HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-12-29t L 7 OR OFFICE USE OT{'LY 7 FU )z-2? P MIT NN cAax. INK AND PRTAIT. AppLicati Permit # Qr*o Copies of PTans lfwo CoPies of PTot Paans I--l taechanical Checklist felrr*Uing Checklist Plan Check Tnfo Sheet ILETE THIS BLOCK PLEASE USE BLACK 1P tzrt- f., OF BEDROOMS I IIAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED TIIE COMPLETED APPLICATION --ertify that any rformed shall be done *-o the work desc ribed herein, and that No oCCUPANCY wiIl :aat registration vilh the Buj'lder ::i:or1, and that only subcontractors and emPl-oyees who are A;PLiCATION THOROUGITLY .}c 's Board is in fuII force FOR PnRMIT, and do hcrrbY in accordance with the Orrlilratces be made of any structur-o ilithout and effect as required bY oRS in comPliance with ORS 701'055 ,;crti fY that all informat'iorl hercon is true and correct and I furthe of ttle SLitt-c of Oreq?n JrerLainin3 Divisron. f further c'r!tifYof Lane County and the Lail3 and all work Pe the Pe rmission of the Building for exenption is noted 701. 05 5, thal if exemPL the basis will be used on this Project' I HAI/E READ AND C}IECTGD THIS f] o,,..' e|-fi(o/ttt..tor DATE T Agent {{ SIGNATUREt) tr PLANNING ZON lNG: ,"r" RA Partition r- Parcel r- Parce} size Loffi&a^. Ar,,4-A{J\AH c,interior re;ir I,lirrimum Setbacks: C.L, t{ont ' Cofiunents: tr h flood haz fl nunar, ADDRESSTNG: tr SAN ITATIONs s' r' #. @nDate I Yes, see attaciled sheet' Date: Date:(;R].D .ard area? I-'l No COOR-DINATE N lnstarla+-ion Record rssucd? ! vt= [ s" B. P. # Linea} Feet of Drainfield Maximin DePth of Trer]ahes IRANGE l..t ADDRESS fi nesidential [-l commercial Irndustrial f,nru:-i. Proposed Existing#oF DIRI () t\Y/lrIat- lnstallation Specifications: Colr8nen ArorPF9 Date: Use Date: PERMlT EloodPlain Eee- Subsurface Fees Buildj-ng I'ee Sewe r/Storm Drain/water Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee r'EEs' By: Date: (1) ) Gal lon Tank E PLANS E TION: rvPe Z THIS 51. $ s9 DpscriPtion gNAPe BY I,ANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT TOTAI, VALUATION $ V0?ArTe*Wtrl ?Z,P'fu L AUTHORIZED BY Elxed Eee/ F+ Unit Cost Dq. ! u' $ '*1:f, 'SE-T_:'$ro4-) ToTAL FEE d-gr/,?-59-PAID BY, IXcrrecx I I casn (Per oRS 56 I25 EAST EIGHTH 805 MANAGEMENT '/ T. C7t+-L94 OF ENVIRONMENTAL SEE REVERSE AVENUE, EUGENE' OREGON 9740r 1 ZIP trl Comments: -----..-------.- rr l CONSTRUCTION .4 a /,"4li.jJ f-,.11 L" oniy ns pecti on s SETBACKS AND oTHER coNDITIoNS 0F AppRo,vAL MUST BE-irntcrly'ossEhvro. vIoLATIoN cAN RESULT IN REVocATIoN 0F THIS pERMIT, itrRrton uNDER pRotlISroNS oF LANE cou(Tt's INFRAcTI'oN'oRDINANcE,,AND/oR oTHER REMEDIES ALLOIdED BY LA}.l. I^JHEN READY FOR INSPECTION CALL 687-4065. A MINII'IUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BE 6ivrn.- Have the following information ready: permit numberi iob address, type of inspection, when it will be readv, iori ru*. and phone numbei, and any special directions to site' BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED IIISPECTIONS r) F0,NDATIoN INSpECTI0N: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundation are der.ivered on Tire job. whpre concrete from a central *i^i;; piint (io**on1y termed "transit mixed") 'is to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2) CoNCRETE SLAE 0R UNDER-FL00R INSPECTION: To be made after all in-s'lab or under-floor building SerViCe