HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-10-04rII-r " RESIDEN- rAL.. APPLICATION/PERIII? 225 North ith Street Spr"ingfi,eld, 1regon 9Z4ZZ Buildtng Dtuision 7 26-37 53 Job taeaticn JO "\/-s- * !eict a AesessoreMap# l1 SPR'tYGFIEI-I) o.J. C>C/6 rabt# Q lAJr,v-f Subdioision: Additicn RenoCel f. Sr,(,Trr /,/*Otmer:i\ Addtess: //t 7l ,o n ci R q DRYwALL fNSPgCtf1N: ?c be madeafter aLL tfouall is in pla,ee,but priot to cny tapittg. MASOIIR!: Steel Location, bond beans, groutittg ot uertieals inaccotdotce wLth U.B.C. Section 241S, Phone:'>r/c-gu * 1 c-l( 1 ,rooorn ro u /c.4-reDate of AppL.icatian 'U'",,ft b/r&/ne TNSULATIOI| /VAPOR BARRIER IIISPEC?ION :Io be made aftez, aLL insulaticn ed.tequired oqor boriers ee in pl.a.cehtt before ory lath, Wpsztnt boarC ortnLL cooering is applied, and. beforeotg ittsulation is concealed. --1 SITE I1ISPJC?IOI|: ?o be rru<ie aftet I eecauation, but priar tc se* up of - forms._1 U}IDERSLAB PLUI,{BING. ELEC?RICAL & ) I.EC|i|\ICAL: Io_ be nade before iny uo?k Ls coDered. -l pc-o- r c a rQuaotrcrcn: ?o be np.d.eI after trenches are escatsated and, forns- ate eteeted, but prior topouz-irq ccncyete. - uNDDRGpoulD pLUMDrNc. sEWp. rl.qrql. ) DRAIIIAGE: To be nad.e prior to fil-Lirg trenches. 1 ylppltwoR pLuErNc & nEIHANTIAL: l -J To be maae prict to installation of floor insuktion or decking. I P1ST AND BEAI4: ?o be nade prLor toI installaticn of floor insulation ot deckitrg. - ROI-ICH PLAEITC. ELEtrRrcAL & I,!ECE-l41ryga:@ - w:til these inspeetions hzoe beqr; node dnd approued. I EIPE?LAC.E, : h.Lot to plccir4 facingI m1t.erials and. before franing inapeL-tion. - FRAIIIN?: ltust be neqttested after ) approoal of tough plirbing, eiectri-cal E meclanical. - AIL roofing' braeing A chinmcys, etc. rrust be . cotrpletcd. lto ucrk is to be con-. cealed until this inspeetLon las'bee.n made anC apprctted. !-t ie the respottsibi-Lilu of tte permit hold* b aee that alt inspecttons ee nad,e at the ptoper tine , that 2s.sl1 aitltsss is vsasa'^- 2:orr!-t!p stteet, anC that the penrrit easd. is t^tcated at the froti of the propertga9uitding Diuisiott appro"*ed pl.bt sitcll remain on ti t":lii"l'siic at aLL times. )]?OCEDUPE FOR JTISPECrTOil RIOIJEST..CALL 7 'equesxed ari ulzen gou uiLL be ready fot-iZL be nade the sde dcy, requests'm'crie General ELee i,lechar.ical Constmtctiott Lendet FTilAL PLUI4BIIIG PTilAL I,IECHAIIICAL PTilAL ELEC2RTCAL l-y'vooosro,tt,14 e,npGTA. After installation ia 00 Date: Value 26-376 9 (reeordet) state yottr City Cesignzted job nntbe4 job aC&ess tape of inspec=icninspection,Contlaetc?s or Asnets nane cnd pTone nunber. Requestl receixed befcre 7:0C anafte? 7:00 qn vLLL be nad.e the nczt wrking Iottt City Desi.gr.ated Job Nwnber fs: CURB E APPRCACH APP,ON:e,ea,ectAE;nii conerete. SfDEWALK & DRfIEilAI: por all cotr-ctete paoing uithin street fight-of-txy, to be naCe after aLL esea- oating complete & forn wrk & sub- base nwterLal in plaee. After formsto pout"ing !!!!t:gates I{hen conplete -- bouiCe ot mooable seetians thz,ough l ll l P,U.E ALL ptoject eonditione, such as the i.nstallation of str:eet trees, ccnpletion of tierequired landsecpir4, etc.' rmtst be :atisfied before the BUILDIN| FIIiAL can be requested,. PINAL