HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-05-29# APPLICA'I -JN /PERI4IT 225 Nov'th Sth Street Springfield, Ot'egon 97477 BuiLding DiuisLon 7 26-37 53 .. RESID':NTIAL..SPFITI{GFIELD TIT q.c\OJob Locaticn: Assessore uoP I \Tas lat ll Sttbdiuision: Oumer: Phone Z Addtess: Desei"be L'ot'l<.: ,ldditicn RenoCel VaLue LO Date of App Lieation rSracEorn e Hcmes / Page 1 of t f' General Plurnbin l'lechanica l.ec tr ca1 Superv Electr.itri;tn It ie the the s !din4 SI?E INSPECTI)N: To be wide after ercaoatlon'TE pria? tc set uP of forns. Date: to see that aLL inspections ate nade at the p?oPe? 26-3769 (recordet') state your City Cesi tine, that each addreas is readable , iob aAirces, tYPe of insPec=icti P.equests recei"^ed befcre 7 :00 a'iPnocEDUPE FoR INSPECTIOTT .E:QIEST:CALL 7 @ aiLL be ready fo-t' u,iLL be nude the sane dcg' requests mcde fron responsibility oi tlte perrnit ho-ldet' ,tre'et. anC that the pernrt t card is iviciot appro''-etl pLan svt:Ll renain Located at the fnont of on the Buildinq liLc at Lhe property aLL tines. grated job and phone nwnbet,. number.inspaction,Contv,actors ot oumers tntne aftet 7:00 an urill be naCe the nctt :ntking day ' Yout, City Desigr'zted Job Nwnben fs: L TNSULATTON / VAPOR BARRr ER IttsP-EClr0N.: To be maCe aften aLL insulcticn a"a required uapor bawiers @e in Place bui be\ore any Lath, WPsun boarC or rnLL couering is appli.ed, and before oty insulation is concealed. UNDERSLAB PLUTEING. ELECTRICAL 8, tttciLnlcal: ?o be nade before anY ffi-ii-iirser'"d. FOOTING & FOUNDA?ICN: To be nPCe 4*r Tfrti{62- e, c at; at e d and forns are erected, but Pt'ion to pouz.tng ecncrete, Final - l{lten abcoe i'tens are eonpleted and uhen Cemoli.tion is conplete or st!'Li3- ture moued and prenrLses cleaneC up. Blocking o'd Set-uP Plunbing connectione '- aaile! anC uater ol t - uNDsRcP,outtD PLUMDIN:, ssuEl' il.1TE:s) I I DRAIilAGE: To be maae Prlot' to JLL- Lirq trenehes. l-f upomprcon pr,umn'tc a, ute!4ntc.mt ^l-) ?o be nnde prior to anstalLatlon oI floon insulation ot' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade Prior to ffiliTT$G{of floor insulatton ot' decking. R)UGH PLUt'lBrllC. ELE.CTRTQA'.- 3 \4ECH: nmrcer,: - u;-;o;t-rs. to be aouered u Tthese inspectiotis haoe been made aruT appnotted.. PIP,EPLACE: t)ior to Plceirq facing,nd;;A;G and before -fratning inspec- tion. !flAH!-UC: I"tust be requested after @nffit of rough plunbing, electt'i- ca7 & mec?nnical. ALL r"oofi.ng bracittg & ehinmeys, etc. rntst be eontpleted. Ilo ucv,k is to be eon- ce61ed until this inspection has 'been made anC appro.*ed. DRYWALL INSPECIION: ?c be nade ;fte; a-AT@;Afis in place, but prior to cny taPing. MAS0NRI: SteeL Location, bond 6e6{g?outing or oerti-cals in accordance tith U.B.C, Section 2415. WOODSTO'IE: ccrrpT"tA, After installation is CURB & APPROACH APRON ate e""ct;AT* wm conc?ete. Electnical Connection - Blocking' set-tt: and plwnbinq eonneettons rrust be apprcted befoie requZeting eleclr'ical inspec lion Aecessory Building After fornsto pouri.ng SIDqI,\ALK & DRIVEI'LAI: For aLL con- cr.et; paofrAtftn etreet right- of-*:A, to be nade after aLL exca- oatingl cotnTtlete & for'n tnrk & sub- base naterial in Place- FTilAL PLUI,IBIIIC PIIIAL MECHANICAT, FINAL ELECTRICAL Ftrnl - After pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. an,e eanpleted. IENCE: tttten conPlete -- ProuiCejdlTi or mouable sectians through P, U. E. ALL p,ojecb aond.ibions, suah as the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion-of the requinerl Landsccping, ctc., nust be satisficd before the BUILDINC FINAL ean be nequ.ested. FINAL BUfLDINC: The I'inal Building fnspection mtst be requeeted aftet the linal e:'lunbirg Electnical, anC Mechanical Inspections ltque been nade atd approteC, *AT,L IIANIICLES AND CLEAIIOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE TL4DE A? NO CCS? ?O EEY B Soni.tary seaet eapped et ptoperty Lire Septic tak p'u:ped and fi.lled tith graLel I n JOB NO. Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Couerage_ I of StorLes Total Height Topography SOLAR ACCESS RE a- LOT ?YPE _ Intericr _ Co"net _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac t: L-co d BeCroons Lot Faces - Reeeipt ll tler * I HAW CAREEULLy EXAILINED the conpleted application for permit, and do hereby certifA that aLL information het'eon is true anC carrect, anC f furthbr certifg that any ard. aLL Dork perfolrned slnll be done in accot'- dance tLth the- Ordinanees of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the State of 1regon pertaining to the wt'k Cescribed here'i.n, cnd tlnt N0 ocCU- PANcy;i,tl bb nn,le of any structure uithout permission of the Building Di- ttision, f further iertily that only contractol's atid anployees dho are in eanpliance utth cRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proieet il, 5V,0V !leat Df House Can ar4e.Access North East It FirepLace South tl {,/est l totc, -- Fees -- Building Vcllue & Permit This permit is granted on the erpress cond.ition that the said-eonstructionsltall, in all respects, confonn to tlrc 1tdinai;ce edopteC fiy the Citg of Springfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinance, regulaLirll the ccnsttucticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or yeuokeC crt ctxy time. upon oic- Lation of any prcui.sions of said Ordinances. Value TOTAL VALUE ITE14 X L \4 q *Signed s.D,c. 1.5 * Building Permit ?otal Clntges State 7-t7 PLan Cheek [ee: DaLe Pal-d 5a, v. o> Plumbing Permit No person sltall consttttct, install, alter or cl.nnge c2nA nel) cr esisting plwnbia4 or drainage systaz in uhole or in part, unless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnber's License, ercept that a pe"son nay do plunbing uotk to property uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the appli- cdnt. NO FEE CHARCEITEM Fi*tures Residenti.a.L (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbing Penrit State Tctal Electricql Permit Where State Lau requires th,at the electrical aork be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this pemnit shall not be ualiC until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. L Permit NO Nas/Ertend. Citcuits Tenpcra"A Sertsice Stcte Total NC,FEE * Mechonicql PermitFtrrnee BTU'S khanst HooC Vent Fot Wcodstote Pet:mLt fssuaflee Mechanical Pemrtt -- EIICROACHMENT -. Securitg Deposit Storage Iiaintenance, Permit Curbcut Sidanalk !ence Electrical ta.bel Mobile Hone ,TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * Signed Date ITNM -€' l ..RES'DENTIAL.. APPL,*+TION /PERMIT 225'North |th Street Springfield, 0tegon 97477 Buildi-ng Diuision 7 26- 37 53 []ener:r I SPFIINGFIELD T );l l'(li r ',11,li:i tr l-i's Plurnbjug ec tri *^-)lt (-/, Job Locaticn: I'ax tol: llAssessorc MaP ll Subdioision: Otmer: o \t-l I'liottc zip VaLueDate of Applica h'orkn n ,- Le 'ilc'ne ,lddi ttctt RenoCeL Addtese City: It,ont r l.lechan,Lca 1 S rrpe a'tj 1n lil er: t r ( 1.illl It ie the responsibility of the petmit hoTler to see that aLL inspection$ are n;.lc at .!1t from the street, anC tlat the pernrit eard is Loeated at lh-e front of the -pr"o.pctt11 .'rsuildir| D"lut:ion apptotetl plan slu:Ll rem,titt otl LIL€ Builrlinl ::iL,:,it,tLL tin..:s. i/,.\frr' 1i-x1':, tl;ct ecch address ts realab'-e , .pnOCgDUpE pOR INS\ECTIIN R1QUEST;CALL 726-3769(reeoydet,) sl;ate yout, City ;lcsi.,1n.tted ,jol> ttmber, job ai,L'css, \!*. of ittspe-c;^L-ct; eadyfot,inspcction,co,1tractar,sit:asnex's.r,;mg;ncpinnanuql;cr.Pequesisreceite,7befcre7:0Ccl ;-iil be nade the sane dcg, "equests made aftet, T:00 @n uiLL bc nade the nc*l;:.torki.rr^t ti'',q\lD) IourCibyDesigr,ated,IobNunbr,:t' fr;: L 'IIt=/ II C P,eauit,ed fnso ecti.cns ,I UNDIRGNOU!]D PI.UMETNG. SSWEP, W.|TFR, DRAIIIAGE: To be rnaCe prior to fi.L- TiQ-Trenches. UIIDEPFLOOR PI,UI.E ING T, I|ECITAN.TCAL : SITE INSPEC'iION: To be nade after e-rcau;tl;n, b"t ptiot tc set up of forns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRTCAL ,i MECH{IIICAL: ?o be nade before any ffiE-i{-iZuered. F))TING & FOUNDATICN: To be rnaCe a$;;-tr..,',ct; at, e esca,t ated and fotns are erected, but prior to pouning ccncteta. io-ie-nad"- pti,tr. to L.nctallation of floor insulction or decking. decking. ROUGI] PT,UIIBI!|G, ET,ECTRICAL 8 MECH: ANICAL: No aork is bo bc aouere,T GliL these i.nspections lnnte been made arul approoed. FfPEPLACE: Pnior to plccirrg facittgmaterials and. before froning inspee- tion. FRA!.'!ING: Must be requecl;ed after appz,oual of rough plunbing, electni- cal & nechanical. AL! r,oofing bracing & chinmcys, etc. rctst be completed. tlo t,scrk is to be con- cecled until thts i,nspeeti,on has'been nade anC approoed. INS||LATTON/VAPOR I:.4RR1l:ll M;;!-!',t: r!t ;l : To be made after a/.L insul,zti.on it:tii required tlapor barrie?s arc in 1'7.a,.r2 but before any Lath, gllpsun Lx:at,! ,;r rnLL cooetingy is appli.ed, aru7 before any insulation is concealed. DRI'WALL ilISPECTI)N: Tc be mxle afterZTT-fiiuatTl.s in p Lttc e, but prior to any taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond Effiilgroutinil or oerticals itt at:cordnttce aith U.B.C. Sectioti 24 15. WO0DS'rOVt ccnpT;iA After ins tallati.on i:; CURB & APPRCACII API?)N: Afte;" fonnsate erectA-iut pQor" to pourin3 concrete. SIDEWA\,K & DRII'EIIAY: For aLL ecn-;"etenatfu-ff ii; street riqht- of-uny, to be maCe after a1.7. erctt- oating canplete & forn aork ,l cul:- base material in place, IENCE: h4ren conpLete -- ProuiCr: gates or mooable sectiotts tltougl; P. U. E. .1,1;l: jc;,:i jr.rr.),'1, r?i-;).(; : L pt'Cpert.'t Li,:,^ ,:,'1 ;i.. '.;r; l'r.'-:. 