HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-05-29POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS: 2549 North 34th, Sprlngfie]d, Oregon coNsTRUcTloN PERMIT # LC-1303-80 TRS, TL: 17-02-19,3 TLN 29ll Subdivision: na This permit for the referenced property is hereby Approved Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can resuli in revoeation of this permit, citation undei provisions of Lane County's ln{raction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Gary l^I. Harris,2549 N. 34th, Springfield,0regon 97477 Owner/Address: Same Contractor/Address: Same Contractor's OS +r na Total Construction Value: p6 Telephone: 746-5478 Telephone: Same Telephone: $1ms Construction approved by this permit: ) Repair SDS 0n'ly Structures now on property: SFD +r Bedrooms:Water Supply:Publ i c 3 + Plumbi no Fixtu res: n a + Employees: na $ N N N s \ $ N N N PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: RA I Partitioning i* na Parcel + Minimum required structural setbacKs, from: centerline of road, front: na side exterior: na ; interior property lines: na ;rear property line: na Special I nstructions: na na Parcel Size: 36'x]03 ' ; centerline of road, For information call 687-4394, SuSan Keller WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + 125 lineal feet of drainf na lnstallation specifications: ExiSting ield required; max. depth of trenches: al rea dy es ble causes ofSpecial lnstructions:First water test drain me chanical failure (such as willow root fai I ing Septic Tank Drainfield e stablish the location of the existing them during10--lTr- i nstallation of the new line. New lin e should run along the north and west side gal. min. sePtic tank capacitY; tabl i shed lines and check for Possis). If lines Prove to be lines and do not disrupt of the house, meeting 10' setback from the property lines and fitting in as much new I ine as po SS lines in such a way that they can be reuse Setbacks Irrteiior property I ines lge of road right-of-way duilding foundation Wells, other water sources 10' 5', 50' 10' 10' 1 00' s d ll^ ible-block off failed687-3960 between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., CONSTRUCTION PE RNN ITS/INSPECTION DIVISION For informatio nca Type of Construction: na Group: na Fire Zone: na I nstructions:na For plans information call na between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., fail ure occur. Use Classif ication: n a Kathi l,liederhold For in ons (see back of this it)call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. hne county Directions to Site: See attached vicen ity map. '^sued: 5-29-80 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING Bv: Kathi M. t^liederhold/RLH o i 5. OO EAf,H :: 42, o7" ENVH T0TAL FEExx ?5^OO ?5.00 cK I LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV I'IGT RECEIPT * t 30380 DATE Ost ?80AF.FLICANT HTTFTRIS, GARY ADDR ?54? NORTH 34'rH, SF'FD, ORETl.