HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-06-07\ " RESIDf^'lTlAL" 22 s North sttr s;treeaPPLrcArr,N /PERlffr Spr'ingfield, )regon 7Z4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFINGFTELD 0rc_ ll\ I Constmetion Lend.et 26-3769 (z,ecorder) state gour City designated job ntmber,inspection,Conty,aetaz,s ot, Atners tc,ne cnd plnne ntunber.after 7:00 an ttill be made the neot ,eotking day Iour City Dasignated Job Number fs: r-t is the teepons:ibi-LilU of -tte penrit ltol.d* to aee tlnt alt inspeetions ate nade at the prope? time, that eaeh addtese is reaC.hiefran the at?eet' and tltat the petmt.t catd is Located at the frcni of the orooettu-*Building Ditticion approxed pl-ot shalL remain on the Building sltc'at "lt'tlki"."PROCEDUPE FOR TNSPECTIOIY RESWST..CALL 7 tequested and ahen gou uiLL be ready fort"iLL be made the eane dcy, requests- made job aCdz,ess, type Requests receixed of inspee=icn befcre 7:00 an &?o lraRernti-nei # Tr'IJob Locaticn:!10azl{>oaAesessora Map #Ic,s Lot # Subdioision: Phone: A,met: Address: o6a Uci Desct"i,be htoz,k: =trr LI NeD a-VaLue ?a5.flDate of App Licaticn Addition RenoCel GeneraL Pltntbi.ng Pege 1 of 2 SI?E INSPEC?ION:?o be nade after pt ior tc set up ofezcatlation, but forme. FTUAL PLUWING FINAL MECHANTCAL EINAL ELECTRICAL al TNSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER II\SPECTION : To be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn ayd. required oapon burie?s @e in p'la.ee but befot,e otg Lath, Wpsun baarC or tnLL cottering is applied, and before ang insulation is concealed. DEI,NLTTIO]] OR lnWD BUILDI\ICS Scnitatg seuer capped at properQi Lire Septic tank putqed and filled utth gta;:el ?inal - I{hen abcoe itens are ecrrcLeted and uhen Canolition is eonq;Lete'or sttue- tuz,e notsed and. pter,rLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd. Sat-up Plwnbing eonnectians -- sar)er and. uater ANDERSLAB PLUI,IBING, ELECTRIC,IL & MECH{\IICAL: To be made before ang uork is cooered. FOO?IN1 & F)ANDATICN: Io be nnCe @ e"Mfr;-a";eecau at ed and fonns ote erected, but prioz, to pou?Lng ccncrete. UNDIRGPOAIID PLLIMEING, SEWEP,, W,|TER, DRAIilAGE: To be made prior to fil- @-i-tenchee, ANDERELOOR PLUI'BING & MECI]ANICAL : oy floor inaul,ation or decking. P1Sf AND BEAM: ?o be nade priot, toffilffiGTof ftoor insulZtion or deckittg. R0UGH PLUIIBIII}. ELECTRTCAL & ITECH- ANICAL: No uotk is to be coueredwttil these inspections hatte been ma.de and approueC. FIPEPTAC!: PrLot to placirq faeingmatet"tals and befot,e franing inapee- tion. EBAI.IING: l.tust be requested after appz,ooal of rough plutxbing, electyi-cal & nechanical. ALL roofing btacing E chitnnegs, etc. rrust be . atnpleted. llo uork is to be con- " eealed until this i,nspectton lns'been mad.e anC approtted. DRYWALL INSPECIf)N: Ic be made -. aJ'tet, aLL dz,yualL is in pl.ace, but ptior to cng taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or oerticals in accordarce dth U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOI,/E: entpTetA. After installation is crete paoing dthin street right- ef<xA, to be mad.e after aLL e*ca- oating eanplete & for+n uork & sub- base material in plaee. CURB & APPROACH APPON: After fortnsee erecteC but prior to pourLng conc?ete. SfDEWALK & DRIIEWAI: For aLL con- ET.ectrtcal Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-uo. and plwnbing connections rnist be apprct:ed before requesting eleetrtcal inspectio;t Aecessory BuilCrng Pinal - After pctehes, skirting, decks, ete. oe cornpleted. ?ENCE: When conplete -- Prooide gates or morsable sect'tons thtough P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, cot:pletion of the requined Landscaping, ete., tmtst be satisfied before the BAfLDfNG FfNAL can be requested. EINAL BUfLDING: The Final Building Inspeetion mtst be requested aftet, the Final PlumbingElectnical, and. Mec?nnical fnspections haue been made ard approoeC. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEIII TO BE I,L4DE 1.T NO CCST TO CITY @ Date: I tr l1 ,ouorn ro n SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d Bed.xooms: -- Fees -- Reeeipt #: PLan Ecanane?uate f ilAW CARE|ULLy EXAILINED t?e eotnpleted application for pennit, and do herebg certify tTnt aLL information hereon is true and. eotreet, and. f furtker certify that any ard aLL uork perfozned slnll be done in accor- dance wLth the )rdinanees of the City of Springfield, and. the Lat;s of the State of Or,egon pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, end. tlnt N0 oCcU- PANCY utLL be nade of anA st"ucture uithout permission of the Building N- oision. I further certif'g that o:tly conttaetors ed anployees uho are in eonpliance uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proiect /b' * JOB NO. Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the etp?ess condition tlut the said-constmtction slwll, in all respeets, eonforrn to the Crdinance adopted by the City of Spnirqfield, ine?-ud.ing the Zonin4 Cvdinance, r'egulating the ccnstructicn and use of buildings, otd may be suspended or reuokeC at cnu time upon oic- lntion of anA prc'oisione of said Otditwnces, Access. Value TOTAL VALUE Sourees ks I JU x I'bin * *Signed: L, S.D.C. 7.5 o Lot Faees - fr>s Building PermLt ?otal Clwrges State PLan Check Fee: Date Paid Topography LCT TWE _ Intericr _ Corner _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooaage_ # of StorLes Total Height Plumbing Permit No person stnll construct, install, alter ot cttan4e arLA neu cr existing plwnbing or d.tainage sAstalt in ulole or in patt, unless sueh person ts the Legal possessor of a oalid plumbet's License, escept tlwt a person may do pltnbing uork to ptope"ty uhich is ottued, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. N0. Sari Seuer Fizhttes Resiletttia.L (1 bath) Electricol Permit ' Vhere State La req'uires that the electrieal uork be done by an Elecfu*Leal Contz,aetor, the electrical portton of this permit slnll not be ,tali.C until the Label lns been signed by the Eleettical Contractot'. I * Neu/Eotend Cincuits Setoiee State Iotal tqT * Mechqnicql Permit bltanat HooC I{codstooe Yent Fot PermLt fssucrtee Meclnnicel Pertdt -- ENCROACEMENT -. Secarttu Deposit t!g""9. Maintenance PenrLt Cvrbcut SideuaLk Penee Eleett ical ta.bel Mobile llorne TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:* Date TTEM FEE Water Plutnbing Penrlt State Sut'ch,arge Total Clwrqes I CHARCE . *, lolloiving prcject IZj FIffE SIR,EE, ,;tins, dnd cties"iii 1 Permits are non-transferabLe and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. COT{IRACf,OR INSTALI,A ONLY Electrical Contracto Address cit Phone Supervisor L se Ndmber SPRIilGIIELD, 0NBcoN 97477 INSPBCTI0N REQUESTz 726-37 0PPICE: 726-3759 :\,r:; Ci ty Phone OVNER INST ALI,ATION sr,r t ,N(-;F'l:LC} es submidedhas lhe fallcwing q! roquke specific land PER}TIT City Job Number 3. COHPIJTE FEB SCMDULE BELOIJ A. Nev Residential-Single or HuIti-FamiIy per dwelling unit. Service Included: Items Cost -:...;,'i:t..:i.: Sum UfNHfl sq.ft. or less additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereo f Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder B. Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Reloeat ion: $ Bs.oo $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 $ s0.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 ess 00 amps 00 amps A i)0 1 200 amps or I 201 amps to 4 401 amps to 6 601 amps to 1000 amps- 0ver 1000 amps/volts.\ q$- Exp iration Date Constr Contr. Number Exp iration Date s of Supervising Electrician 0wners Name Address c D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circui t $ 35.00 Each Addi tional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit - $ 2.00 E Hiscellaneotts (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Ptrmp or irrigation Sign/OutIine Lighting- Limi ted EnergY/Res - Limited EnergY/Comm STIBTOTAL OF ABOVB 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL Temporary Services or Feeders Insiallation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less $ 40'00 over 4b1 to 6oo amps - $ 8o'oo Over 600 amps or 1000 volts see I'Brr above t-i ,L The instal]ation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent' Ovners