eqgip111gnt, ";e}.urji:ip*.,iitemsarejnpla;;-;utbeforeuny.in...t.ispou"ed3)'.i!,:Hi!:.il'il#[,I.3ftll].I5iUl,3i"IlIi.ll"lI].fl,iil3,il.:;:,.;ii.Jlol,.iii.,n 4) LATH TI To be made after all 'lath ing and um board , inter.ior and exterior, is in placeuedg.ypsany p as n9 s app or before gypsum board jo ints and fas teners are taped and f-i nished.5) FINAL. INSPECTJON:To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy APPROVAL RED. No work sha:l I be done on any part of the buildinq orapproval of the buildi structLlre beyond the point indicated in each REQU I ve inssucces s i pec tion without first obtai n i ng theafter requi NOTE: (r ) (2) ani nspecti on shal l have been made of each successive Step in the construction as ind ng 'offici a1 . Such red approval shail be given'lcated by each of the i the' 1re AI1 building permits reguire inspections for the work authorized, such as but not.limited to:A' BL0GK WALL: To be.made-after reinforcing is-in place, but before-any grout is poured. This inspection is;:l:'ffi:rt,ilo:':loollflr:"u1 no"' it'Jre-riir o"'no-iipiJrui ,rt.ir tire-plumbins'Jnd erectricar inspections B' t'.l00D sroVE; To be made after compietion of masonrv (if appricabre) and when instalat.ion is como.rete.i::li*ll'i.:l:il.li"J',ilii;3tiff,l"n an approvea',.*l",.riv ;;;.il;'d i":'il[ ;;;;;; ;;,d;i[ il;;- c' |4OBILE H0ME: An il:p:9!i9n is requr'red after thsmobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic:{;ff:,|ffi. setback requirements, ltoiting,'rJiiit'ri-iorr"Ition, ii;a;;;; iiiiiing, and, plqping -1r) f;":;:';rill.:ffii:.:t comp'lv with state foundation requirements.ror mobite homes or as recommended(2) il3ilJ:tnHT"]3i[:y finish fioor e]evation shall be certjfied when required by a f.loodprain(3) l4obiie home tiedowns-' whel.required, and-skirting shal be instalied and ready for inspection' within at reast so oivs 'iite;';;;;;;ril: "iiilil;r";;;'rfir;i;;"jilrr o. instared per.encrosure. D' ;l'YHi:1ilf' Below srade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when poor APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING I^JORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT I^JILL EXPIRE IF I,IORK DOES NOT BEGINHIIili+ '1,f8 ?{liiro8*'5,H0[f,13 3H'?fii3fiB,.P+,ietilgl53,ig{"yg[E*n1+l-iuij"*,i]'",liX,,i,,o* 0R REV'aAir,r,i-r,rnv occun rF THr6 ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS I,JILL DO SO AT HIS O|/JN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Permits sha' be effective for one year from the date of issuance. From Interior property .l ines ".:99,9f road ri ght_of_waytsu.udlng foundation l'lel ls, other water sources t0, 10, 100 , t*+F-I*! 'I0, 5', 50' ti$rsrs l '.r:..:.1 REPORT OF FINDINGS Applicant: Stephen Morelock Journal Number: DRV 83-132 (b) (c) Prepared By: J. Iludzikiewicz Date: October 18, 1983 CONDITIONS 1 AND 2 BELOW MUST BE MET FOR A VARIANCE TO BE APPROVED. l. Comytliance u)i,tll anq one o$ tLte {1o.tt-owing cni.twLa: (al That a LtLLe.t. orL Lrtunl- .<yutettyttte,ta.tion and en(oncenQ.nt o$ thz ,sytecL[Led, ttecluistenent wou,t-d tLztul,t Ln .ytna.c.tical dL{[icu,U,4 or, unnece,s,sanq 'handiluLyt and wou.Ld be inconsistent wi-tl+ the obiec,tives ol tni,s Ct+aytten.' 2 ThA-t. thuLz ilLe exeeyttional ott ex.tna-ond,imanq cincunstancea ot condj-tion,sapplicabl-e to the pn-oytu-tq involved orL to ihz iotend.en-uAi ;(, |:i;";;r'i*,wh,Lcl't do not app.