-{} 1?031?3003?11 SUITDIV M0NTE[{EL[_0 ACEE.S LoT I BLKNEIJ BLDG TYPE L,SE E NO BDRHS 0O N0 UHITS OOl NO ST0RIES N0 r{[-DGS 001IODE AF'F,L NO ACTIT]N I}F-SCRIF,I'ION SQ F'T UNIT f,T}S]' VALUATION I.EE DAY; t{F' trP HF' BF. trF EtF, FL NO. FIXTI.IRES : i.,IECH SUR F.CKsDs LC t 30390 sDsR S I FO CI..I TAKEN tsY SK IdF.C PI-AN NO. f,ONNECTORS: HECHANICAL. FEE STATE SI'RCIIARGF- F.LAN T]HECK F'EE ELEY ADDft F'P IO14F'LE1'ED FY ( ( ( i { t. i t2 ll t0 1,LI _!1 6 5 4 ;)sqq l\. J+\,<. ot ::p',-"5!e\d, Cre-. -1 +t -',sY? Ilc3,co ,'ar&\' z \,;P'_)\ (1r>,.)4.*r."ry$* {..vr$'I -Y- -\ - zzl tn fq(-6 .ro I(>- | U-,\tc.i]i -ilrt-rv'r-> I I 1 J _ i1,1 (T 1 ta L. O (j a, I u L I 'r1 I () ) *) q i ?, a\' c() )Lr -Ir t)tt I i .icJ b = -9 u- ,l \.i-.- ) - I _ \\i l I .I(aP-.Y)\C !rI.tn p F rre-o ) \*P .;i,,r-vuie{!$, L) \OA.C\1 t 6 grr.oLd. l_ f 153' 62 W-ph*\-TTYA #- IZS an - 31)L lot s, btaz*.2 lhoilfsbdh $ar& 3 f,. 31"3)5,q .i-:_r1<.--: '+a.,_ MEMT I.ANDU25q/ 7t-*tflc S//4. M ) sfru. aJA-A rupO-,-d d(run/ " thq ax- ZN\ @rt lane county TO FRO 6l!' -SUBJECT,Ufa,r, Etnu_t Cn"-Ft: DATE efr* Vh,4 ltn(,luds /t tua/)e,"tiznf"/u.t fluxsarc, V4; usb,,-/S= SCnr)n. u dt<e al/k, - llnhn"t Dd bl -tr lol< lv/',/,tu) aArrus/u,L tuw boo 4 ,t U urun hao boa tvufu(L-/a*fl /\,. q \) 0,tq 5 !s 1, .9 s E€ 8*( nO'o c_ nnt'- (\ o It +o -$' LL l3o3-ft !,l g Date Envlronmental l,lanagement Department Dlvislon of Construction Permlts & Inspection L25 - 8th Avenue East Eugene, Oregon 9740L Gentlemen: )) Re: Temporary Moblle Home Permit Appllcaulon d .? - -- c--- - !ar-_--__- _^L{a _ L-.n^ narn{t. ia r-.le 1rnflar ttle MEMT.].ANDUM 25Uf 'r/re, Sq4,t lane county ,illr---TO Z FRO SU BJ ECT ttqn'<, f t -ruf t?tt? ' 8l.r DATE eP\t/*; ;tfn"6/Auds / t LUat Lu4na Ded NAA ruparuol alrlA -d//r,u/ahu d*' €, yttlsatz. W {b q'a*n,) a* ZNj -il ,bol<boo qdlla4 t/u,L u)fuL ,L/S - 5Clltt4- // ba l/,l/aUu) f,A,o W ,rr4{l hat bosl/t M,0u a-u duo /7-O2-l?-3 -4? //,, Job Address Appl ication for Structures now on the property if##$*u;ii:ic.r,i ,ig ptk#iiiii [./ Affidavit: I,r If this application Lane County Code Cha owner of rec duly authori S i gna ture/Add res s When pe is ready fy: ,?/ Oulner Con trac tor PARTIiENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I{ANAGEMENT PSB, I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I tn /_7 :ffiffntlij*itrii r_-z rifidUr$ i:*.,li /-/ jldjb,ilir:;il tL// e. L hereby certify that this information is true and accurateis for an cu tu ra bui ldin g it will be used for es allowed by the State B uilding Code and) and for no ot her purpose. I have l owi ng I egal .interes t 'ln the p ro pe rtyntract purchas er;le SSEE;holder of in exclusive option to purchase;the owner, who is [n'oiTEiGa ble o SA 'I icatjo Te l ephone z1 or Da te pu rp0s the fo] icant /_/ Ovtner /7 Contractor !x e Phone Phonez1Contractor's 0SR# If Conrnercial Residential: SI test holes ready ::i:i:i:i: ,r,,Ed,r $ode ffi$*-iii.qttsdi , .+io#.riiS rti: ,#il'*ii ffi"-3-# of employees --_- #:.. i:ua}+rii*$$:-ii * l/ Proposed, SI # Plumbing by .{fi;!,i,jiEt,ii,i#", ..Unti.tii,#,,iEf.,:,:$,littg.,. .563.