Signature: $ 40.00 $ 40.00 s 20.00 s 36.00 5 DATE: RECEIPT RECEIVED City of Springfield Office of Community & Economic Development Planning & Development Department 225 North Sth Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 DATE: LOCATION: SPECIFIC VIOLATION: July 30, 1987 Section 32.070 of the Arborvitae shrubs are vision clearance tria 35th and Oregon Streets. In order to provide for clear vision at intersecting streets, a clear triangular area must be maintained. The'1egs' of the triangle shall be 25 feet long mea- sured fiom the intersection of the property line:. No phys'ica1 obstruction or screen, other than an existing sign pole or street tree, is permitted within this tri- anlu1ar area between 2% and 8 feet above the established height of the curb. Please refer to the attached Diagram 32-8. Sori nqf ield DeveloPm-ejr.t Code obstr-ucting the trafflc ngle at the corner of South REQUIRED CORRECTION: DEADLINE FOR COMPLIANCE:Fifteen(15)daysfromthedateofthisletteror August 14, 1987. INSPECTOR:Dave Brown #46 Dave Brown Transportation D'ivi sion cc SPRINGFIELED CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development JuIy 30, 1987 CffiTIFIED LETTM, Res i dent 293 South 35th Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Dear Resident: The property listed on the attached form is in violation of a Springfield 9itv_Code and/or Ordinance. Rather than lssuing a citatlon or tar.ing irrmediatelega1 action, it is the City's standard practice to inform citizens of theviolation and request that it be corrected within a reasonable tine. The attached forn: q:eclfies the vj-olation, the corrections necessary j-n orderto conply trith the applicable Code/Ordi-nance and the date by which yourcorrective action nmst be conpleted. fn the event that you have not taken corrective action by the assigned timedeadline, the matter will be referred to the City Attorney's.Office for furtheraction. Thark you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions regardingthis letter, the violation or the required correction, ptease contact the Spring-field Planning and Development Departnrent (726-3253). Sincerely, ?lu^t*,-rJ ackie Murdoch Associate Pl anner JM/cc cc Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney #45 225 North 5th street o Springfield, oregon97477 o s03/726-37s3 SPFlINGFIELE, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department May 13,1988 Charles Ellis Rea'lty 846 North A Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Subject: Assessor's Map 17-02-31-42 Tax Lot 06001 293 Soutn 35th Street Attention: Janet, The property at 293 South 35th Street is zoned Low Density Residential. TheSpringfield Developrnent Code permits detached single family dwellings or duplexes as residential uses in the SDC. This lot does not meet the minimum requirement of Springfield Development Code (SDC) Section 16.030(3)(d) to beeligible for a dupiex. The SDC definftion of a detached single fami'ly dwelling is: a dwelling which is designed or used exclusively for the occupancy of one fami'ly which is not attached to any other dwelling and is surrounded by open space and yards. The SDC definition of a family is: (1) Two or more persons related by b'lood, 1ega1 adoption, guardianship or marriage living together, or; (Z) A group ofnot more than 5 persons who need not be re1ated (as above) living together in a dwelling unit. fhe Lane County Assessor's records state that a residence was constructed onthis property in i948. The property was annexed to the City in 1960. The Citydoes not have the original permit applications for this structure as it was constructed prior to annexation. Copies of the records I located on fi'le inthe building div'ision are building records on file for this property are attached for your information. If you have addftional questions about detached sing'le family dwellings you can.contact the P1anning and Development Department at 726-3759. Cordf a1 1y, UfiilY\ a L. Hannon Development Permit Coordinator copy to: Gregory S. l4ott, Development Code Administrator Address Reader Chrono 225 Fifth Street o Springfield, OR 97477 a 5031726-37 53 l 293 South 35th Street AOORESS OF.JOB CITY OF SPRINGFIELD OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - BUILDING OIVISION oATE PERMIT NO. 9-14-77 10958 BP $r+oz. so L0-t+-77 11053 BP 500.00 ADO R ESS TRACT III FIRE ZONE INSPECTIONS t{ADE: TYPE OATE lJnn d S ok 9-2go-77 Wood Stove ok 10-10-7 VALUE $15Jr0 5.0cEdwi n C. CONTRACiOR LO T BLOCK TAX LOT JrE6!E R-1 V.NBLOG. TYPE DS DS Pool Cover C6-N rRA- aOORESS REFERENCE I I VALUE --293-South 35th Streeg- -:-t,i =j:ji a,F,--= C.