{-q genenauq to othe,tt pnoytn ,*t^ in the uo^u" riring d,i,stnLc,t. The 7-ft ' public utility easement is not occupied by any utilities, these arelocated along the rear of the property. Such side yard puEts are the exceptionrather than the norm for the area. so long as the setback is three feet,adequate separation for fire protection (according to building code) withoutadditional fire separation maierial can be maintained. Tha.t ailuLc.t ot gir,aLat in-te,ty:tte.ta.tion.and. en[ottcemznt o{t tlte apeci(izdnzguLation otsould.de-pnive- the'ayty:ti."ry..;i.;,;;iug^ .(-ega.(tq enjoqed. br\the ownetu o$ otl,tett' yrnoytnt*tns''c-ta,triyri;e';;";;; ,samo zowLng d,LottuLc.t, The applicant points out that several other sheds in the neighborhood arel0cated within the setbagk areas and utility easernent. These sheds mayalso be in violation of the setback regu1aaio.r". But other i11egaIIy placedsheds are not in itself reason enough io grant variances. However, i-t is notrealisti'c to expect that all sheds will bf relocated out of the setbacks. Tha't t'l'te gna'n'ting o[ the vaLi-a-nce. wiJl rtot be dc,ttinerutat- to tLte publ-Lc lrca.Ltlt,'sct[e'tq on wel[anz oi matetiailq iniu,l-Loi"to"ytiiy:o,rttu oh hnplLovements in tlte-nean vicin i-tLJ. so long as the three-ft. setback. is maintained, the danger from fire iskept to a minimum. The shed backs-up to a high fence. Use of the shedwould not appear ro cause any problems f.; ;;;-'"butting property. October 18, 1983 I lene county Appl i ca ti on llo. (:ApPt'icant) . (Address ) (Map & Tax Lot) DRV 83-132 !!_"p_hell_E.Morelock 2490 North 34th L7-OZ-L9-3.r/LtO4 _S_t. -, _ g p_f -!_{, _ 93_97 477 The abcve referertced al,plicat jon to a-l-l-sw--a- 2 fI-.- sirte-yard-serbaek wherg a 7ft. easement is located and where 5 ft. is minimum perlnl--tlgd Wllhin 4p RA District. has been: xx approved r^rith the stipul.rtions and conditions stcrted below. den'i ed . The decision was based on the findings of Ihis office (copy enclosed) in accordance with the provisions of Lane Code_t5,900(2) __. the dccjsion vlill bcconrc final on 10/3rl83 unless appealcd to the llcarings 0f f jcial , via the Piann'ing Divis'ion on or 6ef ore that date. An appea I rrray be f i led by .you , your representati ve, or any other property owner impactcd by thr: dccis'ion jn dCCorrlr.)rtcr vrith tlre provisions of Lane Code 15.900(B) 1'lru aJrpcal is to bo f i lrrl wi tlr Lhis of I jce and nrust state how the decl-s-i-o n is in crr"or.lf an ap[)ea1 is f ilt',1, you and the adjacent property owners vri I I be advi serl of tlrc date, tirrte and pi.lce of tlre heari ng bef ore the liearings Officia'l . Joe zikiewiez, *Your appeal nrust be rlCCorirpcrrri trl lry ,r 5 t_95,00. - - f i 1i ng f ce. 1 (.01'it) I I l0f ls 0l API)llr)\/At. The storage building shal1 be relocated to at least three feet from the Property 1ine. The relocation shal1 occur wiEhin three months of finalaction. 2 If the shed is more than 120 sq.ft. in size and/or more than 10 feet inheight, a building permit must be applied for and issued. cci John Smeed, Building Official I lilr,{-lJi l)lt t...J)i / trj-}ltrgTrtrrrI ANI ffllll.rl\ l,l /.irt.,,, r l,l / lll llit, i llr,t October 18, 1983 Appl i cat 'ion No. DRV 83-132 (Aoolicant) Stephen E. Morelock lane ccunty (Addres s ) (Map & Tax Lot) 2490 Norrh 34rh Sr. . Spf Ld-_oR _97477 L7 -02-L9-3 .L I l-L04 The above referenced application to allow a 2 ft. sideyard setback wheqq a 7 fr. easement is located and where 5 ft. is minimum permitted within an RA District. has been