HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-10-13licce!t#.. RESIDFNTIAL.. APPLICA,}-/N /PERMIT 225 North Sth Street Springfield' 1r'egon 97477 Buildtrq Diui,sion 7 26-37 53 SPFIII\IGFIELD- h Tertaffi-i)e)2,loh Locaticn: Aacessor.a Map # Subdioision: Xstz /7za;rqA)ne" a,aAddress. Phone: DescrLbe h'ot'k: />*vzv7a 4-z4<=- zNeD 4 4rA Le (rvr4, Afr(z;d ?2zrzr. Val.ue -Qaa 62 Additicn RenoCel Date of AppL ll S re General fafnfgZp ca111l.lec I'1r-rurbing [,),ecLri-cal .,. Srrrrerv4iing Ele<'L t: ic iar.r DETIOLITIO]I OR :,:OVE: BUILDI;ICS Sanitaty se.ser eapped at g,operty Line Septic tank p'arped anl. filled uith gralsei Pi-nal - hthen abcue itens ore ectnpleted. and ahen iqnclitior: is cotnplete or st,i^r- ture noued and. prenises cleaneC up. e Hcnes Blocktng and Set-up Plunbing connectione -- saie! and uaier Electriccl Ccmnection - Blocking, set-ut and plunbi.ng connections m;st be apprcr;eC beforc requestlng electrteal inspeclio:: Accessory Building Final - After pct'ches, sk:lrting, decks, etc. an,e eompleted. be rn,;zde place, It ie the responaibilitg of the permit hoder to see that aLL inslesSl,,rt are nade at lhe proper tine, that eaeh addtees is readaL.--e .inon the street, dnd that the per'mit catd ie Located at Lhe fnont of Llie propet,ty,lBuilding Diuiciot appro'"-e<l plan shcll remain on tha Building Jit; at aLL tines. IIROC\DUPE FOR INSPECTMI 389!E!!.'CALL726-3769(tecordet,) state yout Citty Cesignated job nw;ber, job aCiress, type of inspec'-ioi eadyforinspection,Cotttlaetcrso,ia,,,o,"",o.eLndpho7enunbcr.-Pequestsreceit:"edbefcre.7:0Cc.i'tiLL be made the sane dcy, "equests nade after ?:00 on uiLL be nade the ncrt totkinE day. rour citu Desiqr.ated. Job Nunbcr r", #.'2AB SI?E INSPECTION: To be made after er"at a;lon, TG pr.iot tc set up of fotms. UNDEROLAB PLUWIJIG, ELECIRICAL & MEIH|\|ICAL: ?o be made before anyffit-ii-iooet ed. I N S I,I I,AT I ON / V APO R B A R R I I: R I I1 {: P!] C T I O N : To be nade after aLL insul.zt.icn a:d rcquired uapor bawiers arle in place but before any Lath, gllpsun bcat'C or unLL coueting is appLied, and before ary insulation is concealed. tr LtO)TING & FOUNDATICN: To be;frer-r;enctrs at e "rcattatedforns ate erected, but prior pouring ecncrete. li !! E!!?,Q.uLD P L\ND r ! G, E!!r E 8. DnYilALt, INSPECII)N:'IcifliidnZfiuaT-ts t" but ptiot, to cny taping tmCe and. to WTE\'I ABAI!$QL: To be nade prior to fil-TQiiinchee. FINAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECHANICAI, ETNAL ELECTRICAL M|SQIRI: Steel Loeation, bond 66&ijgrouting or oet ticals in accotdance dth U,B.C, Section 2415, WOODSTOT/E: After installatir>n is ccmpleted. CURB & APPRCACII AP:'ON: After forms are erecteC but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEIIALK & DRfYEHAY: Eor aLL con- crete patsirq DL thin street right- of-tx!!, to be made after aLL e:rca- oatinq canplete & fotn tnrk & cub- base material in place. l--1 utoenrLooR pLtJr'lBrNG & MEIHANT:AL:tlof floor insulation or decking. ?9E! 4!P .E4U: To be nade prior to TistaTTailon o; floor insul,ation or decking. ROUGII +bgHbTITS, ET,ECAR ICA L1HIE€II-4*[4&: No uork i.s to bc couet,eduntll these inspeetions hatte been made and approtted.. FIPEPLACE: Prior to placirq fceingmaterials and before frontng inspee- tion. U[!!!l!S: ttust be requeated after appz,oval of rough plwrbing, electri-cal & mechanieal. AIL roofing bracing & ehinmeys, etc. tntst be eottplel;ed. Ito ttcrk is to be con- cecled until this inspection lws been made anC approued, ALL project conditions, such aa Llp i.nstallation of sl:reet trees, eonpletion of the required LanC.sccping, etc,, rntst be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested- FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building fnspectiott rmtet be requested after the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Meclanical fnspections laue been nade ard approuzC. *AI,L I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS ilUST BE ACCESSTBT.E, AD,IUSTIIE\II TO BE |.T1DE.4T IIO ('ST TO CI?Y Y Y PeQe : o! :i Date: f] ftructt hrhen conplete -- ProuiCe L) aAA or nooable sectians through P, U.E.tr b 2 LCT ?WE _ Interior. _ Cormer _ Panhandle Cul-de-sac SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-* pe Access JOB NO P. L.Ilouse L-CO Sout eiE - Bedt"ooms Lot Faces - t st Lace toDe Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Caserage I of Stortes Total Height Topography -- I'ees -- Building Volue & Permit This permit is gnanted on the erpr.ess condition that the said-consttaction slntl', in atl r"espects, conformio the ordi-nance adop.ted tiy the city o.f Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance' r'egulating the ccnstmtcttcn anrl uZ-e of buildings,- and nay be suspended ot, retsokeC at cny tine upon uic- Lat'ion of any prcuisions of said Ot:dinances. SQ, FTC Value TOTAL VALUT Date Paid: Signed: t'i F:ttt X 6A 2{f2 S.D.C. L.5 x Fee: ? /7. PzaBuilding Penrrit Total Clwrges State Plumbing Permit No pereon slwll constract, instal!.,, alter o? etnnge -cng neut-cr existing phinAhg or drainage systen in uhole o, in part, unless such penson is the i"gal plosses"on of o u-olid pl*rbnr"s Lic-ens_e, eecept that a-pe"son nay 1o. pti.,^Al.:ng uork to p,operty ihi.h ls oaned, Leased on opeyated by the appli- cant. I LL CHARCENO t ITEM Fictt*es Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Pl'atnbing Pemit State Swcharge TotaL Electricol Permit h4et,e state [,aD requires t?nt the electrical uotk be done by _an Electrieal Contf,actor, the el)ctuical portion of this pennit slnll not be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the Electt'ical contractor" po6.. ful WoF4 Qrn ra ra,v, €2 t */r' 7/tu'Z- rpffir*17 CHARGT 4> € ,€ Neu/Ecterd Circuits Setntice ?-2,State Total cltAttcL Eshaust Hood t!!a t Mechonicol Permit':iM F\ttnace Vent FTt llcodstotle Pennit Issuanee Meclnnicel Permtt -- ENCROACHI'IENT .- gecuritu Depoait Storaqe Maintenanoe Penrtt Casbcut Sida,talk Fenee .zaElectrical labe Mobile llone AI. L3 \ t. t I HAVE CAREFULLy DXAMINED the completed appltcation fo,r perniT, and do i""l.ba cettify that aLL information het,eoi- ie ttae and corT eet" aru| f fut,th"ey certi"yy that any ard aLL uotk perfonned ehall be dote in accot'- 'dance vith th-e- OrdinancLs of the City of -Sprtngfield, and th-e La:,:s of the State of 0negcn pertaining to the wik Ceecribcd herein, end tlwt N0 OCCU- pl.Ncy ttitl bZ ,,a\e of any" structune uithout permissi.-on of the Bui.lding Dt- rsision. f fw,thezn eertifg that only contlactor', and enplcyeea Dho are Ln conpliance uith oRS 701.055 uiLL be ueed on thia proiect IotaL E-9? ,IO'I'AL AMOUNT DIIE: \/36,e3 Date l,lcL ct, State Sut'eharqe Oa*nl fhatnas 7-?s-#ffi