HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1984-12-05MINUTES of the Springfield Plonning Commission 3PFIlt.OFIELO December 5, 1984 7:30 P.t'1. Meeting Room #2City Ha}l PRESE}IT: Ben Reed, Gayle Decker, Janie Thomas, Greg Shaver, Jack Gischel,Steve Cornacchia, Conrnissioners; Chris Larsonr City Council representative; Greg Winteroud, Cirxlie Harmon, Joe Leahy, Staff; Ben Reed was introdrrced as the newest Conmission msnirer. 1. APPROVAL OE THE OCTOBER 3, 1gB4 MINUTES Ccnrnissioner cornacchia nnved to accept the minutes, second by Cqnnissioner Gischel. The motion passed unaninously. 2. REPORT OE COUNCIL ACTION None 3 BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE None. 4 PUBLIC HEARINGS The order of the agenda was rearranged for the convenience of theapplicants. B. MARLIN LAy (Jo. tro. 5-94-12-35) Assessor,s Map L7_624A44North 34th Street.Tax Lot 9601. Lrcated at 1239 The appricant requested the property be rezoned frorn RL-LowDensity Residentiit to lol-Medium- rnd-ustriar-oistrict for useas a welding shop. Planning Director Greg winteronrd gave the staff presentationexplaininq the vartorls'ioninq'in'1a"1nG-9l'I'iunaluision aswerl as -rhe neeo-ioi-"'ili'ix*ent-p-iai i;"rh; area. staffreceived no written teitilil-;Au.oif,g-lii" frr".t.Mr. Winteroqdcondirion lisreexprained *" :::if f"_groposing ro amend ap ru n uppiou ji'#."iX,,S".":'iil:::J::j : - ;ffi i t - *,. t l-"it" The Public Hearing was opened. Mqrlin Lay, 1267 trlorth 34th street addressed the conrnissionsEeEing-Jh-at he ovms the lot in question as well as the 1otdirectly north which is where he resides. Mr. Lay requested that the mobile home be allorred to stay onthe lot possibly as a security of f ice. Mr. Winteroradexplained that a mobile home can be used as a securityoffice on industrial zoned property if the mobile home conforms to the requirements of the Building Safety Division. Staff indicated itern #3 could i:e amended to read "The mobilehone must be rernoved from the property prior to finaloccupancy of the welding shop unless approved by the Building Safety Division as a security office". No one spoke in favor or opposition to the request, thepublic hearing was closed. Conmissioner Cornacchia stated he could foresee no problems with tlris request given the existing layout of Adam's PIat Subdivision, however, he does not feel that a refinement plan is necessary in this area at the present time. A discussion took place between the Conmissioners regarding the requirernent for buffering. Conmissioner Cornacchia asked if the Ccnrnission fel-t another condition should be added requiring a solid fence be constructed along all property abutting residentially zoned property. Conrnissioner Decker felt that vegetative screening would be appropriate in this case since it is tight that is being screened rather than noise. It was the consensus of the corwnission that either type of screening would be appropriate in this case. Conrnissioner Decker moved to approve the reguest to rezone the lot from RL-Low Density Residential to loa-Mediun Irdustrial with the following conditions: I.Siteplanapprovalpriortothedeveloprrrent.ofthisp.op"tty, inct'r-iing a landscape plan approved by the Planning Director. 2. The mobile home must be renroved from the property pIi:T to f inal ";;P;;t of the werding ?hgp.unress approvar i; giu.t by ir," -Building Safety Division for use as a securitY office. 3.A6,solidfenceorfullvegetativescreeningmustbeprovided -Gt ".n the iniustrial use and any residentiafly zoned property adjacent to the parcel ' /L-5-81 -t I