approved fop the property indjcated above, subject to st'ipulat'ions I isted below. Thjs decis jon was based on the f in (.oby enc'losed) in accordance wjth the provisions of Lane Code According tb our records, your property is within a 1ega11y specjfied distance of the subject property. If, in your opinion, the granting of this request adversely affects your property, you have the rjght to appeal thjs action to the Hearings Offjc'ial , via the Planning Divjs'ion. If not app the approval wj I I becorne f i nal . the condi t'ions and di ngs of th'is of f i ce ls. eoo (2) ealed on or before lO/37/83 An appeal may be filed by you, your representative, or any other property owner impacted by the decis'ion in accordance w'ith the provisjons of Lane Code 15.900(B) The appeal is to be fjled with thjs office and must state how the decisTon Tiln error. If an dppecll i s f j 1ed, you and other adjacent property owners w'i11 be advised of the date, time, and place of the hearing before the Hearings 0ffic'ial. If you have any quest'ions on this nratter please contact this offjce. o ikiewicz *Y appeal must be accompanjed by a $ 195.00 filing fee. * t.ANE(.ouNI/Pt trNi.riN(il)ivt:)t(.)Ii i (.(,1 ltil|oir:,1 l,lllIl(.5ltry11.1 l.tiJlil)lr\i(i r The storage building sha1l be relocated to at least three feet from theproperty line. The relocation sha1l occur within three months of finalaction. the shed is more than 120 sq. ft. in si.ze and/or more than 10 feetheight, a building perrnit must be applied for and issued. cc;John Smeed, Building Official 1 2 l-n CONDITIONS OT APPROVAL If 1.,,r I lj ]il n![ t]rrL / t |JGENE, OB 3/4Ol / (y)31 68/ 4ttj0 Planner MoRELOCK: DSP 83-132 Richard & Delores Dixson 2534 N. 34rh St. Spfld, OR 97477 William & Ida Weber 2723 N. 33rd St. Spf1d,0R 97477 Daniel McCarthy 2741 N. 33rd St. Spfdl, OR 97477 Daniel & Denise Myrick Toqr N. 33rd sr. Spfdl, OR 97477 John & Cynthia Zorich 2685 N. 33rd St. Spfld, OR 97477 R. & Pamela Trink 64350 Deshutes Market Rd. Bend OR 9770L Glenn & Deleda Roper 2472 N. 34rh Sr. Spf1d,0R 97477 Hannah Nelson 247L N. 34rh Sr. Spfdl oR 97477 Herman & V. Splonskowski 2491 N. 34rh Sr. Spfld, 0R 97477 Agnes Yoder 2497 N. 34rh sr. Spfld, OR 97477 Max Pobanz 2494 N. 34rh Sr. Spfld, OR 97477 n Clarence L. Jr. & G.L. Hinkle 1039 Long Ridge Drive Spfld, oR 97477 George & Helen Hill 3342 "8" street Spfld, OR 97477 Stephen Morelock 2490 N. 34rh St.Spfld, OR 97477 IN RE MATTER OF:JOURNAL NO. D:PB3-t3Z3reHe;U MoeeLlcy- 11,oz, lg.3.lf tloqr- Assessor's and Tax Lot Numbers .$, +-2 b 3o 3os 3oQ Ito3 L tt 0(o "ti3 .*b g tto s .3q Ru"d 7ot $p Zo 2C-5 I 3sD \r Artr + \), L;\ rN..\"dc S u -Dr".'n, -l- \ Ml 4-01 qq x>- 3u\'&) AU"a,*^,.. tY\cr CERTIFICATION OF I"IAILING THIS 15 T0 CERTIFI that r,Jana Houghton served notice of the administrative decision made in the matter of a Road Variance initiared Stephen Morelock: DRV 83-132 by mailing a copy of the attached letter to each of the persons listed in the attached sheet, who appear as record ovrners of'real property that are within 300 feet of the subject property in the said letter, by placing in sealed envelopes addressed to each of said persons the above-mentioned letter, and delivering said envelopes to the duly authorized postal agent for the Lane County Courtbouse on this 19th of October 19__tl . VARIANCE APPLICATION File No. DS? 83-f I. APPLICANT AND OWNERSHIP IDENTITICATION (1) Name of App WP rlerJ E - Arl o*e h ck pt ""?q7-3 tr 3 /licant e Mailing Address City ct,zLp TzqztCode (2) Legal Interest of Appl-icant (check one): titleholder X. ; contract purchaser I lessee ; other (specify) (3)Contract Purchaser (if other than above): Mailing Address Pre-App Conference Date By Cormrents Fee of $ llO Recrd (1- tZ-tb 8u Inspectdd TYPE OF VARIANCE: 1. Zoning:Area Other LC 10. 