[i.Valuation Fee $ $ Tota l Va.l uation $ $ $ $ /_/ Rece i ved Water Supply Proposed _ Year Instal led Existing _-- 4% State surcharge PIans check fee Change of 0ccupancy __-_ each each Su btota l TOTAL ,,Et$:fi':':,.ii' E#l at at $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 'd dt? PERMIT P ROCESS I NG Zon e Minimum setbacks' t , front Part. #Parcel #Parcel Size Da te t, side int rea r By -7CCP&l Tvoe Group Fire Zone Use Classification Comments To be typed on permi To be typed on permit By Da te PhoneFor plans information call (area inspector) Directions to site /_/ srFo /'/ CP&I FOR INF0P.|'IATI0N about progress of your application call c74-L7 L Hold Slip to PCC Da te Compl eted Pl ans to CP& I I,]PC set set Da te Requ i red S Date to PCCS /_/ /_t /:t t_t l,lPC P1 ann i ng Publ ic Works , Elevation /-/ n/a /7 Address l-/ Facil i ty Permi t Environmental Health Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) I zon i to ( t DEPARTI1ENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I1ANAGEMENT PSB, 'I 25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Ci ty \..,.-- ' *'.rr. f ,ll l''' l'j tPPt.t t .r 'i{''* 'l .i ication * ,i....4-.." Townshi p, Range, Section, Tax Lot 'f'[,tr't Subdivision 'i 5 t-,:; r.y 1 .: ,; :'l; i'l l't '...;./, As s i gned Numbers! yl ' Lot 'I ockAppl ication for Aff davi t: I rl.,"t Structures now on the property Proposed use of property: 'E't Residential l-l Conmercial 17 Industr.ial 1 1 euilic hereby certify that this informat.ion is true and accurate t will be used for purposes allowed by the State Bujldi ng Code and ser; purpose. I have the followin g lega I interest in the prope rty .l essee; I i cat.io lder of an exclusive option to purchase;o rs ble sa If this appl ication is Lane County Code Chapte owner of record tllhen permit is Owner N ,fL) t.2.."irt.t* ing i o ther duly author.i4# Si gnature/Address i..,I:j.,-,t | . -r' L{./ /,i Te1 ephone 0r Date , i-:'.i" ready notify: ,[-/ Applicant /_t Owne Z Contractor /_/mail phon e Con trac to r z1 lz1 p) /_t Phone PhoneContractor's 0SR#Plumbing by DO NOT I^/T TE BTLOI^I IS LINEIf Commercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms Code SI test holes ready _ # of employees ---._-_ # of units enc Sq. Ft. or # of Sites /"-/-E;Ei.s, BP # lfr5.lGz. l-l Proposed, SI # Unit Cos t Fee &-kpM, 7dY4 Valuation Fee $ $ $ Total Valuation: Plumbing fixtures at Sewer/water conn, at 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $ $ $ each each $/-/ Cash / / Check # $ $ $ Received by Subtota l TOTAL $ Water Supply Pro pos ed Y.u. InrtuilJ Existing -- $ $ $ PERMIT PR0CESSING Zone Minimum setbacks r t , fron Part. #Parcel #Parcel Size [-tid.; int rea r Commen ts To be typed on permit By Da te ft. of drainfield; max. depth of trenches WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Insta l I ation speci fications : /- / stF1 Pl a /_ / CP&\ /-/ y{PC / / Planntn / / Public orks gal . tank; don CP&I lr/Pc set set Da te Requ i red Hold Slip to PCC Da te Compl etedS Date to PCC evation /_/ nla dress /_/ Faci 1 i ty Permi t i ronmental Heal th ,pG,bQ,. Aloltc