HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-01-16I ?a* IaL llAasesaore Map I Subdiuision: Phone: ?rg /Otmen: Address: flt n/City { Describe Horkt--l NP,D 0 + np /SU)u Date of App Lication q- \ t) Value1-tb-qO Addition RemoCel ixr tll..RESIDFNTIAL.. - APPLICAT^.,/PERMTT 225 North |th Street SprLngfield' 1regon 97477 Buildtng Diuisio.n 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD Date Contractors Address Li sc- 7[ Bldrs Board Res. General tlechanic Plumbi ec tr ta a oE Str ?,o a-tc.a Elec tr c lan OR Sanitary saser capped at ProPett! Line Septic totk y"oryed ard filled ttth gra;sel Fi.nal - Wen abctse itens are ccmpleted and uhen donolition is contplete or st"u3- ture motted atd. premLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plutttbittg connectione -- aaie? otd. ua*-et Electrical Connection - Bloeking, eei-up and plwnbing connectione mtst be approued befot,e requesting eleclrLcal inspectiott Aeeessong Building Final - Aftet, pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. ane conpleted. Pcge 1 of 2 It ie the reaponaibility of tte pennit hollet to see that aLL inopectiona ate nade at the ptope? tine' that each cddreas is re44oble front the etreet, and tlat the p*trtt card ie Located at the front of the property.tauilding D,Juicion appror;ed pLan shcll remain on the Building Site at aLL tines. 26-3769 (recorder) state yout, City desigttated iob nwi'iber,job aCdtess, type Requeste receixed of inspee'"i.cn inspec tion" Contraetors oi A,mers rtcne atd plnne twmbet afte.r 7:00 o,n uLLL be nnde the ncrt rnrking Iour Citg Deeigr,ated Job Nunber Ia ?ltocEDUPE FoR INSPEc?Ipy_@9uz s2rCALL 7 eadg for*-iLL be nade the sone dcg, requests made SITE INSPEC?IQN; Io be ttade aftet'e-;A;t6n,-fri prior to eet up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & @CXAAIAL: To be nade befone any ffi'F76oered. POOTINC & FOUNDATI2N: ?o be nsde after trenches a?e atld forms are etected, but prior to pouring ecncrete. decking, these i haoe been mad.e and approteC, facing inepec- tion. FRAIIING: lrtust be requeoted after approual of rough plwnbing, electti- cal & neclnnical. ALL noofi.ng bracing & chinmcye, etc, trust be . cornpleted. No tprk ie to be con- , cecled unti,L this inepectton lae 'been trnde and approoed, ETilAL PLUMBING FII,IAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECTION,: ib be made aftet, aLL insulaticn and. required oapor botrie?s @e in Placebut before any Lath, gqpsun bootd or tnLL couering is applied, atd. before aty inaulation is concealed. 7:00 an uNplRcR1uND PLyM9ING? SSW,ER, W.AT_E!. DRAINAGE: To be nade pr"ior to fil- Lir4 trenches. 11 woenruooR zLUMBTNI & MEIHANTzAL:tlof fToor ineu1,ation or decking. POST 4!P gE4!1: To be nade prior to iGtiTTEf,di-of floor insulation or DRYI,|ALL INSPECII)N: Tc be tmde @F-ilTEitnTTia in ptaee, but pri,or to any taping. MASINRI: Steel Loeation, bond Gfr{-grouting or oerti.cals in accordotee tith U,B.C, Seetion 2415. IIOODSTOVE: e,lpTeted. After installation ie CURB & AP$AC| EPON: After fonnsofi-;;;;tAEtV;6; to pourins cOn:rete. SIDEWALK & DRfVEWAI: Fot' aLL con- c";t; pqo@ dlffi etreet right- ef-tnA, to be made after aLL erca- oating conplete & forn uork & sttb- base natertal in place.FIPEPLACE.;atAA;Ptiot, to placirg and. before froning ALL pnoject conditions, such ds the installation of street trees, conpletion-of the ,"qiir"d. Landsccping, etc., mtst be aatisfied befote the BUfLDfNG FINAL ean be requested. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inapection mtet be requeated after the Fina.L Plunbing \J Electrical, od. tteelanical Inspectiona hqtte been nade ard approtted. +ALL MANI]CLES AND CLEANOUTS MAST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENT TO BE MADE A? NO COST ?O CEY Job Location: 7 4d nt*,?.E-*{{f,cQN ! .\" l lA ztltct: hrhen conplete -- ProuiCelJ gAC on mottable'eecLians thnough IP.U.E, Enetqu Sourees Iupe !!eat DT House Carage Accesg.Water lleatet, North Rattge East Fineplace South iloodstoue Vest SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Zone:t: Lot Faces - dJOB NO. Iot Sq. Ftg. L-CO Bedt oons:Crou Topography Panlwndle CUL-de-sac Z cf Lot Ccuaage_ I of Stories Total Height IO? rng _ Interior Corner -- Pees -- This pernnt is granted on the erp?e,s eottdition tlnt the said_construction "l*LL', in all r,"espects, eonforn to the ht'dirnnce adopted by the City o.f springyield, inolud,ing the Xoning Cvdinance, negulating the ccnstructicn aid u-se of buildings, and nay be auspend.ed or "evokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of any prcutsions of said Ordinances. TOTAL VALUE ITEM FTG I Value Signed: S.D.C. 1.5 x BuiLding Petwtt Iotal Cla*ges State Date Paid: t. Building Volue & Permit Plumbing Permit No pe?aon stall construct, inetal?., alter or clnnge -any nett-c? etisting pttiaing or dtainage systqn in uhole or in pat't, unless such peneon is the iegal pZsees"on of a ulolid plw,b"r'ts License, escept that a P?"son nay 42 pt;nUli'rg uork to propenty uhich is oumed' Leased or operated by the appli- cant. FEE CHARCE * Firtures Resil.entiaL (1 bath) Seuen Plwnbing Penrit State ?otal Electricol Permit Were State Lan requiree tl",at the electrical uotk be ilone by an Eleetrical contractof,, the eleetrical portion of this permtt shall not be ualic until the Label Lns been eigned by the Elech'ical Contractot'. D !otal Nau/Eoterd. Circuits Seroiee Exhanat Hood Vent Fan .. ETICROACEMENT .- NC FSE Ucodetotte ,t Mechqnicol Permit Petlr[t Issucnee Meclnnical Permit Sec'ttr"it1| Dzposit Stoiage Maintenance Penrit Cvrbcut Sidanalk !enee Electrical tabel Mobile Home PLan axonLner UAYC I HAW CAREFULLy EXAI,IINED tle eonrpleted application fot perrrit, and do iereby certify that aLL inforrnatibn hereon- te tt'ue and cortect, anl f furtkLr centiiy that any ard aLL uo,k perfotned slnll be done in accor,- 'dance,,nth thZ-OrdinancZs of the City of Springfield, and the La'te of the State of 1r,egcn pertaining -to the wik Ceacribcd herein, and. tlwt N0 )CCU- plnCy *ttt bZ oo\n of any" sttwetw,e uitlnut permissi-on of the Building N- tision. f further e-e,tiig that o.-tly contraciore and enplcyees uho are in conpliance uith oRS 701.bss uiLL be uaed on thia proiect IotaL '\)TAL AM)UNT DUE:*6"Signed Date rT9M