HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-10-27.. RESIDL ITIAL.. rReee.Jpt # /o7 3 1 ' APPLTCATT1N/PERILTT 225 North ith Street SprLngfteld, 1regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision ? 26-3? 53 SPHINGFIEI.D Qq4e Utt-, tdtr 1,*M Subditsision: Otmet: Address: ci Nel) te t--t Ph,one zip: Describe Wov,k: Additian C try E=e-rtAB.?.^"1.!gf 'h,+ L Le Home Date: Date of App Lication \e. Z?,8L Value [e 3 Conaj@on_Lede"_ It is tlu respono:ibitity of the pernrtt ltolda to aee tlnt alt inspectiona oe nade at the pro?e? tine' that each ad'lnees is teadabie fion the at?eet, and tlut the p*mit eatd ia Located at the frcnt of the ry'operty*Buitding Dtuicion appro"^ed pl,an slnll vemain on t?p Building Site at aLL tines. PRocEDUpE FoR INSpEc?IoN RqQaESr..CALL726-3769(reeotder) state you City designated job ntoaber, iob aCCress, lAPe-of inspecli-cn eadyforinspection,Contyacta"so-t,a*,e,s-,,,c,,e-andp?nnetulnber.Requestslecei"*edbefcre7:00aqttill be nade the sane dcg, tequests nade after 7:00 onrrillbe made the nert uot'king day. Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nwnbet' Is:*/.-,D774- & SrfE LNSPEC?I)N: Io be nade after ercauatlon,Ei pr.iar tc set up of forns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBINC, ELECTRICAL & WCHA\|fCAL: ?o be nade befot,e any 6it7i-i6,lered. P11?ING & F1UNDA?ICN: lo be ttpCe @A t;ffies ale ercatsated and forns are erected, but priot, to pout Lilg ccncreta. UNDERGROUTID PLUMEINC, S!'IEP, W.|TER, DRAI\I4GE: To be ma,C.e prtor to fil- @-6in hee. AilDERFLOOR PLUI,EING & MECHANTCAL: o1 floor insulation ot decking. ?98! 4!P-PEL|!: ro be made pyior to TffiTTdGTof ftoor insulation or decking.t R0UGH PLAIBII'IG. ELE-CTRICAL & MECH:- iNtcnr: No uork is to be cotsev,ed wt l-these inspecti-ons hanse been made and apptoued.. INSULATTON /VAPOR BARRTER IT|SPECTION : Io be made after aLL insulatLcn cltd required oapot berie?a 8e in Placebut before ozy lath' Wpswn boarC or rnll couering is qplied, md before oty i.nsuZation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECITON: TC bE NAdE @etdT@frTls in place, but prior to any taping. I,IAS0NRI: Steel Location, bond Gfrigto"ti.ng or oerticals in accordotce Llith U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODS?OI/E: After install,ation is arnpLeted. CURB & APPR1ACH EPO!: After forns e,e e"A;;[m p;G to pour"ins concrete. SIDWALK & DR['|EWAY: For aLL con- c".te pffiAffi et?eet right- ef-tx7, to be made after aLL erca- oating eanplete & forn uoz'k & sttb- base raterLal in place. m x facing inepee- fTPEPLACE ndt;;la'L; tion. Ptior to plaeirg and before frofting PRAI.|ING: lhtst be requested after @pi67al of rough plutnbing, electri- cal & mec?nnical. AL'!. r'oofing bracLng & chitnneys, ete. trust be - eotnpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con- , cecled until this inspectLon lns 'been made anC approoed. ?TilAL PLUMBINC FINAL UT,CHANTCAL ' r'rNA[ ELE1TRT1AL h4ten conplate -- Protside ot, motsable sections tht'ough dF^t^t. sea P.A.E, ALL project conditions, such as tte installation of street trees, conpleti.on-of tie nnquirnd. ind"""pirg, Ztc., mtst be satisfi,ed befote the BUfLDLNG FfNAL can be tequested' ?INAL