HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-10-1722 s North sth s;treeAPPLrcArTv'r/pgaan Spr"ingfield, )r'egon 97477 Building niuision 7 26-37 53 .. RESIDT\TIAL..# SPIIINGFIELD Job Locaticn: Tc,s Lot #Assesaors Map li Subdioision: A,mer: f21111,1-er,o"Addt ess Descv"tbe h'ot'li: /oDate of AppL edditicn L VaLue-5ry,I 00 /r/*rZ<' t??oVtrz rS General Plurnbing a1l.lechan ec t.r ica c 1anElec Et:Srt Iour City Desigtwted Job Nwnbet' Is resporcibility of -tle permit hold.er 'treet, and that the -Perfit't ca'?a 7'a tiitrt'"..i ippro,*ed p'Lan slnll remain that aLL insPeetiotts ate nade at the front of the-ProPettY' Building S[te at aLL tLmes' P1OC1DUPE FOR I'TSPECTION R\QUEST:CALL7 ;es;ff;A-AA,r"n" a* iflTEneadY fo1 uiil be made thc sone dcy, requests made neaCable1.5addreesthateachtime.the p?ope?aeetotheL8LocatedathetlEonfian*Bui !.ding inspecticnoftyPeaCCtessiobnunber',jobdesigrntedstateIty26-376 (r,eeordet.aou?7receit;ed befcrenunbet'RequestsncneandploneAsnergContractarsinspection, the ncit dayLLtnadebelwking7TL00after Scnitary saser capped at propenty Lite Septic tank p'atped artd fi'Lted t'tith grattel Fi-nal - l{hen aboue itens are canpleted and uhen dernalition is conplete- or struc- lri"-^oo"a and. ptewises cleanec up' Hcmes Blocking ad Set-uP Pltnbing connectione '- aa/)e? ml uater Electnical Connection - Blockirtg' let-up '2"7 pl*ril"g eonnectione tn'ist be apprcted ii"lio" r'equlesting eleelrical inspeetiot Accesso?i Buildi'rtg Final ' After pcrchee, ekit'ting' decks' etc. ole conP'Leted' Page 1 of 3 SITE INSPE)TION -- eucaoatlon, cut To be nade after prior tc set uP of To a LnSU requiz,ed oapor botriers are LN place forrns.but before ana 1,ath, gyPstm boaYC or s applied, and' before is concealed. \NpERSLAB .'LUMB|\G, EL|CTRt-.AL & ffiiANfcAL, ro be nade before anY ffi[-l{io.,ered, LN I L. couez'ing insulation L @ta PO2TING e -PI4?ATJPL: Io be naCe aftet tren, hes are escatsated and 7or." orn erected, but Prior to pouring ectteYete. W#WL"Y"11,#":" but Pri.or to anY taPt'ng' MASINRI: Steel Location, bond. iffiT.qnorting or oerticals in Llio"ia"h"n vLth u.B'c' section 247 5. WoODSTovE: After installation ie @TAtA. CURB & APPR=o4cu APP:1N: , Ai::.:,Io-"" fiZ-iieiieC but Pnior to Pcur+ng concYete. YliYffi W;",1"J","!'!onTl- Z'r-ir', tu be nace after aLL etca--rLtti"'"*Ptete & forn wtk & sub- base -nntez"Lal in pLace. ffiffiffi'"r fLoot' ins, "tion or decking' PIST AND B:AM: To be made -Pt"Lot to ffiffiiof floo, insulation or decking. ROUCH PLAY.2II'\C.,E4ECT.,RT9AL E MECH; 1frfftrt:-n,nork is to be cou'ered'rffii:tt o"' insPecLi'ons hanse been nwde and aPPt'ooed.' F|PEPLACE: Pnior to Plccirg facing ffiffiG .:.nd before franing LnsPee- tion. FRATINC: ;tust be66frt o.'r'ough h'l & neeh^,nical. neauested after oltunbing, eleetri-'AL! noofing IENCE: hrhen conPlete -- ProoiCe ffi" "n i"rabli eectians th,ough U.E. btacing & chirmeyst etc. rrust be . eonPleted' . cealed unt-L llo uo|k i,s to be eon- this insPection ltas " been nade and apptooed. AtL pnoiect conditions, sucl': requined LandsccPir'g, ctc" ' as the i.nstallat"Jon of gireet treeE'conp|.etion of the ttilt oo, be nequested' m,tst be satisfied before thE BUILDING FIIIAL PLUI4,3ING FINAL MECH,"NICAL FTNALBUTLD\N\:TheFinalBuildingrnspectionmtetbereauestedaftertheFinalPlwnbing \-, Electt'ical, *a uZiii'i"il r'up""t1o;:;i;;";;"; iin- o'd' oppnoued' FINAL ELEC:RICAL *AI , I,,IAI'IIICI,T:S AND CT,IIANOUTS NI]ST BD ACL"ESSIBLE'AI),tut'l!l!:NT T0 Bt l|!N)n t'T llo (:sT To cT?v --__---_-_----.