2. Roads: Setback X ; Aceess ,Other LC l-5. OBO f , Oq{ 3. Subdivision: LC 13. Ci Zi Codep (4) Titleholder (if other than above): Mailing Address Phone cir Z7 p Code II. PROPERTY LOCATION L'|1. \t t'o4 (1) Assessors Map No. r\r rax ror @(t q $loc? t (2) Proper ty .Address z 0 S o-Z ip coae ?7V"?7 (3) Desc 1 e how to find the (4) Property in the same olrnership whlch is abuttlng, or across a road fron the subJect property: L Assessors Map No.Tax Lot(s) t et File No. III. BASIC DATA (1) (2) (3) (4) ,lSize of subJect property:,.[ Size of total ownershl Zonirn a Comprehensive Plan Designation : acres. acres. I 'ul Subarea Plan name : /lrt ,*r,,,A*te- (5) Access (road name), jqtL- 5f Status: Public *r (6) Present structures ar rpropert ; Priva e ; Easement &NJ (7) Present of (farm, forest, residential, etc.): ff.fl #ffifl (8) PLOT PLAN:Please attach a plot plan showing: Property dimensions. Scale and north arrow. Existing and proposed roads and driveways. Existing and proposed structures. Water source and aLl pipelines. Existing and proposed septic tanks, drainflelds and repl-acement drainfield areas. Features such as streams, ponds, wooded areas, etc. (1) Proposed variance from code requirements: d4Jq)Ld EF e 0J,L 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 rv. \i\J Y}$r*0 {ul Ld PROPOSAL t7N-O11 A-o ia)-wP fur{-- rrltl,,'* t W ,{ f7,u- P rw41L7 /;-e s . ^) {Nfrd Sonz ir NO L NVs{d3 ! 3 9,st top3 L s L iwe a- -f e No. V. VARIANCE CRITERIA CONDITIONS 1 AND 2 BELOW MUST 8E MET FOR A VARIANCE TO BE APPROVED. 1 . Comphanee wi,th anA one o { the dollowLng c,ri,tQJLLa: (d There ie sone phyaical condition on the site ulrioh nakee eonf,onwtoe to the otlinqwe diffi,ottlt on inp9eaible , Thia nay be ?eTm-T; ec\eting atm.rctttwa on the ptoperty, bixe or elqe of the Lat, topogryhia barriere, Btreet iocatione, txtffi,c "oriitions on eimi,Lat oirraittoa ooel" uhioh ihe qpLicott lws no eattrol od ufuLch uere not self-ereated, L br,Lre_ ,( (b) Ihere ia sone tmusual cLrcwnetotce ot condltior rcgodtng tle ptopefiy ot ite intetdad uae uihlah ilo not qply b other pro'S.,ertiee in the eqne zone. Iou mat aonpa?e gow prcpertg to otlw prcpettiee i.n tln actro M@, aorrrq- uide, oz, you mtat compaye yotu inLended use to the wea pennitted i.n that zone in tlu Lote Cde, s e e LL (c) That enforcentent of That ia, that other you co'tnot en;ioY. A v.lYt? the eode oottld deprtue you of prhtileges LegaLLy "',1-4t?d by otlen ptqefiiee. *P g !#3'property onnety ii tte borre aone enioy pritilegee ahi,ah, for eorru ?eduort Nlated, to tne M' t- 4 'i/1 (.t SA r^tv€ S . fzef .J *eo. 2. Thatthe.o I tl,te- vari-ance wil.L not be de,tninevLtal- to the ytubLLe tteatlh, La{Q.tq otL welda)LQ. o)L ma.tui.o,tLq inlutLoua to prLofrQ}ttiu otl funfrtlovenents in the nLilL VilC,LWUU 4-. fe 5/onl /S N po-f ilo c/c- File No. VI. SIGNATURES I (we) have completed all application requirements and certify that all statements are true and accurate to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief. I (we) recognlzethat errors or om;issions could result ln delays, denial or cancellation of permlts.I (we) am also authorized to submit this applicatlon as evidenced by the signature of the ornmer below. Agent's Slgna ture Date tl^^r!