HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-09-26.. RESIDF*.ITIAL.. APPLICATf>,T/PERMIT 225 Notth Sth Street SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 "tob Locaticn:/38 Aesesaors Map I &Vo Reeeipt ! SPEII{GFIELD Hmt ?c,s Iat fl 0 Slbdiuision: A.mer: tddition RenoCel Date of fra Ceneral ; Pluurbing v a /,1t Addtess: 3 O 30 ci zip: YW il*utuf Describe h'ork: Value 07rl Date res I-t ie the reeponsibi-l,ila of tte permit lolder to aee that aLL inapectiona ate nad.e at the propet' tune, that ecch cddtees is t,eadablefran tlu otreet, atd tlat the pemrit oard ie Located at the fnont of the propet,tu.tBuilding Nuision approted plzn elnll remain on the Bunl<ting sitc at aLL' tihes.- PRocgDURE-Fon I\SPEtrION,IgSyESTiCalUT26-3769 (r,ecordet) state yout, City Cesi.grnted. job run:bet,, job aCdtess, type of inspeclicnre.quested and uhen you -uiLL be ready fo-t, inspection, contractors o-t 0umeys ncne ind ploie number.- nequests reLeULa b-e1cne'Z:00 antill be rade the sone dcy, requelts ncde afier ?:00 on rytll be nade the natt rnrking'day. Woqaq UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELEyRICAL & MECHAIIICAL: ?o be made befoz,e any tlotk ie cooet,ed. ?OOIINC & F)UNDATIC\|: ?o be nade A|;er tten.G are etcaoated and. forns are enected, but ptior to SI?E INSPECIIOil: ?o be nade after eccantation, but pr"tor tc set up of forne. Iau' City Desigr,ated Job lfunber fa: TNSULATI)N / VAqOR BARRTER IilSppCrrcil : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn atd, tequired uapor ban iers @e in p'la.ce but befone any Lath, Wpsun boanC orull couet ing is applied, and. before oty insulation is concealed. DRYIIALL INSPECTI)N: Tc be nadeif*ldT@Gi't s in place, but priot, to ang taping. MASQIRI: Steel Location, bondfrfrijgrouting ozt oez.tiZals in accotdance Lttth U.B.C. Section 241 5. I,IOODST)VE: ernpTetA CURB & APPR}4CII !P90N: After fonnsal,. et e"t;Z-d"t p"f-or to pouring concz,ete. SIDEIIALK & DRIIIETIAY: For aIL con- cr.etenat lng iittrtn street right- of-tx!, to be made aften aLL eaca- oating cotnplete & forn wt'k & sub- base material in plaee. ' alo1flelouyD ?LUMD rNG r-jf,uq?z_ h4lEE - TiS-6i"ches. UNDERPLOOR PLUI\EIIIG & MECHANTCAL: o1 floor ineulation or decking, POEL4ND BE4M: ?o be nade prior to Tffidlffo1 floor insulation or decking. R)UCH PLUl|BIllC. ELECIRICAL & MECH= Anrcet: No aotk is to be couered GllTthese inspeetions haoe been mad.e atd approued.. !IBE!!$QE: Pt"iot to plccirq faeingnatAlfi; and. before |"rot"s inapeZ- tion. PIAM!_AC: Ivtust be requested after @t of rough plwnbing, electt i- cal & neclanieal. ALI roofing btactng & chinmays, etc. trust be conpleted. No wrk is to be con- cealed until this tnspectlon lns 'been rude anC appooed. After instal\ation ie ccncrete. PITIAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL IENCE: hthen conplete -- ProttiCe gatel or mottable sections thnough P,U.E \.,t mr, ALL g,oject conditions, such aa the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion.of th* ,"qrinn-d Landsccping, etc., mtst be satisfied before the BI|ILDIN? EINAL can be requested. FnNAL BAfLDING: The Pinal Building fnapection nast be requeated after the Final Plwnbing gte,ctri."a1,--anl Ueclnnical