HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-08-22Receipt ! 4oqslr/ Date: rt ie the reaponaibility oi tle permit holdet to aee that alt inopec-tions ate made at the propet' tine, that ecch addteae is t'eadable frorn the at?eet, and that the penmt catd ie located at -!h-e fron_t of the-propet'ty.iouilding Nuiciot approxed plbn slnll remain on the Building Sitt at aLL tines. piOCgDUpE FOR INSpEq:!9N_8!g@!!-rCaU 726-3769(reeottler) state yout, City Cesigna-ted iob nun':bet', iob aCCtees, type-of inspecli^cn nidg7oninspection,Contf,aator,s,ioumn,"-,,c,ne-andptonenumbel,,Requestsrecei"*edbefcne7:00cl t.iil be nade the sine dcy, requests-made aftet, ?:00 on uvtll be maCe the nest wrking day,^ You, City Desigra.ted. Job llwnbez' ,r, K1 D-?b? I T SITE INSPEC'IION: To be nade after escantation, but pt'ior tc set up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC. ELECTRICAL & MECHANfCAL: ?o be nnde before any GiF li-iooet ed. FOOTING & FOUNDATICN: lo be naCe aftet trencltes are ercauated anl forms ate erected, but pt'iot' to pouring ccncrete. r. T; m"A;ZF." an-lnsitit'Lcn atld. tequired uapor barrier's are in pl.aee bui befione any Lath' gApsun boarC ot' tnLL couering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. INSULAT r)N / vAPoR BARttllR !!E!!!!!pN : DRY\IALL INSPECII)N: Tc be nade afte"iT&'auall is in place' but prior to cnA taPing. MASONllf : :iLeel ktcation, borul SZffilgrouting or uerticals in accordance uith A,B,C. Section 2415 . woODS't'ov [;: ccmpT;m. After instulltttion tt IJNDERGROUIID PLI)M?TNC, S!W[,:R, H,ITER, DRAI\IACE: To be nale Prion to fil- Lir4 trenchee. UNDERFLOOR I'LI]I.IBINC & I|ECIIANICAL:of floor insulction or decking. P1ST AND BEAM: To be nade Priol' to TiiliTTit-lon of floor insul<ttion or decking, ROUCH PT,U!|BIIIC, ELEETRICAL & MECH- CURB & APPR!4Q!!LZ39N: After forns ale er.e.teC b;t n4or to pouning eoncrete. SIDEWALK & DRII|EI,IAI: Fot aLL con- crete paofr ,;itifr street right- of-tey, to be made after aLL exca' oating cotnplete & forrn utork & sub- base material in Place. McoieredffiiTth."e inspeetiotls haue been nade and approued. PIP.EPLACE: Ptiot' to placirq facingmaterials ard before froning inspee- tion. !!A\'!!NC: l,tust be requested aftet appz,orsal of rough plwnbing, eleetri- cal & nechanical. ALL noofittg bnaeing & chitrmeys, etc. mast be eonpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- cealed until this inspection las been nnde anC appnoued. Lthen conpl.ete -- ProuiCe on mouable sections through lENCE: gates P,U.E FTilAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAT, FINAL ELECTRICAL o ALL pro;je:ab aondit.ions, such a:, Lle.i.nstallation oJ'slt,eet trees, conzlcLion_of bhe n"qrirnd. Larulsccp.ing, atc,, mtst be satisfied befote the BUILDINC FINAL ean be requeste<l. FINAL BUI1,DINC: 'Iltr ['in,tl Duildtng Inapteation nuet be requested aftet'the linal Plwnbing Elecbrical, awl Meahrnic,tl Inspections h*[e been made and approoeC. APPLICATIO. 225 North ith Stv'eet SprLngfield' )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 .. RESIDENTIAL..SPIIINGFIELD PETII4I'J' "rob Locaticn: ?c..stotr c/t-tDOAasesaore Map f subdivision: A^men:d-D 5 I 41PhonernAddress zipCtty Descrtbe L'onk: Additicn f1 **o, Value ?oo'DJ> {uL'b fr-a ?