BTJILDING: The Einal Bui.LdiW Inspection mct be requested a-ftet the Final Plunbing n ; ; t;; A-' itd. uichant c al rnsp e ct-i,o,m'hqts e b e en made and appr oo ec' eR a?Job Loeation: Aesessore Map # I - oL-Icz Lot # C) GeneraL *L MeehanrieaL DEI.IOLITIO!,] OR I,:OWD Sanitary saser capped at propetty Lire Septic totk y,nped attd. filled r,tith gza;sel Final - I{hen abcoe itens are ccrnpleted and uhen CetncLition is ccmplete o? stntc- ture notsed otd prewLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up r Plwnbi.ng connectione -- aelte? otd. uater ElectrLcal Cornection - Bloeking, set-uo and plwtbing eonnections rn;st be appra;ed before requeeting eleelrtcal inspectiott Accesso?i BuilCing Pinal - After pctekes, skit'ting, decks, etc. @e eomple-.ed. I *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE'ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE ILADE AT NO COST TO CITY Page 1 of 2 rc*}q- trv T u 2 ^*tuJOB NO.SOLAR A 'ESS REQ.-L-CO BeC.roons: Ileat Aecess toxe DT House Lot Faces - # of Storlee Iotal Eeight ?opogrcphy fnterior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac LOT TWEIot Sq. ?tg. Z of Lot Cotseraga -- ?ees -- Building Volue & Permit This perrnt is granted. on the express cord.ition tlat tle sail.-eonstraetionslnll-, in aLL rbspeets, eonform to the Ordirance adopted by the City of Sptingfield, inclul.ing the Zoning CYdinance, regulcting the ecnstructicn otd. use of buildittgs, otd mag be suspend.ed or reookeC at cr,y tine upon uic- T,ation of cnA prcoisions of said Oydir,ances. SQ. FTG TO?AL VALUE rTEM x Va S.D.C. 1.5 c Euilding Perwit ?otal Clargea State Date Paid: Signed: Receipt #: Plumbing Perrnit No pereon slnll constmtct, install, alter or ehange ang nea cr existing plwnbing or dtainage sgstan in uhole or in part, unlees such person is the Legal possessor of a oali-d plunber's License, escept that a pe"son nag do plwnbing uork to property uhich is ouned, Leased on operated by the 6ppli- cant. u7>>7 NO FEE CIlARGE /,5 .6o Fi.ctwes Resil.zntial (1 bath) Seuer t9.'o - ,boPlunbing Penrit State Sutel".ange Electricql Permit Whete State La,t requires tlwt the electrLcal uork be done by an Electrieal Contraetor, the electy'Lcal portion of thb permit slnll not be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the Electr.LcaT. Contraeto?. Permii NO. ?otal /s.'o Na,t,/Eatend Circuits Tqpo"@A Settsice ,(o bo I?9M NC.FEE CIlARCE Mechonicol Permit llcodstooe Vent Fo't bhanst EooC ,S Pentat fssuance MeeTranical Pernrit Permit Cw?bcu! Mobile Hone SideuaLk L PLan Exaniner uate ?otaL I HAW CAREFULLy EXAILINED t?e cotnpleted application for pennLt, cnd dolereby certify that aLL infornation heteon is tnte and cbrreet, otC I fut'tket' certifg that ang ar.d aLL wrk perforned slnll be done in aceor-dance with the ordinance.s of the city _bf spt"ingfield, ard the Lcas of the Il?.t-?. of -g"?gon p.e,taining to the uork Cesbribod hnrLir, cna :Ut NO ICCU_pANcy til.L be nad,e of an, stz,uetu"e uithout pennissi-on Lf ti" nitafng N-uision. r fw,then ";",liit--it1y--;?7a-;;;;;.to,s and, enplcsees uho are ineotpliance urth oRS ?0L.'l-ss al..tt Ue"usZli\i' tnt" project TO?AL AMOIIN? DIJE:*31,20 Signed Date -