1 ::.j ,"'ll.:,1 tith ;rt-'.:- !'tnal - 't"lteri ab.:r,e i.te:ns os"e ccnpleted at;d then lenci.:.iiolt ts complete o/' stvl^:- ture moue,l ati prenises cleaned up. f1 posr ANt) BEAM: To be nade prio" to J TGi;tT;rl;" of ftoor insulcztiotz ot' FIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECIIANICAT, FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL project conditions, suclt as the instaLlal.ian of sl-rtzeb 2r,3gs, .-'.':';'r1 c;"on ttf the required LanCsccping, ctc,, mtst l>e saLtsfi.cd bcfore l;he EI.|ILDIIiC II\]AL:ctt be requested. FINAL BUILDII,TC: The tinal Build+ttg Inspct:tion r:itsL b;: toquestei :j'i.,:t' Li;c !'inal ?lwnbin:; El.ectrical, and Mechantc,tl In:;pect:ions lkil)a been na,.!e arrl ai.pr",-,u';,i.o l.!t'i.i l.', iicne;: tiLo,::ki:tg andSe c-u1; I-l.tntbing aonnect'lons -- sa)er ani ualer Elcatri.ccl Ccw:ection - Blocking, sel;-u. anl plwnbi.ng c,;tui.eetiotts rn;st be apprcted. beforc request-)rtg eleelri.cal inspec!io:: Firul - Aftcr ;crckes, skirting, decks, etc. are c:mpleled. A c c c s t; o r'r; ?ui Lii tn .nrt.li, ] rr.l' ll [] *ALr, LIANilCLES AND CLEAN1UTS MUST BE ACCLSSIBL\i, AD,rtr5.i11;i1,7 r0 !i!.;:.ii1l .,,..,: u0 UAx\ &+c\ L Page 2 JOB NO SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO d BeCrooms Lot Sq. Ftg. il' cf Lct Cc-uet,ct,yc # of Stories Total Height Topography L(.\', ',l'Yi'ii I r.t ct, tct, _ L'ot t?er _ l'anharullt L'uL-dt:-s,t.: ne Receipt ll b: Lot Faces - !leat llouse (:d),aqe llater lteatel, ['lot,blt e 1,.:a:tt F'itepLace South [,/oor]stov"e l,/est -- Fces -- Building Volue & Permit ?his petmit is granted on the etpress condition tlnt the sitid eonstraction slnll, in all rbspects, confornt:to the crdinance adopteil liy Lhe City of Spri.ngfteld, including the Zoning Crdinance, negulating the ccnstmtcticn ancl ttse oJ'buildings, and may be suspended or reookeC at ct'ty tine upon oic- Lation oJ'any prcuisions of said 1r,dinanaes. Va Luc TOTAL VA|,I]E LjC Lilt: Building Perttrit Date Paid:State Total {-1n:,r7es f?T:N I;L,.Y Stgned S.D.C. 1.5 t Plumbing Perrnit No per,eon shall constmrct, instal!-, alter or clnnge cnll neD cr eristing plwnb'ing or drainage syste:n in rthole or in part, unLess such person is the LegaL possessor of a Dalid plwnber's License, except that a pelson nag do plunl>ing uor.k to prope"tlJ uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. t'ti t-:ctt.t!t(;l;;,f il1!'[:M Fittuyes Residential (1 bLtth) Sani Seuer t e1, Plutnbing Pern-tt State Sut,charoe Electricq I Perm it krhere State t,aus requires tfutt the electrical uork be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electv,ical portion of this pernit shall not be oaliC until the Labe'L ltns been signed by the Electrical Contractor. -11'L:M :'tu 4 Nas/Ettend Circuits Ternpcrary Settliae Eleetrical Pernit State ($?otal ITlM 0!lilllr'1,; htrn:tce PTUTS Eshaust HooC. Vent Fcn -- L:NCROAL'IIIIE!('1' -. Sec.,tritA Deposit Storage Maintenanee Pcrmit C\t'baut Sideualk !ence Electrical Label Mobile llcne Mechcrnicol Permit lle:lnni ael ['t't'ni t. TotaL * W DatA 1r I ilAVE CAREFULLy TXANINED tke completed appltcation for penn'it, and da hereby certify that aLL itfornation het'eon is true and cotrect, and r furthZr cer*"ii11 that any ard aLL aork pe*fotmed slatl be do.ne in accot'-'don.n wtth the" 1rdintnc-es of the city of springfield, and the Las of the Stabe of Oregcn pertaining to the wtk Cescribcd henein' end tlnt NO OCCU- p1NCy ;ill bL narle of