HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-09-11.. RESID Er{TIAL.. 22s North sth streeaPPLrcATr,N/PERMrrSpringfield, Oregon TZ4ZZBuilding Diui.sion 7 26-37 53 Job Loeaticn: Assessone Map # sPFtlNGFtFr ri ?c"x Lot # Phone: o/ Hot k: t! // z/,,/*, 0// Sttbdiuision: Asnez,: ', Addness: Ci Na,t Additicn RenoCel Date of GeneraL Coneiruetion_Lgrule! It ie the frcn the s*Duilding //t&le (,rr*t(e, Vot n&L OOo.Gt)Date at the prope" time, that each ?s,beas is teaaabie =LCnnn * nespotzsibi-Lity o! ile pentit!..9t,. and, that the permttDluicior! cppro"*ed plan shcl that-all inspections are nade *t.!4e ftont of the p?oDe"tu-bulLd,Lnq Site at aLL- ti)nes.- t holdet to seeeatd ia LoeatedL remain on the ?pii ' :i{{r: i*" ZXZ.;I "i:X'"" :,' h:;:, *Zo Zm' :( i o b nu;b er, i o b acit e s s . ra p e- o r in s p e eafter ?:00- an ,;11-;; ,na. ti,i-)ir:;;ri;;*e?;e numbet'. Requests rel"ii'ei LLr"iZ'7i Iout, Cifu Desig:r,"ated Job Nwnbet, fs ?o be naD o .: ?o beprior tc trude after ' set up offorns. ?IIIAL PLUMBING FIIIAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL t FO_OTING & FQUNDA?ICN: ?o be naCea-1xe" t?enehes a?e e.scaUated ard. loml are eteeted, but ptiot, to POUfrng ccncreta. D4|WALL_INS?ECTION: ?c be nadeaJte? aLL aryuall is in place,but prior to cny taping.rr Lirq trenchee. t11 floon ineuT,ation or d.ecking. -' P,OSr 4Ul a,Enu: ?o be nade p.toz, toinsta.Llaticn of floor insulation oraeckTtg. ROUGH PLU,IBI!|G, ELECTRTCLL & IfiECH-AN|CAL: Uoa@wttil these inspections tnse been made ard. approoeC. FIPEPIACE: pt iot to plceirg facinqnctertals and. before f"*rt"S inepeL-tion. I fnUlruc: Must be tequested aftez.I I apptoual of rough plwnbing, electri-cal & neclanical. ALL roofing' braeing E chinmegs, etc, rrust- be . eonpleted. lto wrk is to be eon- . .: ceLLed unti.L this inspection laa 'been nol.e anC apptoued. I4AS2NRI: Steel beonsr- gnoutirtg accot dotce tith 2415. r,/o0DST1YE: cc,phtA. Location, bondor uerticals in U.B.C. Section After instalT.ation is cuRB & APPR?ACH APPON,ee erecteC but pt'ior : After formsto pouting SfDEIIALK & DRfT"EWAI: For al-L eott_ cr-ete paoing uithin etreet right_of-tey" to be made after aLL -etca- oating canpLete & fotn wrk & sub- base matet"ial in pZace. concrete IWCE: When conplete -- ptouiCe gates o" mooable sections through P,A.E. []III ALL pnoject condLtions, such ae the instaLlation of street trees, eorcLeLicn of the requined Land.sccping, etc., tmtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC FIIIAI' can be requested- \INAL BUILDINC: The ti,nal Building rnspection m18t be requested aftet the Final Pltnbi'.ng gl.n"lii..it, and MeeLari-cal Inspect.i.ona -l1ate been made atd approoed. DEIIOLiliOX OR Sanitary seuer capped ct ptopertg Line Septic totk pnped c,td, fnlled tith gra;;el Fin3.L-- hhzen abcoe itens aye ecnpleted.and uhen Cqtclition is conplete Z;-;l;"_tuz,e naued and. pt,ertses clZarei ip.-** e ilcmes Plunbing connections -- aa)e? otC watet, L - After pcrehes, skirting, decks,ee cotnpZeted.etc Aeeessory- BuilCing Locking otd Set-up Pege 1 of 2 *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIT IO BE I"IADE AT IIO CCST TO CITY Rl uouorn ,o,n Beiroons:SOLAR A(SS REQ.-JOB N Zone Lot Faces -Ileat AccessHouseDT Lace toDe st % of Lct Cooerage -.IntefiorCornef TopograPhY Panhand.Le Cul-de-sac Lot Sq. Ftg, VaxTJUITEM TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 a Date Paid Signed LonttaetconssaidInetAofbivticnccnsttucheoLc-tirne uponcna Building PermLt State NO. tiztwes Resid.znti,al (1 bath) Seuet'cant Plwnbing PenrLt State ITEM Na,t/Esterd Circuits Electricol Permit reauires tlwt the electt'ical uork be done bt1 an EleetrLcal eleet,Lcal portion o7'ii:i""*-iffi:; "ttli not" be oalic unti'L '"""ZtiLZ lil the Elecbrical contractot' Where State Lan "Contraetor, the the Label lns be 7 State Total nD ADrl T LENC bhanet Hood' Vent Fan llcodstotse Mechq nicol Permit Pertdt Issusnce Mechanicel Perrtt CHMENT -- Perqrtt Gvtbcut Sida,talk Eleetrical Labe Mobile Hone t * I IIAW CAREF|LLy EXAMINED tle eonpleted' application for pennit' atd do lerebg certifg tl-t oLl"i"io'-"tibn heteoi- ie tnle art'd cor?ect' atC I fiirthet certify that a,ry-'aitr itl "o*t' perf-onted stall be done in aeeo?- 'a""zi[:ari tnr" o"ai"iiz"*;f ;;,; uta zr-bprinsfield, .and the La,;e of the state of aregon p""*i71irg-'to- i|i *"p CesZrib-ed herein, attd tlat N0 1cca- pANcy LyLLL be rmce .f"';;;'";;;i*" itio"t pernrLseion of the Building N- oision. r fttt'ther."";';7a";;l'i'1a-"o'tnocto?s s'd enplcgees uko are in Lii1ri""u'rttt oas 701."0:5s uiLL be- used on tlvts ptojeet TotaL ?OTAL AilOAN? DUE:.q5.Signed uy-LZ u-bo d Total Clnrges #: