HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-04'7 3" RESlDEr.lTlAL"SPFI'NGFIELI) Zzs North rr^ irrnff'LicArroN/PERl4rr Sprtr,gfield, 2regon 97477 Buildtng oiuision 7 26-37 53 Cons*tcCcnJgruig!_ ?POCIDUP| ..0R illsPtnf1il PS?LES?TCALL 726-3769(tecorder) stdte you! City Cesigztied iob requesced ari uhen gcu aiLL be teeiy for inspection, Cont?actcts oy Anneis rctae crd plane ', tiLL be nade lhe sane Ccg, ?eouests ncde after ?:00 an utill be naie the nest',nrkinE day. Your CttV Desigra,ted Job ltunber Is Dod Sfrorc '/?" .# ls"o 'U'D /S.bD Date: 12 is lhe resgonwbilitg of tte perirrt iolder '-o see tlut aL! inapections @e nade at '.he pz.opet tLne , t!",et ecch .-irbesa n|s rea;abl-e ;roat the street, anC:iut the petrit catd ie Lccaled at the fzoat of the p-ro?eriy.tSuilCaq Viuicl-ot zoprou'ed prin sicll remain cn the 3uiid'Jng Site ct aLL' tines.- nzaber, job aCiress, tpe of ir.spec=icn nt;nber. P.eques'ts receit:eri befcte 7:00 ;, tzzzz{ - CrTF '!rcr-/,h?.^t.| | eL:-I I *cdrrffi;aG Jzms' To be rmie af+-erprior to se! up of |I|SULATIAN /!/APCP SAP,RT?R IIISPICIICTI : To be nad.e after aLL insulaticn ed. requited tqor borie?s @e in clace but before o'rg La.th, Wpsunl bcatC cr taLL couering is dpplied, ad. beiore oty iwuZation is concealed. DRYIIALL i||SPlCtfCI: Tc be naCe -.. ai'.er aLL ct-guall is in olaee, but prior to cny tapitt4, l!480!!_!_: Stee! Location, boruiitffijgrolttirr4 or uerticcls in accordorce ,,nth U,ts.C. Seetion T U\ID|RSL;-3 ?LUlBilG. ZL|C:RIC,1.I. 2 lECii;.llIC;L: To be marie belote cnyGE is e-6uereC. PC)?ilC 1 IAUIDAT:CN: ?o be naCe a$A' tt "-rcG; ez';Zzcao at ed at d fcrms are erectei, but DZda? topoutlrq ccnc?et€. yi2EB!3i!;lp ?-!E IE,_fEEi,-tll:3,nPAiiAcr: -ii;Ae pn i w fi-Lirq crer.ckee. I i--l L,:lps."..o:coR ?a;;:s i:tG ?, !4lcrArrcAL :it@oi floor o!,nauktion or decking. ll Posr uo zeau: To be tlcie prJot lo, i GiiGtan of i-coor ir-su'La=icr, ot decking. FALtCi! ?lAteIJG. laZfPlCtL I )t Cfl- AJii).:: ;lo :orl is tc :e co--eved. until ;kese trsceetiors hcve beer, mate z:t"d. norc,ied.. I I t -:.a!!-A'.J: !'tLOZ. iO ULCSaIA 'CC--ndi I AA= crui befcre -irmir4 in"t""- tion. FR-alIilC: itust be tec..testeC cf)e? aporou,:L cf rcugh plur,bing, eleetr"J-cal I nechanieei.. ALI rcofirq btaein4 E ehitrmcga, etc. r,tsc be . corapleted. ilo ,;crk is to be con- - cecled until this insoecticn tas'been rade cni aporcteC. After itntallation is'TCODS!3r,8: - FI|IAL .DLU:/.Br:ic Fi;IAL :,{EC;IA:IICAL ?TIIAL ELTC!?IC;L CaPB & APPRCACH 4P9.CN: Aftet fornsa,e-""enAWVG to pao.:ta concrete. SID!HI.L\{ & DRT,EIAI{: ?or aLL ccn- c"",te pau@-;l;ffi street night- of-,;cA, tc be maCe aflez' aL!. etea- oatine eattoieze ,3 fotn ,toz,k 3 cub- base ncterial in place. uttla?.'n4ten conplete -- ?rcuide or nooable sectl.ons thz,o,tghgatzs P, A. E. ALL pro;ect ca.Ci:ions, ;uch as ..he i.nstaLlactcn cf slreet arees, :ct-c!