HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1977-08-11CIltrY O}- SPH,I}.TGFIEIJD sPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 August 11, 1977 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS tu V.TTfiz?.\ 7!6 3ic; Edward Cook 39472 Walterville Lane Wal tervil 1e, Oregon 97489 SUBJECT: 364 N. 35th Street, Hous'ing Inspection Dear Mr. Cook At your request the Building D'iv'ision of the City of Springfield made a housing "inspection, on August 9, 1977 at the house located at 364 N. 35th Street. The following jtems shall be repaired or replaced to conform with the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield: 1. Electric cables under the house shall be secured to the joist. 2. Al 1 wi ndows shal I open f ree'ly. 3. Provide 1/150 free ventilation of the square footage'in the attic. 4. Provided a 22" x 30" attic access. 5. Display house numbers 0btain all necessary permits before work starts and all work shall be accompf ished accord'ing to applicable codes and inspected before aCertificate of Compliance will be issued. For further information call the Springfield Bujlding D'ivjsion at 726-3753. Si nce ly, Dan Smith Building D'ivis'ion DS/l t 346 MAIN STREET CIIY OF SPiIINGTIEI,D. ONqGON ,i Bulldlng DeParEmenc CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Tlale cerElfle6 that the bulldlng and propercy.locaued aE 364 South 35th Street has been lnepected and fou of Sprlngfteld, Orogon. co comply lrlah che ordlnanceg of the CltY ' Edr,iard CookOwaere Name 39472 Walterville LsnrAddresa SpringfieldCicy Items of opeclal coneiderac,lon are 7^/g-- Date lding Inspecto.r '' ( CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON PubIic Works BUILDING DEPARTMENT PW-1I Inspectorrs Ivlbmo 7HJOB ADDR.ESS E TO E cl (-o K L, .o INSPECTOR /.,-/), H-,%o^Phone 747-4221 7-/ t cr:tY oF SPRINGFTELD, OREGON , Pub I ic tJorks I S { Inspectorrs l"tbmo fr !- BUILDING DEPARTMENT PI^I- 1f V-/ z2 TO NOTE F" [a4L Phone 747 - 4'ZZL lNSPECTOR 4.* , ,l-/4 ,/. OCCUPANCY INSPET]TION APPL EXISTING BUILDINGS ( ICA'-JN BUILDING DEPARTMENTCITY OF SPRINGFIELD Date:2 Job Address:4 Owner: Applicant: For Access to Property - Telephone: Remarks: No. of Units:I Address: Address:47L A $20 inspection fee is required at the time of application. TTIIS APPIICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE OWNER OF ERTY TO BE INSPECTED. SI URE ER OWNER FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspection:Date of CofC: Receipt No.:Date of Report: 3#