily residence inlo restouront (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Section 303 (o) of the Structurol Speciolty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construclion deloys, Building Division Sloff mus, be oble to contoc, oppropriote persons regording design informotion or iob site correclions, etc. ll. Ab6ievioted Plumbing, Mechonicol & Electricol Schedules A. Except where blcnk spoces occur in the description portion of the Mechonicol ond Eleclricol Schedules, the opplicont need fill-in only the No. Boxes odiocent to the oppropriote . ilem(s) to be instolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Electricol Schedules ore ovoiloble ot the Building Division '1 . To conserve spoce on the permii form the schedules .: hove been obbrevioted 2. lf the item(s) to be instolled ore not covered on the obbrevi-. oted schedules you should consult the full schedules C. BUILDING OTVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES.AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEOUtES lll. Applicont to sign ond dote Whenever possible. the iniiiol opplicotion will be used os o worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Stoff will prepore o lypewrilten copy ond return it to the opplicont ot the time the octuol permit is issued for his signoture. lV. Fees ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due ond poyoble ot the time of the opplicotion, ond no plons will be processed until these fees ore poid. All other fees ond chorges ore due ond poyoble when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PROJECT CCNDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Permit Clerk PERMIT VALIDATION I Additionol Proiect lnformotion: PLANS REVIEWED BY: nome signolu6 a.," S-Zb'196t INSPECTION IINE 72(..3769 F{CIIY OT SPRINGTIEID COMsINAIICN APPI.ICAIION / PERMIT E-lil INfOTMAIION TINE 1264753 ES, qf: c Lil?of Work: Permit lnfo' ence AQ- (lic. no.)aei I +- OO Phonec Phone (no.)(cxrers) 17 ooo EN ERGY --Demo-Chongef ure Heot leqol Dcrcriorion dterr Ow ner Addrarr 8ui Fo Add rc rr De:cribe Work ii.c., Build Single Amoched R _., _Fence. -6*., Sq. Ftg. Motn Sq. F19. Olhct -New-Add -Alter -ReP. Pri l( (nqmc)no.)no,)s CHARGE II MECHANICALETECTRICAT t7ENO. PlUr,{BING FEE Er FiE i CHAR CHARGE €lecrricol Machcnicol iurnoce/burner ioReri&ace oi -sq. ft'({)c)ctfixturc w Applionce vent geporqle ...'lF.lt*lt" sllerolioni or exten5ign!Relocqtad bvilding (ncw {ir. odcjitionol)d/\9 Slotionory evop. ccoler^Ec{rx )-sERvrcEs a&4',w,ool Vent fon with sinqie duct I Temporory Contlruction Vent sy:tem oport from heoting or A.C. Duolcr (l both) coch Addilionol borh S.f. Reridcnco I bqrh) Mechqnicol exhourl hood ond duct Ampr. Wol.7 rGtvi(G Wood slove/ heoler Scwar Heql PumpFEEDERSStcr.m Scwcr Air hondler ro r0,000 cFAAmpr. Air hondler over 10,000 cFM ISSUANCE OFTPER,\AII TOTAT CHARGESTOTAT CHARGESIOIAL CHARGES SIGNATU I E rhirof rho nol volidbc nrilu oclcctricolrhcthecolElcrtriConlrocror,porlion pcrmilbaworkdoncEOUlhoIRESthcElcttricolbyEREWHAfl,LAWIE loolloched olertricol,hconc pcnel.