HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2005-12-13GFIs'LD F D Buildin g/Co mbinatio n Permit Statrrs: Issued 225 I: :t'th Street, Springfield, OR 541-7 )63753 Phone 541-7:6-3676Fax 54 | -7 : 6-37 69 I nspection Line PERMIT NO: COM2005-01698ISSUED: l2ll3l200iAPPLEDz 1210612005E)GIRESz 0611312006VALUE: $ 26,488.00 SITI- \DDRESS: 470 35TH ST Springfield TYPE OF Single Family Residence ASSL ;SOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1702312411201 TYPE OF USE: Remodel Residential PRO,i .lCT DESCRIPTION: Interior kitchen/bath remodel and convert breezeway to living area ' Orvnt'': Addrt'ss: MISSAIilAN CYNTHIA 470 35TH ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 Conl:'actorTvpe Contractor License Expiration Date Phone CONTRACTOR INFORMATI ON BUILDING INFORMATION # of U rits: Prima ry Occupancy Group: Secorr Iary Occupancy Prima ry Construction Type Seconr I ary Construction # of B, drooms: Frontrard Setback: Side I Setback: Side 2 Setback: Reary:rrd Setback: ., Solar lletbacks: Street Storm SewerAvailable: Special Instruction: Notes N(lTICE: E AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS P COMMENCED OR IS ABAND Descr irr tion fi NY frOQm(ptf(lgion R-3 VN # of Stories: Height of Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Sprinkled Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Paved Drive Rqd: Yo ofLot Coverage: Lot Size: Sq Ft lst Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load: 288 nla REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: Sidewalk Type: DownspoutVDrains calling the center. (Note: the telephone number for the Oregon Utility NotificationoUflfffi",Square Footage or Bid Amount DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS or multiplier 1of 3 Ceiiier is 1-8C0 312-2'j.41\.Value Datd Calculated L ry - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Buildin g/Co mbinatio n Permit Status: Issued 225 Filth Street, Springfield, OR 541:725-3753 Phone 541-72(t4676Fax 541:7 26-37 69 Ins pection Line PERMIT NO: COM2005-01698ISSUED: 1211312005 APPLIEDz 1210612005E)?IRESz 0611312006VALUE: $ 26,488.00 Bid.,\mount Garagc Convcr, Use Bid Amount Garase $1.00 6,000.00 $71.00 288.00 Total Value of Project Date Paid tzlt3l05 12l13l05 t2n3t05 t2n3l05 t2lt3l05 t2n3t05 t2n3t05 tzlt3l05 t2n3t05 t2n3t05 t2n3t05 tzlt3l05 t2n3t05 12fi3t05 $6,000.00 $20,448.00 $26,448.00 12t06t2005 t2t06t200s Fee Dcrcription -Mech :rnical Issuance Fee- + l0ol' Administrative Fee + 77o Sltate Surcharge Buildirrg Pernrit Exhaust Iloods Fixturc Mininr u nr/Adj ustment Mechanical Penaltv Fee - BWOP Building Penaltv Fce - BWOP Mechanical Penallv Fce - BWOP Plumbing Sanita r'1' Sen'cr - Improvement Sanitar'1' Seu'cr - Reimbursement SDC Sl rr itar'1'/Storm Admin Vent l;:ttt Total ,\nrount Amount Paid $10.00 s70.22 $24.s8 $236.10 $9.00 $70.00 $30.00 $236.10 $4s.00 $70.00 $r33.49 $175.49 $15.45 $6.00 $1,131.43 Receipt Number 12005000000000018r0 120050000000000r810 1200500000000001810 r200s00000000001810 1200500000000001810 1200500000000001810 1200500000000001810 1200500000000001810 1200s00000000001810 1200500000000001810 1200500000000001810 1200s00000000001810 120050000000000r8r0 1200500000000001810 tr'pes Prid Plan Reviews Struclrrral Rcviov t2t07t200s 12106t2005 OK DLM See documents for Review Comments. To Rc,lrrest an inspection call the24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. \', illbe made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work rlay. liirral Buil<ling: After all required inspections have been requested and approved and the building is complete. liirral Plunrbing: When all plumbing work is complete. I.inal llcchlnical: When all mechanical work is complete. ll.ough Plrrnrbing: Prior to cover and including required testing. 2of3 L,l.a t(eourreo lnspectrons I IELD '"^*, - Buildin g/Co mbination Permit Status: lssued 225 Fil'th Street, Springfield, OR 541:726-3753 Phone 541-726-36768ax 541:126-37 69 Ins pection Line PERMIT NO: COM2005-01698ISSUED: t2ll3l200s APPLIEDz 1210612005E)GIRES: 06/1312006VALUE: $ 26,488.00 By sign;rture.I stlte and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all infornr r,tion trcrcon is true and correct, and I further certiff that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with thc Ordinrnccs of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and th l I NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Buildin:i Safct1,. I further certiff that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this