BUILDIN1: The Einal Building. fnspeetion naet be requested cfter the Final ptunbingElect?ical, otC t'techan:ical fnspeetions luoe been made atd'approued.. DEI.IOLNTA!] OR ::O BUILDTi]CS Soilary se"ter capped at ptopet4i lir.e Septic totk V,oqed and. fiLZed trtth groel Final - l{hen abcue itazs ate ecnpleteCatd uhen Cetnclition is conplete oL strrl:-ture mooed od. pter.rLees cleaneC up. Hcmes Bloeking otd. Set-tp Plunbing connecti,otzs -- aa/)e? od. ualer Eleetrieal Ccqnection - Blocking, set-ui and plunbing conneetions m,ist be apptcxbi before requesting elee!rtcal inspeclio;t Aeeessory- BuitCing pcrches, skirting, deel<s, Leted. Pinal - After etc. ee cotnp Pcge 1 of 2 .ALL I,IAT]HCLES AND CLEANOWS TIUS? BE ACEES9TBLE, ADJUSTIIEiII IO BE llADE IIT I]O CSST TO CIIY .a I (c tr i roe *o. (93 5 l sotap :cEss REQ.-r--co d Berro&is: I Seat toxe -- Fees -- Fee Date Paid: {. Siyed Plumbing Permit No peteon shall construct, instal!, alter oz' eharqe any nev cr e:isting pLunbing or drainage syst*n in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunber's Lieense, e.ieept tl"at a pe?son ma'7 do plunbing uork to p?operty uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the qpli- eant. Lt Sq. FtS. Z cf Lct Cooerage_ # of Stortes Total lleiEht Topography BuiLding Pe?nr|t State ?otal Charges Plu:bing Pernit State Sutcl^an ge Nzzt/Esxerd Circuits Ctotr: LCT TWE _ Interict _ Conner - _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac Building Volue & Permit This perrntt is granted on the express condition tlut the s?id..constntction shall', in all r'espeets, eonforn to the 7rditnnce adopted biy the City o.f Spriigfield, including' the Zoning Cvdinance, regulcting the ecnstructicn and. uie of bui.Ldings, otd may be suspended on revokeC at c.ny time upon oic- Tation of @1A prcoisions of said Ordir,ances. L { Electricq I Perm it Were State Lan requires tlnt the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrtcal Contl,acto!, the elec+-rtcal portion of this permit slnll rot be ualil. untiithe label lns been signed by the Electri,cal Cont?actor. Mechq nicql Permit PLctT Esanlne? Iotal Ezltanst HooC Permtt rssuslee Meci,:anicel Permit TotaL t Asbeut Sidasalk I Fence 7 Mobile Hane r HAW CAREFULLy sxLarNED tfu conrpleted application for permit, dtld dohereby certif-y tlat aLL ittfo:mation hereoi is ttue attd. cb*eet, anll I further _eertify that cny ar.d aLL uonk perfor-ned slnll be done in aceor- danee tith the ordinances of the city of bpringfield, and, the lc.ts of the ' state of 1regcn pertaining to the uork ceserib-od hnnb"n, cr1d. ttat. uo occu-P,t\cy t^till be nad.e of qa stvuetu"e uithout pernission of the Building Di-uision. f further eertif-g that otly eont?ac'to?s a.d. etplcyees utho atb ineatpliance uith ORS 707.055 uiLL be used on this project ,/JL*, ) e*_-tO -3-.s( Lzte AceessDfilouse Ipt Faces - ValueI?ETI tlain Cctace CarDcrt Accessoru S.D.C. I.5 c CHAPCEttrt Ft?.:;z;tes Resiienti-a.L (1 bath) Sanitar.u Seuen Res. So. ftc. ?qnctou Sev,uiee Leex? L)1AN'L h.crreee ?TU'S Vent Fot llcodsto;se /-q.oo,(& ts,c-O -- ENCROACHNE!']? -. Sectr'ttu Deoosit Stotaae Maintezance Pentrit :OTAL NlCU:tr DIJT:' ls,br: t Sigr|"n c+.{-w #4%&_&,0u;8 TOTAL VALUE lletct I