Inspectlons hqtte been made ard apptoued. Pnge 1 oP 0 s l.Iechanical a7-o77-U?Electrica Supervr'sj.n Elec C r c Lan OR IIOVED BUILDINCS Sanilaty serser eapped at property Lite Septic totk y,unped and ftlled uith gra:tei Final - h4ten abotte itens ate conoleted and uhen lq,alition is eonplete br stuu:- ture moued and. ptemises eleaneC up. Ilcmes connections -- sader anC utater Connection - Bloeking, set-u? and plutnbing connections rrust be apprc"-eC before requeating eleclrical inspection Accessot; BuilCing Blocking and Set-ttp *AT.T, MAIIHCI,ES AND CLEANOUT.: III)ST BE ACCESSTBLE, AD.IUSNTA/:II ?O 9D T''ADE.^.T NO C1ST TO CI?Y ./ /,1 n ll l -1rt"A - After. pcrckee, akinting, decks, _!f etc. are completed. tr I T R EQ.-csoLAR AcElESS L-CO Bedrooms: JOB NO. LOT TYPE Intericr Lot Faces ' Int Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cooerage- 1 of Stories Total Height TopograPhg P,L House Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac th t -- Fzee -- rtnM IITG x VaLuo Building Volue & 'Permit This permLt i" 11ro'tud on the express cond-ibi-on tlnt the said'eonstmtcLion shall, in atl re"peet'),"';";;';Z;i;"tLn'b'at'i"ce edopte'7 6iv the ci'tv of spt i.nsfield, ,n.!ud'-ny' 'ZZ"t'"o'in[" ';:;;";;;":;;'s"t"ti"s thb ccn'structicn ' and use of buiLdinst;''";;;';;''L;"""ioin"dnd o, rbuokec at *':v t;-me upon ttc- il1i"-"i onu L'"'uii"|ons of sai'd otdinances' & VALUE S.D.C 1.5 s Building Permit Date Paid: State #t5.SignedTotal Clnrgea N0.FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit No Derson sllall consttact, i,nstal\, alter. or clange.cna ned.cr eristing ouint:ira1 ot'dt'ainase ;;'"i;"';;";i;i'-4\-r;i*t' "unless such pe,son is the -Lesal possessot' of ";!;;e"Pi:;;'":i'i1-L".n""-2-' n'"npt that a person nas do plunbi.ns uork to pr"p"iii-ini;;";'t;;;e' i""na or operated bv the appli- eanl;. Fistures Resi.dential (1 bath) Sant Seuer CD Plwnbing Pernit State Na,t/Ectend Circuits Electricol Permit r{het,e state tau requires trnt the eLectri.cal utork be done by _an Eleetrical Contractot', the electt]i"cot io'Lto' of this -permit slnll not be ualiC untiL ;h"-1;t;1 lw" bee, si,gned ay tne Electri'cal conttactor' Settliee L Permi l5-oo Total 5. I?XM NC CIIARCE Mechonicol Permit , Enhatot Hood Vent F@t I'lcodstooe PermLt fssuance Meclwnical Pefirtt * -. ENCROACHMENT -- Permit b t?) Sida,talk Electrical label Mobile Eorne g A5 I HAVE CAREFULLy L0AMINED tla eompleted appli'cation fo1 petmit' and do hr;;L; iirlifi-ln"t oll- i*for oti)on heteoi 'te ttae and correct' att'c r lunli'nn cnrtiiy that any ard aLL uork perfonred slnll be done in aceot- "darce ,,rith th'e" Or.Ltnane"es of the Ctty 'of bpringfield' .and Lhe .Lc;s of the xiillif \regon pettaininqio the w-rk Ceacri.bed herein, end thdt N0 occu- AACy ,itt b"e ,aZe of ai,y" atructute uithout pernieai-on of the Building Di- uision. I further centifs- thet only contractore and enpLcyees dho are Ln eanplianceiitt, cns 701,055 utLL be uaed on thia proiect Planz Eront.ttet' Total uate .OTAI, AMOUNT DUE:,15r1, r^{ o ,S Jr G Iicce"-tli.. RESIDENTIAL.. /PERI,IIT SPFIINGFIELD APPLICAT 225 North Sth'Stteet Sprtngfield' 1r'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job Loeation: r)1'o.r