rrroject. I furthcr agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the strt'ct, that thc permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all tirrrcs during construction. Owncr 'Con t nrcl ors Signature Date 3 of 3 I t- - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMEN'r -TORKSHEET JOURNAL OR JOB NUMBER: COM2005-01695 NAME ORCOMPANY 470 35th St LOCATION Missakian TAX LOTNUMBER:0 DEVELOPMENT TYPE:SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE NEW DWELLING TINITS 0 BUILDING SIZE I. S]'ORMDRAINAGE DIRECT RTINOF-F TO CITY STORM SYSTEM IMPERVIOUS S.F. 0.00 NUMBER OF DFU's 7 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: NLMBER OF DFU's 7 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: ADTTRIP RATE 9.57 SLIBTOTAL $308.98 COST PER S.F $0.323 COST PER S.F $0.323 COST PER DFU $25.07 $ 19.07 NUMBER OF LTNITS 0 NUMBER OF UNITS 0 ADM. FEE RATE 5o/o FEE: 0 CHARGE $0.00 DISCOUNT RATE 5j%o $0.00 LOT STZE (SF) DISCOUNT $0.00 ROUTED TO DRYWELL DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED TO CITY STANDARDS x x x x x x x x ITEM I TOTAL - STOR]VI DRAINAGE SDC 2. SANITARY SEWER - CIry A. REIMBT]RSEMENT COST: ITEM 2 TOTAL - CITY SANITARY SEWER SDC 3. TRANSPORTATION COST:A. $308.98 COST PER TRIP $19.09 COST PER TRIP $84. I 9 $0.00 NEW TRIP FACTOR r.00 NEW TRIP FACTOR 1.00 xx xx ITEM 3 TOTAL - TRANSPORTATION SDC 4. SANITARY SEWER - MWMC A REIMBURSEMENTCOST: NUMBER OF FEU's 0 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's 0 MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) MWMC ADMIMSTRATTVE FEE ITEM 4 TOTAL - MWMC SANITARY SEWER SDC SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS I,2,3, & 4) 5. ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: $0.00 $308.98 CHARGE $15.45 TOTAL SANITARY ADMINISTRATION FEE: CherylSlaymaker t2/6t2005 IMPERVIOUS S.F. 0.00 ADT TRIP RATE, 9.57 $0.00 $17s.49 $133.49 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 15.45 $324.43 I 070 l09l 1092 I 093 1094 I 054 l 055 I 054 I 056 1079 1078 ar!o () slFa ra H& COST PER FEU $82.03 COST PERFEU $865.31 PREPARED BY DATE TOTAL SDC CTIARGES x x DRAINAGE FIXTT]RE UNIT CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FD(TURES x UNIT EQUIVALENT: DRAINAGE FXTURE UNITS FOR CALCULATE ONLY THE NET ADDITIONAL NO. OF FIXTURES UNII- FIXTURE TYPE NEW OLD ALENT MISCELLANEOUS DFU TYPE NUMBER OF EDU'S TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTI]RE UNTTS rsa toa mit set at 167 IVTWMC CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON COUNTY ASSESSED VALUE +EDU DRA]NAGE FIXTURE LINII'S 0 0 1979 BEFORE I979 1979 1980 r98l 1987 I 983 I 984 1985 1986 1987 1988 I 989 I 990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 $5.29 $5.19 $5.12 $4.98 $4.80 $4.6s $4.40 $4.07 $3.67 $3.22 $2.73 $2.25 $1.80 VALUE/ IOOO $0.00 IS LAND ELGIBLE FORANNEXATION CREDIT? (Enter I for Yes, 2 for No) IS IMPROVEMENT ELGIBLE FOR ANNEX. CREDIT? (Enter I for Yes, 2 for No) BASE YEAR CREDIT FOR LAND (IF APPLICABI-E) CREDITRATE $5.29x t99l CREDIT FOR IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTERANNEXATION) VALUE / IOOO CREDIT RATE $0.00 x $5.29 TOTALMWMC CREDIT$1.59 $1.45 $1.25 $1.09 $0.92 $o.72 $0.48 $0.28 $0.0e $0.05 BATHTUB 1 0 3 3 DRINKING FOT]NTAIN 0 0 1 0 FLOORDRAIN 0 0 3 0 INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE / OIL / SOLIDS / ETC.0 0 3 0 INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND / AUTO WASH / ETC.0 0 6 0 LAT]NDRY TUB 0 0 2 0 CLOTHESWASHER / MOP SINK 0 0 3 0 cLoTrrESwASrmR- 3 ORMORE (EA)0 0 6 0 MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (I PER TRAILER)0 0 12 0 RECEPTOR FOR REFRIG / WATER STATION / ETC 0 0 1 0 RECI]PTOR FOR COM. SINK / DISHWASHER / EI'C.0 0 3 0 SHOWE& SINGLE STALL 0 0 2 0 SHOWER, GANG (NUMBEROF HEADS)0 0 2 0 SINK: COMMERCTAL/RESIDENTIAL K]TCTMN 0 0 3 0 SINK: COMMERCIAL BAR 0 0 2 0 SINK: WASH BASIN/DOUBLE LAVATORY 0 0 2 0 SINK: SINGLE LAVATORY/RESIDENTIAL BAR 1 0 1 1 URINAL, STALL / WALL 0 0 5 0 TOILET, PUBLIC INSTALLATION 0 0 6 0 TOILET, PRIVATE INSTALLATION 1 0 3 3 YEAR ANNEXED CREDIT RATE/$I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE 2000 rl 2001 20 November 22,2005 Cynthia Missakian 470 35th Sffeet Springfield, OR 97478 Dear Ms. Missakian: Re: Recent building remodel at 470 35'h Street We have received a visual inspection report on the subject building from Timothy Wolden, P.8., Artisan Engineering, providing information on the present condition of the structure. The purpose of the letter was to verify, insofar as is visually possible, whether the structure is stable and adequate to meet the minimum building code structural requirements. Our office has records of permits for converting a carport to a garage on the north side of the building in 1987, and for an additionalZ-car garage stmcture at the rear of the dwelling in 1993. Subsequent to those permits, we have been informed that additional improvements were added to the property in the following manner: The 2-car garage structure was apparently converted to an additional non- conforming residence without proper permits and inspections at some point in time between the 1993 garage permit and the date you purchased the property in 2003. o a State law requires building permits to be obtained for improvements such as noted above. However, if permits are not obtained at the time of construction, the law has provisions to assure that the work was done to minimum building code requirements. If the improvements were made within the last two years, permits must still be obtained for the work that was done. In addition, the owner must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the building official that all work was done according to the codes that were in affect at that time. Any such work that did not comply with the codes must now be corrected to comply with the present codes. B u I I d I n g S a fe ty F I r s t': .:.::: .i::-r :: :rir::::..:'i'l:;.i..:.i::...'..',.....i:i:illi]iM DEVELO.MENI SEB,I6ES DE.^RTMENT ,, ::,,:.i..-:.;,],:'',-,,,rr:r,,r1::, jjir,i:"r . : ( 541 ) 726 _ 3753 z2b 5th srREEr, SqRINGFIELD, oR 97472 .:rl:.,,,.]:,,,!,. r, ,::_,,,,: , ',:..,, FAX(s41 )726-a626 We understand that the building was converted back to a single family residence, after you purchased it, by remodeling both dwellings into one. This was also done without proper permits and inspections, but removed one code violation with regard to the unauthorized second dwelling. The Oregon statutes that apply to improvements made more than two years ago are the same as the above, except that building permits are not required for the improvements that met the building codes at that time. Mr. Wolden's investigation accomplishes a considerable part of the State requirements noted above with regard to structural integrity. However, some issues still need to be addressed. They are: l. We understand that some areas of your home were not involved in the recent remodel. In order to determine the scope of the improvements that were made, we will need "before" and "after" drawings of the building floor plan showing the layout before you started the remodel, and after it was completed or terminated. As an alternative, a composite drawing providing the needed information is acceptable, if it is legible. The drawings must show the location of all walls, windows and doors as well as plumbing fixtures that were added, relocated and/or deleted. Also show those that were unaltered. Please graphically differentiate between the existing, added and deleted items so they are readily distinguishable on the drawing(s). Room names (i.e. Kitchen, Bedroom, etc) must also be indicated. A drawing format of 8-112"x11" or 1l"x17" would be preferable. Perhaps your engineer could be of some help with the drawing(s). 2, No mention was made about whether the breezeway slab has sufficient footings to support the roof and (possibly) floor loads. Additional investigation is needed here. 3. Mr. Wolden noted the presence of foundation vents in the "two areas" but is not clear whether foundation vents are located at the converted breezeway area and whether the ventilation that exists in the two areas complies with code requirements. Additional verification is needed here also. 4. No mention was made regarding roof ventilation in the converted garage or breezeway. Verification is needed. 5. It appears that an elevated floor may have been constructed in the 2-car garage area that was converted to living area. We have no evidence that the floor system complies with code requirements. I have asked Mr. Wolden to provide additional information on this part of the structure. Please verify with the engineer that the requested information is forthcoming. 6. Electrical and plumbing installations were covered without inspections. A licensed electrical contractor and licensed plumbing contractor should review the electrical and plumbing installations to determine whether they are safe and code compliant. This may require the partial removal of some finish wall and ceiling materials for verification. A report from each contractor shall be submitted to this office for review and acceptance. 