- EqDate of App Lieaticn W,N' eont rac tors General Llechanical Pl unbin ectr11 a Srrpervr'si Efec t r clan BUILDIi]CSOR Sanilaty saser capped et Pt'oPert! Lir:e Septic tutk purped and fi.Lled uith gravel Final - I{hen abcue itens are ccrnp-l.eted and uhen Cenolition is conplete o" stvu)- ture noued and premises cleaneC up. Hcnes Blocking and Set-up Plunbing connections -- leile? ad uater Electrical Connection - Blocking, aet-ue and plwnbing conneetions mtst be apprc"^ed beforc requeating electrLcal inspeclion Aceesso?,i Building pcrches, skirting, decks, leted. Final - After etc. are comp Pege 1 of 2*AI , MANIICT,ES AND CI.EANOU'I:.- Iil,.T RE ACCNSSIBLE, AD.IUSTIIE\'IT TO 8E I,IADE !.T NO T'-IST TO CIYY -- 4l ', tr SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-G*JOB NO.L-CO Bedroome: Ileat Aceess toxe t P, L,House Lot Faces - % of Lot Cooerage_ # of Stortee LOT TYPE _ Interiot _ Corner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac I-ot Sq. Ftg. Total Height Topography Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the express cortd-i,tion tlnt the said construction slnll, i-n azl respecti,- ioi,lZi'to the ordtnance adop.ted 6iy the lity o.f ip)f."gyi.ula, incl)uding- the Zoning Crdinane-e, regulati-ng the ccnstntction ,ira "'i"" of 'build1.ngs, and may be suapended or reuokeC at cny time upon oic- tation of any prcoisions of said 1ndinances. -- Fees -- TOTAL VALUE Building Perwlt ?otal Charges FTG State s.D,c. 7.5 c ITEM Itlain Signed Reeeipt l: Date Paid: PLan Plumbing Permit No oersott slall aonstruct, ina*all, alter or clange Gn! neD cr existing ililhg o? drainaqe systaz in ultale or in port, unless such person is the iegal p"osees"o, o7'o uLlid pl*rbnr's Lic-ens,b, .icept that a pe"san nag 1o ptio,rtlig uork to property ihioh i" o,tned, Leased or opetated by the appli- eant. CHARGENO.ILLITEM Fieturea Ilesidentinl (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbing Pernit State Electricql Permit l,lhere state Lan requires tlwt the electtical uork be done by _an Electrical contrd.ctol,, the electrtcal portion of this pernit slnll not be talic until the Label has been aigned by the Electrical Contraetor" Total Na,t/Efiend Circuits Settsice FEE CIIARCEI?gM Mechqnicol Permit bhanet HooC Vcodstooe Vent Fot PermLt fssuanee lleclnnical Permit I I|AW CAREFULLy SXANINED the completed appltcation fo_t' permit, and, do i"inty iirtifg that aLL infotnnti'on heteoi ie trae ard eorrect, anC f iurtier cert|iy that ang a7.d aLL uonk perforned e.hal-L be do.ne in aecor- "dorce-r,rtth th'e"OtdinancLs of the Ctty of Sprtngfield, and the lcae of the * State of 7regon pertaining to the wik Cescrtbed herein, and tlnt N0 )CCU- pANCy tLtL bZ nnCe of any strueture uitlout permieaion of the Building DL- ttision, I further .:*tlig that onlg eontractor| and _enplogees uho are in cr,tpLiance -uitt, ons 701.055 oiLL be ueed on thia project uatePLatT Ei.@nlner Pennit Mobile Hane TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * TotaL DD t t A,DD -. ENCROACHMENT -- Cttrbcut Sideualk A Ilatat, Total Clnroes Pas^ Sa- fta- State Sweharae ?otal Charaan