Lol; llAscessore Map tl Oumen: , Phone: DescrLbe llot'k: Value\D.?3 -sq Date of APP Lication L Additicn ESlltora General Plurnbing l,lechan er: tricaE clanF--1ec t t:Srrp n 0R !.i)vt, Ba;iDEI.IOLIT Sanitary seser capped at ptoperty Lire Septic tank p:a'ped and filled uith gra:;el Final - ltthen abcoe itens are ccrtpleted oi;irlrn" Cencli'tton is cornplete- or st"l'r- 7uf,n-^Lu"a and pr;nises cleanec up' e Hcnes Blocking and Set-uP Plunbing connections -- sa))er anC uater Eleetrical Ccnnection ' Bloeking' set-u.; 'Z"a p1*riL"g co.nnections mast be appv'cted a,ifo"r, requb sttng eL eclri cal inspec lio:t Acceecor'; Bui.LC'-n4 Final - After pcrekes, skitting' decks' etc. are ecnPletcd' Pcge 1 of 2 reeponsibility of the permit ho-Ld.er stne'eL, attd that the -pet'ttrlt ea"d Ls " "o',:, lZli ippro "^ ed plan shcl L r ema|' n to see that aLL insPections at the front of Lhe , Buildn.nlr :iit: 'ft all at,e nade at lhe ptopel tine, that aaeh ad"drees is reaCabie It ie the Located pro,pertA tlm€s.fnon the on the*suilding 7 26-3769 (recordet') state 11our City Cesignated j ob nunber, i ob aCiress' tgPe of inspecli-cn :CALL n;me cnd Phone nwnber. Requests receited befcre 7:00 al aou for insPection,Contractors or Atners t aorking daYrequ xiLL nade the sone dcY""equests made after' 7:00 on iliLL be made the nca Iour City Designated Job Nunber rs: To be nade afl;er prior tc set uP of r0N STTE INSPECTION: ercauation, but To rnaCe ter aL u required oaPor bant'iers ate in Place fonns. \NpERSLAB PLUMBT\G, ELlclBLcAL & ],[ENEircAt; r; be made before anY 6it7i-iooered. FOOTING & EOUNDATICN: TO bE ITAdE ffiffi; """ escauated an'i fo*" *n erected' but Prioz' to pouring ccnctete- but before attY Lath'gApsurn boarC ot Lied, and beforetnLL coueringl i, opP o41 insulation is concea Led aa;w;T11",,220,"but prior Lo cnY tal)Lng' MASONRI\: SLeeL Location, bond tffilgrouting or oerLi-eals in ;;;;;Ar;." LrLt"h u'B'c' secbiort 2415. WOODSI'T'\E: After installation is ccl,lpT;TA. w.4 To to trenchee , floi, insulotion ot' decki'ng' of P1ST AND BEAM: To be made Priot' to ffiof floo, insulation ot' CURB & APPn-c4ctt APP'PNt , oi!?''-,{l*t di-iiecteC bub Prion to 1'67'"'* concrete. SIDEWALK 8 DRI|IEW!'Y: For aLL ccn- ffi;"rfr;ltiri srrect risht- "'r-iu'. to ite made after aLL exea- ir'otl,i"r'"orPlebe & forn uork & cub- base "rnaterial i-n Place' No to these inspections harte been made attd aPPtooed. FIPEPLACE: PrLot' to placirq facittg ,"i;fiA; and before franing insPec- tion,ntil.17.hrhen conp l.eLe -- ProuiCe FRA\NG: btust be ffit"ouat of t'ough cLL I nechanieal. reouested after plumbing, electni-' ALL roofitt4 gates or nooable sections tht"ouglt P.U E braeing & chimneYs' etc' rnus Limptni"a. lto ubrk is to be Zihna unttl thia insPecti'on been nade anC aPPro"^ed' tbe con- has sucl't as the installatt'on of s!;reet trees'cc*tletion of tie ALL proj ec b conditi.orts , tc. , m$t be satisficrl bcfore the BuILD.tltC [I!!AL can be reque FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG required Larul.sccPir:'9, a F tNA L BUI|'DINC: 'Ike l'itt't L Builtling Insltcct L htspecLiorts hatlc ion muet be tequesbed c!'