7. Required insulation in floors, ceilings and walls was not addressed. Perhaps a local insulation contractor can investigate these areas and provide a report verifying code compliance for minimum component insulation. Contact this offi ce for clarifi cation. 8. Building permits must be obtained for the remodeling work accomplished within the last fwo years and for any work that is required to be upgraded for code compliance. The above issues must be resolved before this office can accept the investigations and reports for noted improvements. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3623 Donald Construction Representative/Plans Examiner David Puent, Building Official Bob Bamhart, Building Inspector David Bowlsby, Bldg. Permit Review Technician Timothy Wolden, Engineer Mark Moore, Realtor Kelly Keller, Realtor cc Ll/ L6/ 05 15 : 19 FAX 541 465 C9 }IINDERIIERE JEAN TATE Jean Tate Real Estate Attn: Mark Moore RE: 470 35ft, Nelson Dear Mark, Included in this fax is the letter from Artisan Engineering. Please pay special attention to the paragraph on page 2 "In conclusion'"According to the engineer, the property was upgraded in a manner that was adequate to meet building code. If Memory and LarrY are willing, perhaps another lender would be able to finance the property, as it appears that it will not be possible with VA' I hopc we can hold this deal together forward to talking to you. S Windermere Real Estate 465-8119 Eugene . 1600 Oak Street. Eugene, Oregon 97401 ' 5411414-2022 'Fax 54il465-8169 Creswell . l7Z Metton Road . Creswell, Oregon 9':-426'5411895-2906 'Fax -5411895-2801 Springfield.525 Harlow Roati. Springfielcl, oregon 974't7' 541/988-0200'Fax54ll146-4292 Florence , 1870 Highway 126, Suite C ' Florence, Oregon 9':- 439 ' 5411997 -5926 'Fax 5411997 -5992 @ oor o lL/16/05 15:19 FAX 541 465 " -9 w JEAN TATE v 16 OS O1:32P Ert i s an Flt- Hm 5O3 13917 ARTTS,AN ENGINEERING' LLC i,ll##ffi'f',*%,-..**,. November 16,2005 Cvnthia Missaklan aio trlorttr 35th street spiingfield, OR 97478 Re:lnvestigationofResidenceandFoundationat4T035thstreet,springfreld,oR @ oor P.1 'r1+IiLIit.{f,' ffi'-*,H:.i.Tffi :",'13'"i:{:ii'}tf i11Y,i.?:3:!Fi3lii'I#+fl " 3i#"ffi il,["".[?"J*',H;:,.'m::{::iru+l;iT'1"#'X1"''is'i'i"h1il3 exterior of the "irr.iur" in order t"-i,ikJ-and an ";;"J assessment of the entire structure and foundation' The main house is a single 1t9rv-wood.framed sjructure built in the 1960,s or early 1970,s. The foundution ion"lrp "ii"i"r.tu-rooting=*uji*i-*ncrete -stemwalls' The orisinat sarase "iil;fuh e"=t "oll,#;f"il;h;";;il;'t'"tn tonverted into a master bedroom at some ime in-fte p".t. 'iiJir*"" .t"o ,"JmJisingre story one bedroom aoartment at the iear ot the main'#;;"'th;i.*il"til"'"iav between the two siructures. rnis uieezeway had o"""-r"roveo r1=lvl"t''nJ-in-addition was made between the structures that ""r.,iai?i,v-;;;fi;J *r'e main house with the smaller apartmenl I first walked through the interior of. the house to inspect the floors, to lool< for cracks in the interior wars, :;!u "uJi*"1n"'ioJr-i=*". in-tnl interior watts' There were no siqniflcant cracks-in-the interior *"rf,"lr'wa* surra;""idi *ould indicate wall or fo-undation setu.ment".'inol"o fi,a1n" floor of tnu ,"*i-d.-t"o at1 betw-een the house and apartm.n, *ri"i1',gtrtrv ]o*"-, tn"n. $," *ain nouse-in oroer to- provide as smooth transition netweenlhe-structures- -tne floor was =o"io;J;;= irameo with ioists of adequate depth t"='ppon normal floor loading' l arso noted that the originar rear wa, of the house and front wall of the apartment had been opened up io-proiia" ,n o-p"n'-Dining Room. "'"1[Lt*t"n the structures and an ooen Kitch"n "r"IJii#;";; "rtd;"'6t't"'n '""'it ind posts were added above ffi; iiltirb= tosupport the roof framing' The roof of the addition was {ramei with gang--naitef l_russes that spanned ftom south to north and "onnJ;*J'ro the. root t*mi;n "i tne two"ilit!