any structut,e uithout pennisai_on of t\rc Buildtng N- uision. f fw,ther iertii;1 tlnt only conttactons ai';d enplcyees uho are in conpliance Dith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project /_,t-; Wcodstote Petnrit fssuanec '10'lAt, Aivl]UllT DUti:'31 Signed /4 ,0; Da e Z Job Loeaticn:a Assessore Map ll Tc* Iot ll *6 Subditsision: A)ner Addte-ss:Phone:? zip:L1, F<ry. S:Vv/<€- >+r -/7> 6n,,4F ft|zz: /f4,c- 4-Zl^4 value Describe htork: Date of App Licatian Additicn RenoCel ors ..RESIDtrNTIAL.. 225 NOI'th Sth S;ITEEAPPLICAI--IN/PERMIT Springfiald, }regon 97477 Building Dtuision 7 26-37 53 A-1{ Date: 1re SPFIINGFIELD- \ ut ) General i'lurnb l'Iechanical ec t.r Srr Elec tr:IN c].irn DEMOI,ITIO!! OR !.iovfi BU Sanitaty seuet, capped et property Line Septdc tank pwtped and. filled tith gtatel Final - hlten abcoe itens a.re ecrnoleted and uhen dernolition is conplete'on ut*u"-ture noved and. prerrLses cleaneC up. Ecnes Blocking od. Set-up Plutnbing connections -- sarer cnd. uater Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-up and plunbing connections mtst be apprcr:ed beforc requesting eleclrical inspeclio:: Aecessory- Butlding pcrckes, skit,ting, decks, 1^L^) Fitnl - Afteretc. ate comp It ie the reeponsibi-Lity _of-the permit ho_lder to aee that aLL inspeetions are nade at the propett tine, that aach cddress is t,eadabie i1on1-t!e stree.t, and. that the-permtt cand ie Loeated at the front of the propenty. 'Building Diuicion appnot;ed plan shctl remain on the Bualdin:q- jib; at all bimes. PR1C9DURE Po\ IIISPECTI1N.87?|IEST;CALL 726-3769(recorder,) state yout City designated. job ntmbet,, job aCij1ess, type of inspec:icti :.311"",t^"1 1:d-yhn! you uiLL beieady for inspection, cotttraeton" oi asney,s"n;.neL"d pnoln nwbet,.' -pnqr;;t" reLeii;'ed. b'efcre'z:ac cnisill be nade the sane dcy, requests nade aftar ?:00 an uiLL be nade the nect totking'day, r SIIE INSPEC?ION: ?o be made after eecauation, but pr.ion tc set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & WCH4IIfCAL: To be made before anyuork is cotsered. FqOTINC & FOUNDATICU ?o be naCeafter trenehes are ereauated and. fotms a.re erected, but prior to pouning ecncrete. ,,1--1 uvosncnoultD pLaMErNc. ;EVER. w.,irER.,J Lirq trenchee. !!L\F|LO)R pLtlr.ErNC & r|ECttANrCAL : of floor ineulation or decking, POST AND BEAM: To be mad.e prior toinstallatian of floor insulation or decking, tr Iour City Designated Job Nwnbar fs INSI,]T,ATION /VAPOR IIARRIT R I IISPI:CTION : i; be,nade afte" dLL insulaticn-Ad t,equiz.ed oapor barriers arle in place but before ang Lath, ggpsun boarC ort*tLL cooeting is applied, and before otg insul,ation is conceaLed. DRYWAT.L INSPEC?TON: ?C ifiet,'iTT-c,r.fraTT i s i, but prior to any taping be nade place, d) MAS)NRI: Steel Location, bond beons, groutittg or: uerticals in accordqtce LlLth U,B.C, Section 241s. WO0DSTOVE: After installation is ccrnpleted, CURB & APPRCACH APPAN: After fomnsue eyecteC but prion I;o pout ing concrete. SfDgltALK & DRIIIE\IAI: For aLL con- e"e t;naorlg ;ltifr s t;reet right-of-tx:y, to be maCe after all erea- oatin,gl conplete & forn u:ork & eub- base mater.ial in place. No these inspeetions haue been made and.approued. FTNAL PLUMBING PINAL MECHANICAL ril-, FINAL ELECTRICAL