HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-04-10I,SURAL AqDRESSING' il. CHECKJ .rpn 0 7 qt RPc< 4*L, L Count Atlt ion fort OFFICE USE ONLY TAX'"*"u aR*"/z_PROPOSED USE Fu-"u"" [-l co*tn.t. PROPERTY D iaI I ndus tr ialtia I PubIiccable n*ulr2 ION Proposedisti S NAME AND ADDRES EOR PERMIT, ar,d (lo hrrreLY certifi that all infomation hereon is true and correct' and that I p,,r"h."". rf;ftgthorized thc ordlr)fnces of Lane agentTCowty rtaining APPLICATIONCHECKED DATE I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED COItr:far,'Jowner of record;following legal interest in the proPerty: certify that any and a1I work perfomedhave the and the Laws of the State of OregonshalL be done in acoordal';. tiLllI flrther of the Building Division. I fur-structure wj-thout the pemissionNO OCCUPANCY will be nade of 1r",to the work desclibed herein, and that oRS 701.055, that if exemPE the basis for exemptistralion with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required byther certj-fy that regi will be used on this project. I HAVE READ ANDwho are in conPliance with ORS 70I.055is noted hereon, and thal only 8G su.bcontractors ct- A).ta. *ynv 3 A4r) Parcel si interior iplr"= ! *" Date: ,a d4, q. _€GCAI I Y BEEN BASED\*-e c L IS COI''.I.1ENTS fi-w"/- ON TIIE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 6)-Parce rt?: s-<r\/.\ R cL,s ide of Sf,CT\ B. P. # 4- front qAS Installation Date: LineaI Eeet nfie Id ON: Partition * Maximum Depth of Trenches -rear bft -H .____E:; Installation Gallon Soecifications: Tank ITATION: s. I. * 4*/o-8Qo PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING SIGNEE (Der oRS 456.805 r))DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INI'ORMATION c14.,2s R8+ tr 4-f-F/- Ey tueLication/ ' -=-/FZL ZLP DECI,ARED S VALUE+frD--% SETBACKS AND OTIIER CONDITIONS OF APPROI,/AL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAI'RSSULT IN REVO_C;TION OF TIiIS PERMI?, CITATIO:I UNDER PROVISIONS OF LAIIE COUITY'J INFRACTION ORDI:iAtr'CE, AND/OR OTHERRE}IEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. WHEN READY FOR lNSPI]CTION, CAL! 687-{065. A }1INI}1UI1 OP AT LEAST 21 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC-riuN REQLLSIi ii!s1'BE GIVE:'1. Have the following information ready: pernit number, job address, typeof i-nspection, when it wil-1 be ready, you! name and Dhone nunber, and any speciar driections to site. BUILDIN.G DIVISION: REQUIRED Il"SPECTIONS : 1' I!!IjE!pl-rnsp-ectron: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when a]l-materitls foi tire fwnaatlon are deltvered on the job. t{here concrete from a central mixingPlant (comonly termed "transit mixed") is to be uied, materials need not be on the job. 2' ----^++*9!.under-aloor rnsoection: To be mace after aIf in-slab or under-floor buildingserv.iJe equipment,-conEuiElpipiag arcessorles, and other ancj"llary equrpment itens are j-nplace but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing instalred, incruding the subfloor. 3 ' -::= +-=:I3*"" rnqpeglions: ro be made af ter the roof , al1 f raming, f ire blocking, andDracrng are rn pfll:.1nd aII pipes, _fireplaces, chimneys, and vents are compJ"ete and ali rougherectrica.r and plumbrng are approved. Ail wal-1 insul-a'tion and vapor barriei are in prace, 4- !sjr,urylz9. Gl'psum Board lnspegtion: To be made after all lathing and qypsum board, i.nterioraad exterror, i-inl1rce-EuE-T6Tue any prastering i".!pri.J unA u"toii'qyps* roira joirtsand fasteners are taped and finished. 5' Final rnspection: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy- APPRoVAL REoUTRED' No work shalt be done on any-part of the buitcing or structure beyond the pointindicated i-n each successive rnspection without fi!st obtaining ln. ipfrorar of the building offrcialsuch approval shalI be- 9iven only after an inspection shalL have been'made of each "rc"e.".Lrle it"pin the consrruction as indicated by each of thl inspecti"". i.q"iieJ. .* NoTE: A11 building Permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as buL not limited to:A' Block \^IaL1: To be mace after reinforcinq is in place, but before any grout is poured. ThisiilFEcif6F is required ror each uona ueu,i po'.. rhere wirl b" "r;;;.;;;i""iiti"li!