-" Ari'or the framing is of adequate =i=e to--'=i,pp"rt *t. 9yJJ"i ffoo' "nO iooi loading and there were no indications of ueJring -proUtems or construction deficiencies' lL/L6/05 15:19 FAX 541 465 P'c 9 WINDER}IERE JEAN TATE @ooz p.2 Nov 16 OS O 1 : 33P Flrt. i san Rt Hm questions or concerns' SincerelY, TimothY A en, P.E. Prindpal, Artisan Engineering, LLC Cc: Kelly Keller, Windermere-Jean Tate Real Estate l arso noted that a walr in the master bedroom area had been opened up and a large gtulam was added iffi;;;;'tnu rootframing above the opening. l next warked around the structure to observe the condition of the perimeter concrete stemwall and footings, the drainage, JnJ ttt" ufignment.oi tfre watts and roof' I noted that there were no guttis or downspouts ;; iir;;;bineo stiuiture but there was a buried Ir"infin" i"Aic"iingiL-rt th;i. were once gutters on both structuras' lsawontysmalttightcracksinthestemwalls'probablyduetominorshrinkageofthe concrere .rt", *," #liiffi;;i.-rl,;;;;;ie i6unoatioris vEnt= at rhe stemwats for both structures. I atso noted the new =tt="I*"rii n"t nia u""" "Jo"o on top of the original breezeway sfau anO-iire new fascia UoarO that connetti tn" trusses between the two strucfirres. A, of the framing .pp""rJjio u" .or" tranlJequate for the building code requirements- I did notice that some of the footing-s {or-the. living -space were not buried at least 10- inches berow nnis-n giaG. The t9,n Jiue footing *"" "t rr.r"ce revet. The rocar building code requires at il"r"ii):r;;'ii;,[rJ i"[ ,r.nnisn giioe ro the botrom of the footinss to protect againsifrost heaving "r;;;;;;'J" 4.V pt*tems' I recommend that soil be added on top of the footings to proteJ-tfrem anO meet the building code requirements' ln conclusion, the residence u|1!o North 3?.*:!'.-:t in Springfield is.in.good structural condition. The wood framed infill structure thatwas built'without a permit between the originat house "i'iro tr*t and $g ;;;;eni at the lear has been constructed properly and is adequate to meet the buildinJloOu' I saw no 'i*"t"al problems with the addition of for the beams rhat were added t3 ffi;il E" t:;iltt'i"g and atlow the center of the residencetobetpun"Oandpresentamorestandardfloorplan' r did notice though that soil shourd be added on top of the footings to ensure that the footings are deep enough to be ;,;tJ;-'giin"t frost heaving' Please refer to my recommendations above' I have enjoyed assisting you with this house inspection' Please call me if you have any 50 83917 G 1 r6 CREG P ta (t-l(-.:r EXPIRATION DATE: v 30 05 11:17a Br Ean Flt Hm 50336839 1 7 ARTTS,AN ENG'NEERING, LLG- 325 West 13h Avenue Eu gene, Oregon 97 4O1 -W2 Phone 541-338-9488 Fax 541-338-9483 November 30, 2005 Kelly Keller Windermere-Jean Tate Real Estate 1600 Oak Stre€{ Eugene, OR 97401 Re: Supplementat Site Msit to 470 35h Street in Springfretd, OR to Address Gomments in Plans Reviewer Lefter of November 22tor Non-Compliant Structure Dear Kelly: ! have completed a supplemental site visit yesterday at the single family residence at 47O North 35m Street in Springfield. The purpose of the visit was to gather additional information about the structure in order to address the questions posed by the Plans Reviewer for this non- compliant structure. I received a copy of the Letter from Don Moore of the City of Springfield dated November 22 and am responding to the various comments as follovvs: 1- Drawings of the floor plan for the remodeled house are to be completed by the Homeowner. 2- I reinvestigated the foundation for the addition between the original structures and noted that a new strip footing and stemwall with vents was added at the north and south sides of the addition (in-filled breezeway). This foundation was of adequate size and depth to provide bearing for the floor and roof trusses. 3. Vents are installed at both the north and south stemwalls for the addition, see #2. 4. There are eave vents between ever third truss for the origina! rear building and the addition and there are roof and gable end vents for the aftic area. 5. I looked through vents of the converted rear garage and noted that there is a center bearing line with adequate footings under the posts and beam supports, there is also at least 1&inches of clearance under the floorioists for the rear building and the addition. 6. I understand the Contractorwilladdress this item. 7. ! understand the Homeowner will address this item. 8. I understand the Homeownerwill address this item. I have enioyed assisting you with this hou-se inspection.if you have any additional questions or if I may provide additional verificatio G 1 Sincerely, p.1 fi axit- Timothy A Wolden, P.E. Principal, Artisan Engineering, LLC o EXP|RAT IO }J DA i'i:b ),1 v a Vnx Erlr-N CcNsrnucr rcN r R r,,u.:nri[.rNC {aBF t)15(19?6 P.i. lkll fllct-\[. \:R i]7-l{}l Pri, 5ll'9i2 :l.l{ November 28,2005 In regards to: 470 N. 35 St. Springfield, OR 97478 After inspecting the replaced construction at 470 N 35 St. I can verifu both materials and application meet the construction standards for: Wall and ceiling insulation and gypsum board installation Under floor insulation and vapor barrier Electrical fixtures and installation Exterior siding and door installation Plumbing fixtures and installation Mechanical ventilation and heating Sincerely, Dennis Van Etten (-L.3t 0l5tit:(l Cu.Xs"rRUC I ICN Vnx E r"r l.N v ['.i.2lr]l fll[l.