rtl fafua h-* tvt }ac/, a Loa/4 'tuuud a7ah {^U % 0t f^, slryvy ar/r'V/d") Wal-/on br-, ocd/lz IL [,1" tj.l,tr Locr$nru lou,lnt shalrl" n lnox nttrJ hlhra Tel epho Da teBy FOR INFORi1ATI0N about progress of your application call Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687'4357) _ Description ( Directions to site to POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JoB ADDREss: 2549 North 34th' Springfield' 0regon CONSTRUCTION PERMIT +LC-1 303-80 TRs, TL: lz-02-19.3 TLN 2911 subdivision: na rhis per6116 the re{erenced p,operty is herebv Approved ^ s*9":f-T!;*6::i"tl:T:::i3[il:l*HlT;:,',"J]":iTT#: vior6tion can ;;;]iilil;-il;;; ilj' p"i'iit,'"it"iion 'no"i provisions or Lane countv's rnTra( Appricant/Address: Gary ll. Hamis, 2s49 N' 34th' sprlnsfield' oY€son e7477 Tl"Ll,[!li llht-"o"""iliiioil-.i-' 5in[ relephone: same contractor/Address: SameC""iri"ii,l.'6i o.-' ii - Total Construction Value: na Construction by this Water Su ly PLANNING DIVISION Repair SDS 0nlY Structures now on Property: SFD + Bedrooms Zoning: RA Partitioning + na Parcel + lVlinimum required structural '"ibt"k'' i'ott centerline of road' front: side exterior: na ",i;;;;;;;;;Grtv lines: na ;rear propertv line: na Parcel. Size: B0'xl03 ' ; centerline of road, 3 * Plumbing na na F ixtu res: n a # EmP ees Spec ial lnstructions: n a WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVTSION For information cal 1687-4394, Sus an Keller Site lnsPection +na lnstallation sPeci fications: Existing gal. min. septic tank caPacitY; .l25 lineal feet of drainf ield required; max. dePth of trenches: al feady establ i shed OSS ec ial lnstructions: Fi rst water test dra inI ines and check for P ible causes of lation of the new of the existing 1ine.New lin e should run along lines and ines Prove to do not disruP the n bet them orth an during d west sides fai 1 ing fail ure such as willow roo(ts). If 1 mec han i ca Setbacks Seotic Tank----1t----1O-- instal Drainfield est ablish the location nter Ise meeting 10'setback from the Pro pertY 1 ine s and t theY can fi tti ng in as be reused much uuilding foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PE RM ITS/TNSPECTION DIVISION 10' 5',10' 50'1 00' Type of Construct lnstructions: na new l'ine as Poss for information call betwee n8 00 - 9:00 a'm', or prop of road erty lines right-of-waY k off 3Bl:iBLB' 10'of the house,fa iled lines in such a waY tha ion: n a GrouP na Fire Zone: na fail ure occu Use Classification: r. Kat hj t,,lie na derhol d lans information call na between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a'm', and 5:00 P.m.For p For insPecti ons (see back of this Pe rmit)call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m hne countY Directions to Site: See attached vicenity map' '^sued:5-29-80 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 69rG+ lihiii r 7 puEur c sERV I c€ l9[PS*Go,rn., Bv: Kathi M. t^liederhold/RLH e \Lr ) Se L-- i I )r^ 3o' 6 'la/ ,e\: 9t' =.9 i!