-or"i,iliigand electrical inspect.ions have been made ind approved. B' tfood stove: To be made after conpfetion of nasonr!' (if applicable) and when rnstallation is(mretl rnstallataon shalr be i. .".orau... wit-h an .pii"".J, -^.tiona1ly recognized testingagency and the manufactureris installation instructions.' . c' Mobile tJome: An inspection j.s required after the mobile home is connected to an approvedEEiEr-oi-GEptic system for setbaci ."quii.*ent., blocking, footinE connection, tiedowns,skirtrng, and plmbing connections. 1' Footings and Piers to comply with state foundation requirements for mobile homes or asrecomended by the manufacturer. 2' Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall, be cert.ified when requj.red by a flood-plain managemenc Ietter. 3' Mobire home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shaLl be instarled and ready for inspec-tion within at I'east 3o days ifter occupancy, Tiecowns and sklrting shalr be instafledper enclosure. D. ###a-*i".1:rri:u?r.u" when steel is in place and before concrere is poured. Above srade APPROVED PLANS MUST BE oN THE JoB STTE AT ALL TrMEs DURI!'G woRKrNG HoURS. THrs pERMTT r..iILL ExprREir woRK DoES Nor BEGIN wrTHrN- lso DAya, oR ir ronr rs suspENDED oR ABAND,NED FoR IroRE THAN r'o DAys.SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION i'lAY OCCUR IF TIIIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUSINFOR.IIATION. ANYONA PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEI,IAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: I. Permits shall be effective for one year from the Cale of issuance. 2. upon completing the construction for which a permit' has been issued, the permit holder shalLnotify the Lane county Departient of Planning and Comunity Development bi submitting theinstaLlation record form. The Department sh;11 inspect thL construction Lo determj-." lt itcomplies uith the rul-es contained in this division. rf the construction does comply wj-th suchru1es, the Department sirall issue a certificate of satj-sfactory completion to tne'pLrmiijholder.If the construction.loes not comply with such rules, the Depar-tment-shat1 notify t'he permitholder and shafl requlre satisfactory completion before issuing the certificate. Farlure tomeet the requirements for satisfaclory completron wlthin a reasonabLe time constitutes a vio-Lation of ORS 454.605 to 454,'145 and this ruIe. S_g!!jtl. - SubiurfJcc :erare D_-ljltrosaI Septic Tdnk Drainfield From: Trterior property lines 10, 10' Edge oi- road rlgi)t-of-uay 10' 10, Burldinq foun.latron L0 'i{el-ls, other Hater soulces 50, 100, I bne coumy ACTIVIT\- INFORMATION SHt :T COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS tlJILL BE REJECTED! 6ll'-- N 0 L Gilz' f7f77 C" TE A {7/7 7?/y q+L- u3gu HOME TELEPHONE #E m 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS 7 3 y -u,- (IF DIFFERENT F 3 ruae 6i PAFIcEL NIJMBEFI ( REQUIREp INFORI4ATIoN) (from tax maps in DePartment of As or from tax statemeht)=* Ott\+ sessment and Taxation t L r1 TOtl,NSH I P O), \9-3,1 MNM SMTION i;T tB 8lo.k Lffi0)A N w ftINSE.IP FENGE SEeT-tolt TAfL-oT(s) oR PARCEL #ZON I NG MilNSFTP MNGE SEET-ION TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: FLOT(S) OR PARCEL #ZONING ACRES 4 SUBDIVISION ('if appl'icable)Lor r 3 BLocK 5 REQUEST (s;tate exactly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE t\o.t.. B4\+1^ - Sez^^a- ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: BY ' - DATE:- TIME I N,- OUT :- NUMBER DATE -{nU' -{ LAND MANAGTMENT DIVISION / 1?5 E. Bth AVE., LUGENE, OR 97401 / 687-406I I 5 /o rv "14t,-?eti BUSINESS TELEPHONE # v r\fu.l9 :. LAND USE vw) ,-50 TRS#L7 - 02 - 19.3.1 -1114 DATE ISSUED: 4-11-86 pERMrr# /ooZ-AG OI^JNER'S NAME PHONE N ER CO S 746-2511 NUMBER 7 47 -9914 K FRONT ENTS SIDE EDBYP T SI INTERIOR 5'L REAR 5' IN FIX SDS APPRO\TAL REQUIRED Havd Bri dqe Road to North 34th "2nd cul-de-dac on the left side SITE DRESS rove Approved Date N TI Date rtS field OR Correcti on Date Correcti on Date 34 L NS I nsp ector NS Ins pector App roved Date OTHER INSPECTIONApproved Date TI Correcti on Date Correcti on Date L I nspector Inspector ROU App roved Date PLUMB IN G (TOP Our ) r NSPECTi0 N Correcti on Date Ins PP ctor rov App roved_Date Correcti on Date Correcti on Date I nspector Inspector NS T Approved B IE P N Correcti on DateDate Inspector LA Apr Date /G YPSUM BOARD IN SPECTI ONproved Correc t i on Date Ins pector FI Ap proved Date NAL MEE HAN CAL E /w0 ODS T0vE []- Co rrecti on Date Ins pector roved Da te T CApproved I Correcti te D t-)LEorrection Date T inspector I nspectorC C M74-197 Da te Insp.roved..--Date I nsp LANE TOUNTY INSPECTION RECORU Date