-.-_a A \ \' ) # tr JOB D SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO C.} r HAW .AREFULL, E*AMTNED the conpleted application !ot, perr Lt, and doPr??a centif.y that aLL t"t"illiLi-tZinZtr'r." t*ue and cotrc:t, ard Jfurthet, tgrtlfa that any "d^ qlt iiri-1;;r.-,ed. stult be d.o:. z in aeeoy_dance tyith the ordinane_is ol tn1 ctti.Zi'bp"t.lsfj;;:;;d-ti; i,Le o7 tnus-!,1t-e of. oyegon pertaining to the uoit<'ceelritlia nlrlil,-"a-rii, No occa_PANC, uill be ra,ie of any sttuctune uithout petmisai-on Lr ti" iiruairs N-uieion. r further "'*.ttit- lryy-;"ia-;;;i;;ctors ar,.d, enplcye :s aho are ineozpliance uith oRS zol.b"ss uilt te""sni-oi tti" projie,t -""-" -' Ileat P.L ilouse Access toDe Iot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cooeraga # of Stories Total Height Topography Lot Faees - BedroomsGr Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac LOT ?YPE _ Interior Co?ner ITEM Frc x Va TOTAL VALUE ,cS.D.C. 1.5 r Date Paid: Receipt #: Thi.s permit is granted on the erp?ess condition that the sal.d-construction stnll', in all r"eapects, conforn io the ot'dinanee adopted Liy Lhe city of Springfield, inoludtng the Zoni.ng Crdinance, regulating the ccnstmtcticn &d u-se of buildings, and may be suopended or reookeC al; cn', time upon oic- Lation of any prcuisions of aaid 1rdinances. Building Volue & Permit Building Perwtt ?otal Charges State Si.gned: I?EM N0.FEE CEARGE Fistutee Resid.ential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plwnbing Pernit State Plumbing Permit No person shall constntct, instal'!., alter ot elnnge Gny neD or e*isting plwnbing or d.rainage syeten in ulole or in part, unless suci'. person is the legal poseessor of a ualid plwnbet,'s License, etcept that a pe"son nay do plutnbing uork to property uhich is oumed, Leased or operatec by the appli- cant. * Neu,/Estend Circuits Electricci I Perm it where state La,s re_quinea that, the electrical uonk be done bg an Eleetricalcontractor', the electrical portion of thie permit slnll not be oalid untilthe Label hae been signed lg the Eleetrical Contractor,, Permi Iotal *) NC,CIIARCE ,c E*hanet llood Vent F@l llcodstooe ,( Mechqnicol Permit Permit fssuqrce Meclwnical permtt Clttbcut Sidanlk Mobile Hane S5 TOTAL AMOUN? DIIE:* * /3^ ' oo- Permit I CITY 0F SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department DATB OP IJTTER JuIy 14, 1989 APPLTCAIIT Leroy M. Barger 1231 North 34th Street Springfield, oR 97478 STIBJBCT CITY JOtRNAL NUMBER 89-06-110. Type I Site Plan requesting approval of a Night llatchman,s Quarters. The site is located at l23l North 34th Street. (Assessor's Map t7-O2-30-34; Tax Lot 9701). The property is zoned Light Hedium Industrial); the Metro PIan Designation is Lov Density Residential (this property vas alloved to continue its industrial use at the time of the adoption of the Mid Springfield Refinement PIan). Staff revieved this application on JuIy 11, 1989. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN APPROVAL subject to: Requirements under Site PIan Reviev Criteria of Approval (See Attachment A). IIEAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO OBTAIN FINAL SITB PI,AI{ APPROVAL? 1 2 A Final Site PIan dravn to scale is required r*,ithin 90 days of the date of this Ietter. A signed Development Agreement. This agreement vill be prepared by staff upon approval of your Final Site PIan. APPBAL If you vish to appeal this TYPe I S of the date of this letter. opment e, Art c ite PIan Reviev decision, You must do so lrithin 10 Your appeal must be in accordance Springfiefil LS. OIIBSTIONS please caII the Development Services Department at (503) 726-3759 if you have any questions regarding this process. PRBPARED Associate Planner ?\- Copy To: DRC Members 2"4,-/7frr- Ga{z'l{. KarP ATTACEI{EM A FINDINGS CN,ITERIA OP APPROVAL (Ref. SDC 31.060) . lxl DEUoNSTRATED COHPLIANCE IIITE APPLTCABT,E STAI{DARDS OF TErS CoDB. llhen the applicable Development Standards belov have been met, this applicationviII have demonstrated compliance vith the applicable standards of this Code. lxl PARKING AREAS Ar{D INGRBSS-BGRESS POIMS EAVE BBBN DBSTGNBD SO AS TO PACTLTTATE r"AFrrc AI,ID PEDESTRIAII SArBrY, T0 AVorD CoNGBSTTON At{D T0 }rIt{IHrZB Ct RB CUTS ON ARTERIAL A}ID COII,ECIOR STRBBTS. lJhen the applieable Development Standards belor*r have been met, this criterium viII be net. NIGET SATCEHAT{ HOBTT,B EOHE STANDANDS A mobile home, provided it meets City and State standards for safety and construction for mobile homesr may be used as a permanent residence for employees of businesses in the LMI and HI Districts vhen their presence is required for security purposes by the employer 24 hours a day; provided the folloving conditions are implemented: [Xl A permanent foundation shall be provided for the mobile home unless the mobile home vill be used for less than I20 days. lXl Site PIan requirements of Article 31 of this Code sha1l be met. 1. The parking area fronting north 34th street must be paved and drainage provided. Required parking spaces need to be painted and vheel stops ins taIled . An Improvement Agreement needs to be signed for North 35th Street. The applicant is required to the Lane County Recording fee. The fence along North 35th Street needs to be slatted to screen the storage area from public viev. [X] The mobile home shall be removed from the premises vithin 30 days if the business requiring security personnel closes. IX] Foundation cover-skirting, landscaping, backfiII, shall be approved by the Development Reviev Committee. [X] The mobile home shall be either a C]ass A or Class B. ADDITIONAL COI{I{EI.iMS The additional mobile home on the property that is being used for storage needs to be removed. Hobile homes are not permitted to be used storage buildings. 2 3 Page 2 Barger Findings ITEAT IIEEDS TO BB DONB? L 2. 3 You need to submit a Finar site Plan dravn to scare vhich shovs the additionaritems listed under NrGHT VATCHMAN STANDARDS "r,d apottroNAt, C0MHENTS on your p,an. upon approvar of the Finar site Plan, staff viIl prepare a Deveropment Agreementvhich also have to be signed by the p;";;;i; ;;;"r. once the Development Agreement is signed, the site plan Reviev process virr becomplete.