*/eOr,rmer I s Signature Date (Omerts signature is not necessary if the agent attaches an authorization for thisapplication, signed by the property or^rner.) VII. STAFF USE ONLY 1. Previous Planning Actions: 2. Data in TL/Map flles: 3 Compliance with: (a) Zoning - (b) Comp. Plan - (c) ORS - (d) Statewide Goals - (e) Other agencies (referrals sent) NOTES: 4. Couunents: I \ \ ) I I l+,sG t+""M P.rfrl l;vts .1 loo' I I 7E, N fifh t7&f \) {L/ \,n I I \ \ ) N 5m'II I I xtc ltfu ,i'llr-t:t tr- t / \: tlr--rubo I t Ia tc ic 1,, /*Wch "r*1 It, >; *-\.- SlosD :> I 5l^@ f rryot1 liYe Ene county ACTIVTTY INFORMATION SHEu t COMPLETE THIS SECTiON. INCOMPLETE FORMS l'JILL BE REJECTED!s I o 2 r T ERTY .a-3 J D SS TE BUS E TELE HOME TELEPHONE #BUSINESS TELEPHONE # M HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS(IF DIFFERENT F 3 rvtae B pAFtc;EL NUMeIEFI (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation ( REQU rBE! I NF0RI4ATI0N)or from tax statement) _t3 SECTION '3'I l/o RANGE OR milNSFlP mm SEeiltott MLOT(S) OR P #MNIfiT- MilMH]P R_AN'6E SEETMN ffi ZONING TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP:ACRES 4 5 SUBDIVISI0N ( if appl icable)LOT BLOCK REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do)"\Dr<-.<c*z1d 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY **NUMBER DATE {7tJ', {t:7 LAND USE BY: -- DATE:TIME I N: OUT:-I LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. Bth AVE., EUGENE, OR 9740I / 687.406I /- LANE COUNTY, OREGON DEPT. OF ENVII]ONIVl HNTAL MA..AGE M ENT CCIFIFIEETICIIU NGITICE :ONSTFIUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTION DIV. JOB ADDRE$S I /.r-t BLDG. PERMIT *l*?s ,r r1 d/4.. t.( 'f)* Ic86.73 FIH.INGlt'ECTIclN FIEGilUIFTEE' lrhonel C!BT-{(ls[E FoFl ArrtFlovAL |'. l.'IOTE: ,* *.*l I,g /', :.. t .' / fl "lJ- I I I Jfttr#.r S#Lg: ln.fofi' t" !, ft'I hLlt ,9 Sr nrit r'./r t-t SH:,\t\lu. r,.:+ ^ H 'tI |*\t i". iij h'J ,lH ,r,:..t qJ \e I 0t $ \$ $l h' ,ft r,il,; q t .) 1.[{$' ttt q {t \r b q tr L/' ftIt $ q I ":j !: "... flq It"i HHii .\ f "' ri.. uj.l'P.-l :.1.*. f'-\, ), -"{l rt :-JPir '.)."", t,.4J \ i; A- l{44'45" *8" l&5"93 # a 2"a,o0 iItI I 1 s \lrl rl. Fl! Z il,' { 7 -i 3itt url l rti t I T'Mr &tfi*rc L/rlLrTY t*;gxe{r Un*t.$$gf*E$Ntb# srtortN _ 'i,,'!z tiriA'46' 1ft* /67./{o t-'Zo'aa {I I lr 1r \I \) i I I j I I \1 i". i lo ?.r"f I I $ rit\ "J 6 9'*,7'1{.. I t I $ $ I I i t!u!i\i I a t I , I f, I , I /2 9a.49 B sfll tlr I i lt I t $ I I $e ff/3 1: E!j !3 -l II/5 &a /& .sr_ I I I{ t il I /& i( ;1 I l I /7 OZ. e"t6 ..*Fv' \- f> I 4 ,4 rJ 'of45 \.rrr'r T't .f, ,-?l* Ih f{ J 0v I y€}J€ ,b' Il\ tt; r t't\l t^ It'lt l) '*Q L'.4\lt\l'l- I ; i I I itlril\i 6ts\v d I I I t;t ti rl al ,l: 6 I I) .i\il 4 ! ,r! u !0t I I , in c .$-l G, F.t rl 6 s tl t $ I ri I j { f "fI ti f rt{ V)'f\l $ $iq dbi ^,$v /,,#/fnc*d" I I, 'ry,rrh*"f 1:. .. I I-( I t t JOURNAL NO. D:P_U3 )32* APPL ICANT TAX LOT llD4 PROPERTY ADDRESS LOT SIZtg -0t rL*ho4\r I ZONING RA PR0PERTY CLASS No._*lzl_ DEFERRAL ACCESS ^/F'- s#. LEGAL LOT 0THER ACTI0NS nof\e_-_ - -Lo: " -ALcI-l--e+-- 5r t-o RURAL ADDRESSTNG MAP cffiXod DATE COMPLETED BY 39tv r MAP*{:QZ:t3* 3.t /!ore-la Cts LA i \60 o -! 1.a. c+ c-r{! to\r'IH It 1\ Cn j t-A!'t or r{ $. LotrlLl. 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