FIPEPLJCE: Prion to plc.eirg facingmcLertals and. before ftatning inspel-tion. FRAI'IINC: Iutust be requested afterapproual of rough plwnbing, alecbni_cal & nechanieal, ALl. roofing bracing 8 ehinmege, ete. mtst- becompleted. llo wonk ie to be eon- eecled unti.L this inspection las'been made anC approued. IENCE: hlten conplel;e -- ProuiCe gates or mooable sections through P. U. E. *Al.l' MANilcr,ES AND cr'EANoure MET BE ACcESStntfl, AD,trtsrlllv? Ta BE NADE AT rto (lsr ro crry ALL proiect eonditione' such as b|rc installation of street trees, conpletion of the?equired Landsecping, ete., tmtst be satisfied. befot,e the BUTLDINb 1INAL canbe yequested. PINAL BUILDING: ?he Pinat Building. fnspection m.Bt be requested. after the Final plwnbingElectrical, and Nechanical Inspectiorc itaun be"n noiu- ird.'"pprbind. Page 1 o! 2 n l L-CO G*SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO. L.Access. tote t LOT TYPE _ fnterior _ Connet _ Panhandle _ Cvl-de-sac Bedrooms: Lot Faces - G"ot Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Cotsenage # of Stor4es Total Height Iopography Y ValueSQ. FTGI?EM ]uhtn Ca,aqe Ca?Dort Aceeaaorlt TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 o Date Paid: Signed: Receipt # Building Volue & Permit Thispernrttisgnanted,onthee8pPesscondi.tiotttlwtthesaidconsttaction sLruLL, in atL ,espects,"'ioi,|Zi'to-lin b"i.i.r*"ce adop.te'C liy the City of-ip"iibrliti, ineluding'til \o"lng crdinanc-e, r,egulatiltg the ccnstntcticn oird u"u'. of LuiLdings,- "i'i- ^ry be" suspended or r'leuokeC at cng time upon uic- Lation oy ony prcuisions of said Ordinances' Building PeY'mit Iotal Clnrges State Plumbing Permit No pet,son slnll constvuet, install,- alter ot clnnge -any nel-cr etisting ;1r;;b;A ot' drainage "i"tk t" inoi" o' in part, inless such person is the iZgi7,-w""u""oo o7"o ultii plii"''s Licens'e, eicept that a pelson ma's do plmbing uork to p"op"|ty-,,iniii-i" o*"d, Leased o? operated by the appli- cant. Electricol Permit where state Lau requites ttwt the electt'ical uork be done by an Eleotri'cal cont!,actor" the electilc"l;;"t;;"-,o7 th.is -penntt stwll not be oali'C until lllilitut,'has been signed ty the Electrical contractor' --vl FEENO. I'I'EM State Sani Seuet Fi-rtures Residential (1 bath) Plwnbing Pernrit State Net,/Extetd Circuits Serwice CIIARCENC.FSEI?lM Fvrrace BTU ? S Eslwnet Hood Vent Fot llcodstooe Mechq nicql Permit Pendt Issucnee Meclnnical Pewtit -- ENC&OACAMENT -- Secut"itu Deposit Storage Maintenance Permit Cwbcut SiCa,taLk .?OInbeL Mobile llqne 2-779a tffi IHAwIAREEULLygxA].tlNEDtlwcotrpleteilapplicationfonpernit'anddo heneby certify *"i-ili- l"l'"'*tibn heneoi is tmte and correct' aruC r 'ir'"tnZn Lurtll.fy tn"t-i"a oia "it uot:k penfor'ned s?nLL be done in aceor- dance vtth the onaiiai,ils- of the city of bpringfield, .attd. the .Las of the * state of 0rescn p";:;;;;i;s''ti iiiiip aeezribba herein, cnd ttat N0 occu- p!.Ncy tyitl be nace ;-;;;i" "t;";ii"," ul..ttiit perrnisaion of the Buildins N- uision. r fut'ther certify tlnt only "onlio"'tore and enpLcyees uh'o are in Lipl.l.""u'rl.tn ons iot."oss uiLL be- uaed on thia proiect IotaL ,IOTAI, AI4OUiIT DUE: *2v,83 3? \Signed /%*a,^ e House Caraae ttSouthl PLan Check lee: l,lat et, Total Clnraes tezz x