<ol Conlloctotdn9qnE lc <rrihorlobolbybon!;9 CAR EfULLY de of ony s requireci ond ond furtherollhereooinformolioniruecottecl,l5hereGerlithotforcoliononddobylyEXINrh?ED oppli parmit,H VEA compleied td lheond ofLows Stotethe oftheofof Oregonthewithrdino nce so City Springfietndoneocordonceshollbetndollorkthope rformedsnycGrtify rhe theof Bu Divirion.furiherwithoulttrucluroIdingpermirrionbewillmdNOtholOCCUPANCYherinndoCc:criixdthcworklornrngP"rto noted70roRsthoiifbothettfortrs.055,ax-empl exemptioneffestbylnondf ull forceEoordSuilder'rnrtroliorhrhc,hot m Y ac9le.lify .055701 ill usadbe no thisoRs proiect.irhorewholnndemplioncerb6ntrosiortioyaesemP /0,09 g.rg NA,\{E (plsorc print) heron, ond thot only tu Bo:ir for Euildc/r Soord , FOR OTFICE UsE ONtY TOTAT VATUA xFire -f t'n sq. Fts. MoinType/ Conrl. Ftg. Accesrccy Lood 5q. Ftg, Other Zone Flood Ploin x --Volue x Yqlua 5y:tems DcveloPment 1.5 Plon Ck. Comm/lnd I Per 3€,30"h1 Per Fee Plon Ck. Rer .tn ID4aL ITotolComb. PermilDemo '-- o7',-- t \n,73ito2;, hi SidewolkI /-'^, '. L_-_' - --I r -. PTUMEING PERA.{II ICAT PERI1IT BIJIIDING PERMII Chorger ond 5urcl,orger Chorger ond Surchorger ond el .17 .16. 'i Curb Cul TOTAT NICAT PERMII ond OESIGN IEAM tt No_ -BTU'T-+ v f\0 COMEINATION APPLICATION/' l. Appliconr ?o furnish A. Job Address PL.ANS REVIEWED BY: &- PEh. . .. r / Ire\ - PERMIT VALIDATION(cAP) B. Legol DescriptionI. exomole-tox lot l00, Lone County Mop Reference l7 03 432. exfi;r.-Lor I. Block 3, 2nd Addition to springfierd EsroresC. N"If!il"f owner ond construction lender ^ tD. Energy sources svrrJtl uLrrerr '' , L t T Y l. exomole-heot,,electricol ceilinq/or forced oi t Z. exo m o I e-wo re r heo ter,. electri co l,ior-T6lE7-- e. sqroE rilioge or rolrorio ' -' -:=- .I. exomole-1250 sq. foot house,500 sq. foot gr in, 2. exoEiiiE-iTlEw proieo, .t'".[ .,Ei-ii odditio odd, erc. oF SPRINGFIELD ( CirY Holl Springfield, Oregon o"oJ-"ir of Public works--brFtclAL REcEIPT No. B 56s82 F. Building permit informotion: I. exomole-construct single fomily house with o goroge 2. exomple-remodel existing goroge inlo fomily3. eEtnoj-e-convert single fomily residence into ffiTEnt (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Secrion 303 (o) of th Structurol Speciolty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTCRS To ovoid design or construciion cieloys, Building E,Stoff must be oble to contoct oppropriote p..ro.r, design informction or iob site corrections, etc. ll. Abbrevioted Plumbing, Mechonicol & Electricol Sched A. Except where blcnk spoces occur in the description of the Mechonicol ond Electricol Schedules, the op1 need fill-in only rhe No. Boxes odiccent to the opp item(s) to be insrolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Electricol Scheduler ore ovoiloble ot rhe Building Division'l . To conserve spoce on the permii form the schedr hove been obbrevioted 2. lf the irem(s) to be instolled ore not covered on t oted schedules you should consult ,he fuil schedu C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES / CHARGES ON THE SCHEOULES lll. Applicont to sign ond dote Whenever possible, the iniriol opplicotion will be used oworksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Stoff prepore o typewritten copy ond refurn it to the opplicon the time the ocruol permi! is issued for his signotuie. lV. Feer ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due ond poyoble ot lhe lime of the oond no plons will be processed until these fees ore poid. other fees ond chorges ore due ond poyoble when ihe pe is issued. f- V. FOR OFFICE USE ONIY ( -L 9o, )rti I 5 o Amou nt Rece,ived Permit Clerk ( ( BY ^UThORIZEO SIGNATURE EUGEI€ oi 97'Ol ( ?ROJECT CONDTTIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Additionol Proiect lnformorion: nome o signo dote - zb- lq 8t ( ( I t' SXELlot'turi!uLL PirilERS' I9n