- __-..] --\\Ucl '\1 /'.ii.l)- -t I 1, -/ Y a' - '-'.Pa'"t",)' \Q \d\ ,/\, )\) .tf t re- , Is $$1.tt-5*t cNT.oo o i tOI 0 fi C'x t_2_I I I I I 1 *-btc b"-Q-l ,rr-c^l f a-lrr,'Bf t-*.rO a/- t I f.s s s Rs € 9,s 56t ;.c-J (*.,, ss) Eq :3 $ vl ,As L rll. c'( i )x -r a \9 L r( fl ,4 tF-_I ni3tr I os I ao.slo_ 5o- -}/slJr- { I I t' I_t^I(1{-\1\c {\r. \}- t_ \ r r S.r-vu'<--\ P\ r \,.--t--- l,,i'D^ \^-\- "E^i\ I^-fl ;rr,,. (:.:, .\a Bs *-:olwt D F .'f{- o 7c/W\0 a .q1 luwvt" q ,iP ( nI ) o J 5 t ^f- I i6c1v.oG I\ovlv l 2 3 4 5_. 6 t IO t2 I'l t l6 u 20 LANE COUNTY DEPT E:NV I'IGT HECEIPT * t 30380 DATE 051?SO AFFI.ICANT HARRIS, GARY ADDR ?54? NORTH 34TH' SF'FD' ORE TL+ I ?0?{ ?3OO3?1 1 SUETDIV i4ONTEE ELLO ACftES L0T 3 ttLK NELJ BLDG TYF'E IJ.SE R NCI BDH}{S OO NO TJNITS OOl NO STORIE"S NO TII.'DG'I OOl coDE AFF.L N0 ACI.I0N DESIRIF,I'ION Sg F T UNIT [t]S]' VALUATIoN I'E:E DAYS BF' BP BF. BF' trF t{F 5.00 trAf,H ::: 5 PL NO. FIXTLIRES: l.tEcH SUR PCK sDs LC 130380 SDSR CONNECTORS: HECHANICAL FEE STATE SLIRCHARGE F.LAN I]HECK FEE ELEV ADDR FF CO}'IF'LE'I'ED T'Y tl !. ON ENVH TOTAL FEEXX N0. ?5"00 ?5.00 f,K 52 54 56 tt 60 62 6{ S I FO CF.I AKEN BY SK I,,PC PLAN t2 ll roz Fel :Ird: 7? 6E Jo lo 33 tc3,oo .,1-5 " '1 l\. X .f \k\ 3t ''ip'.*1ie\d, Cre- . -1 +G -'.xr I -\. ,,nl'?7\', "(a'74;yif9V+ ' \. - --1'\V,' tf, r/)(-6 2-. l_ )f ^t,l cl<)\ t t-- CJ- v\r.c.S 1f a-+rO (.I tijt-l(-t I l)t2 q tll; t ') I i I i j I 6o O ,.-, il) i I rl i cO ln i-r iF- t'I1*^\(14-Y)V- trI._t I ir L.l F rr<*o I I '*-l t-- -- </l aobry a\l .9 tg- -t - --l l r\n \ o a, q1 tGclv"oLd irort..r_ t \"*[&, 1535 Gz Wl,r**)*T0tt4 W /25- afr - 3(t't4 31" lof 3, blat z llbrruh(h furs 3 3)5.q /7-oZ- I ? - 3 - 4? / /,,,o n,i;,,i,:-;;3?-!ix,ti,llil^GEMENT EUGENE, OREGON 9740ILq//t€. , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate' IJob Address Appl ication for Structures now on the Property liiFffi a$ffi i::i:Uf a:iiio#..iiiFrsF"I?ff ..+.ta .n*$,*:u*rr#ffii W ii arrr-'sAffidavi t: I ,CrarY If this application is f 0r Lane County Code ChaPter owner of record; -du1y authori Si gnature/Addres When p Owner ffi an agricultural building it will be used for purPoses e. I have the follow allowed by the State Building Code and ing Iegal interest in the property lder of an exclusive option to purchase; 'I icatj z'l Date ne l0 (zoning) and for X contract pu to act for the owner no other purpos rc ha ser;'I essee; , who is I-now1 edgeabl e 0 salLs e1 ephone or i s ready ry: E/icant /l 0wner /l Contractor !X Contrac tor 'tD) Phone Phone(z Contractor's 05R# If Commercial Residential: Plumbing by 3 # of employees -- :#ii##iiuttf ,trjti:,-- i$s$li.i ,t2Efrstins' BP # 17 ProPosed, SI #SI test holes ready ::E':::::::::: ::t"Ge:.:: fi*,E**"lUfi$Btii.nfi$friili.. i.:..i,fti,iiUrli ,#:iiaif;.:::$l:tts,: ,rUnwi ,,ft$:Fee (z $ $ Total Va.l uat ion if Xffi bs.i:iiif; .!.tr:fi uffi $i.liffi ifl$arttt'i.,UUfi #ii $ $ $ $ at at each each $ $__ b $ $ $ $ndffi /_t /_/ Rece i ved Water Supply Proposed _ Year Instal led Su btotal 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancyExisting _ TOTAL PERMIT PR0CESSING Zone Minimum