HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Sewer Connection Record 1966-09-13|-J C f, "IY OT' SPR I NGF ! ELD BU I LD I NG DEPART}4EI{T 840 t\onth 7tn Stneet NOTICE-;--*I To the 0ceuPant of: ffi. City eode, C[:apLer l 1, AntIe ]e '10, Seetion 1, requines that all person, *uioiuinirrt [)rir:'lii6q rJpc.l ,Pl'oDenLv whose rreas'est bou,dny l ine l, *ltl,;r. '[ '\t: r'i'-,drled'. and-twbntv' ( 120) f ee: of, a publ ie sewen iiLeral rnu,;i .:Crlnect to saicJ tewer latena'l ' Atthedateo.[.Eili..i,]i.]]Icf;l(eftr-rdthatRoeonnectionfon the atrove aaaieis* i',us $''r''n ,'r,ii t; t-he ne:vuly aeeepted seh'efr' I atena I senv ing Yotlr <lF': ': ' You are heneb'y !1'v...; i'hl i;.1.y (30) .1"y' frorn ttre date of, this not!ce to obt-ain a'si,,rr,' '.:tp';;';rt[-and to .r:nnect to the' sewer" Nntheeventth'lt"lc'-ialienol-thepnopcrLyownei''please ncltify this .i}'i'.*, i'itu,u, b;l phone -.n r''raii, .qivi;'lq us the' name and address of the p16"'"':;:. ;t'i"..;;i" (Fhorie ' 1t+6- l6i4) " F urrtherrnore, l f \,r.,i.j i..l ie ;(:(;|.]iFe;Cl a ,SeWer pe,rrn i .L pn ior to ne"ceipt of th[;-ncri(:ca pit'lt 'tisregana this orden' Dated: lepf^-l3+-J966* " -. Youns tnurlY, JosePh F. Reeves, Jr'- - ?tIiuLl"n "r Building E Zontt'rg JFR/jj -