!,:r Llrc Final Plunbittai FINAL MECNANICAL ELec trical, and Mealnnia't been made and aPProo FINAL ELECTRICAL L *AT,L MANIICL,ES AND CLDANOUTC IIIET NN ACi[':i:STFI'T: 'AD,tttSi'!lV;tf TO BD I'l'4i1F l'i' l!0 !-'-15'i TC CI'!y Date- noi]1' Address: t-Qksn etrr"t deckittg. T 1r JOB N !leat r. t,l[ouse Carage Ni.tr LIL II Laceb}as t II toteSouthllllest Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Ccoenage .!l of Stortes Total Height Topography LCT TYPE _ Intenicr _ Conner Panhandle CuL-de-sac Lot Faces - d t SOLAR ACCISS REQ.-L-CO BeCt'oons Building Volue & Permit Tltis petTrit i:: granted on the erpress eond-ition tlnt the said eonsttaction in n', in all t"espects,- iri,fi*, lto the ordinance adopted biy the ci'ty 2f ,:;pt'in;f iel(l, inclludtng- the Zontng cdinance' regulating the ccnsttucticn anrl tis'e o!' btctlcli'rtgs" and mty be au:;pended or re'tokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of any prcuisions of said Ordinances. -- I'ees -- VaLuc TOTAL VALUE xITEMI i \t A Signed: S.D.C. L.5 o Check Fee: Date Paid: Building Pet'rrit Total Clwrges State Plumbing Perrnit No per::on shall constntct, instal!, alter or elnnge anA neu cn existing plwnb'i.ng on dtainage systen in ahole or in part, unless such person is the legal possesson of a ualid plwnber,ts License, except that a pe"son may do pltutlting aork to prope'nty ahich is o,,med, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. ctrAtii;t'NO,T LT, Fistuz.es Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plwnbing Petniit State Electricol Permit hl1et'e L1late l,cnt requi.res thab the electrical uork be done bg an Electrical Contractor,, the electz,ical portion of thie permit slnll not be oaliC untilthe label lns been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Permit Nas/Eotend Circuits Seruice Total State ELec I,I!M -- LNCROAL'II\,IENT -. Nt),t'sE'CIlARCE Mechqnicol Permit I,lco<lstote Vent Fot Erharct HooC PTUIS Petnrlt fssuanee Mechanical Pet"rntt State Securitu Deposit Storage Main Permit hubaut Sideualk Mobile Home Platt E:ti:trt 1,lk)1'uate ?otaL f il,.tv\ CAR!,:FULLy nXAMltlED. t,le conTtleSsd, apptication for pennit, and dolexcbll ae,tif11 that all info,matiort het,eoi'is t*ue ""a .Z"iiiii'*ra tJ'u,ther .ce,t.i!'1| that any ard atl aork perforned srnLl b" d";;-;"-. acco?-dance uith the ()rdin:tnces of the city bf bpring|i.eid, ;"d-ri; i,is oy tne:llate ol ,lt'9octt pet'taining to the uoi,k cescribiod henzir, cnd. ttut No 1ccu-PllltJ aill l,c rut'lc of any structut':: uithout permtstionb1 tt" B;iuing Di-ut's[o,n. I J'ttt'r:'liL:t'cez't'i.fi| that only contraciots attd enpiogees ako aye inconpli.ance u.ith CRS ?01.055 uiLL be used. on thie ptojec't ,!'OTAL A\|OUII? DIJE: *Signetl/5 ?5 d ./a -4-72Date Fence Electz,ical Labet ff OREGO'UCITY OF DEI/ELOPMENTSERY'CES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING / BUILDING PUBLICWOBKS M ET BOPOLITAN WASTEWAT ER M AN AG EM E N T December 19, 1989 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dahlquist 1388 North 34th Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Dear Hr. and Mrs. Dahlquist: I am vriting in response to your recent letter to me requesting an additional extension of your Temporary Occupancy vhich has been granted for you to occupy the manufactured home at 13BB North 