setbacks t , fron Part. #Parcel #_ Parcel Size i nt.t, side rea r Comments To be typed on permi By Da te -z_o Group Fire Zone Use Class if icat'ionCP& I Type. To be typed on permi t By Da te PhoneFor plans information call (area inspector) Directions to site /_t /_/ /_t /_/ Plans to: CP&I)lru wPC CP& I t,lPC P1 anni ng Publ ic Works ! Elevation /-/ n/a /7 Address /-/ F acil i ty Permi t Envi ronmental Hea l th set(s) set(s) Da te Requ i red Hold Slip to PCC Da te Comp I e ted Date to PCC FOR INF0RII,ATION about progress of your application call c74-L7L perm.it Control Center 687-HELp (687-4357) Va l uati on DEPARTI1ENT OF ENVIRONI,IEitTAL I1ANAGEI'lENT PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740] C ityJob Address Townsh'ip, Range, Section, Tax Lot Subdivision Appl ication for 'tn Appl ication -# Assigned Numbers fvJ+, ,:,.ru*l; t'7 €tTl tt '-,t I I ,t Lot 'l ock Structures now on the property Proposed use of property: 17 Residential /-/ Commercial l/ Industrial l/ Publ ic hereby certify that this informat'ion is true and accurate' lowing legal interest in the property: older of an exclusive option to purchase; Affidavi t: I , If this appl icati Lane County Code owner of---duly auth S i gna tu relAdd res s H7 rr, s please print on is for an agricultural building it wi'lI be used for (zoning) and for no other purpose. i have p th urposes allowed by the State Building Code and e folChapter 10 record;con trac t pu rcha s er;lessee; ori zed to;ct-Tor the owner, who is fnow-leageable o SA lication. z1 Te1 ephone when permit is ready notify: 1.1 Appl icant /-r 0r,l;:tfrt' l7 contractor Owner A., . Or Da te /-/ nail l7 phone (zip) Co n trac to r (ziP) Phone Phone Contractor's OSR#Plumbing by SI test holes ready DO NOT WR]TE BELOl,j THIS LINE # of employees _ # of units SDS: , Existing, BP # 17 Proposed, SI # tftDQZ&-kpw, 7f'nnu Fee Code Sq. Ft. or # of Sites Unit Cos t FeeVal uation $ $ $ $ TotaI Val uation: P1umbing fixtures at Sewer/water conn. at 471 State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $ $ $ each each $ /-/ Cash /_/ Check # Received by $ Su btotal TOTAL $ $ $I,later Supply Proposed _ Year Instal led Exi sti ng $ $ PERMIT PROCESSING Zone Part. #Parcel #Parcel Size Minimum setbacks:, frontt , side i nt.rea r anmm6n f < To be typed on permit By Da te WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Instal I ation specifications Direct'ions to si te / / slFO Pta to gal. tank;ft. of drainfield; max.depth of trenches don Hold Slip to PCC Da te Compl eted Da te Requi red Date to PCC r_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_- / CP&I I^IPC Pl annin Publ ic orks Facilit1,Pe vironmental H eva ti on dress /-/ n/a rmi t ealth @G,bQ,-atollc',{l /oilnA-h;* un 6ac/, a wa4 '{uLuod a|ah t^U W4 f*t^! s//NvW a/r0y,/.44, WL/-[an bL, o(a/< , Te1 eph Da teBy FOR INFOR|IATI0N about progress of your appl i cation ca1 1 Permit Control Center 687-HELP G87-4357) If Commercia'l: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms Descri pti on $ CP&l set(s )hl'L seL(s J