HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-12-09.. RESIDE . rIA[.. z2s North stlt streeAPPLrcArr,N/PERIlrrSpringfield, 2regon TZ4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26- 37 s3 ?ceeict a SPFINGFTEL.D Job Loedticn: Aesessot's Map #r70 3 svbdiuiston: Asner: Addtess: Ci Additicn RenoCeL 4*U-orc s IH Phone: Describe htopk: t[ t ot17' , ,,kuw o" ) ,,ourrn ,o^"#tu ec gL)Signed: Oor",Date of Applicaticn.lz-q -VaLue -ontractots General ELectricaL Constmtctioa Lend.er ' responsibility of tte perwit hozdet to see that-al! inspeetions ee nade at the proper tim., t1at sg.sft -,lir2ss ,[.s ysa;^;isat?eet,. and, titat the-pentrtt eaz<i ia Loeated at the fzoni of the orooerat-D-ulci-oz appro"*ed plan shcrl vemain on the Build:,nb sitc'at "it'h.kii."''!!:ED!t:9Fo4 lISPEc?roIt RIW;CALL 726-3769(teeov'der) state you? city designated. job ru.oi;ber, job a,ri-ess, type af insoee--i.cn'equesxed ar'a ai':en uou uiLL be ready fot'inspection, cont?dctct" ov, ounez,s ncne Lnd. p}one rutnbet,. p.equests receixed befcre 7:0g a'iLZ be nwde the sd'te dcg' ,"qun"ii"rlod.n iitu zroo- -, viLL be mad.e the nect aotking d.ag.. 8oo g7o it ia th6 'ron tl,e,euiairg l ?o be xyenchee. QTqu TNCDlafrfnr1. I ezeauaticn, but - fotns. - t:t!!2€RS.L_A3 pLUrBr;tG. ELE:T?rCAL 8, ) iECtls::,rCAL: ?o- be iadeieiore cny tio?R La coue?ed. -l PC-nTING 4 F\UNDATICN: ?o be naCeI alter tyencnes are es.cauated and forms ote et,ected, but prior topourLng ccncret.. Iou? City Desigr,ated Job Nutnber fs: ?o be a insulaticn To be nade after p?io? tc set up of required tcpor boriers @e i.n pl.a.cebut before otA 14th, Wpsum bcayC ortnLL couering is appli.ed, and. beforeoty irnulation is concealed. DRYWALL LNSPXC?!)N: lc be madeafter aLL cz,yuall is .tn place, but prior to cng topirq. ILAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or uerticcls in aceord.orce dth U.B.C. Section 2415.2,?WO)DST)'/E:'After installation is ccnpLeted. -l uloFnrtoqa prumruc a uee:tmrcat, -J To De mao.e priot to insxallation of floor insu1,ation or decking. 1 posr AilD EEA\: ?o be nade otiot to ) ffi;milcn of floor insulZtior, ot deckirq. LOUAL]]:A:31::G, ILECTP:CA: & \{ECH- AIiICAL: uo uoik is-to-ii-coiereZ-w:tiL these irupeetions haue been mad.e arui aporoued.. FIPEPLICE: Pm)or to plccirq faeingma.terials and befot,e franing inspeb-tion. to F l l CURB & APPR1ACH APPON: After fozmsue erecteC but prior to poutittg conet ete. STDEWALK & DRf,,rEWAy: Pot, all eon- crete patting uithin stteet right- of-txy, to be naCe aftez, aLL etca- oating eanplete & forn wtk & sub- base nntertal in pl,ace. ?ENCE: h4ten conplete -- PtouiCe gates o? motsable sectians through P.U.E. ALL g,oject eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, ccn.oletion of tie required Landsccpirg, atc., nast be satisfied before the BUfLDII\G FIIIAL can be requested- FINAL BUILDTNG: The Final Bui.Lding Inspection mtst be reouested cfter the linal PlunbirqElectrieal, anC Mechar.ical fnspections haue been nade arui approoeC- 1 fna:lnC: ilust be requested after ) app"ou"t of rougit plunbing, electti-cal & mec?wnical. ALL roofing braeing E chinmeys, etc. rrust be . conpleted. llo ucrk is to be con-. cecled unttl this insoection lns'been made anC aporoue1. l l l l FNIAL PLUI.BIIIG FIIIAL IIECHA\IICAL FIIIAL EL':-..:CAL nQ t.ntE- Sanitarg seser eapped ct ptopetQ Litce Septic totk p-.z;ped atd fi,Ll.ed wlth gratei Final - hrlten abcoe -Ltens are ecncletei and uhen ienclttion is eomolete bo "t rr-ture moued otd. pt,atrLses clZanei up. llobile Hcnes Bloeking otd. Set-up I PT.unbing eonnections -- s.trte? otC uater Electtiecl Ccttnection - Bloeking, se!-uc ard plznnbing connections m:st be apptctbi befote reouesting eleelrtcal inspecliol Accessory BuilCing skirting, decks,pct,ckes,Pi.ral - After etc. ate conp, Page 7 af 2 /e 7H Tct Iot #o s ,ALL I4AIII]CLES AND CLEANOUTS IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!'E:II ?O BE I,'ADE r'.T EO CSST TO CNY L-co G*SOLAR AC'-SS REQ.-JOB NO /Corst Be:tcons: ?cme Lot Sq. FtE. a cf Lct Ccuerage ! of Stortes Total Height Topogrqhy Intericr Corne? PanhandLe CuL-de-sac Building Vcrlue & Permit This perrrtt is granted on the etpress con'di.tion tLD-t the. said-construetion sh,ell', in all rZspects, eonform'to the ordinance adooted 2U tf-'e Citil of ip"i"bfl.."ti, inctu6tng- the 2oning crd':'nanc-e, requlctittg the ccnstr-tct'icn ird u""'" of Luildings, and may be suspended or reuokei at cny t.'me upon oic- Lation of cnA prcoisions of said Ordinances' TOTAL VALU! (uc cinl<- Eu1- Laand .?",T1?,LX ?otcl Ciurges iesiienti.a.L (1 bcth) Set'er Stcte Sutci^stge ?ctcL D-+- D-:S t# 1"'il Piumbing Pernrit No pe?son sLnll eonsttttet, instaLl, a-:.ter or einnue cnA ne: cr e:zcli'': plunbing or drainage syste-n in uhole or in part, unless sucn pet'son is xhc iegol pZs"esro, o7"o r:-olid plr-ber"s License, erce,t ti?at e -Pe?sort na! co ptinblig uork to p"ope?ty uhich is otmeC, Leased ot' ooeratei by the a=pli- cant. ieax We st DI il ouse Lot Faces - VaLuex PLan Eleciricol Permit Were State Lan requires tl".at the electrieal uork be done by an Electricai- Cont?aeto?, the electrlcal porxion of this permit sitc.Ll nox be uclii ur-;;-L the Label iws been signeC by the ElectricaL Contrastor.Ser.tice !otal Z Permit '?z:4 :tta.rst HooC 'ent Fol 'codsto'se llnt e711r.e f :nrtt :CeuaZk ,n3a -ee .-bile Hctne Perrtt Issuanee M e el,rtr,i c c7- P ertni t -- i,)JL^i)Al,nl.l:-. 1 -- l\{echqnicql Perrnit a U Plant Econiner uate f HAW CAREFULLy XXAHINED t?te cornpleted aopltcatiotz for pernit, cnd do hereby certify that aLL itifo:nation heneon is true anC. ectrect, cnC f funther certift- that ang ard aLL uork perfotned siull be d.one in aecon- dance tlth the ordinences of tlte Cit! of Sptingfield, and the Lc;s of the State of o?egcn pcrtainina to the uork Cese?ibcd hcrein, enC :iu.t NO OCCU- P/^NCY t^till be nade of any st?uctu"e uithout permissiot of the 3u--lding Di-uision. f further certify that only eontractors ci;d enplcyees uho are in eonpliance uath 2RS 701.055 tdi.7.'|. b? ,r.,^4 .|1 this project /L-?-tr6 ( ri,U:iFn-L l{. 00 . tro /5. 6b r^L tu':JU..- -/5. ao Signe<i Date