34th Street, Springfield, Oregon. The original Temporary 0ccupancy vas granted to you on 0ctober 25, 1989. At that time, a letter was mailed to Mr. Gerald Miller, ovner of the property, and a copy vas sent to you, listing the items that needed to be eompleted vithin the next 30 days. 0n November 13, 1989, you requested an extension on your Temporary Occupancy, stating that you would be unable to complete the required items vithin the specified time. 0n November 17, 1989, I vrote to you granting you a 30 day extension. It vas explained that extensions may be granted one time only. I have enclosed a copy of both lettefs for your reference. Therefore, I am unable to grant you another extension for the period of time that you have requested. If you have any questions, please phone me at 726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Technician encl. cc: 225 FIFTH SI8EEI SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (50s) 726-s75s % \ th Dave Puent, Building Official rr\)m btUtn ,tr /V qg t/tt no,44/'& e Iw{q4 ../ (.xrn btl"l &,u) lLU ctl V4 un d AtW 0///Lful"rz 7TL17 elfh h/ni hceutn (,/r)wC LLAL e/n d u(fl. */tLpq)L N!_ Cr /4O/ k;m/ T'o I o * Vadl vqru D /??rzC/d o WLa, u,eJ c ca/( (H oi 7q7- ,Agzortz -ihru"K Ll,su nil4;'d;W,* ht'V fr*l ,,,rrf # fia w gtu J UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS RETURN l6fr 2 w PM ,) iEr /s89 PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, TSOO r>TO Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below. Plrnd{ I hlogod Ofrm $dn;frE,Onjn 9rfr7 SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your name, address and ZIP Code ln lhe spece below.. Comploto ltems 1, 2, 3,and 4 on the revelao.. Attach to lront of artlclo if space permks, otherwiee affix to back of artlclo,. Endorse articlo "Return Recoipt Roquostod" adlecent to number. -h*-a-* I t I l o tnress the TO"RETUHNadd SpaceRuttoreturned servadditional ice(s) mwho delivered addand addressdtoate,ssee'tehow are desired, and complete items to do this will prevent this card (Exta E Restricted Delivery (Extra charge) SENDER: Complete items 1!-4od 2 when -€ and 4. 4. Article Number 447Rqn7?,R Type of Service: f) Registered [l Certitieo D Express Mail E lnsured E coo T-l Return Recoiotu for Merchandisa 3. Article Addressed to: l1r. and Mrs. Gary Dahlquist 13BB North 34th Street Springfield, 0regon 97478 Always obtai or.ageJtt and rfslgnature of addressee DATE OELIVERED. I5. x 6. x 7. Date of Delivery ;.j 8. AiJdressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) PS Form 38 1 1, Apr. 1989 * U.S.G.P.O. 1989-238-81 s DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT 2.1.. CITY OF SPR"VGFIELD, OREGO'V h SPRIhicFTELD DHIELOPMENTSEFY'CES ADMINISTRATION Pr/NNING / BUILDING PUBLIC I,VOFKS M ETRAPOLITAN WAST EWAT ER M AN AG EM ENT November 17, 1989 Mr. and Mrs. Dahlquist 1388 North 34th Street Springfie1d, 0regon 97478 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dahlquist: Your request for an extens'ion of your Temporary 0ccupancy at 1388 North 34th Street, Springfield, 0regon has been reviewed and approved. This approval may on'ly be granted one time and will expire 30 days from the date of your original cornpliance date (December 25, 1989). An inspect'ion w'ill be conducted on December 26, 1989 to insure the required items, as noted on the letter dated 0ctober 25,1989, have been completed. I have enclosed a copy of that letter for your reference. If you have any questions, p'lease feel free to phone me at 726-3790. Si ncere'ly, Lisa Hopper Build'ing Technician cc: Dave Puent, Building Official encl . 