\f. raR {f ltt.] Rrl,laDrrlrNG Hin 11t ilP 5l.l { Date:November 28,2005 Address 470 N. 35 St. Springfield, OR 97478 Client: Cynthia Missakian After reviewing the replaced construction at 470 N 35 St. I can veriff both materials and application meet the typical construction standards including: Wall insulation - R-21 Ceiline insulation - R-30 Floorlnsulation-R-25 Walls and Ceilings were finished with 1/2" gypsum board. except shared wall with unheated space/garage where. 5/8" was installed. Under Floor/Crawl Soace elevation, ventilation, and vapor barrier were typical. (repaired since pest & dry rot report) Exterior sidine and door installation were typical. Mechanical ventilation and heating were operable. Electrical fixtures and installation were typical. Plumbing fixtures and installation were typical. Sincerely, Dennis Van Etten ,j Wind&rnere Jean Tate Real Estate l/l,too," Ltl -ru *tw ll,* f€plot-r' % br^eczril*l l--o al,*u^J r o.,\ Ar0\4 &n^! [ h^.r{ % edl,Y rry YraP'h 0qNTttrfr WrgsfrFtm') ll- 3o-o( Eugene. 1600 Oak Street. Eugene, Oregon 97401.541/484-2022.Fax5411465-8169 Creswell . 172 Melton Road . Creswell, Oregon 97426. 5411895-2906. Fax 541/895-2801 Springfield.525 Harlow Road. Springfield, Oregon 97477 .5411988-0200.Fax5411746-4292 Florence. 1870 Highway 126, Suite C. Florence, Oregon 97439.5411997-5926.Fax5411997-5992 LZ/UA/Ud tziLZ ln.L C4I 4bD 6lbu r,T,AN IAl'Jl o JcanTarcReal Estate Attn: Donald Moore RE: 470 lSh Permits DearMr. Moore, Inctuded in this fax is the statement from the electrical conEactol who performed the inspection for 470 35e Street in Springfield' I should have a statement from theilumbing contractor later today. Hopefully, we can then get the p"..itpro""ts undenray. Please call me with any questions you may have Ph465-8119 Cell912-2679 Fax 465-8169 this property. Real Estate Eugenc. 1600 oak Street. Eugene, Oregon 97401 '541148+2022 'Fax 541/4'65-8169 Cresflell.l72MeltonRoad.Crcswcll,orcgon97426.54|t895.2906.Fax541/895-2801 Sprlngfeld.525HarlowRoad.Springflel4oregong,tfl,t.54ll9EE-0200.F2x541^1746.4292 Florcnce . 1870 Highway 126, Suite c . Flor"n"", oregon 97439 '541t997-5926'Fax5471997-5992 lErLANn =tttt*]l 'nt"' IAID 34,.i3?5es74e P.gL 5 Docauber2ffiS WindanoccRld Bclb KdUKollc 1600 Oat Sffi Eugma OR Yr40I Ro:470 356 i}tlcc, Spingfid4 On, JaokL Wcilmd Electiciu Contaotor #2tr2150 $upnisor#2560S +rf-1d3? I, JEEk Wdhtr4 did a viruat walL thru d,470l5o $rooq Snrineftol4 orrog?P- D@lb; l, 2005. I di*115rdtopj39t wi& M& Mls{dra lhsorrri'Cdod rhd th.fi; Z C".l addod circults i! tE nsw addltion. In so fu a* is virrrally possipO I rcc m tcasrn'mtlodc urcrt dono uas not uP !o code rcqdrcmmB at Op tlvnc of inrtallcion Vlr Far OUU December 12,2005 Joe Piscopo Joe Piscopo Plumbing ccB# 155156 159 1 Tenitorial Highway Cottage Grove, OR 97424 54r-767-0221 E(lp'r'r r:i'T-) DEU I 2 ZOOS BY:--- Windermere Real Estate Kelly Keller 1600 Oak Street Eugene, OR 97401 RE: 470 35h Street Springfield, OF.97477 I, Joe Piscopo, per recommendations by Arrtt's Plumbing, as well as my own visual inspection, have Completed the needed repairs to bring the plumbing system to today's code. As far as visually possible, the plumbing and mechanics appear to be safe, operational, and to the code requirements at the time of the installation' SincerelY' -0 f"w- /2/tL/os. l2/12/Od 18:00 FAX 541 46t 69 WINDERMERE @ oor s To: Jean Tate ReaI Estate r,AX COYERSEEET I)ate: /Z -/z - Gr Company:Far lfi trhom:r'l;z----WindermerdJean Tde Reel Estate Far: (5{1)Phone: (541) 4gHfin Rc: 770 # Peger Iaduding Covtr faproblan m recaptolftltsbazrmtwton arirq orzota//o1frtepgu aersqre{plu,recall. o ) -Pt?se fier/r,-rirulc cantdt cagfilaniZl dotnALn wltd tmy atw Dcprzwlagd, za zed or aaAorid to tu:aue/or ttc adtbase4 2ou Dray rror cap1l, ute or d:ratue it flat taw twltd tt it a-zui plarc aah*e tie ,rada irrlnczfbefu byplazc arfa azd rant *prozytty b, ,rrdl lhoz,t1ott 1600 Oak Stect Eug.ue OR 97401 (54t) 4E+2V)2 )#kruz 525lldowRoad Sprirsflel4 OR n477 (541) 98t{200 website: www.winder.nere.com (o_ II -.c_Ut _g*oLg,*E ho: 'i1u, 6s _ ,Prr ." ,r,/i{Iffp* 5. 942 6A46 @ooz P- ot tlene: Phone Work Order: {2540/ ,'i ^n i,Uat 0uantily Dcsoriplion Amounl / dlv-RECEIVED BY / ],' I ) TOTAL 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 541-726-3759 Phone -ity of Springfield Official Receipt -revelopm ent Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT#: 1200500000000001810 Date: l2ll3la00' 2:11:00pM J,'b/Journal Number coM200s-01698 coM2005-01698 coM2005-01698 c rM2005-01698 coM2005-01698 coM2005-01698 c 1M2005-01698 c JM2005-01698 coM2005-01698 coM2005-01698 coM2005-01698 coM200s-01698 coM2005-01698 coM2005-01698 Description Sanitary Sewer - Reimbursement Sanitary Sewer - Improvement SDC Sanitary/Storm Admin Building Permit Penalty Fee - BWOP Building Fixture Penalty Fee - BWOP Plumbing Vent Fan Exhaust Hoods Minimum/Adj ustment Mechanical -Mechanical Issuance Fee- Penalty Fee - BWOP Mechanical + 7%o State Surcharge + l0% Adminishative Fee Amount Due 175.49 133.49 15.45 236.10 236.10 70.00 70.00 6.00 9.00 30.00 10.00 45.00 24.58 70.22 Item Total:$1,131.43 Ptymcnts: Tipe ol'Payment Paid By CheckNumber Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Paid Check LARRYNELSON DLM 1599 In Person Payment Total: $ 1,131.43 $1,131.43 ( I I i .l r211312005 1of1 $Pnril{irral.p Jean Tate Real Estate pnat-t ll,too'" % br^eczril*l 0.-o fl,\tu^J ral\ Atl -+fir *tw ?h, f€plot-u wLq fu)l^! % edl'Y I h^"4 ry TraPr-,/-, 0tt NTttrfr WrgsAFtm') ll- 30-o( Eugene . I 600 Oak Street . Eugene, Oregon 97 401 . 541/484-2022 . Fax 541/465-8169 Creswell . 172 Melton Road . Creswell, Oregon 97426. 5411895-2906. Fax 541/895-2801 Springfield.525 Harlow Road'Springfield, Oregon 97477 .541/988-0200 .Fax54l/746-4292 Florence. 1870 Highway 126, Suite C. Florence, Oregon 97439.5411997-5926.Fax541/997-5992 Wind&mere t2/o8/o6 12:12 FAX 541 465 8169 WINDERUERE JEAN TATE [[ oor o JeanTatc Real Estate have this property. Real Estate Ph 465-81 19 Cell912-2679 Fax 465-8169 Eugene . 16fi) Oak Street . Eugene, oregon 97401 . 54L148+2022 'Fax 541/4'65-8169 cl'eswe[ . l?2 Melton Road. crcswell, oregon 97426' 541t895-2N6' Fax 541/895-2801 sprtngfielrt'525 Harlow Road . springfreld, otegon91477'541/988-0200 'Fat 541l7M'4292 norend. 1870 Highway 126, Suite l. Flot"n"", oregon 97439 '541t997-5926'Fax5411997-5992 Attn: Donald Moore RE: 470 35e Permits DearMr. Moote, Included in this fax is the statement from the electical contractot who performed the inspection fot 470 35ft Street in Springfield' I should have a statement from the plumbing contractor later today. Hopefully, we can then get the permit process underway. Please call me with any questions you may L2/06/OE 12:12 FAX 541 46s 8169 WINDERilERE JEAN TATE -o1€.-2OO3 1 1 :32 AF{ ,€ I LAND ELECTR I C I NC ' 5 Doomber2005 windamqeRlrl Bfib KcllyKollcr 1600 Oak Sffi Euggtc, OR9740l Ro: 470 ls6 lucct, Spingful4 OR. 3d Rga?4e @ ooz P.OL I, JEck Wslland, did a vinut wall thru rt,470l5t Srocq Snrinffiol4 orrog:P* Dooeo$gr l, 2005. I rlircr[rcd eo fojcot wift Ms, Mluokiro. Ths orvac stilod +h'tr tl,.*;; ZG$ro) addod ctrcrrlts iD thc nsr addltion. In so far as, is virrrally_possipo I rcc [o rcason'Orc eloctrls wolt dmo uras not up O code rcqrrircmenE at tho tlme of instaltation. \ JooL L Wcilmd Elecfiiaian Conoootor tr20-2159 Supmvisor#2560S VlrFar Onb 4rr- rc3? Bulldlng Saf ety Flrst 225 51h STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 November 22,2005 (541 )726-3753 FAX(541 )726-3676 Cynthia Missakian 4lO 35th Sffeet Springfield, OR 97478 Dear Ms. Missakian: Re: Recent building remodel at 470 35th Street We have received a visual inspection report on the subject building from Timothy Wolden, P.E., Artisan Engineering, providing information on the present condition of the structure. The puqpose of the letter was to verify, insofar as is visually possible, whether the structure is stable and adequate to meet the minimum building code structural requirements. Our office has records of permits for converting a calport to a Earage on the north side of the building in 1987, and for an additionalZ-car garage structure at the rear of the dwelling in 1993. Subsequent to those permits, we have been informed that additional improvements were added to the property in the following manner: The 2-car garage structure was apparently converted to an additional non- conforming residence without proper permits and inspections at some point in time between the 1993 garage permit and the date you purchased the