__L._ Ilu!,cbesorr_ Same -- i'.:; AO Owner CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - BUILOING DIVISION OAT E PERMIT.iO. ---g:gs-7.5 7479 BP 83 'r -f ORESS AOORESS AOOR E55 TRACT FEE 2-04 coNiR icioR CO\TRACTOR BLOCK -i, -ai REFERENCE BLOG. TYPE Fence, per code Fence Info Sheet Attached FIRE ZCNE INSPECTIONS MAOE TYPE OA rE Fence 0k Complet ed 9-27-7q BY M.l - SPRINGFIELD h, CITY Offrce OF SPRIN GFIELD munitY &,lopmentDeve JulY 30, 1987 LEflB SincerelY, ckie Murdoch Assoc'iate Pl anner Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney of Com JM/cc cc: #4s ?ilkri:, ::'L:l:i",, 0,, Dear Resident: The property listed on the attached f:* t?-1n-violation of a Springfield City Code uooloi'il4i,i"""-9, ,n iii.t than issu*e t-"itltioo-?:-taxing irnnediate legar action, '; ;;;'n" iitv'="=ilaoa-nlaciigS io inform citizens of the viotation *o ,.qr"st that i, d';"i[It-"d *itnit' ' reasonable tine' Theattachedfornispecifies.ttreviolation,thecorrections'necessaryinorder to conply rritfr'ifre-lppiL*Ufe CoOelOrdinance and the date by which your corrective actlon t*it u" conpleted' Intheeventthatyou!?Y..1o|takencorrectiveactionbythe^assignedtirre deadline, trre nrattlr will b" ."ffi;fi;ir,. citi"eilo*Lv's office for f,rther ffiyou for yo,r.a!t1t1o1 to this rnattgr. rf you havg an1 questions regarding this letter, tire violation or'Irr" ,.q,rired_cori..tion, prease contact the spring- fieldPlanningandDevelopmentoepart.rrpnt(726-3753), 225 North Sth Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 o 503/726-3753 M Ci ty of Spr.i nqf i el d0ffice of Comriunity & Economic Developmentlhnling & Deve'lopment Oepartment225 North 5th StreetSpringfield, 0regon 97477 DATE: LOCATION: SPECIFIC VIOLATION: REQUIRED CORRECTION: Dave Brown Transportation Division July 30, 1987 293 South 35th Street l?!il!l ;1 ?i?,"t :?: :Ei?*iil,i ?i,". r,o;;i7il coae 5;;;.1,;'3llili.,li;j*i; ";;";# corner of South In order to provide.for clear v]slon,u,t intersecting di; k; itih.Tiilruirufi i r:,i, T.3i, ijiJ,,i:; i[ill i, r; rir .;dj,rii':r .}ix;ffffi {,,angutar area between'?r- ;^;'e'Fl.t. above the estabr ishedilil|i.t '5rl!' ","o' pr.;;; ;.i;. to the attached DEADLINE FOR COMPLIANCE: [il]ffi'rllulrSil' rrom the date or this retter or I NSPECTOR:Dave Brown #46 cc I UNITED STA- ',POSTAL SERVICEoFFh ]eustNess ilililSENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your namc, addrsss,end ZIP Code in tho 3pac. bolow.. Complot3 items 1, 2. 3, and 4 on tho roverse.. Attach to front of rrticle lf rpacepermits, otherwise affix to bick ofarticle. o Endorse article "Roturn Roceipt Requested" diacont to numbir. ') PENALTY FOR PBIVATE usE, $3m RETURN TO Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the space balow DEPARTMtrNT OF PI.IFiI. IC WOF?KS 225 NOk'tFI trm 5l Ktr I )nd 2 when additional services are desired, and comr jtems 3 and 4. fi\l TO" space on the reverse side. Failure to do this r frevent this card from being returned to you. The return receipt fee will provide you the namejl.3@_Elson delivered to ana the date of ieliv suffis) for additional service(s) r"qr".i"d. t, El Strow to whom delivered, date, and addressee's address. 2. I Restricted Del SENDER: Complete iten Put youraddress in the "RE It ltb 3o Number D E Type of Service: Registered Certif ied Express Mail Dtr I nsured coD @s'rdent &'i3 So6tr 35zr( S-f Spfl"t r oR qQt Article Addressed to Always obtain signature of addressee or agent and Signature -x 7-,rDateivery 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) PS Form 3811,Feb.1986 DOMEST]C RETURN RECEIPT