'lh 225 FIFTH STREET SPff/NGF/EID, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 \*$'oo^ -&^,ild l\-l&-Kq AIYY)V.J eu) o* ,J L CDNU)M un*e ,+/1t u@t LOQ/ hOU un (ltbT rurv1 , o- uu-K I /r) 5;3e a{l', rf,ha,o uU .L .-Une -rXpnuc 0-A Iwil(ng1-0 dw)nM. n q-t1o a G". -f},!bD.c I UNITED STATES POSTAT SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your name, addre* and ZIP Codo in th. spaco below.. Complote ltems 1, 2, 3, and 4 on tho rever30.. Attach to front of arllclc lf space permhs, otherwlso afflx to back of Irtlcle.. Endorae Irticlo "Relurn Recslpt Requestad" ldiacont to number. RETURN lillll PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, S3OO Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below TO r> 3.O i ELOPMENT * U.S.MAIL -@ 225 FIFTH STREET QDDIl\ll1EtEt r\ erFr ,iq,--rrvr rr_r_r/1 vfl Jl+l I 4. Article Number 5i8621!- lD3 Type of Service: n Registered ffi Certified fl Express Mail E lnsured! coo T-] Return RocolotlJ for ilarchandira 3. Article Addressed to: MR. GERALD MILLER i3B8 NORTH 34TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478 5. Signature - Addressee x - Agent x 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) F PS Form 381 Apr. 1989 DOMESTIC RECEIPT O 8=r|!aalt Complete items 1 and 2 when additionsl services are desired, and complete items side. Failure to this will prevent this cardTO",ii the ' whom delivered, (Extra address. 2. E Bestricted Delivery (Extra charge) Always obtain signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. SPRINGFIELE, CITY OF OREGO'V h,DEyELOPMENTSERY'CES ADMINISTRATION PUNNING / BUILDING PUBLICWORKS M ET ROPOLITAN WAST EWAT ER M AN AGEM ENT October 25, 1989 CERTIFIED LETTER 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-s7s3 Mr. Geral 1388 Nort Spr i ngfi e iller 4th Street Oregon 97478 dM h3 td, RE: Temporary Occupancy Dear Mr. Miller: 0n 0ctober 25,1989, a temporary occupancy was granted to you to occupy the mobile home at 1388 North 34th Street, Springfield,0regon. As a condition of the temporary occupancy, you are required to complete the following items within 30 days from the date of this letter. ,/ t. Street address numbers must be placed on the mob'ile home. 2. The concrete or asphalt for the driveway needs to be placed. / l. Permanent steps with handrails need to be constructed. t/ 4. The sk'irting must be placed around the home. \/5. The required street trees as noted on your plot plan must be installed. An inspection will be conducted 30 days from the date the temporary occupancy was granted. If the items are not completed the temporary occupancy will expire and 1ega1 action may be taken in order to ensure comp'liance. If you have any questions, please phone me at 726-3790. S i ncerel y, L'isa Hopper Building Technician cc: Dave Puent, Building 0fficial lh