property in 2003. a o We understand that the building was converted back to a single family residence, after you purchased it, by remodeling both dwellings into one. This was also done without proper permits and inspections, but removed one code violation with regard to the unauthorized second dwelling. State law requires building permits to be obtained for improvements such as noted above. However, if permits are not obtained at the time of construction, the law has provisions to assure that the work was done to minimum building code requirements. If the improvements were made within the last two years, permits must still be obtained for the work that was done. In addition, the owner must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the building official that all work was done according to the codes that were in affect at that time. Any such work that did not comply with the codes must now be corrected to comply with the present codes. The Oregon statutes that apply to improvements made more than two years ago are the 'same as the above, except that building permits are not required for the improvements that met the building codes at that time. Mr. Wolden's investigation accomplishes a considerable part of the State requirements noted above with regard to structural integrity. However, some issues still need to be addressed. They are: We understand that some areas of your home were not involved in the recent remodel. In order to determine the scope of the improvements that were made, we will need "before'1and "after" drawings of the building floor plan showing the layout before you started the remodel, and after it was completed or terminated. As an alternative, a composite drawing providing the needed information is acceptable, if it is legible. The drawings must show the location of all walls, windows and doors as well as plumbing fixtures that were added, relocated and/or deleted. Also show those that were unaltered. Please graphically differentiate between the existing, added and deleted items so they are readily distinguishable on the drawing(s). Room names (i.e. Kitchen, Bedroom, etc) must also be indicated. A drawing format of 8-712"x11" or 1 1"x17" would be preferable. Perhaps your engineer could be of some help with the drawing(s). 2. No mention was made about whether the breezeway slab has sufficient footings to support the roof and (possibly) floor loads. Additional investigation is needed here. 3. Mr. Wolden noted the presence of foundation vents in the "two areas" but is not clear whether foundation vents are located at the converted breezeway area and whether the ventilation that exists in the two areas complies with code requirements. Additional verification is needed here also. 4. No mention was made regarding roof ventilation in the converted garage or breezeway. Verification is needed. 5. It appears that an elevated floor may have been constructed in the 2-car garage area that was converted to living area. We have no evidence that the floor system complies with code requirements. I have asked Mr. Wolden to provide additional information on this part of the structure. Please verify with the engineer that the requested information is forthcoming. 6. Electrical and plumbing installations were covered without inspections. A licensed electrical contractor and licensed plumbing contractor should review the electrical and plumbing installations to determine whether they are safe and code compliant. This may require the partial removal of some finish wall and ceiling materials for verification. A report from each contractor shall be submiffed to this office for review and acceptance. 1. Required insulation in floors, ceilings and walls was not addressed. Perhaps a local insulation contractor can ini,estigate these areas and provide a report verifying code compliance for minimum comrronent insulation. Contact this office for clarification. 8. Building permits must be obtained for the remodeling work accomplished within the last two years and for any work that is required to be upgraded for code compliance. The above issues must be resolved before this offlrce can accept the investigations and reports for noted improvements. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3623. Y, Donald Construction Representative/P lans Examiner David Puent, Building Official Bob Bamhart, Building Inspector David Bowlsby, Bldg. Permit Review Technician Timothy Wolden, Engineer Mark Moore, Realtor Kelly Keller, Realtor cc