HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1967-08-12CITY OF SPRTNGFIETD ggq BACK IiAr\ER AGRBEI"IENT KNOW Att MEN BY THESE PRESEI:TS, Tha.t, for and in consLderatlon of the Clty of Springfield, a munlcipal corporation in Lane County' Si:ate of Oregon, grantlng Lo the .roa.""ig.,ed a watv.r of the ordinances of the City of Springfield requiring a seE back from the ce,Eer of 28th StreeE of U_ feet, so that -the undersigned may consLruct and malntain an aavertfting sign upcn the folLowing described real properEy' Eo-wit: Begin at point 2089.t Feet North oF S.W. corner of the J. C. Carter Donation Land Claim #58, Townshlp 17 South Range 2 West of the III llamette Meridian and Running thence. North I23.1 Feet thence East 340.0 Feet thence South 2lB.l feet thence West 340.0 feet to place of beginning in Lane County, Oregon. knoron as number 775 6g North 23th . SEreeE -fn lhe Clty of Springfield, Lane County, staEEloffi-goo, Eur-Tlthin th" pionrUiced seE back area as escablished byEheordinancesofthecrcyoeSpr1ngfie1.d,butnotc1oserEhan--Lfeet to the center line of said street, Ehe undersigned applicaat and permitee does hereby promlse and agree that ln the evenE the City of Sprlagfleld deems tt neccssary for any i"."on, and ai the Cltyts request the underslgned wllL, at his own expeuse, remove Ehe above mentloned advertising sign promptLy. Ihls agreement shall be binding uP on the undersigned u'ho are the owners andlor Leesees of the above described real propercy'and/or of said stgn, and uPon Eheir successors and assigns, and anyone havlog an inEerest ln said slgn and/or ln the above described real properEy. This agreement shall be recorded ln Ehe deed records of Lane CounEy, Oregon, at the cost of Ehe perrni tee for the purpose of making Ehe provlslons hereof a maEter of record, and notice to all subsequent orrrners of the above entltled real propertY,and of said sign and Ehe provisions of thls s 1 be bindlng upon such successors or assigns. ?L Z owoer-lessee ovner-lessee STATE Or OREGON, )) ss. County of Lane, ) ' ','lt on trhis /f- a^v c ta_ag-d-for gaid c personalty known t of ounEy,the wi npubli to ne o be the ldentlcal within lnsErunenE,and acknowl-edged to me volunEarily for the uses and purposes ther hand and seal. thls day and year last above wrlEt oEary Publ c -/J- WITNESS my !1y Cornnrission exPires Or-egoo. L came before me, a notary l.n executed Lhe executed the same freelY and