-e;ict. cf tie requined Lattlscqir.g, ctc., atust be satisii.ed. bel'cte the tsUiiDf:ic lIilAL =cn be reqaestei. TINAL BUftDI:lC: Tne Final Bu'Jl,dtn4 fr..soection n'ust be requestei afler the !i""al ?LwnbirutIlectrical, oti tleciuriccl inspecttcns itate been naCe anC atcrooed.o Job Locaticn:n fre)\+Q- lasta* nff{Y4Aesessore Map il Subd.lu")st cn: C.L IL+cfu,S onjnter s4g1-b Jd*,"";5 I t. 3s+,|. sL -1qb-zzz=Phona So{ tJ 9-t 9-t -t I DescrJbe h'ork: 4So.oo General Date of Apg ,u 4-gz Vai.ue L 7ronirc-r LO*J \FDr^€- tn1ert' trr24-8 ].lechaniccL 0R i:c Sanilazg seter cqped :t ?tc?ettA Liza Septic totk yryed ad. fiLLeC xiih gra:;ei linal - t,rnen cbcue .aeis are ccnpietei ar-C uhen Tqpl):ion is ecnple2e cr st-;e- tuve naueC ad. w,e:=)ses eleanei up. !.lcbile Ecnes Blocking ad Sec-up ?Lumbing ccnnec icns -- sdtar sl, aa'-er Electr)cal Ccnnection - BLcekir,4, set-ut and pltonbing eonneeticns mist be epptcted before request'Jng electrical .Jns;eclio:z .4cce-<sa,V tsuiliirq Final - After;crches, sktrting, Cec?,.s, etc. @e cmcle-"ed. I il 'ALL !4Alii;cLis AI|D CL1,l.ttcl|?s :!US? 3E ACiESsitsLt, .qDJUS?::i:;! :o tst jltDE tt liO i3S! Tc cI:! d --WDarP Ettires aU^r^dau'an5 PLunbina ELectricaL tl tr tr t 2 JOB NO. ! of Stor|es !ota!, ileighx ?opogryhg SOLA TCCESS REQ.- _ Inxetion Cor.ner _ Panhantile CUL-de-sac Sectcoms Building Vqlue & Permit This penrr:.t is granted on the exD?ess condition tlat the said constzwccion s_ha|.L, -i.n _t-iL .rlsoects, ionfczn':o the )r,jirance td.op:e.d by the C-i,ty cfSprirqf'-eli, inclu.ing :ke 3onina ltCirance, regulct'irg :k2 ccr..s;-.tit-.cn aza..use o; butliiin4s, cnci n:u be ;ucoer.ieC or reuckei at cn! tlne tpct: uic-Lai'-an c:- zr.g prcuisions of sa-.C Crdi-cnces, ?uiU;.ng Pet r:t Sb.te !o+-al Clanges Permtt, fssu,swe Meeilzn'iccl Penr-t te Rece:.pt #: Sigted :i::4 Electricol Permit t{le"e state Lan tequines that the electt'ical uork be done by an Eleett*icaLcontz'deto"' the eleetrical portion of this permit slwll not be ualil untilthe label ias beet't aigned by the ELectrieal Cont"actor. Mechqnicsl Permit Lot lc.ces --?erq'l Sourees DI ;louse Access :ieat tlo?th East South iy'aoastov"e llest i!G :(Value 7C!.1L "'t LUE s.D.c. r.5: idAiu.! :7,ZiaIeS Resid.znti-a.L (1 bcth) Seuer Plumbing Permit N9 person shall constz",tet, instalT-, alter or change anA r.eD cr eeisting qlm2nng cn drainage sysl? in ahole or in port, inless such pez,son is- the Le_gal.possessor of a ualid plwtbez.ts License, o.ce?t that a p'etson nay dopltnbing aork to ptope"q ahich is oured, Leased or opercted by the ippli.-@rtt. ?Lwnblng Perrit :io llau/Estetd Cireuits Sentice bl@st Hoo,:. Tent Fot Tcod.stoie oo 5 --a,av;vALJ-t::.;--- Seaaz-) PLot iscninet L)ace I HAW CAR€IULU EXA\|IN|D il"e eonpleted ccpltcaiion for permit, crxi cio hereby certify tlat aLL info:natton hereon i,s ttwe ard, ectrect, and f fu"+,het cet+-if"- lhat any crd aLL aork ceriorned shall be dote i:z eccor- dance tith the 1rdinanees of the Ci.ty of Springiield, ail. ;he Lc;e of theState of )regcn pertaining to tke uvrk CeseibeC hez,ein, crL :).cv y0 OCC!.I- P/.!lC:t 'ILLL be ,ruie of dtA sDrucxlty? uithout permission of the 3uilding Di-tision. I futther =ertifi bh,ct ottlg contTactcps a;d r,tplcyees ai"-o e-e in canpliance uith CRS 707.055 urLLL be used cn thi.s project Storzoe :ldantencnee Pettrit 5Ld.A)dLt :cT;t At!aa:t? DaE:.#t5,b0 )lobile i{one L-CO G* Ipt Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Caseragz_ ?ence cLeet?'-cd.L !-cteL